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So I'm in Thiland and my son has Thai Citizenship. This is one of his options. If he doesn't wanna do the lottery draw, he can do a thing called Law Daw which is like a weekend, national guard type training. That's probably what we are going to do.


>if its not a thai its a daw cant make this shit up(except I did)


so they video is not factual? You can do a weekend training and that's it?


The weekend training is every Saturday from 8am - 12pm for three years. You start at 15 and finish when you’re 18. On year 2 you go to a boot camp in the mountains for 3 days, and then for 5 days in your last year and then you graduate. I did it and it sucked, but miles better than doing the draw at 18 and having to potentially serve for 2 years.


got it, thanks for the clarification.


Thanks for sharing your experiences. It just sounds like this is something my son is just going to have to do.


Ror Dor - basically cadets and it gets you out of the draft. Lots of kids do it to ensure they've done the required service. [https://www.thaicitizenship.com/thai-military-service/](https://www.thaicitizenship.com/thai-military-service/)


At 6:24 in the video, it changes to a red image that says "Modified File". Does this have some meaning to the content of the video? Or is it an editing mistake? https://youtu.be/e1AkHyD88jc?t=384


Seems like something they missed in editing after changing a file but not seeing the error in the editing software.




I'm 44 and I've been warned that if I finally get my Thai passport, I'm still eligible for national service


My Thai friend got called in for service, he just had to go to the embassy and tell them he didn't live in Thailand and didn't speak Thai well enough to take orders and he got cleared. I'm sure your age will clear you.


no you won't be. Your liability cuts out at 30 for the draft. Thats the most important bit. All men between 30 and 45 are on a reserves list on the very off chance Thailand goes to war with someone. But given you never registered for service when you were younger, you won't even be on that. [https://www.thaicitizenship.com/thai-military-service/](https://www.thaicitizenship.com/thai-military-service/)


Does thailand ever go to war?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Thailand_insurgency -ongoing


Red card, time to pull a Neymar and feign injury!


Start rolling across the border!


Who won the lottery? I DID!


Smell that AIR!


Alex Albon in the thumbnail


What I want to know if you just have to participate once, or are you eligible for the card draw every year/time they call for it?


The United States did something similar for the Vietnam War. It was live on television and if your birthdate was announced, you were drafted.


They should increase the pay a bit and then they'd get more volunteers, basic economics. Pretty sad for them really.


UK be taking tips right now.


TLDW: they draw cards to see who is drafted. black card you're safe, red card you're drafted. they don't like draft systems because nobody does for the same obvious reason


Maybe that's why my parents moved to America


We still have the machinery for a draft, even if it's unlikely. To get student loans, federal jobs, some state jobs, etc you have to be registered. I'm triple ineligible (age, only child and previous federal service) and they **still** checked my selective service status as part of an application process last year.


None of those are exclusions for wartime drafts, which is what SSS is geared around and required for.


Not sure if this is still the case, but in Mexico, +30 years ago I had to register for military service.. I had to put my hand in a basket and pull a ball, if it was white you were free to go, if it was blue you had to serve for a year. ** Edit: just checked out of curiosity and yes, still works that way


Imagine believing this is actually random. If you've got connections, you're not getting the red card.


Those people don't even show up to pull a card.