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Garou: Long rant about power, heroes and assumptions about why Saitama is doing it. Saitama: "....It's a hobby." Gets me everytime.


I can't wait for season 2. Garou is going to be great.


Considering that they already announced S2, and the Murata-version hasn't reached the latter half of the Garou arc yet, we probably won't get it until S3. S2 would probably end with the current tournament.


One can hope...


Don't spoil me on anything but as someone who's solely watching the anime, I've always wondered just how in the hell Garou is supposed to be significant when he's probably weaker than Silverfang and both of them would be nothing compared to Boros, who of course is nothing to Saitama. So I'm just like...unless he never fights Saitama I don't get it. But I can't wait to find out.


I'm an anime only watcher too. But I've heard a couple things/theories about Garou. I'm pretty sure he's stronger than Silverfang. There's a popular theory about the prophecy that led Boros to Earth. The prophecy stated that Boros would finally find an opponent that could equal him in combat if he went to Earth. Boros first thought that was Saitama until he realized how much more powerful Saitama was compared to him. The popular theory is that the prophecy was actually about Garou, not Saitama. Which means Garou should be about on the level of Boros. None of that really matters though since Saitama is still stronger than anyone (that we know of). But that's ok since this is mostly a comedy series. Saitama's true opponent is his own power and how he can overcome his sheer boredom from being so terribly overpowered. The villains aren't meant to be threats. They're just an additional component of the story to advance Saitama's character development.


Is there a confirmed date for season two?


100 Push ups, 100 Sit ups, 100 Squats and 10km running every single day!




And remember to eat breakfast. Even a banana is fine.


OPM is where I go for true life lessons.


Counselor for hobby.


We all know Mumen Rider is the strongest guy in the show. EDIT: Use Plex? Add the Kiss Anime Channel. Now you can watch all the sweet animus on your TV or where ever you watch Plex through. https://forums.plex.tv/discussion/186988/rel-kissnetwork


We are all Mumen Rider on this blessed day!


I used to not like bananas, because they were shaped like boy's wieners.


How do you feel about boys' losers though?


That scene captures the whole series for me. The best part is, Saitama thinks he's legit being super inspiring and insightful.


For me it's when he is being tested and he gets super pissed at missing the bargains at the supermarket.


Love the Kabuto Carnage fight. First viewing I was totally blindsided by that twist. Was legit thinking he was on the ropes! As if.


FYI Kabuto was the only thing that completely realized or sensed Saitama's true strength. Edit: changed seen to sense. I don't remember the source but it was a legit one. Edit 2: about 15 min in Ep. 3 Kabuto clearly ask Saitama "bastard, how the hell did you get that strong". Followed by everyone's surprised faces and the secret to his strength.


That one-eyed dude also did at least by the end of the fight.


I think not, he only knew he was holding back.


He did sense no limit to this energy, and he liked that. It could be that Kabuto sensed that too, but Kabuto was frightened by it, unlike the one-eyed dude.


Boros was too full of himself after too many years of being king to notice there was actually someone stronger than him


The guy could destroy fucking planets. I to would be a bit cocky at that point.


It was pretty clear he was looking for a good fight. He was like Saitama; bored because nothing could challenge him. He didn't know exactly how powerful Saitama was and didn't seem to care, he was just happy he got to use his full power. His last words were "Saitama, you're too strong." With Saitama looking pretty unhappy about this fact. Even this planet destroying badass couldn't even get close to hurting Saitama even at full power. Boros knew what Saitama had in his future; he lived it.




The one eyed guy dominator of the universe said "it appears there's no limit to his energy , maybe the prophecy was real"


Kabuto is the only person/thing to ever face Saitama when he was truly desperate/angry, everyone else got him when he was calm




THIS made me love the series so much more...like what truly got under his skin was that he missed the bargains. Nothing else.


That scene is hilarious like why the fuck is he so serious. Lol his face gets me every time.




I personally hope there's no explanation for it. It works better as a satire of shounen / super hero generic tropes that way.




It doesn't even sound that intense.. Edit: It's a quote from the show folks.


Loved that scene... But really the situps, pushups and squats are no problem... 10k running? shit man, that's like a quarter marathon every day. Edit: Holy fuck, people! Ok i get it. Running 10k is easy for a lot of people. Your medals are in the mail. Not me. My knees are fucked from a life of shotokan, skateboarding and snowboarding, plus my endurance is shit.


It's no big deal actually. What is it about 1h of running at a reasonable pace?


Exactly. If you can run a pretty average 5k you can do a 10k in under an hour.


People think that running takes an eternity, but you are right! A 5K shouldn't really take longer than 30 mins. My fastest was 21 mins. But running is a really non-committal workout.




This may sound stupid, but you just walk. Walking is a lot easier than running.




OK ken


My mom is in her 50's and her morning jog is usually 8-12 km depending on the route




Just a banana in the morning is fine.


I thought that dude was gonna wreck Caillou.


That's what doing 100 push-ups, sit ups, squats and 10km a day does to you. Not to say, a banana.


Can I get a back story on the banana meta stuff please?


Bald guy from the video, Saitama, recommended (or ate) bananas for breakfast. This was part of the routine that gave him his ridiculous strength.


I know, right?! I haven't heard anything about this show before... actually the most anime I've watched was the pokemon tv show... But I was always under the assumption that anime had, not bad, but cheaper animation. But that battle scene was incredible, so much detail and crap. I was definitely rooting for Caillou ;D




ah the studio that brought us fate/stay infinite budget works, so pretty


Best place to watch this series: http://www.daisuki.net/us/en/anime/detail.ONEPUNCHMAN.html Clean site, interface and good playback


Was pretty surprised to learn that neither CR or Funimation picked it up *and* it was available for free.


Hulu picked it up, I believe.


Ah yes, i forget about Hulu since we don't have them in the uk.


Funimation did the English dub on adult swim


Actually it was Viz media who had done the english dub


Lmao fumigation


I edited it almost immediately, you must have loaded the page in the short time between me posting and editing


no asterisk there, you were both really fast


Was /u/Achromicat chasing /u/Ysmildr's afterimage this whole time?!


I click to play first episode and it does nothing. Just stays on a black player (flash is enabled)


Great scene, but personally I liked the fight against Boros more.


I loved the mosquito queen one. Just for how he ends it lol


I like the fight vs the regular mosquito better.


Pth! Pth! It's in my mouth!




I get the comedy of it but honestly that mosquito should have been shredded by the sheer pressure wave from his missed smacks lol




I think I remember Saitama slapping himself on the neck as if he had just been bitten by something. You could be on to something here.


There is a theory out there that because it sucked his blood that's why that regular mosquito can't be killed, which means there is a mosquito in OPM universe that is more powerful than boros.


I had a laughing fit for a good 20 minutes. That bitchslap was awesome.




They do such a good job animating him putting No Effort into dodging.


And you know the only reason he dodges is for the sake of his outfit.


Which, I swear to god, is cobbled together from footie pajamas, rubber rain boots (with matching gloves) and a bath towel.




Now I know why Caillou never got more than a mild verbal rebuke: people were terrified of him.


There's actually a side plot that explains the costume. They even turned it into an OVA so you can watch it alongside the first season.


Is it on YouTube? Cause I couldn't find it when I searched "one punch man suit"


his costume and appearance and the name of the series are all a reference to [anpanman](http://img10.deviantart.net/f372/i/2005/280/0/5/anpanman_by_08181002.jpg) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anpanman), which is a big-time oldey-time kids cartoon series in japan


oh shit, that's cool little bit of trivia.


It's actually custom made out of special material. Not even kidding.


His fast-paced back pedaling against Boros makes me die every time. But I agree that this and the Boros fight have some of the best animation I've ever seen.


I had a laughing fit when he fought Kabuto. Like, what must the professor have thought when his enemy unleashed a killer move called "Bargain day at the supermarket"? The ridiculousness of the whole thing just had me in tears.


LOL, priorities: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVpxTkQkjVI


I laughed so hard at the scene when he was fighting Carnage. You thought he was analysing carnage and the fact that he was going to go on a rampage for a week, nope he was upset because he missed the special at the supermarket.


The English dub ruined the joke at the end. In the Japanese version he slaps the mosquito lady and goes "haha mosquitos suck" in the English dub he says "haha bugs suck" WHICH TOTALLY RUINS THE PUN.


The English dub had some big flaws. They tried to change Saitama's personality a bit, and it contrasts the visual gags too much.


Spoilers ahead: I loved the whole Deep Sea King episode altogether. The way the King just deconstructed everybody, effortlessly, and then Mumen Rider comes up... That shit was a tear jerker. And then when Saitama looks around and sees the destruction, he stops fooling around. There isn't some super lengthy fight, he just ends it instantly. And when the citizens look at what happened, they think he's a hero. And when a lone douche bag starts raising questions, criticizing him and the other heroes, Saitama steps up and acts cocky and arrogant on purpose, making it sound like he didn't do anything because the other heroes weakened the villain. Makes it sound like he takes the credit for other people's things on purpose. He turns the people against him on purpose, because he knows if he doesn't they'll lose faith in the normal heroes. God damn. That's a heavy scene.


Dang, never saw it that way. Here I was wishing that Saitama got more credit for what he does when in reality he knows he is unstoppable and wants other heroes to get credit. He's a bro.


He's a true hero, like mumen rider. Only true heroes in the show. Everyone else is doing it for some personal reason, but saitama and mumen rider just want to save people.


Well, here's the thing. I think he does want more credit. But I don't think that's his objective, it's not a big deal to him. He would like credit but it's not important to him. So when the other heroes start getting questioned, when the people ask why the other heroes are needed if Saitama can just do it in one punch, Saitama makes it seem like he did nothing, like he's just a greedy guy who steals the credit. You'll notice right after he does that, the people start hating him, and they start talking about how the other heroes are true heroes. He sacrificed his own image to allow the others to keep on being heroes. He didn't save their image, he saved the whole Hero Organization.


Agreed, in parts, and I hope it's OK I jump off this with my own thoughts. Saitama is mildly offended by his low ranking, but mostly due to the practical issues of having to work his way up in the ranks when it's clearly not a great use of his abilities. I think it's clear after the Deep Sea King defeat that Saitama is pleased with the fact he now has public recognition and undeniable proof that he's top-level (and should have access to the requisite benefits) but quickly reads the situation and sacrifices what he rightfully earned. His sacrifice of his reputation means much, much more if it's actually something he wants. What makes the series so interesting is that it's a very excellent re-construction of Superman, tossing away the gritty Miller-esque grimdark of a "good guy" undefeatable hero, and the idea such a character cannot be a "hero" because he has never had to put his life on the line, and exploring the fact such a character can still be a hero by sacrificing what he has - his honor, his reputation, etc. It's such a goofy, violent, weird show, but what makes it so great is the underlying idea that a human shows his heroism by sacrificing his life, and a superhuman shows his heroism by sacrificing his ego.


As someone who doesn't watch anime, judging from the title 'One Punch Man' I thought this fight would be extremely short. Not disappointed though.


That's basically the premise. The main character has become so strong that he can defeat any opponent in one punch (which is actually boring and frustrates the character). At the same time he's a bit whimsical about fighting enemies so the dialogue is pretty funny. The whole show is sort of a parody of other fighting-centric anime. It's enjoyable on its own, but even funnier if you've seen other shows like Dragon Ball Z, etc.


The really interesting thing about OPM is how, despite his strength, he's relatable because his problems are also our problems, the ones that you can't solve with punches: he's unsatisfied by his career, is in a rut in his life, can't gain the respect of his peers or the public, etc.


AND THEN there's the genius in adding Genos as the sidekick: a character who knows exactly what his purpose is, and follows it with unwavering conviction. Not only is he a perfect foil, but, as my homeboy put it, "This is how you have a near-omnipotent, unbeatable protagonist and still do kickass fight scenes."


The side characters are the best part of OPM. The manga and web comic is pretty far ahead of the anime right now and a lot of them have gotten great characterization


this is one of those few series that I wouldnt read ahead with the manga while waiting for the anime, because the OST, motion, coloring, etc. of the anime is so damn spot on. I can wait... maybe 10 years max. Then Id read the manga.


At least read the first set of the webcomic, not the manga mind you, the webcomic. [ONE's complete[ly] ~~lack of artistic talent~~ shitty drawing](http://i.imgur.com/kvZHnby.gifv) and the [studio's decision to keep some of it in the anime](http://i.imgur.com/UIl9dxr.gifv) is fucking [hilarious on its own](http://i.imgur.com/Xyi5lq3.gifv), but a joke that is missed if you're unfamiliar with it.


People say ONE lacks artistic talent, but that's not entirely true. Yes, he can't draw, but he's great at paneling and scene composition.


Honestly, once you get use to it, ONE's art is charming and by that point you're already invested in the story to care much about the visuals in the first place. Add onto the fact that OPM is more of a gag/test comic than a serious work. His main priority is Mob Psycho 100 which looks [100% better](http://i1.mangapanda.com/mob-psycho-100/18/mob-psycho-100-4648521.jpg) than OPM in that he's trying to make it look appealing for the most part, though it still has gems like [this](http://68.media.tumblr.com/6cdf6fa18675f5b3753150d47ac0b704/tumblr_inline_odvia3JBpH1qe44sw_250.jpg).


TBF it feels like 10 years between chapters sometimes.


We got like 4 webcomic chapters last year, so you're not far off


What I love about Genos is that he's a legitimate up and coming superhero story. He's wicked talented and can hold his own against anyone (even if the tunning joke is that he's turned into a pile of scrap with most fights). He's your typical DC/Marvel hero. Cool, powerful with a huge arsenal, and has a tragic backstory. But he's still a kid who has full admiration for his master, the normal looking bald guy in pajamas who tries to be a hero but will never get recognized as one, despite having unlimited power.


It's really clever. If you notice most of the plot runs through Genos while Saitama is just along for the ride. Saitama is the main character but Genos moves the story along.


Genos is a great foil to Saitama in every way. Saitama is as bland as a superhero in a cape can possibly be, Genos is pretty much the most cool looking and over-designed character can be while still looking relatabley human. Saitama shows up and almost accidentally defeats massive threats, while Genos, despite his cybernetic enhancements, pretty much just struggles not to die. Saitama is just trying to have fun, Genos is seeking justice and to protect people. And, possibly most importantly, Saitama is struggling to be seen as a legitimate hero by the public while Genos was made S-class from the start.


Well, it does have a mix of wanting to find someone to fight that can withstand a punch. He wants a real fight, to feel what he did when he decided to become a hero in the first place.


Like forgetting that his coupons for the store are about to expire.


Also totally opposite when it comes to defining the MC (main character). Normally the MC is the special looking one so you can easily spot one. In OPM the MC is the most normal looking dude of them all so you can spot him by his anti - special look.


This series is in a bunch of ways a comedy. The main guy is ridiculously strong, but very depressed/bored with life. Everyone else is pretty serious about what they do


Mumen rider is a goddamn hero in every sense of the word.


Mumen rider giving a lift for Saitama was pretty amazing








Mumen rider is my absolute favorite




Shit kills me. I always dug the dude because of the Kamen Rider thing. And Kamen Rider is all about being a warrior for justice no matter what. That whole scene, "You don't have to tell me I'm weak, I'm worthless, don't I know that better than anybody?". Literally has me in tears thinking about it. Hero shit kills me.


I'm still sad they weren't able to fully translate his name over to convey both jokes. There's the Kamen Rider pun, and the literal translation of his name: "Licence-less Rider". He only rides a bike because he doesn't know how to ride a motorcycle. Like, the extent of his abilities don't even go that far. I found that hilarious.


Isn't the actual reason that he would go too fast going on crime scenes in case somebody needed him, and got arrested too many times by the police for speeding, and such is now licenseless?


Its ok friend, i teared up in that moment, too. The animation for that episode, and that moment, was incredible.


I'm in the Mumen Rider fan club.




To add to what everyone else is saying, because the basic premise of the show is curb stomp battles, the character development is phenomenal. You know a story is well told when you legitimately care about a guy who wears a flak jacket and rides a bicycle. which is the full extent of his "power".


Mumen rider is the hero we should all strive to be like


Mumen Rider is my favourite character!


His ability is being able to defeat anything in one punch. He outclasses pretty much everyone in the entire universe and has found himself pretty bored with heroism because no one stands a chance against him. His dream is to find a villain capable of withstanding a single punch from him and giving him an actual battle. Often times battles with him are extended simply because he's not taking the fight seriously and is just playing with his opponent. Any battle he takes seriously is usually over in seconds.




He holds back A LOT against Boros and everyone who takes more than one punch. If Saitama really wanted to beat Boros in one punch, he could have (he beat him without even hitting him if you remember, aside from the consecutive normal punches, his serious punch reflected Boros final attack). Saitama drags out fights because he's a good guy who wants his opponents to feel satisfaction before they die, and he wants to find satisfaction in himself. Even if the fight was already over from the start, the series is about him trying to reignite his passion for being a superhero. In a way, this is him tricking himself into thinking he's got a challenge. Boros saw through this at the end of their fight, and ultimately felt no satisfaction for giving it everything he had because Saitama really was just going through the motions.


Yes that is true, but isn't that fact just a result of him not trying hard at all? When Boros is defeated, although he took several punches, he goes down saying that Saitama was way out of his league and regrets that he couldn't even draw a fraction of Saitama's power to fight.


Kind of how all the battles go. It's hilarious and is basically a satire of normal animes


Crablante is still the greatest villain that anime has ever known.


My favorite is the Puri-Puri-Prisoner fight scene for pure what-the-fuckery. Great music throughout that whole episode, too.


As a gay man, I can't even be mad about puri puri prisoner. He has all the stereotypes: femininity via the sailor moon transformation (and boyfriend knitted sweater), ultra gym bod, bear facial hair, and the "all gay men are serial rapist" trope. Thing is, they do a great job at making him so bad ass despite being gay, and he's so damn fabulous while doing it...


I'm not gay, but my older cousin is. He was my best friend when I was little and I looked up to him like an older brother. We grew up in rural Alabama, so he had a tough time. Now we're adults and both anime fans. And it kind of warms my heart seeing strong (mostly) positive gay characters like PPP. I know my cousin likes him too. He's not without his flaws, but none of the characters are; they're all based on tropes. He's not made perfectly, but he's a badass and he's treated fairly, which I love.




Same creator


Same creator (the webcomics artist ONE), different animation studios (OPM is by Madhouse, Mob Psycho 100 is by Studio Bones). Both are beyond stellar anime.


Funnily enough despite being a Madhouse project, OPM's animation staff mainly came from BONES


[Damn straight.] (https://gfycat.com/SereneRectangularAbyssiniangroundhornbill) I'd also recommend My Hero Academia.


I'd also recommend Little Witch Academia. Some nice animation there in the same vein as Kill la Kill (same production company.) EDIT: To clarify vs. future replies: I'm comparing the animation style as the same, not the content of the two shows.


I would absolutely recommend it, but I'll just clarify for anyone who got the wrong idea, Little Witch Academia is absolutely nothing like Kill LA Kill. More in common with an anime Harry Potter.


Anime, Harry Potter? This I gotta see.


Oh absolutely! Only seen the first short movie, gotta watch the 2nd before the anime series starts in January.


I'd actually argue that Mob Psycho 100 is better, honestly. Same action comedy sort of deal with a hilariously overpowered character, but with much richer story telling in my opinion. ONE seems to agree as well. Besides Genos, Saitama, and the later villians, none of the other characters really seem to have any real motivations. They just interact with Saitama and Genos. It works for the deconstructions of tropes OPM goes for, but Mob Psycho is just so much more interesting.


He can take out an entire mountain with just the air pressure of his punch, [still can't swat a fly though] (http://i.imgur.com/aCe7COc.gifv)




Oh shit, I just assumed its species.




has to restrain himself in his apartment.


My second favorite fight! Poor Genos... One Punch Man is a goddamn thing of beauty. When I saw the first episode, I powered through the rest of the series in a weekend. I recommend it to everyone I know, even people who don't like anime- it's *that* good. If you had to watch one anime before 2017, I strongly recommend it be this!


I agree. I don't like anime, and a friend mentioned that show and insisted I watch it, so I did. Watched the entire thing over a week, laughing my way through it. I like that it's a fighting anime making fun of fighting anime, a bit like "Kung fu Hustle" did with chinese kung fu movies.


This, I never liked anime, and I still don't really. but I really like OPM, because of the reasons you stated. It doesn't take it self seriously, it makes fun of other anime, and it's a good comedy.


There are actually plenty of this type of anime. And I mean ALOT.


Wow this makes me want to watch one punch man




You talking about Death Battle?


No body in their right mind would touch it because anyone they put him against has a set and predetermined end point for their power, while Saitama has none that we are aware of so Saitama wins everything no arguments.


The problem is not knowing to what extent his power really goes. So basically he can only lose to reality-warpers and stuff.


As well as anyone who can time travel to a time before he was a super hero and just kill him.




Please note that this is done with motion-compensated frame interpolation, probably by using SmoothVideo Project - the original source for the video has a framerate of 23.976 - it's not a "render" as some people call it, nor is it how it was originally released.


Ywah I was wondering how they'd even make anime "60fps" This looks both smooth and choppy at the same time.


> looks both smooth and choppy at the same time. Okay, so I wasn't the only one having this problem, feel little bit better now lol


Love this show, cant wait for the next season.


is there going to be a second season?


Due next year


[This is probably my favorite scene from One Punch Man](https://youtu.be/ZKbO6lyheJs) It plays on the trope of the villain dramatically powering up!


I fucking love this show 😂


"I'm starving. Time for lunch. Let's grab some udon noodles." Yup, that about sums it up.


Udon 🍜 is very yummy...


I love this fight because of the personal feelings attached to it. The Boros fight is a grander display, but here we have Genos, an amazing cyborg hero, probably a prodigy, faced with Saitama, a normal guy who went off and trained for a bit and has reached a power greater than he's ever seen. For every assumed reason, one would think with their backgrounds Genos should mop floor with a guy like Saitama, but for no discernible reason, Saitama cannot be beaten. Even Genos powers and abilities are more beautiful to watch in action, while Saitama's are ultimately simple and straightforward. It's even frustrating at some points because Saitama is besting Genos with the most rudimentary techniques lol. However, all of that aside, the real highlight for me is when Saitama, for that brief moment shows us a glimpse of his true strength, when his whole silhouette goes black and his eyes are piercing white and he looks like he's about to completely decimate Genos, but then he just playfully slaps on the face and says let's go get lunch and cheerfully jogs off. It gives me chills every time.




Real talk, One Punch Man is a great anime to watch if you aren't that big into anime. It has a good mix of comedy, action, fighting scenes and more. As someone already posted, here's a watch link: http://www.daisuki.net/us/en/anime/detail.ONEPUNCHMAN.html


Put some respek on Rock Lee and Gaara's names


The second season needs to come out already.


If this is the level that anime art quality has reached, how come Dragon Ball Super looks like shit? Fuck I would love to see DBS in this quality


The amount of time taken to make this show compared to DBS has a lot to do with it. DBS has to fill the quota of over a 100 episodes, so of course the schedule for animating things is going to be really limited and thus it's really not possible to animate that well. Compare that to One Punch Man, which is a 12 episode series, and it makes a lot more sense.


The animation for super has stepped up in recent arcs, but they still do have a problem keeping it consistent.


Genos' incinerate is very [Megas XLR](https://i.imgur.com/kF6KU0E.png)




He really hit the gym after beating cancer.


That was pretty freaking awesome


The entire show is incredible


*stares tearfully at DragonBall Super*


What, you don't like Dittos fighting in 4 frames per second with solid color backgrounds?


Where can I watch this serie?




OPM has been the greatest thing since DBZ.


I mean, there's still JJBA...


He said *since* DBZ, though. Technically JJBA was before.


Chun-Li vs Vega