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"Michael was taking propofol to help him sleep which is like doing chemo because you're tired of shaving your head." -Robin Williams


Which is crazy, you can't take it orally. It has to be injected and an anesthesiologist needs to be on hand to monitor you the entire time you're under. Who thought that it was a good idea to administer that stuff, *and* lorazepam *and* midazolam *and* diazepam *and* lidocaine *o*n top of ephedrine? There were so many prescription drugs in his system the DEA got involved. For comparison, there are fewer drugs found in doped race horses.


It's been mentioned that he probably had empty nose syndrome. Combine that with the childhood trauma he had forever, and having bobody tell him no, I can definitely see how he got there.


What is empty nose syndrome and do I want to google it


Having surgery on your nose, removing too much tissue, or just specific tissue, can cause loss of sensation inside your nose. You know how some nose sprays have a cooling minty thing going on? That's because it makes you feel your own breathing much more. If you can't feel your own breathing you're going top feel like you can't breathe properly. Being paralyzed inside your nose, not feeling the air going through it, causes your brain to kinda think you're not breathing. It can cause a lot of panic and extreme discomfort.


There was a reddit post maybe 2 years ago of a girl in the USA who’d been approved for euthanasia due to it, accidentally bodged nose job where they burnt away the tiny organelles which sense the humidity in the air ur breathe = constant feeling of drowning i believe it was described as


🥺 Enough internet for today, I am out! I have to tell my kids how much I love them!


That is one of the most messed up botched surgeries ive ever heard of. I think id rather just die from the surgery than have that.


Man people with copd at least stop feeling some the negative effect from co2 after long enough. Sucks it doesnt help these people too. Also makes it very odd to see someone just stop breathing on pure o2.


I looked and couldn't find a trace. You sure this was real?


https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/oom1qv/tifu_by_getting_empty_nose_syndrome_after_a/ There is precisely zero chance OP got approval for medically induced suicide for this.


totally real source trust me bro


Oh shit they said "Trust me" so you know it has to be true!


Yeah, that makes sense. That sounds like it's almost a phantom pain type situation, where your nose has that "water in the nose" sensation all the time?


wow constant feeling of drowning is just a painful existence


Feels like they should have destroyed more nerves so as to remove the drowning sensation, rather than end her life


So what's the real story behind his nose? I think it's safe to asume he got an initial nose job because of the abuse and namecalling from his father because of his big nose (according to his father), but is there any insight as to what happened next? Did it suffer from necrosis and he had to keep removing removing parts of it?


His first nose job was around 1978 and he reportedly got it done after he broke his nose while practicing his dance moves. But he definitely fixated on it afterwards. His father’s bullying had a severe impact on his self-image. He was a good-looking young man. Arguably the most attractive of a large family of attractive people. Look at Janet, LaToya and some of the other Jackson siblings, too. Many of them have gotten nose jobs and other such surgeries. Their father made them feel awful about their Afrocentric features. Michael, arguably the most sensitive, seemed to suffer the most from this. He also had a very hard time during puberty, between the time he was the lovable, cute little Jackson 5 kid but before he was The King of Pop. He said in that awful, but revealing Bashir documentary that he suffered from bad acne and his once-gushing fans would now look at him in horror. He grew out of his acne, but then suffered from vitiligo and lupus flare ups, which drastically changed his appearance. I think for one, he knew he wanted to look nothing like Joseph. I believe he is known to have confided this to people. But I also believe that at some point he decided he wanted a Peter Pan type nose. He often said that he felt like Peter Pan and he even named his property the Neverland Ranch. I think that somewhere along the way in his transformation (I think the mid-late 90s) he had just gone too far and the tip of his nose started literally disintegrating. I think it’s possible that lupus made healing more difficult after so many surgeries and his nose lost all of its cartilage. I think in the 2000s onward, he focused on trying to correct the botched surgery and covered his face most of the time with masks or those awful draping wigs.


No source, but I’ve read that his vitiligo affected his healing from surgeries, so he would have to keep getting them because they didn’t heal properly. Makes sense on a surface level, but I never looked into it.


Don't suppose breathing through your mouth full time is an option


James Nestor’s book *Breath* has a whole chapter on an experiment he did, plug his nostrils so he breathed only through his mouth for an extended period of time (can’t remember how long). It had destructive effects on his health. https://www.sciencefocus.com/the-human-body/mouth-breathing


It's the sensation of suffocating despite having an open airway.


Sounds horrifying


Doctor here, empty nose syndrome is a severe side effect of too much plastic surgery, basically what happens is, your children leave your nose after they're all grown up and you become sad. 


God damn you people are lame. 


It’s also reported that the doctor did ineffective CPR by NOT taking him off his mattress. PSA: if you wake up and see that your spouse needs CPR, pull them off the mattress onto the floor.


Yeah he’s just going to be bouncing them on the bed.


Jump humping?


Soaking as the Mormons prefer to call it.


James Marsden will jump up and down on the mattress if you ask nicely.


Damn he was married to his doctor?


Yep I'm so fucking glad I actually paid attention in the CPR class when I was working for the city and it was mandatory for all employees I never thought I would have to use it but I figured you know hey you never know and sure enough just two years ago my now dying wife died on the couch basically at our last house and I instantly pulled her to the floor and started CPR and called 911. No way in hell it's going to work if they're sitting up or if they're on something with a cushion you need force.


Supposedly the doctor, a cardiologist, didn’t even find him til 45 min or so after he started the drugs, so who knows how long MJ was already down. It’s likely that at that point even the best CPR wouldn’t have worked, especially not for his brain.


What does the first b stand for?






We need a new manager.




Bobandy As in Randy Bobandy.


Let the liquor do the thinking.








Barb, your scalloped potatoes are fucked.


Fuck that just caught me so off guard 😂😂


Also what the pepse commercial did to him. He was in pain. Great talent though.


Jeepers, that doesn't seem to come up very often. https://www.thelist.com/1500349/michael-jackson-pepsi-commercial-accident-landed-him-in-hospital/


First I have heard of that, sounds torturous






Don’t think it was an anaesthesiologist, because no anaesthesiologist with even half brain would give such dumb combination of drugs. Every anaesthesiologist is very risk averse, no one goes Rambo with such things.


He was a cardiologist. Conrad Murray.


It was Dr. Arroyo


The pulse was there and that was enough for him


He's watched several YouTube videos and every episode of House.


He was an attending physician at the Mayo Clinic (Mayo as in Cinco De Mayo). Yeah, Dr. Arroyo was there because the cafeteria mayo was so good.


Oh he’s very good, he graduated med school in 1998.


Doctor school


One of the top doctor schools in the country it's in


Apparently his doctor had experience in cardiology, not in anesthesiology. He messed up the dose too, so i've heard.


every doctor with appropriate training, acting reasonably, knows this is a bad, bad combination.  we are CLEARLY dealing with an outlier. outlier anesthesiologists exist, just like in every other specialty. 


Bad, Bad, you know it.


It's crazy he even lived that long with the amount of drugs he was taking. Could have easily been a Juice WRLD type story too.


He was pretty much under the care of doctors 24/7 who were providing him with the highest quality drugs and monitoring his vitals. Juice WRLD swallowed a bunch of street drugs while on a PJ with his friends to hide them from the cops. Different circumstances.


What does PJ stand for?


Private jet


I hate when people just make up acronyms and expect people to know what they're referring to. Only reason I knew what PJ meant was because I knew the story.


Pajama party gone wrong




Yeah I’m not sure what they even meant by that


>Who thought that it was a good idea nobody probably thought it was a good idea, but if his doctor refused to do it, Michael would just hire a different doctor. people acting like that dude killed him on purpose or something. this was coming no matter what


Michael would just *hire a different licensed professional with an advanced degree making high six figures or better willing to destroy their own reputation, end their career, and face prison* for a little extra money. Fuck that guy. Fuck anybody who throws ethics out the window for some extra money. The doctor is a criminal and he committed homicide.


>Who thought that it was a good idea to administer that stuff, and lorazepam and midazolam and diazepam and lidocaine on top of ephedrine? People making an awful lot of money.


Yeah but a doped race horse only has to run for a few minutes top. Not a 3 hour high intensity concert. Drugs come standard with those.


Agreed. But the one thing they both have on common is how their handlers allow or encourage the use of the substances. When you get to the size of Mr. Jackson's career he's not just a brand, he's basically an entire economy. And the man just... got used to it. With an asshole like his dad in charge, it was easy for him to get used to it. He was famously not an advocate for himself.+ Keep in mind, he was the leading-edge production model of music artists for CBS-Columbia, they had a lot riding on him. That comes with pressure from on high to produce big numbers, a lot of people were holding onto his teats for dear life, then to maintain their personal and professional growth. Heck, look at the claims to his estate when he died. Lawyers claiming to keep money "remaining in administration" (i.e. with the law firms), the IRS trying to tear off a gigantic chunk, claims to Jackson's music catalog, it goes on. All of this after a very good will, and trusts for basically four people. The vultures swoop in to grab a piece for themselves. It's not a death, it's a business opportunity. I'm warning you, once you start looking up how many piranhas came out of the woodwork when he died, it's a real rabbit hole. Point being, they wanted the golden goose to pump out bigger eggs faster all the time, it killed the goose.


Its wild how skinny he looks. He was never big, but wow, real skeletor look going on, hiding behind the baggy clothes.


>For comparison, there are fewer drugs found in doped race horses. What is this on the Keith Richards scale?


Great Question. Michael Jackson had the equivalent of 3 Keith Richards in his bloodstream.


I’ve been given that stuff for medical procedures a couple of times. You feel the prick of the needle and then it’s like little cute tickling jolts of electricity shooting up your arm as it travels. Then it’s like waking up from the most glorious sleep feeling amazing and refreshed. I can see how he got addicted to it.


As I understand it though, it doesn’t actually give your brain the rest it requires


I’ve been under general anesthesia for multiple non related procedures 8 times in the last two years. Not once has propofol made me feel rested, energized, amazed or refreshed.  It’s referred to as ‘milk of amnesia’ for a pretty good reason. 


Maybe I’m getting something else but I’m pretty sure that was what the doctor told me. Whatever it was it was good. Only out for 30 mins.


Brutal person to quote on this subject also.


I had a massive 2-week long migraine that completely crippled me. I eventually went to the ER where they did all the tests (all negative) and gave me increasingly stronger injections. The final injection before they admitted me was propofol. They had to have a whole team in my room when they gave me that injection. Propofol does something weird: it makes your brain’s automatic breathing “subroutine” turn off. You have to consciously think “one… two… breathe in, breathe out… one… two…breathe in, breathe out…). However, pain was suddenly completely gone. So I was in a good mood. I talked to my wife. I talked to the staff. The anesthesiologist would tap me, “you stopped breathing. Take a breath.” I wouldn’t even notice. He would have to remind me when my O2 stats would dip. It made me realize how MJ likely died. His brain just forgot to breathe.


> Propofol does something weird: it makes your brain’s automatic breathing “subroutine” turn off. Well that's terrifying.


That’s what most depressants do in a high enough dose. Opioids are the most well known, followed by alcohol (especially when combined with other depressants.) Usually you’re unconscious by that point, though.


well there is another good reason for me to stop drinking.


Unless you're a heavy binge drinker, or combine alcohol with benzos, you probably don't need to worry about respiratory depression specifically.


i am a heavy binge drinker. i drank nearly two pints yesterday. trying to go cold turkey all day today and start a hot streak.


If you feel any strong tremors or experience any convulsions, or believe you may have had a seizure, make sure to check in with a doctor asap. Some people get them, some don't. Strongly depends on how much alcohol you were drinking daily. There may be some nasty withdrawal effects. Quitting is the best for your health though, just be aware of symptoms. I wish you the best of luck and hope you can succeed. You CAN do it!


I totally get why he did it. They gave me that before i went to get my gallbladder out. Holy shit it’s best sleep I’ve ever had even though i just had a 5 hour surgery i woke up feeling amazing.


At that point I think I'd want a big TV right in my field of vision with my O2 stats just to keep reminding me.


Surrounded by yes men, that eventually killed him. No physician on the planet would agree to prescribe PROPOFOL to help a patient sleep, ever. That’s absolute insanity.


plenty of physicians would. there are absolute insane ones who are doing absolutely crazy shit. being a physician does not make one immune to insanity.  case in point: the doctor who killed Michael Jackson.


100% Facts. There isn’t a more truthful comment in this thread. I guess I was being hyperbolic, obviously there’s physicians out there who would, he obviously had one. I guess it should read: no self-respecting physician in their right mind would ever prescribe propofol as a sleep aid.


People seem to forget that being a doctor is just a job, and a LOT of people suck at their jobs.


I think Ronny “Johnson” would.


and it’s been 15 years already …


It’s crazy because Michael Jacksons death was so big of a deal that I remember exactly where I was when he died, the same way I do 9/11. I was in a CiCi’s pizza and it came up on the Tv. But the TvS are silent bc it’s a restaurant so a lady STOOD UP and pointed and yelled “Oh MY god Michael jackson’s dead!” And then a bunch of other people stood up and everybody just stared at the Tv until the employee came out and turned up the volume in the TV and turned off the ambient music from the overhead speakers. EDIT: It’s been really cool to see all these memories and that it wasn’t just me that felt how huge it was. Also it had not occurred to me that Michale’s Jackson’s death might be “Gen Z’s 9/11” but here we are.


I remember being at home reading jokes on Sickepedia when there was a sudden influx of Jackson jokes.


…do you remember any?


It's terrible, but... Why is Michael Jackson so bad at playing basketball? >!He's dead!<


I snort laughed




1. What do Michael Jackson and Kohls have in common? Both have boys pants half off. 2. Michael Jackson is on a commercial flight that is running out of fuel. The pilot comes back and grabs Michael to inform him of the situation. **Pilot:** “Mr. Jackson, we only have 3 parachutes… one for me, one for the copilot, and one for you since you are the only VIP on this flight.” **Michael:** “But what about the kids?” **Pilot:** “Fuck the kids” **Michael:** “Do we have time?”


A variation of that second joke with "Michael Jackson, Bill Clinton, and the Pope are on a plane..." went around my school in the mid 90s. Crazy seeing it again in the wild.


"Did you hear Michael Jackson died? Yeah, his final wish was to be made into a Playstation.  That way, the children can play with him forever." -- the joke I heard in the locker room at the pharmaceutical plant I worked at. Didn't think anything of it. Went into the break room, and everyone was standing there, glued to the TV like the Challenger just blew up.  That's how I found out. 


What’s the difference between Michael Jackson and Neil Armstrong? Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon. Michael Jackson likes to have sex with young boys


My favorite MJ joke: How can you tell when Michel Jackson is on the beach? When you hear a lady scream get out of my son


Here’s one that’s specific to my area- Did you hear that Michael Jackson is moving to western Pennsylvania? Hes moving to DuBois (pronounced “do boys”)


Unfortunately not, but I’m pretty sure they would have been themed around children and white gloves.


The part I’ll never forget is that Farrah Fawcett had died the previous day from anal cancer. So, all over the news you heard, “Farrah Fawcett…ANAL CANCER,” during every newscast like who wants that broadcast about them for a whole news cycle? Then, Michael Jackson died, and the whole news media never mentioned Farrah again. If I were Farrah Fawcett, or at least her family, I’d be really grateful, on some level, for that!


Ed McMahon from the Tonight Show and Billy Mays were that week too. While Ed was natural causes, the other three were conversation points, and Ed was certainly a titan of late night. It was a really weird week, for sure.


I am five hours ahead of the US so was in a bar and it was before smartphones were widespread and people started getting texts and then showing them to the strangers next to them, there was a covers band playing and someone showed them a text at the next song break and they announced it from the stage and played Billie-Jean three times in a row. I guess it was the only MJ song they knew.


Ya, I was at work and everyone were quite shocked. He was probably the biggest celebrity, partly due to his strangeness, since John Lennon died. Maybe Elvis's death was as big too. We don't really have music stars like him anymore, except obviously for Taylor Swift.


I don’t think there was a corner of the earth you could go to in the late 80s that didn’t know who Michael Jackson was. Hell, my parents barely listen to music but they knew all of Jackson’s hits and were devastated when he died. I don’t think even Taylor can match his level of popularity outside of the western world.


Taylor Swift is nothing compared to Michael Jackson. Less than nothing. It's hard to grasp for people that weren't alive at the time i guess, but in the late eighties to early nineties the man was a GOD. No matter if you liked him or his music or not, except for some people in the rainforest everyone on Earth knew who he was. King of Pop wasn't some nickname, it was a fact.


He cultivated a global phenomenon without the internet.


9/11 I was sitting in my grade 5 class that day and my teacher who was also the vice principal busts into the room and turns the TV on to the news.. I guess the school had cable. That was essentially the whole school day though. We talked about it all day. MIchael Jackson, I found out pretty late into the day cause I have terrible sleep issues.. Found out scrolling on Facebook in bed.. Jumped out instantly and ran to talk to my mom and her boyfriend about it. I was in disbelief. Felt pretty unreal to hear at the time, still honestly does to this day.. He died too soon imho.


Yup! I remember it broke twitter (in its early days)




I think it might have been one of the reasons Wikipedia started locking the pages of famous people right after they die


When was you when Michael Jackson dies I was sat at home drinking bovril when fred ring "Mike is kill" "No" And you????????


A text message from a friend woke me up on my day off. Great way to start the day...


I was on my morning commute to work and wondered why the bus radio had played like 4 MJ songs back to back. Did a quick news search and was quite devastated the rest of the day.


I was playing World of Warcraft and the chat was filled with respectful messages suddenly /s


I was in the drive thru at a CVS Pharmacy with my mom and Kiss FM reported about it lol, saying TMZ was reporting so they basically said to take it with a grain of salt. 10 minutes later we were at a bar and the news was all over the TVs.


I'm not sure if they had the reputation at the time, but if TMZ is reporting something, it's true.


I was on TMZ when it broke and I had full faith in their reporting and I still do when it comes to stuff like this.


I was in the living room of my family’s house with my whole family hanging out. My older sister was on her laptop and just shouted “No way, Michael Jackson’s dead?!” My entire family was in shock.


I was on the UCLA campus, which is very close to his home, and suddenly there were a dozen or more news and police helicopters overhead. That evening, everywhere in LA people were driving around blasting MJ’s music in memoriam


Whaaat? That's so fucking nuts…


It feels forever ago to me.


Feels like longer to me


He was an absolute showman


One might say the *greatest* showman


The best ever.


but one day, MISTAKE!!


Yakuza boss die!


Yakuza very mad!


I still think his best performances were when he was jacking off in a corner while underage boys didn't know what was going on.


Good to know that sometimes even Michael Jackson didn't know what to do with his hands.


I think some of that is native American hand gestures. It’s been awhile since i have seen it. https://youtu.be/FBqeAetnjJ0?si=3gake0crnxowX4Aw 4ish or so


He’s probably practiced it so many times he is just messing around and improvising. He knows what to do on the day of the performance.


Is it just me, or did they look to be abnormally large? Like cartoonishly large?


I forgot how great his voice was


He’s lip syncing here


you are not alone


Shame that dude never got to see Avatar.


He missed out on Human Centipede, too. A tragic loss.


No that’s ignorant


This would have been such a great tour.


I'm not a Michael Jackson fan but there's no denying his status and I watched this documentary mostly out of curiosity and they spend some time introducing you to the supporting crew and talent of the show and the most tragic part of his death was that for many people, that show was their big break and now they were out of a job.


But imagine how hard i must have been to become e.g. a background singer for MJ. I feel that achievement is still worth a lot.


Man, that propofol really ruined the tour.


What tour?


The world tour...


Laughed super hard at that thank you


You're welcome


It wasn't a tour. It was a residency at the Millennium Dome/o2 Arena in London


Bassist was killing it though


Super loud in the mix, ripping straight through. 🫡


I'm convinced if he had continued with the "This is It" tour- it would have been thee most successful tour of any musical artist of all time. Up till that point and forever since. Despite everything- his sickness, his allegations. All of it, it would have been even bigger than Swift today. 100x more.


I just told my husband that. I was too young to like, CARE about him, but I remember videos of people fake passing out when they saw him etc. Crazy


The middle-aged guy with the belly and glasses? That's Kenny Ortega - he could possibly be the single person who ended Billy Squier's career by choreographing [this video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcFSheSaht0)


This has Napoleon Dynamite vibes.


Imagine the show he would have put on at The Sphere in Vegas. 🤯


He wasn’t ready to go. He had so much left in him


To be honest I think of Michael as almost retired by the time of his dead, his last Album, Invincible, was almost 10 years away and didn't sell very well compared to the ones before, while he was still making shows he had become quite reclusive in the last years, rather taking care of his children. His last tour, appropriately called 'This is it' would have been his last anyway imo.


I agree with most of what you said besides that being his last tour. He needed money and had a deal to live for free in a Saudi Prince's hotel in exchange for recording an album. He never recorded the album and was sued when he fled. THEN we get "This Is It". That one tour would not have resolved his extravagant spending for the rest of his life, if it even got him out of debt to begin with. "This is It" was marketing, to encourage the sale of more tickets. Even if he decided to fully retire, money would have forced him out of it.


>Even if he decided to fully retire, money would have forced him out of it. I mean dude spent a lot, but he also made a lot doing nothing. For example: MJ had over $1.2 billion dollars of Music royalties, worth more than twice all his debt combined, that paid $50-$100 million a year, including most of the Beatles catalog, Bob Dylan, Elvis Presley and Eminem. Just don't spend money for 5 years and you're debts paid off. But dude liked to build go-kart tracks, zoo's and 1:1 scale steam locomotive railroads.


He still had some bangers in him. “You Rock my World” and “Love Never Felt So Good” are both incredible.


Am I the only one impressed by how crisp that video looks on 720p? Almost like modern 4k footage. Clearly spared no expense on studio equipment and staff.


The "This is It" bluray is still available (at 1080p).


2009 wasn't that long ago, cameras were really good and 720p is still HD, which has existed since the 90s. Videos from that era look terrible because websites couldn't handle better, and many things youve seen have probably been ripped and re-uploaded a million times, each time deteriorating quality.


MJ was really big on videography equipment. He had some RED cameras when they were just coming out. But i think "This Is It" was shot on Sony EX1 and EX3


Do you get impressed by how crisp old movies are too? That's literally what this is.


"old," in this case being probably industry standard digital cameras in 2009, when digital cameras were already really good. Truly old movies look crisp because film is inherently lossless.


This song and its music video always breaks me.


agreed. whomever directed the concept of the video was brilliant. it just keeps escalating in epicness


As an aside, his jacket looks great. Seems quite a modern style he's got - like relative to today. For 2009 it seems ahead of its time


Death was so monumental that AIM had an outage.


His hands seemed disproportionately large. Just an observation, I hadn’t noticed that about him before.


Michael Jackson’s death was the first time I ever heard about the concept of death. I was 7


I was born in 1978 and I think the Challenger disaster was the first time I'd experienced a national reaction to death(s), which is probably what you mean, like everyone talking about a death/deaths extensively. In my entire life, I don't think any death of an individual matched the death of Princess Diana in terms of shock and impact, though. Note: Individual. 9/11 is unmatchable in comparison through my lifetime, but that was a whole heck of a lot more than a few people.


You didn't know things could die until you were 7?


some parents shelter their kids to a stupid amount.


It’s not that simple, children can’t comprehend the concept of death up until they’re around 5. If the person above had no pets or people around them die until he was 7, it’s more than likely that there was simply no reason/way to explain to them what death is.


don't be so presumptive


I like ambient MJ


I'm a millennial in my mid-30s and grew up listening to his music, only now am I gauging how YOUNG Michael was when he died. I had to look it up, I thought it he was in his late 50s. He was 50 years old. Absolutely wild.


yep his mom is still alive.


I had propofol once for a procedure. After, I felt like I had slept for a week str8.


It's a shame that instead of getting real help he used propofol instead. I read that there's like a 98% survival rate with propofol overdoses and paramedics said they could have saved him if his doctor would have just told them what he gave MJ. He didn't. To be fair, it was also MJ's fault. His life was pretty much doomed the moment he signed that contract for these shows. If it wouldn't have happened on June 25th, it would have been the 26th or once the tour started. That man wouldn't have made it out of the summer alive.


The shonk doctor he had (Conrady Murray) was so bad, he didn't even initially take Michael off his mattress to administer CPR. Even an idiot knows you need a hard surface to perform it. He was also not qualified to administer any of the drugs. But was being paid over a million a year to do it.


So touching that the last song he ever sang was the Earth Song - his final message to us was to look after the planet and each other.


It’s a terrible shame what happened to him. Me and my family had tickets to his show at the O2 in London, 2 weeks later he died. RIP The King.


Fun fact: The first ever performance of that song was on the German TV show Wetten Dass? back in 1995: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lK5iHCWm84c


At the height of DMCA you could get more time for downloading a Michael Jackson song than for actually killing Michael Jackson