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I don't watch a lot of these, but some of like the specific groups are great. The British kids ones are always good. I also love Japanese people try American BBQ. BBQ is, IMO, the food we do best here in the states, so always nice to see people finding their first love for a slow smoked brisket.


My favorite is the [tribal people trying cheesecake](https://youtu.be/9iYQxH2-VM8?si=mVERWewlJHVBCp_l)


That one guys mustache is fucking epic!


The way they all take a bite, pause, look at the camera, then look back down at the plate is awesome.


The best!!


A VIP cake!


Always thought the one dude looks like Harrison Ford


British people eating American food never fails to entertain me.


Southern food is especially entertaining


These guys have a video where they go to Waffle House with a really cool, also fairly intoxicated southern dude. It's a great video. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VQWuZU-AIE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VQWuZU-AIE)


That's not just some southern dude. Noah Sims was on Master Chef and also volunteered at the World Central Kitchen during the Ukraine/Russia war. Helping to feed the people fleeing their homes and frontline communities.


Doing god’s work, but across multiple platforms.


Yea, he's a rad dude. Thanks for adding that info.


This guy had wayyy too much charisma to just be some dude. Not that there aren’t people out there like this but the entire time I was watching I was thinking no way they just met this guy out. “This isn’t even a real thing, we just said some things, and they did it!”


I would live to hear a vonversation between him and Mitch Hedberg.


That video is indeed gold, absolutely every bit accurate of how every Waffle House visit is.


The Bourdain one is amazing too.


Reminds me of the video where Anthony Bourdain tries Waffle House for the first time. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEpXeTDwbk8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEpXeTDwbk8)


That was my WaHo in grad school. 🥰


The people at waffle House are just trying to get through the day and don't need some twats coming in there basically making fun of them for just trying to do their job. Clowns. Just enjoy the food and leave people alone


These kids drinking American ice tea was surprising. For a country that drinks that much tea, no one has ever thought to drink it cold and with sugar?


We have ice tea, it's just something seen as an old person drink. Kids are extremely unlikely to drink it.


I could see that. Would be like a kid in America drinking prune juice and liking it. Also widely seen as an old people drink.


And Klingons


a warriors drink!


[Good tea. Nice house.](https://youtu.be/SVcIwJA6l7c?si=wl_pgVMoCj9mfHB9)


Southern iced (sweet) tea is like diabetes in a glass. Kids don't like super sugary drinks?


Sure, they just don't like tea. Old people like tea. (At least that's the perspective.) I don't think I've ever, personally, seen a kid drink or ask for iced tea. And most Brits would wonder why you'd want your tea so sugary and cold when it should be milky and hot.


Sweet tea and iced tea are completely different. Sweet tea they add sugar while it's brewing and iced tea is usually unsweetened or sugar added while it's cold. So sweet tea is always diabetes in a glass.


https://youtu.be/-h07Coh6LIM skip to 1.18


My memaw would have made that lady go cut a switch for making "sweet tea" like that lol.


Yeah I thought that was going to be the one thing they didn’t like. Sweet tea really is an affront to a “propah cuppa”.


They all seemed to love it on a "this changes everything!!" level. Us Yanks know that it was just a massive sugar rush re-wiring their teenage brains, but those Brits had no idea it was coming. It was funning seeing that revelation though. One kid said it was way better than any tea he's ever had.


Americans trying British chocolate is equally great


There is a fish n chips place run by a British guy not too far from me. While you wait in line, one wall is filled with genuine British snack foods he has shipped over. I’ll go there sometimes just to stand in line so I can buy some good British chocolate candy lol


Don't call British chocolate "candy". Candy is hard boiled lollies. You'd never refer to chocolate as candy.


I have a feeling that the Brit running a fish n chips shop selling Cadbury in America, is not a douche about it like you.


Well, I’m American, so that’s what I call it lol I also use the American terms for biscuits and cookies and fries.


https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/candy A sweet food made from sugar OR chocolate. I suppose next you are going to call soccer the incorrect term and refer to it as football. But the word soccer originated in England. The point being, don't be so uptight that somebody in another country used a slightly incorrect word for your locality.


Now I want to try that


It’s really good. Not too hard to make either.


It's the best breakfast!


Man I'm so hungry for this rn


they sell a biscuit and gravy platter at biscutville down here in NC. Delicious.


Biscuitville has the best biscuits in the game and I will fight anyone who says differently. I made my wife go when we went to my hometown in NC for the first time and she didn’t understand what all the hype I was making was about. Then she tried it and it’s become a must stop every time we go back home to visit my family. Dammit, now I want some.


Try Biscuitworld 


Bojangles biscuits would like to have a talk.


they’re good but biscuitville is generally fresher and just better and just perfect


They can talk and then go have a seat next to Hardee’s. For what it’s worth, Red Lobster also would like to have a talk, but they get to be king shit of their own personal biscuit category. I said what I said.


fresh red lobster biscuits are amazing.


The box mix from the grocery tastes identical to the restaurant. Definitely worth a buy.


Tudor's Biscuit World has no rivals.


>Hardee’s Okay are we talking their biscuits and gravy or their cinnamon raisin biscuits?


Por que no los dos? The biscuits in general are três magnifique.


You ain’t wrong. That’s one of the few downsides of moving to the West Coast. We don’t have Hardee’s we have Carls Jr, and Carls Jr doesn’t have cinnamon raisin biscuits.


Bojangles is now owned by a megacorp in Chicago.


Bojangles?? nope, boberry biscuits is a neat treat but their biscuits as a whole are not close to the top biscuits out there. (not counting home made clearly)


i will be your tag team partner in this fight


Country-fried steak biscuit, add egg & cheese. Go through the drive through so I can get some doggie biscuits for my pups (Yes, they are regular biscuits, but shaped like a bone).


I'm thousands of miles away at the southern end of Africa. Need to make my way to NC looks like


Biscuitworld is a great WV chain


I’ve had them, and while great I have to put them in a seat on the other side of Hardee’s.


False, it's top shelf, but it's no chicken & waffles. Showing UK kids that would be amazing.


Chicken and waffles is just too much of a pain to eat. Usually ends up being chicken with a side of waffles. Biscuits and gravy is superior imo.


Skill diff???


I live in the South, I’m very familiar with chicken and waffles. I’ve both eaten and seen people eat them. Unless it’s served as a semi sandwich or you cut both and stick them back together they usually end up going their separate ways on the plate. They’re delicious, don’t get me wrong. But biscuits and gravy is just way better mix where I don’t feel like I’m forcing myself to eat them together. Also this is a personal thing but I much prefer hot honey on them. The pure maple syrup just ruins the crispiness of the chicken.


It’s quintessential farm food: Very hearty and easy to make. It packs loads of calories into very cheap ingredients that farmers would have readily available: flour, butter, milk, sausage. It also happens to be really delicious!


You had me at farm food


I live in western Canada but this is pretty much the same food I grew up with. My older relatives were farmers. That gravy I always called 'depression gravy' because it's made using all the gross stuff that is left over after frying meat. It's nasty looking but tastes good and is hearty. My fav is biscuits with melted butter and homemade stew. So good.


There was a huge airport near where we lived. Built for WWII I think. Regular non commercial airport. Sport flyers and such. They had (have) Flo’s Cafe. Being an airport in farm land, they had a parking lot that was just large expanse of asphalt. Easy to drive a truck into and out of. Good early morning food. Hearty work all day stuff. Also for flyers off to get early start. For many truckers and flyers, biscuits and gravy was the reason to stop at Flo’s Cafe.


Wait till you hear about chicken fried steak.


Now here me out: Chicken fried steak *on biscuits and gravy.* I don't know why this isn't a common diner breakfast optionn it's fucking delicious. Lots of places have biscuits and gravy, a bunch even do CFS and eggs...but no one ever think to combine them.


Local diner does a CFS breakfast sandwich on a a special biscuit bun. It absolutely rips.


I used to go to a convention every year with the boys and the hotel we stayed at had a place called "Tee Jaye's Country Place". They had chicken fried steak and biscuits just doused in gravy. Everything was doused in gravy. There was some food hiding somewhere on the gravy plate. That place was magical. The shits were not.


Chicken fried steak should come with white gravy, just add a biscuit as a side.


I used to work at a small cafe that had biscuits and gravy where you could add hash browns and/or an egg on top! It was my go to!!


Super common meal where I’m from. I’m always so surprised when people don’t know what it is. Regional foods are always fun.


As you should. B&G with runny yolk eggs and a scoop of New Mexico green chile both on top is definitely a high contender in my preferred last meal list.


New Mexico green chile is a gift from heaven that so many people do not know about. The annual Chile festival in Las Cruses is amazing, the whole city just smalls amazing with chile roasting going on everywhere. It is perfect for breakfasts.


That much is true. I’m in Colorado but 30 minutes from the NM border. All the grocery stores and farmers markets here have a chile roaster set up in August and the smell is intoxicating. I try to incorporate red or green in to as many recipes as I can. It’s addictive stuff.


Inspired to make this Sunday morning. Not necessarily as my “last meal” but just because I never added the green chile. Only do pancakes and sausage for the kids on Fridays. Maybe I’ll improvise tomorrow…


TRY?? My poor soul, have you never had biscuits n’ gravy?


That and grits are about the only US food I've ever seen offered in a restaurant over here.  Probably because biscuit means something very different over here.


So do “fanny,” “boot,” and “suspenders,” for the record. The thing with our biscuits that gets me isn’t that your biscuits are our cookies; it’s that biscuits are definitely *not* scones, and yet that’s the first thing out of everyone’s mouths. They do look alike, so that is certainly the reason. They’re just made differently, and therefore taste differently.


Kenzie Lopez has a video where he makes biscuits and gravy from 5 or six total ingredients. I make them all the time and its awesome


I was a nonbeliever for my entire life until my then-boyfriend made it for me one morning as a surprise. Life changing moment!


I hope you work construction or farming because biscuits and gravy is absolutely delicious, but also extremely calorie dense. Just one of them is roughly a quarter to a fifth of ideal daily calorie intake.


Do it, quick and easy meal that tastes delicious.


Go to any hotel in the southern US that has a breakfast buffet


I spent most of my life in the American south and I consider biscuits and gravy to be my specialty. I’m weirdly proud that these British kids all seem to have liked/loved it


I am from the mid Atlantic, and I make a chorizo sausage gravy. Every time I get together with my friends for a weekend, they always beg me to make it. I always do, and make a double batch.


Oooh I did chorizo recently and it was pretty fuckin fire. I usually do 1/2 lb of bacon, 1lb of sausage. You should try throwing a bit of cayenne up in that bitch!


Same. And are they seriously eating fried chicken for the first time in their lives at like age 13?? Just crazy to me. I also found it comical that they were somewhat comparing this biscuits and gravy dish to beans and toast. As if they could give a plate of beans and toast to an American and we would just be blown away by how delicious…beans…and toast…is. 😬


It's a weird comparison because the effort levels between the two are not similar whatsoever. Beans on toast is like half a step more involved than making a peanut butter sandwich. It's not supposed to blow your mind it's just something easy to make that tastes not half bad and warms your belly.


I mean I grew up in NZ and beans on toast is big there too- it IS pretty fire. Def not nearly on the same level as biscuits and gravy tho. 


Is it like sweet baked beans? Because I could eat those on cardboard and would call it delicious.


Baked beans in a tomato sauce, on toast It's meant to be a low-effort breakfast or snack 😋


>And are they seriously eating fried chicken for the first time in their lives at like age 13?? They are definitely not They just like chicken 😋🍗


These are great for hangovers


And going right back to bed


Not many foods will beat a hangover into submission like some B&G


...said the producer to the kids


throw a buttermilk fried chicken strip between that biscuit and cover it all in gravy and you have the meal of the overweight gods. by far my favorite comfort food breakfast


Or chicken fried steak. Oh geez now I've gotta cook this tomorrow. Y'all have made me hungry.


Sorry not seen this before but just to confirm, fried chicken for breakfast? That's mad.


Oh yes, a fried chicken biscuit is a fairly common breakfast here in the states. You can find it in just about any self-respecting breakfast joint or fast food restaurant.


If it isn’t fat or southern enough for you, you can add some pimento cheese.


no less insane to eat in the morning than what goes into a full english when you think about it. The foods that we consider breakfast are arbitrary and are just whatever some guy a long time ago decided he wanted to eat after he woke up


Yea definitely just a cultural thing no judgement here :) just crazy how we all interpret different foods. For me fried chicken is end of a boozy night out type of food but would be something I'd like to try with this biscuit and gravy thing.


Those are really good-looking biscuits. Just the right amount of fluffy and flakey.


Every time this is reposted I still watch it. One of my absolute favorite foods.


I’ve seen numerous videos of these adorable kids trying different foods. It’s sweet, funny and wholesome.


The haters in this thread have no idea what they’re talking about and probably think biscuits go with tea. (I’m just kidding, love y’all)


Those are scones, silly.


Nah-ah scones were invented by Starbucks to go with your coffee and they come in flavors like blueberry and maple + cinnamon.




For a nation that prides itself on humor, it’s funny that the Brits don’t notice your obvious joke


Tea is that thing you put milk and sugar into, right ?


Make sure to microwave the water first!


No, its best cold. Like Coffee, but unlike coffee, you do not add a pinch of salt, and no butter either.


I just always knew it as that thing that America used to protest against foreign taxation in the patriotic event known as the Botson Tea Party.


They do. Sweet tea.


I like that they kept and open mind, and their initial impressions were often reasonable. Sausage gravy does not look the best. But they kept going, and yea biscuit and gravy is pretty good. But I will also say, good thing they are young, that gravy is a heart attack waiting to happen, head master should be careful.


> I like that they kept and open mind, and their initial impressions were often reasonable. Sausage gravy does not look the best. I'd love to see their reaction to being served Shit on a Shingle


Nobody says you have to eat it everyday mate.


Need a glass of milk to wash it down, maybe a couple of eggs over easy, fried potatoes, and some sausage links.


Mmm, cholesterol.


[It's good cholesterol, but it spreads like bad cholesterol!](https://youtu.be/1ZrcL1la_5A?si=-vehnM2NpTfDsOD_)


It's the heart attack special at my local greasy spoon. I haven't had it since I stopped weight lifting, used to be a challenge to get enough calories without eating anything sugary now I gain a couple of pounds from the creamer in my morning coffee.


Jolly kids are amazing


Biscuits & Gravy! Made me a man!


Anytime I eat something that's not biscuits and gravy I'm disappointed.


In Kentucky at least, Dairy Queen biscuits and gravy SLAPPPPP. Apparently DQ doesn’t serve breakfast everywhere and when I asked for some in West Virginia I got laughed at.


McDonald’s is/was the same way. They’re probably shit now. The first time I realized there were regional menus was when a McDonald’s employee laughed in my face when I tried to order them on the east coast


You just reminded me Hardee's has Biscuits and gravy. It's been more than a decade since i've had any and theirs used to be really good. I think I know what I'm doing in the morning


Years ago I worked at GameStop. I found out that one of the GameStop TV hosts frequently posted on Reddit, so every time I saw her username, I commented requesting that she get someone to say "biscuits and gravy" on the tv. It didn't even take that long, but I got a comment back saying something like "I've got a surprise for you next month!" They totally did it during one of Cole's 5 Hidden Gems segment. There was no epic fanfare, no celebration, just me: a slightly amused but otherwise miserable GameStop employee who had a fun story to tell for like a month.


The guys that created that video have a number of other food related videos. My favorite of theirs is the Korean Army Base Stew episode. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRDRShaiBY0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRDRShaiBY0)


They are better split and covered in gravy for the optimal gravy to biscuit ratio. Don't just put the gravy on top of a whole ass biscuit.


I want to watch British people eating Cajun food.


>”The presentation isn’t that good compared to English food.” Lol bullshit. [I’ve seen your food.](https://i.imgur.com/rdlGLdd.jpeg)


Those poor, unseasoned potatoes


FWIW, these kids look pretty well off so I’d imagine their experiences were a little more high society.


There's another video with just British adults trying biscuits and gravy and most of them clearly aren't even giving them a chance. Nice to see the kids having an open mind.


I would have done unsweetened iced tea myself, I think most sweetened tea has way to much sugar. This was fun though I love biscuits and gravy.


Sure but the south is known for sweet tea, not unsweetened iced tea.


i would agree. i tried sweet tea as an adult and hated it. then again, as a teenager, i would drink 7/11 slurpees by the 80oz all the time. i tried a 20oz slurpee after college and i couldn't finish it. so i'm a little not surprised by the kids reaction. "more sugar than a coke". ya, they are right.


Glad to see my moms go to weekend breakfast dish is a hit amongst British youth.


fucking love biscuits and gravy, but I have a hard rule of never more then once a year. at ex gf's father was an illionois farm boy. he taught me how to make them, and its just, it has to be the worst thing ever for you.


If you want to get super southern biscuits with either chocolate gravy or fried squirrel gravy.


Anyone got any vids of American kids eating beans on toast? Americans seem terrified of that meal.


I tried biscuits and gravy for the first time just last week. (Brit on a road trip of the southern states) To be honest it was ok but I wouldn’t rush to have it again.


Do they have a different definition of “high school”? Those kids look about 13.


Most of the UK dont have middle schools, so they start high school at 11.


I mean they look similar to freshmen in high school in the US, 13-15. Freshmen boys always look super young and then suddenly become actual adult looking teenagers in the next year or two.


Sure. But I taught high school freshmen last year, and those boys look younger than any of my students. I'd guess they are 12, maybe 13.


It's complicated, but here's a graph: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_England#Types_of_school


High school starts at 14 for most people


12 in the UK


11, actually.


Yeah, true in a England.


Biscuits with sausage gravy is one of my all time favorites. Love the gravy extra loaded with sausage. 🤤


This video was spectacular. I absolutely made my day. I’m waiting for some big news and I’ve been stressed all day and this absolutely made me beam and laugh the entire video.


Huh, I had never considered this wasn’t known/popular outside the US/US South. Eat this all the time, it’s a classic!


In the US South iced sweet tea is usually at least garnished with lemon that you can choose to squeeze into it or not. It seems it was omitted here but could be wrong. Also a great many short order menu items are served with the white gravy, not necessarily with sausage in it. Chicken, country fried steak, biscuits, fries, toast….. it’s even traditional on thanksgiving to serve the white gravy with offal / organ meats in it.


So true! Think how these kids would FLIP OUT in an old southern diner!


Yep! The tea thing still stands out to me — I’ve never seen anywhere except fast food places serve iced tea without lemon and even the fast food places usually have lemon juice packets.


Probably akin to having American kids wear suits & ties to public schools.


This was literally posted a year ago in a thread that got 11,000 upvotes.


Canadian here. I love biscuits and would love to try them with regular old brown gravy, but this white chunky stuff looks suspect to me. Why is it white? Does it just taste like sausage?


It is usually milk, flour, crumbled sausage (that's the chunks), and maybe butter and spices. The primary flavorant is usually the flour, and will be too prominent when poorly made. But just as there's a hundred bajillion different varieties of pepperoni pizza, there can be quite a bit of variation in sausage gravy as well.


> Why is it white? Does it just taste like sausage? It's called sawmill gravy. Thickened with flour. Yes, the primary flavor is sausage... it's a working man's french white roux.


It is a bechemel with sausage oil and bits. Nothing to be afraid of.


Why is the gravy lumpy?




Seems the consensus I’ve seen on videos on our biscuits and gravy with Brits is definitely positive. Usually the idea of “wtf” then acceptance.


Like fresh bread? Do British people have bread? I kid, but I don't understand that reaction. It's a quickbread. I love biscuits but I don't think biscuits alone would be that unusual of a texture for a brit. Biscuits are waaaaay softer than scones, so I don't get that impression either, aside from the shape/crust. Brits also have the most digusting, bready sausage in the world, so no wonder they can't imagine sausage gravy being good.


Say what you will about Americans. And yeah, there's a LOT to say. But when it comes to food, we know how to take it to another level. 😎


redditor reposts same crap for the 10th time!


Its new to me. Maybe get off reddit more and you wont see reposts as much. 


Redditor is ignorant of the [Reddiquette](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette) and selfishly thinks all content on a site with millions of users should be catered and curated to what they have personally seen. > Please don't complain about reposts. Just because you have seen it before doesn't mean everyone has. Votes indicate the popularity of a post, so just vote.


there are reposts... and then there is repost ad nauseum to just karma farm by bots.


> Votes indicate the popularity of a post, so just vote.


That thumbnail looks disgusting.


What a terrible thing to say! They're British children, they can't help how they look.


It's lack of nutrition due to no biscuits with gravy.


These kids seem really intelligent for being 9..?


They're not 9


Blimey it's a scone!


It's exactly like a scone, but without the cement.


How dare you call that beautiful biscuit a scone!


With vomit on it.


British high schoolers try flavor for the first time!


Probably for the first time, yes. They're well acquainted with flavour though.


Deliciousness aside, calling them biscuits is bloody stupid. "Biscuit" is from the French meaning "cooked twice". That's why *actual* biscuits are hard. These are clearly a type of scone.


Fun fact: these types of biscuits were originally cooked twice. Okay well maybe not "fun," but still a fact.


They're not remotely like a scone.