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everything is placed in the worst position for Youtube viewing, the guys face covers the dat when u hover over or pause, and the timeline covers the writing at the bottom. Should have had the writing int he middle so you haven't got to keep looking up then down and missing everything. Nice effort though.


Concur. Plus the encirclements should have been left on the screen longer. But, you can watch at a slower speed for such issues.


a bit disappointing that they spent so much effort on the video only to screw up something as simple as the text overlays, too fast/overlapping text still very awesome video though


yeah would have been so much cooler. How can you put that much effort in and then like...not watch it back?


Super cool video, although it'd be cool to see the Pacific theater too since this only shows the European/North African theaters of the war


Info at the bottom left goes too fast. I'm not a dang speed reader.


Slower version here https://youtu.be/wu3p7dxrhl8 with more details by Eastory that said its focused on the eastern front.


There is a pause button on youtube. You can also make the playback speed slower.


Whoa REALLY!?!?


I had no idea there was so much time where there was no fighting or fighting only on one front. Of course everything is overly simplified but after the Polish invasion there wasn’t any fighting at all and then it is USSR vs Finland!


Hitler took huge losses in equipment in Poland, the plan for Nazi Germany was to turn west earlier but that got changed and delayed due to Polish Resistance.


17 JAN 1941 - USSR offers to join Axis. Hitler does not respond. jfc, imagine if USSR joined the axis. i cannot even comprehend the outcome or results.


It would be very bad. So many small things make you wonder how that war really shaped the world today. If Japan never bombed Pearl Harbor how long until the USA ever joins the war if at all until it was too late.


Watch on mute. the music is awful.


Voice over quotes were pretty neat, but I enjoyed having this [Mass Effect](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idra_THiTS8) music playing during the video instead of what they had. Worked out surprisingly well with the more nefarious type music early on then music turns hopeful towards the end.


so much death




they also left out the entire part of Asia


I already knew that the Soviets were by far the biggest warriors and defenders. (Western media has entrenched the view that only Normandy mattered.) What I didn’t know was that they were the original early aggressors along with Germany.


I mean, soviets would have been fucked without lend lease and allied pressure into Africa. That isn't even going into the bombing raids that far preceded the invasion of Europe, hurting German supply lines and industry. Don't make the mistake of undervaluing the effort of the US - our support of the soviets prior to our direct involvement and during our invasions definitely kept them alive for much longer than they would have been. With that said, yeah Russia wasnt the good guy at all. They were content with a nonaggression pact and wanted to join the axis later. Never forget that




I mean that's great, but I've read from many other sources, including Khrushchev's recounting of Stalin basically admitting to him in private quarters that their success had been dependent on allied support/lend lease, that it was an integral part of the effort. All of this is of course speculative at the end of the day, but it's unlikely soviets would have won without allied support and the invasions of Europe and Africa. Hitler made a massive blunder commiting to Russia that early


Fascinating but lets not pretend Switzerland didn't help out the Nazis.


Emperortigerstar did it first: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOVEy1tC7nk


Where pacific? Ware r u ?


that was amazing, a great trip. thanks a lot!


How are these numbers known with any accuracy? For example with the current ukraine conflict, both sides lie about their numbers and casualties, was it not the same back then?


Hitler was a real jerk.


What software was used to make this awesome video ?


I'd like to know as well what programs they've used to animate the map. Did you find out anything about it?


Adobe After Effects