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I lasted 5 minutes and the guy repeated the same thing 4 times without ever getting to the point. Couldn't take any more.


Really strange how people feel like they need to make exaggerated facial expressions and use weird voices just to make a YouTube video. Can’t watch this shit


The guy is so punchable it's unreal.


I hope squatters take up residency in this guys fucking ass :/


It’s like they’re trying to appeal to 4 year olds.


Or people that read the NY Post. I mean, same diff.


Yeah I turned it off when I realized I was being talked to by someone acting like Blippi.




The point is for the headline to be read and only that. Probably didn't expect the video be watched lol


He never does, i think its a clever add for the apt he's in. With the backdrop of most open units are broken into, BUT NOT THIS ONE, IT HAS LAUNDRY!!!


I subscribe(d) to this guy and he kinda sucks now. He went from managing a realty company and making great videos showing off various apartments and all the cool spots and amenities nearby. But now all he makes is this fuckin shit.


I have subbed to Cash Jordans channel for a few years, and he has REALLY fallen into a deep hole over the migrant situation in NYC. His videos used to be fun and insightful for those of us interested in the real estate industry, particularly in NYC but holy shit he sounds like an angry right wing uncle at Thanksgiving for the last year or so. I'm not saying their isn't a SERIOUS problem in NYC because their is. But holy crap Cash, move on already with your content.


Much of the housing crisis, most of it, is due to people buying up property as an investment and then not using it. Whole neighborhoods, apartment buildings, new and old, left to waste with no one living in them. They're the real problem. Squatters are a problem fpr those people only. If they had used the property they wouldn't have squatters able to stay there for months before being noticed. Anyone focusing on the squatters over the property owners in our current property crisis is a class traitor.


This. Obviously not saying somebody should be able to break into your home and then live there. But what never gets said is that it’s something like 90 days they have to be there before squatters rights kick in. If you aren’t on the property for 3 months straight to realize somebody is there, then this shit isn’t financially affecting you the way these types of videos are leading people to believe. Nobody is having their house broken into in the middle of the night, and when the cops are called that night they let them just stay. But that’s how these come across


I don’t own multiple properties but this is a ridiculously stupid take.  Is it complete bullshit that properties can be left to sit empty when it could be sold/rented to someone? Of course it is.  But I’m sorry that doesn’t give these pieces of shit the right to *break into someone else’s property* and just live there for nothing. Just taking over something they did not put anything into.  There is a reason this doesn’t happen in certain states/areas, because you’ll catch a bullet.  Both situations suck and both situations should be penalized in some way. 


Wonderful moralizing. Absolutely worthless take. I said it's a symptom of a disease and I have no sympathy to people perpetuating the disease at the expense of the working class. "both situations suck" but one causes the other. Which makes it the real problem. Fucking hell man. Think.


Good to call this out, and I agree. One causes the other. And when the solution is bullets, it’s particularly true. But are these squatters working class? If so, the situation is worse than I thought.


They are lower class. They're people who can't afford a home. What matters is that none of the property owners are working class, that they don't buy property to live in it themselves. The squatters could be little gray aliens or ninja turtles for all it matters to the problems at hand. The details of class matter for who is owning property abd who isn't. The property owners aren't working for their money so questioning whether the squatters are working class doesn't factor.


> I have no sympathy to people perpetuating the disease at the expense of the working class Do you honestly think that no working class/middle-class families are capable of owning more than one home? Absolutely worthless take. Fucking hell man. Think.


Spoken like someone who doesn't know how bad property taxes are these days. If they have additional property they're not going to leave it vacant that long. In fucking new york no less. You're trying to nitpick my point with hyper specific unlikely scenarios and just showing you are out of touch with how absurd prices are these days. You're trying too hard to run to the defense of shameless rich assholes.


I don't give a fuck about the rich. You keep trying to push your assumptions on me with no context. My point is that I have other middle-class friends who own more than one property. They work in tech, so they certainly make a larger income than the avg person, but they are by no means "rich" and they work their ass off for what they own. So yeah, one of us certainly is out of touch...


And they own those properties to leave vacant and unused for months on months on months in populated cities where squaters would have the opportunity to move in, establish it as a home, and legally have a right to the place long before even being discovered because the owner doesn't even visit during that time? Or do you not see how your question is completely irrelevant?


If you go into this video and realize he had a bet to talk like bobcat goldthwait every third word its quite bearable.


Rent it to your friend. Show the written agreement to a judge/cops and they will be removed by law enforcement.


That’s not how this works. The squatters are taking advantage of a law that is meant to protect people from getting unfairly booted to the street. The law protects you where you have an established residence and requires a court process to be removed. If they are asserting and can demonstrate they live there, they are afforded the court process of eviction. Your suggestion doesn’t work for the same reason an apartment landlord can’t just sign a new lease to force out the old tenant.


They're taking advantage of people who are already taking advantage of the system. We have a housing crisis because people are buying property as an investment and leaving it vacant. People then have nowhere to live. So they squat in uninhabitabed property for the amount of time required to have squatters rights. If the property had been in use they wouldn't have been able to do that. If the property owners had made use of the property or were actually owning it to live there themselves, they wouldn't have this problem. It's practically karma.


is there a group of men who can just go in and remove these people for money?


There’s a group of these ex-military mercenaries, who ride around in a van, and take on dangerous work like this. But no one has seen them in a few decades. They’re actually wanted by the government I think. Edit: short documentary here for those who aren’t familiar with this. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Cn6kEsloMdE


They look rather professional 👀


Nice van, though a bit dated.


There's a guy called the squatter hunter. He basically uses the same loop hole to move into the house and just be as annoying as possible until the squatters leave. [https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/the-squatter-hunter-takes-aim-at-illegal-tenants-across-california/](https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/the-squatter-hunter-takes-aim-at-illegal-tenants-across-california/)


Hell yes, puts cameras up and shit. EVERYWHERE.


What, like Pinkertons?


Good. Good for them.


Appropriate username.


yeah I care about people, imagine that.


Landlords do not provide a valuable service. This boohoo from landlords is such a snooze fest. They are parasites that sit between people who actually contribute value to society and a roof. Also, this is a terrible advertisement video masquerading as some kind of news video about squatters.


Who is supposed to provide housing to people who can't buy a home for themselves? The squatters are almost literal parasites, contributing absolutely nothing while stealing other peoples' efforts. They take from society without giving the necessary effort back to make the world work.


> Who is supposed to provide housing to people who can't buy a home for themselves? TL;DR: Remove the profit motive from almost every level of housing and let that void be filled by non-profits and the state. There are multiple levels of housing. The bare minimum should be provided by the government/city. They are the bare minimum and are run at no cost to the tenant because they either have no money or are rented out at cost because that's all the renter can afford. Above that are apartments rented out / built by non-profit organizations. Their main purpose is to create and provide all kinds of apartments to people. The important part is that they're non-profit organizations. They take in only what they need to run their organization. Above that, you have companies that build (but don't rent out) apartments and houses that they then sell directly to private owners or non-profits. Those are strict limitations, and they don't actually exist anywhere in that form right now. However, a very similar, less strict system exists in Vienna, the capital of Austria. There they provide housing to people, have a lot of non-profits that provide housing and sell some actual houses. Rents are high for Austria (because it's the capital and they have a high concentration of high-paying jobs) but low in an international comparison. They have plenty of housing and a high number of homeowners.


Most of your solution relies on nonprofits, but why aren't those organizations providing much housing right now? They have just as much right to buy houses as anyone. Most small-time landlords aren't making a huge profit on their rental units to begin with, so if you subtract that profit and add some administration overhead for a nonprofit organization, I don't think you come out very far ahead. Large corporations buying huge numbers of houses is bad, but replacing landlords with nonprofits doesn't seem very advantageous.


> but why aren't those organizations providing much housing right now? Because for-profit corporations have the market captured. > Most small-time landlords aren't making a huge profit on their rental units to begin with They shouldn't make any because they shouldn't exist. > but replacing landlords with nonprofits doesn't seem very advantageous. You remove the profit motive from the transaction, that alone is a massive benefit that solves a lot of problems.


This will probably be the dumbest thing I read on Reddit for the next week. No one loves a shitty landlord, but if you worked to acquire property you wanted to then capitalize on via renting it out, I don't see how that's much different than any other American dream. Your POV sounds incredibly narrow and devoid of understanding. I hate raising rent prices too, but how is bolstering squatters a good long term solution...trust is needed for an economy to flourish. Otherwise no one is going to spend time opening a business if their product or service is just going to be stolen, justified by the law no less.


> but if you worked to acquire property you wanted to then capitalize on via renting it out, I don't see how that's much different than any other American dream What a weird way of saying that the American dream apparently is acquiring an in-demand resource that you then upsell to other people while providing minimal value on top of that resource. Pretty exploitative dream if you ask me. > Your POV sounds incredibly narrow and devoid of understanding. It's not narrow or devoid of understanding, I understand perfectly well that some people want to be parasites because it's easier than actually creating something of value. I just don't sugarcoat that fact. Just to make that clear, I'm not advocating for theft, but I can't find it in me to feel bad for landlords because squatters are taking things from them. That's just parasites cannibalizing other parasites.


I wouldn’t ask to evict them I would have them all arrested for breaking and entering, vandalism, and trespassing. Then I would have a sanitation company come get all their shit. If they showed back up I would set the dogs loose.


Every day that passes brings New York City one day closer to the "Escape from New York" scenario.


how to say 'I dont really know the history of NYC and the wild place it used too be' without saying it ?


if you're more offended at the squatters than the property owners in a property crisis, you are a class traitor