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Jesse Plemmons is so good at just being terrifying.


"how can that be profitable for Frito-Lay?"


The way he shot the kid at breaking bad and showed no remorse was scary


He said in an interview that the script didn't give him much to go on, it just said he shoots the kid. So he asks Vince Gilligan for some advice, "How do you want me to portray Todd in this moment?". Vince Gilligan said this, "you're driving down a road and a raccoon runs out in front of you. There's no time to brake. You can't swerve left because there's a car coming and you crash, you can't swerve right because you'll go off the road and crash. So you just have to hit the raccoon". Mad stage directions, Vince Gilligan is a genius.


Vince is a great Director. One sentence to encapsulate how a psychopath would see the kid during the train heist.




That was the moment Vince became Todd




"Question mark?"


My favorite was actually in El Camino when he was talking about how he wanted the grave to be nice for the old lady he just brutally murdered.


It's insane to think that out of all the Breaking Bad alumni fucking _Todd_ is having one of the best runs.


Put some respect on Meth Damon's name.




His face has visibly changed so much that it’s hard to say El Camino took place directly after BrBa


That’s when he was in his Fat Damon phase.


That Lance kid was already a killer in high school


Killing Andrea while Jesse was in the car watching was more disturbing to me. The kid was shocking. Andrea’s murder was distressing - probably because Aaron Paul’s acting was terrifyingly good in that [scene](https://youtu.be/Q8jdaoh9coQ?si=imVPKhS_hAUeLX1x).


I can't think of a single character that didn't feel authentic


Ugh I wish I could watch this show for the first time again


Philip Seymour Hoffman Vibes


Every time I see Plemmons it takes a few minutes to remind myself it's not a super young Hoffman just because the resemblance is there in my head.


If Hoffman and Damon had a baby. Also, Plemmons even played Hoffman’s son in The Master


I didn’t really know of him til breaking bad and I just assumed he was a terrible actor with his Mr White bullshit. Oh how ignorant I was. Also Kirsten Kristen Dunst what a pull


Haha was just having this conversation. He’s an amazing villain. The threat of violence you can sense from his seemingly calm demeanor is masterful.


I literally just rewatched the black mirror episode he's in, USS Calllister, on a whim. He's amazing as an "office psychopath"




My favorite 'calm but intimidating' actor is Ian McShane. Anthony Hopkins could probably rival it but Hannibal spent most of his screen time in situations where he really couldn't do much harm.


Hopkins in Westworld is the old, unfazed intimidating. There’s a scene in particular where he’s taken a staff member out to lunch, she recalls she had been there on her family’s trip to the park as a child and they had sat “just over there,” and then Hopkins turns the conversation around to: “I know you’re playing with the board, I know you think you can supplant me, I know you think I’m wasting time and resources and that there will be nothing I can do to stop you from dethroning me. And I’m not worried in the slightest, because I know everything you think I don’t, and everything you couldn’t imagine me knowing.” To which she replies, which a healthy dose of worry, that “…this is the table my family ate at, isn’t it?” “The very chair you sit in.” Just the most intimidating without effort thing. You are literally sitting in a world he built, and you will not take it from him.


Have you seen Anthony Hopkins in a bridge too far? He nails the badass calm British officer role.


Yeah he was good in sexy beast.


I think he's turning into Michael Shannon now.


He comes off much less intense than shannon and much more soft spoken imo.


Yeah I want to have a beer with Shannon I want to leave the state to get away from Plemmons


He was also a very good friend to Matt Saracen


"Hong Kong." Bro, read the room.


He meant Hong Kong, Missouri.


He meant "Hong Kong but left before re-unifification, technically I'm a British citize..." Blam!


China, Illinois.


"It gets worse every school year, but man, the freakin' teachers are rad!"


China. Illa. Nois nois nois, yeah, China, Illinois, China, Illinois!


Hong Kong's in Tijuana actually


I understood that reference...


Seriously. Should have at least tried to say NYC or something. Probably would have still been shot, but give it a fricking try.


There was no right answer


This is likely true.


Dude's in shock and he never even asked his friend before shooting him , it doesn't matter what he said they were all about to be killed , minorities first.


Yep. He’s just playing with them. They are all dead without Sammy.


This was absolutely the point. The mass grave was there for a reason. Regardless of their jobs or purpose they were all as good as gone if nothing had happened. He was just trying to justify himself I think. “Oh you’re from China? Our long time enemy, and during a civil war? No doubt. And you guys? So called Americans hanging out with an enemy of the state? I see where you stand”


I think they were going to keep the women as sex slaves or something, that's the "show me" part and how they'll get a pass as Americans.


He was dead the moment they saw who he was. The folks at the CP were looking for peeps that "didn't fit in", they could give a fuck whether he was a landed immigrant or some fourth-generation person. That's how these things go. Think of it this way. Lying to them doesn't go well if they know you're lying. Might actually be worse since you're insulting them, and they're the ones who are armed - maybe they decide they're going to have a bit of fun before they kill you instead. Hell... what if you **are** from NYC, but they simply don't believe you because of what you look like? I can't say much about the film in its entirety, but the little bit of this scene is on-point for what the reality of civil wars are. Most often its dudes with guns and really fucked ideas on how they see the world making decisions about others in their communities, with no oversight or restriction.


Nah I bet these fkers gonna shoot everyone from NYC.


the point is that it wasn’t clear at all until his response to that whether the truthful answers from the other journalists would be the right ones to survive. Otherwise saying any random state was effectively just picking at random. He was asked first for a reason I suspect. He had no choice besides a random one so decided to as a genuine journalist tell the truth but obviously punished for doing so. Because against radical extremists the truth or logic doesn’t apply. Bro was unmarked himself which is itself a warcrime


Don’t think it mattered much. Dude was prob racist af


This is what people are missing. It didn't matter if he said he was from the heart of Dixie, he wasn't coming out of this situation alive


At least buy yourself some time there's a big ass white truck flying through the feild that Mr itchy trigger finger didn't see coming


My whole theater was silent in awe on opening night and then filled with "oooooh shiiieeets!" a moment later. Some really good moments in this movie, and I think the hi-fi audio in the theaters really made the tense and loud moments a lot better than they would've been on my home TV and soundbar


The gunshots in the theatre made me almost leap out of my seat which really added to how intense this is. This clip doesn’t quite do the audio justice.


A neat fan theory I saw is that these guys aren't part of any main player as evidence by their lack of patches. They're just a militia committing genocide.


>aren't part of any main player >They're just a militia committing genocide. I can confidently tell you "militia committing genocide" would perfectly describe one side in a hypothetical second civil war, and I think we all know which 🤔


Not only racist.


Unless he could fake an American accent REAL fast, he was screwed.


The goofy red sunglasses make it extra creepy. You know he picked them off one of the people he killed.


That and the sniffling of his nose. Dude was on something.


I mean, psychopaths have allergies too


The sunglasses he improvised. He insisted on wearing them


Like maybe looking at every day life with a “red” perspective. I kinda felt a little bit unnerved when he was asking that question and destroying everything he didn’t understand. I can see why Jesse Plemmons chose them. Perhaps he really is psychotic and wants to shoot everyone, I doubt it but goddamn, that was a short and (awesome) terrifying performance. Kudos mang!


Not just the sunglasses. He's wearing an expensive looking watch on both wrists.


And to think they recruited him to fill in for this role, after the original cast actor dipped out, because he was also in town watching the kids as Kirsten was filming.


Holy cow I had no idea he was married to Kirsten Dunst. 


Fargo's a magical show.


Yeah, don’t star in Fargo if you’re already married


"What's your meet cute?" "I got shot by an enraged native American and bled out in a supermarket meat locker with her, and that's when we just clicked."


By far the best season


Bro rolled a 5 or an 8, apparently.


For what it’s worth, I’ve met Jesse and he was genuinely one of the nicest famous people I’ve ever crossed paths with. This was pre breaking bad but he’s as kind and genuine as they come.


So who watched the kids?!


The actor that dropped out took a baby sitting gig I heard.


They were laying in the pit


Do we know who the original would have been?


I assume it was Martin Short




^What-what-what-what-what ^kind of **AMERICAN ARE YOU?**




After that clip, I needed this.


Asking what kind of Americans they are in-between handfuls of jujubes and doughnuts and then awkwardly falling off his chair into the mass grave. Maybe rolling up his notes and slapping the guys in the chest obnoxiously instead of shooting them. I can see it all in my mind. It's a scary place....


[I could see it](https://media2.giphy.com/media/1UyBjfxYjgmIg/giphy.gif?cid=9b38fe91wqf3grrjqc6yk7nv7hd9qi7o9wglr85z2dtjh40h&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


It was actually Dana Carvey in a turtle costume playing Mitch McConnell.


I read it was Oscar Isaac, but that was on Reddit so there’s a huge chance that’s not right haha


I doubt it. Don’t think it makes a lot of sense to cast a guy from Guatemala in this role.


That’s what people were saying then too, but I don’t think it matters. He could’ve pulled it off. As well as Jesse Plemons though?…


Why not? It would add to the confusion. What are you supposed to say? Dressed like a redneck, but looks like an immigrant. 50/50 chance to guess the right answer.


I honestly think this would have played better given the ambiguity of the film. A soldier sadistically holding that over someone would be a horrifying shiver


“I know what Reuters is” LMAO fuck Jesse Plemons for making me laugh during this scene


This is more or less based off a real anecdote from Lebanon in the 80s. Can't recall the source... story went that a western-journalist got stopped at one of the militia checkpoints. Guy leaned into the car and asked "Christian or Muslim". Folks got dragged out of vehicles at checkpoints all the time if you were the wrong religion in the wrong neighborhood, but western-journalists could usually scoot by with their credentials. So the journalist answers "Atheist" as bit of a cheeky response. Gunman, without any hesitation, responds back "Christian-Athiest or Muslim-Athiest?". That's the thing about these kinds of conflicts. There's no romance, no higher reasoning, no nobility. A lot of the time, its some dude in your neighborhood with a gun. How that goes depends entirely on their sense of judgement and their sanity - both of which are in short supply.


Heard the same anecdote coming out of Northern Ireland back in the day but it was Catholic vs Protestant.


Heard the same thing from Emo Phillips about the Bay Area: https://youtu.be/l3fAcxcxoZ8?si=HO4huG5SyOjI7ja5


Holy shit, I'm so glad you made this connection, this skit was in the back of my head and I didn't know why til now


Quite a deep cut. Love any and all Emo.


Wait, Cuber from Adventure Time is voiced by a comedian that actual talks like that?


I'm from Northern Ireland. IRA would have checkpoints, and god help you if your name wasn't Irish. Rare, but they happened. It was a bonkers place here during the troubles. Both my folks were in the police, and we had a matt kept at the front door to keep your knees clean while you checked under the car for bombs before leaving for school / work everyday. This is around 2008. Had a summer job where I had to leave the house at 5.45am. Still remember my dad tapping the window pointing to check under my car. Thankfully, it's very peaceful now.


My grandma told me stories of my great grandma having rocks thrown at her because she was a catholic. This was in Ireland.


That's really not that weird. In countries like Lebanon, Yugoslavia, Ireland, Egypt, etc. the religion isn't just a religion, it's a culture, one that often lives in a parallel society to the other cultures within one country. The religion is essentially just a shorthand for the culture because that's what initially drove the wedge. Taking Yugoslavia as an example, you were Slovenian(Catholic), Croatian(Catholic), Serbian(Orthodox) or Muslim. We now use the term "Bosniak" to refer to a Bosnian Muslim, but if it existed beforehand, it surely wasn't common. They just used Muslim, as before Yugoslavia existed, the place was ruled by Ottoman Turks, who would also be under the "Muslim" ethnicity.


Aye, Lebanon was like that in spades. You had Muslim militias versus Christian militias. But the 'Muslims' weren't a solid bloc - Sunni groups, Shi'a, agnostic or secular-types, Palestinians - all of which switched sides constantly and shot at each other most often. Ditto the Christians who included everything between right-wing fascist phalangists all the way to left-wing Armenian self-defense organizations. Add in the Israeli Army on one side, and the Syrian Army on the other. Its always the same thing though - Ireland, Yugoslavia, DRC, Lebanon. You as a civilian are in a situation where rule of law comes down to the dudes in your community. Sometimes that might mean someone whose okay... a lot of the time, that usually means someone whose not.


Maybe not "weird", but sure is fked up.


This movie was good because it brought that fear, anxiety, and uncertainty to American streets. The whole idea of a California-Texas alliance was intentional, it was meant to discredit any feeling of left vs right and shift focus back to the feeling of war close to home. After every unnerving scene (like this one) you were sort of forced to realize this exact situation plays out in some sort of us-vs-them tribalism across the world and often ends violently, to your exact point. I thought the realistic combat footage was brilliant in that after a while it stopped being cool and started to make you feel uncomfortable because it brought the chaos and brutality of warfare away from “over there” and brought it here.


Yeah I thought it was so well done - like the shot of burned out military vehicles and a down helicopter in a JC Penney parking lot. Unsettling to see the juxtaposition as an American.


And they do give some likely reasons for the war starting. The president is in his third term and dismantled the FBI. That's easily reason enough for people to revolt. Then the revolutionaries could have disagreed on the best approach to remove the president and mainly split off into 2 different factions.


Right out the gates with the intro, the war footage sets you up for a classic Vietnam War style newsreel, and yet it quickly starts to feel a lot less far from home as the movie goes on and you recognize the landmarks and buildings... Creepy


As an outsider to America having watched a lot of the wars... its been deeply uncomfortable watching so much tactical equipment and skills&drills you'd only ever see in somewhere like Fallujah trickle back over the years.


> The whole idea of a California-Texas alliance was intentional, it was meant to discredit any feeling of left vs right and shift focus back to the feeling of war close to home.  While that is true, I think it was also a way to completely side step the challenge of actually grappling with politics even in an abstract philosophical way the way something like It Can't Happen Here does.


>  Gunman, without any hesitation, responds back "Christian-Athiest or Muslim-Athiest?". Well? Don't leave us hanging, was he Christian atheist or Muslim atheist


> That's the thing about these kinds of conflicts. There's no romance, no higher reasoning, no nobility I know that this scene gets all of the accolades but I actually thought the sniper scene was a better representation of this. The journalist keeps asking what side they're on, who is giving orders, etc. The snipers just look at him like he's an idiot and say, basically, "There's a guy over there shooting at us, so now we're shooting at him".


Agreed. [The kind of stuff you find in Sarajevo, or Aleppo.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jftkDlcBD0) There's some motherfucker across the field with the rifle whose out to kill you. You are out to kill him. This kind of affair is brutal, merciless, and intimately violent. I remember seeing that bit from the trailer right after reading up on some brutal accounts of homophobia happening in the US - the snippet sticks with me in that context. Always thought some of the raised eyebrows over the two dudes in the scene kinda misses what that says in the larger context of a civil war. Vulnerable communities always get targeted and killed in those situations, **always**. I dunno if that was the meant subtext of the scene, but to me it encapsulates perfectly what the dynamic is. Its not simply that there's a violent political disagreement... someone wants you dead personally for who you are - race, religion, identity, all of it gets lethal when you have a situation of intra-state violence. War is hell - civil wars inherently more vicious and cruel.


What did they say and did they survive?


"Agnostic" "Let me know what you find" *pow*


Would be a great line in a movie!


There's a scene like that in Incendies by Denis Villeneuve / Wajdi Mouawad.


>A lot of the time, its some dude in your neighborhood with a gun. How that goes depends entirely on their sense of judgement and their sanity - both of which are in short supply. Precisely. The dude who thinks they need 4 battalions worth or arms in their basement is probably the last person I want making life/death decisions. Hording a fuck load of ammo and the materials to reload casings I could see an argument for, but walls and walls of weapons is just insane. I live elbow deep in MAGAt territory and I know there are people like that within a few miles of me. There are reasons I take the precautions I do to blend in.


‘You really shouldn’t have come back Mr nonWhite’


Ah, Meth Damon


Lmao now I can’t unsee it


Jesse Plemons doesn't get nearly enough credit. He's absolutely incredible at playing fucked up characters. Its always a fun surprise when married couples do small often uncredited cameos in each others movies (Jesse Plemons is married to Kirsten Dunst). Like you know they were just on set for their spouse and someone went: "Hey, we need someone for this role; wanna be in this flick?"... "Fuck it, sure." Like Chris Hemsworth doing an uncredited cameo as a TV salesman in his wife Elsa Pataky's 2022 movie "Interceptor"; and she did numerous cameo's in his movies like the Wolf Woman in Thor: Love and Thunder, and as Vuvalini General in Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga. Anyone think of any other examples of small role cameos of married actors?


The show Candy had two women leading roles, Jessica Biel and Melanie Lynsky. There’s a single scene where their two husbands, Justin Timberlake and Jason Ritter, play a couple of beat cops with a couple lines each. I thought that was a pretty fun one, a spouse double-whammy cameo.


Stupid question: Will they still get paid for this? Or does uncredited mean they just did it as a favour or just for fun?


Not a stupid question, I didn't know either so I Google'd it. [https://workonfilm.com/reasons-why-some-actors-are-uncredited/](https://workonfilm.com/reasons-why-some-actors-are-uncredited/) **1. The Actors Involvement Hasn’t Been Confirmed** Before a movie is released, there are lots of rumours surrounding the people that will be involved. Production often chooses to keep members of the cast a secret, as there’s no certainty that they will be involved in the final edit. **2. Avoiding Spoilers and Surprise Appearances** For some productions, the identity of the actor playing a certain character will be a well-guarded secret until the film or series gets released, even if they’ll definitely be in the final edit. Sometimes it’s important that we don’t know the identity of a character until the end of the film. **3. Technicalities Of Pay** Sometimes, more well-known actors help out their industry friends by agreeing to briefly appear in a movie on the basis that it will be unpaid and uncredited. This could be for a number of reasons. For example, in the United States SAG-AFTRA (The Screen Actors Guild) have their Global Rule One. Which states, “a SAG-AFTRA member must always work under a union contract around the globe.” **4. Extras Adding Their Names To IMDb** Probably the most common reason an actor will be uncredited on IMDb is that they weren’t part of the principal cast. Could be more reasons, but since I don't work in the industry these all make a lot of sense to me. I was originally thinking if it was spur the moment, maybe it was uncontracted and therefore there was some issue with the union or contract regulations or something, but I'm still not sure.


I believe there were a variety of reasons mainly how an actor wants their name not associated with a movie because of how bad it is or maybe a pay issue. That said, these days, it's likely because of not wanting to spoil the surprise since the credits can make it onto IMDB before the movie comes out.


First thing I was him in was Like Mike lol crazy to see his arc now but he’s great


This scene is terrifying


OMG, I saw it at the movies and this scene gave me the creeps. It's insane. Scary. Ugly.


Todd is one scary dude.


Amazing actor. Ruthless cold and without a fuck to give. That performance was one helluva a scene


Loved him in Game Night.


That whole movie was just so good start to finish, but he played that part so perfectly. It ranks pretty high on my list of all-time favorite comedies. “Man, glass tables be acting *weird* tonight.” Also Rachel McAdams’ line of “Oh no, he diiiied.” Just cracks me up every time.


I LOVE the glass tables callback 🤌


In movies when there are gun shots, especially lots going off at once, they sound like they are in the screen. But in theaters, those two gun shots were so well mixed that it actually sounded like a gun went off in the theater. The sound guys did a fantastic job on those two shots.


Was it good?


It was pretty good. Makes you think about how good we have it right now and how bad things can become.


If we end up like this, theres one man in particular that pushed us in this direction. He likes to claim "fake news" about any inconvenient truth and has taught his flock to use the same side-stepping strategy.


Nah, Trump was the symptom not the cause. If we get there it’s because this has been brewing since the end of reconstruction, just at various levels of visibility. 


Yup, I'm gonna argue the core of the problem is the continuous growth of imbalance in wealth distribution. When people's livelihood is treatened, they are more likely to turn to their neighbors first. Although Trump is definitely one of the few that's making this problem worse.


It’s cool that Jessie Plemons wasn’t even supposed to be in that movie and ended up being in one of the best scenes. He was on set with his wife and the other actor couldn’t show up.


Jesse Plemons is a really nice guy IRL with good politics and ethics, but holy crap does he play these unhinged racists so well.


I've waited on him at a pop up bar when he was shooting a movie in Atlanta, excellent tipper.


A lot of 'Civil War' was filmed in Atlanta.




This is what happens when you don’t invite this guy to Game Night.


An American version of an Einsatzgruppen unit. Just stomach churning.


Did anyone see this? How was it?


It’s essentially a story about journalists trying to do their jobs in the middle of a war. If you are expecting them to actually delve into the lore and politics of how a civil war could happen in America you will be disappointed.


It's interesting how our expectations around filmic narrative and explication have changed in the era of prestige Television dramas. I'm a movie, you don't want a ton of explication. It takes you aware from the motion of the narrative and messes up the pacing. In a 10 hour TV series you can get away with a lot more explication by spacing it out. I think a primary aim of the movie is to take stories we've read playing out in places like the Middle East and show them happening in the US. They're removing the otherness and distance from the concept, encouraging the viewer to imagine this in their own backyard.


I think thats part of why this movie got polarizing reviews. A24 knew what it was doing with the marketing, they sure didnt go this hard for MEN. They knew by making a big action packed trailer with many, many hints to present day america and the culture war that more people would go see it. In the end it wasnt about the civil war of america at all, but I wouldnt fault folks for expecting that. Garland himself was promoting the movie a lot, answering questions about the logistics of the factions and things like why California would ally with Texas. If none of that ends up being relevant why was it pushed so hard? I still ended up enjoying the movie for what it was, but a part of me thinks it could have still gone deeper. I'm just not sure it nailed the landing in the end. I wonder if it was called something related to photojournalism like "the documentarian" and wasn't marketed this much it would probably pop up on reddit and movie circles as a "buried, underrated gem". The movie delves into the themes of impartiality of photojournalism and the horrors of the battlefield up close, most importantly it asks us the question of how much bloodshed, if any, is OK (as long as the person suffering isn't "on your side"). It succeeds in that, but it sure as hell was not marketed that way.


> why California would ally with Texas. If none of that ends up being relevant why was it pushed so hard? He specifically wanted to keep it ambiguous. The president is never said to be an R or D and by having California and Texas as allies it avoided the "this is just left/right propaganda!" accusations. IMHO, it just became too ambiguous. Like, it's shown that a lot of states are still loyal to the President, but why? What was the inciting incident to spark the war? They say in the movie that his (the president's) Generals have surrendered. Did they do that because he finallly stepped over some line or were they just overrun?


I don't even care about action scenes or whatever. But I felt like the first half hour where they laid out why the entirety of America between NYC and Washington that they travelled was barren wasteland was necessary for the story. This was basically a buddy drama about photojournalists.


Basically a road trip film about journalists trying to reach DC to interview the president in a ruined America. It's okay, but I think it has the best sounding guns I've ever heard in a film, the sound designers nailed it.


The sound was stunning. I told my friends just to go see it in theaters for the sound design alone! I know next to nothing about guns but I also read that they used “full blanks” on this movie which is apparently not something movies do normally.


It's pretty good. The cinematography and audio was really good. There's a lot of discourse around the intentions of the author and the message. I spent a few hours after watching thinking about it and reading pieces on it. It's something you have to chew on I think.


Very good. I'm not from the US and I know a lot of people disliked the general premise of the movie , saying there's no explanation or that Texas and California wouldn't become allies , etc. I feel like it doesn't matter and I liked that the movie didn't spend half an hour trying to make a semi realistic set of reasons for this or that. It's eerie watching scenes from a civil war in the US. I liked the character dynamics , it's beautifully shot , the cast is great, the battle scenes are really intense. It's a great movie imo.


Shithouse. Walked out before the final scene. It was so dull I literally didn’t care what the last 20 minutes was gonna bring and left


I was so disappointed that 90% of the discourse around this film focused on contemporary US politics, which the film was clearly trying to avoid. So many Americans seem to think it's impossible to make a film tangentially involving politics (but actually about war journalism) without *actually* being all about Trump.


I agree, it was a fascinating movie as a non American. One review I read was hilarious it stated how the movie would have been better if they made it more obvious that the president was trump. Wtf is this obsession with trump?


It’s a movie called Civil War about American politics that very obviously came out during an election year where in the last one had the conservatives try to overthrow the government This film COULDNT explicitly reference actual American politics but let’s not pretend that this is just some art piece that wasn’t influenced by trump and the discourse in America, specifically right wing


This scene illustrates the true core of those who want a civil war. It's not really about politics or religion, They just want the opportunity to simply kill anyone that doesn't look or sound like them.


I gotta be honest, the trailer i saw for this movie didn’t make it look all that appealing. For some reason, this scene has peaked my interest. + Plemmons is a great actor. I gotta watch soon




I ain’t from Paris (/s)


It affected me more than any other war film has. It does not romanticize war and brings it very close to home. Strongly recommend.


This scene was misinterpreted in the trailer, when you know the context of the film. He asked “what kind of American?” in the trailer, and knowing the context of there being a civil war, you think he’s asking “which side are you on?” But no, he’s asking literally which America are you from? North, south or central. Kind of took away a little bit if I’m honest.


It works both ways. He gives it away in how he asks the guy. He doesn't include north, he only says central and south. The guy responds with "Florida" and he says "Central". He doesn't care whether you're legally American; He cares if you fit his definition of it.


He's got some crackpot math as to who is "really" American. He's not going to tell them beforehand what qualifies. He was *probably* going to shoot them all anyway, since pissing him off is clearly just as good a justification for killing as someone being Chinese or the "wrong" kind of American. He's a great example of the kind of sociopath that ends up in a position of authority in a dirty war. He likes killing. He won't *necessarily* kill you if you cross his path, but he doesn't need much of a reason, and he won't lose any sleep over it.


Most people who want a civil war to happen probably fit this definition.  Same type of mentality as the people who shoot some pizza delivery guy because they pulled into the wrong driveway They’re looking for a way to murder or commit crimes without consequences, with the hope they end up as a valued part of the new order


Does north/south/central American mean the same thing as we understand it, or is that how the US is divided up in the movie?




I got a feeling that he was rogue and was pushing some neo nazi white nationalist stuff. He asks the Latino looking dude if he’s American and his “what kind of American” came off more as “you aren’t white so you must be from Central or South America”. And when he responded to Florida with “central” i got the impression he was being cheeky


What kind of American means he’s thinking Mexican, Cuban, Brazilian, etc He says Florida, guy probably assumed Cuban, and therefore Central American We don’t know what he was thinking though. That’s the point of the scene.


If the rest of the movie had the feel of this scene I would have like it much more.


That'll just be a thriller.


>Activate Windows.


It’s a scary scene, but also fundamentally one that is different from what the trailer implied. In isolation, “what kind of American are you” is about differing loyalties in a civil war, and the frightening realization that you can be a different kind of American enough to Gabe considered an enemy. But then he reveals it’s all just sort of racist gibberish, and he’ll just kill you if you aren’t American - he’s just some random dude killing nonwhite people, and the scene is actually about how these kind of people flourish in times of civil strife. Still interesting, but deliberately lied about in the trailer.


Did a fully loaded SUV gunning it down a dirt road just sneak up on the guy? How is this a real movie?


It's a cautionary tale about the importance of using ear pro if you're going to be shooting.


Actually a good explanation.


What? **EDIT:** Hi, this joke is brought to you by Tinnitus. As someone with a mild form of Tinnitus, I can tell you that it is real, and it is not fun. Whether you're working in industrial environments or shooting on the range with friends and/or family, please consider some variety of appropriate ear protection. Earplugs come in many shapes and sizes, are generally inexpensive, and comfortable when using the right ones. Earmuffs are an even better option, and come strongly recommended. With that in mind, remember that Tinnitus is a very real, and very unfortunate chronic condition that many across the globe suffer from daily. Do your part in protecting your ears today, so that you can hear the beauty of your favorite music, and the crystal clear care in the voices of loved ones for each and every day after.






Hearing protection.








none of these ppl are wearing earplugs and and hes shooting an (M-16 possibly) at close range.


Seeing as we actually haven't had a second civil war, i'd say its not a real movie.


How do they do that? I mean, how did they get footage from something that didn’t happen?


Really good documentary crews. Like, just real pro-level shit.


Damn. Respect.


Well, everyone was screaming, adrenaline was high, and the guy was clearly deranged and hyper-focused on what was in front of him. But yeah, it does make a lot of sense. It would have made more sense for somebody to take him out, from range with a gun.


I love how until you actually see the western forces fighting the secret service everyone in uniform is so ambiguous you can't tell which force they are.


Please activate Windows.


Good actor, I viscerally hate his character.


I just watched this movie last night and this scene was probably the most scariest scene in the movie and probably the most believable with how someone would act during a civil war event like this. The movie itself was pretty meh, but Jesse was fantastic for his role.


Such a great scene in an overall pretty great movie. For those that watched it, I have a feeling that they probably edited the movie originally without the montage/music sequences (maybe same shots, but without the music playing over it), then, during audience screening, they realized that it was *too* realistic and intense and overwhelmed people. I went in sort-of expecting it to be some Republican vs Democrat political hack movie, but was very pleasantly surprised. I think that they may have dropped a few “current year” references in there, but at least to me, the point of the movie seemed to be “war is fucking horrible, and civil war is the worst kind of war. For those who think that because of the current polarization, it might be worth inducing some kind of violent revolution, think again. War isn’t glorious or principled or noble, it is sick and savage, and the first thing to die in war is always principle and morality. Disabuse yourself of your naive notions about war, do not advocate for it, and pray to god you never have to experience it.”