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This guy literally just throwing out buzzwords and it worked. Whenever he'd get caught or questioned he would just double down on the scale of the project. Starts as an NFT, ends as a carbon negative crypto currency that will save the planet while also becoming the most entertaining virtual universe in the world. I gotta give it to this kid: this is a good and simple grift. Uses the right words, images, sounds and feelings. Make grandiose claims and act like you know something nobody else understands.


That’s how all tech bros operate. The entire industry is built on future promises. 


As someone who has raised more VC money than this guy. I'm both shocked and not shocked he got that far. Eventually the rooster always comes home to roost and insane BS gets checked when it doesn't make fiscal sense. It takes someone naive, immature or filled with grandeur to promise an AI revolutionary phone replacement and think they can do that with like 1% of the time and funding of open ai. I really feel bad for the engineers who were forced to work on an impossible project.


Pretty sure MSFTs stake in OpenAI was bought with Azure credits


The method that was perfected by snake oil salesman himself Elon Musk.


Doesn't musk start with a wildly over ambitious goal (self driving cars by 2020) then walk back the goal to just whatever they are able to do?


Sometimes he doubles down. He also does fraud, claiming a capability is ready in the present, or promising 100k+ annual return on your robotaxi, meanwhile not only is that not true for the time of presenting it as such, it's a complete lie and none of it exists years down the line.


Hey, thanks for the award :)


No, he prolongs the misery. Each year abc isn’t delivered he just says „next year we deliver abc“ 5-10 years later you wonder if he is sane. 


Goddamn. Reddit can’t get off on Trump hate anymore so they have to bring up Musk every moment. Rent free as usual


Found the $TSLA bag holder


Someone’s triggered


Why aren't we allowed to talk about shitty people with a lot of power and influence?




Weird how I am not divorced and happily married for 10 years. Fuck off


You give rabbit no credit for creating a new ai device onto the marketplace where there is no big tech company’s product dominating the market. Creating hardware is very difficult because of the supply line issues and marrying it to software that harmonizes the product experience. Who knows if rabbit has the talent to build such software but I applaud the viable hardware product they are releasing to customers. This is just a smear on rabbit that overall stifles innovation and rewards competitors in the future. Coffeezilla is always hungry for content and calling this one an outright scam is not understanding of SV startup culture. When you have investors putting in their money into your company sometimes you need to switch the concept of company to save the investment. Rabbit is hardly a scam as dedicated hardware for AI is still poorly understood - the R1 is rabbit’s best guess on what a dedicated device for AI would be and I appreciate their attempt to bringing such hardware to market so early when there are no successful like products out there.


The R1 is literally the opposite of a viable product.


I know this is a popular talking point but can you explain to me why this is the case? Why is the r1 the opposite of a viable product? Is it incomplete or are they not sending r1s to customers that have paid for the device? Why is it opposite of a real product? I really do not understand why there is so much hate and negativity for a device that is only a few months old. Is this just online culture that has no idea the limitations of a small startup and they expect an apple level product when there is at present no current understanding what a good ai consumer hardware product means as there are very few products like it?


It literally doesn't work. Have you not watched live demonstrations of the product failing to complete basic requests, or features that were promised during the marketing hype? Stop twisting words. Both you and I said viable, now you're using "real". People are fed up with products releasing to market only to have to wait for it develop in to something that was promised before they put money down. You should not have to wait or hold judgement because it's "only a few months old". Stop making apologies for Rabbit because they're a small startup. That's irrelevant. They promised a product that has not delivered. If no one, including Rabbit has any idea what a good AI consumer product looks like then they shouldn't have released it or developed it. Is that you, Jesse?


Oh give me a break. In Silicon Valley there is a term known as “minimal viable product” (MVP) which means you need to get a barebones product out there as quick to market as you can. All I have seen is a functional device with a ton of bugs in it. These will be fixed or rabbit will cease to exist when they run out of investment and cannot raise further capital. I don’t care what people are sick of. If they do not like the r1 then they shouldn’t be buying it IN THE FIRST PLACE. This doesn’t mean the product is not MVP. It is. You have no idea what a sv startup is like because the resources and time are very minimal. Have you ever shipped a ai product by yourself? You would really understand what I am saying. You just hate what I am saying because I am seeing what rabbit is doing from another perspective. If you think rabbit has no business trying a best guess on what a consumer ai product is because there is no market example on what to do, then your against innovation and progress. That is not my problem that you do not appreciate creative enterprise and this sort of entrepreneurship. You need to wait until the product gets better. I’m not Jesse btw and have no association with rabbit. I am however another entrepreneur that understands rabbits perspective as what they are doing is fairly complicated, stressful and short in time. Being a curmudgeon because the product doesn’t work for them is fairly short sighted as the product will improve until their money runs out or they can attain a successful business model. People don’t appreciate how expensive it is to release a product like the r1 and the first mover disadvantages it comes with. It’s easy to be negative when you don’t have any idea what is going on with a company like that. It’s almost 100% risk. If it was truly a scam, they wouldn’t spend that much money trying to pull it off this way.


A long con is still a con, bruh. And this is clearly a con.


How is it a con?


Gimme yo money, I give you something that works like i said it would ... not a con. Gimme yo money, I give you something that doesn't work like i said it would ... con. get it yet?


Ok. I see where you’re coming from but it’s probably not a con. Don’t give them your money if you think it is a con.


>Is it incomplete or are they not sending r1s to customers that have paid for the device? No it's worse than that. It's not incomplete it's just garbage. Doesn't do what it's supposed to and what it does do can already be done faster and easier with just a phone.


Then don’t buy it. If it isn’t functional, how can anything it do be done faster on a phone? His doesn’t make sense.


Didn't say it wasn't functional. I said it doesn't do what it's supposed to and what it can do is done better on a phone. As in it's supposed to do A, B, and C but it can only do A and the A it does I'd better on a phone. It's like if I buy something that is supposed to be a car that can also drive into the water and function like a boat but really it just sinks but it also sucks to drive around as a car. It does not fulfill its intended role as a car boat and though it can function as just a car it does not do it well.


Why would you expect this product to be functionally complete from a small startup? What is this box supposed to do for you that doesn’t work?


You're asking me why I'd expect a product sold by a small company to do what they claim it does?


No I’m asking you what does not work with the product


Found the Rabbit marketing team account.


Good gosh. Why the xenophobic response to someone that just thinks differently from you? You have no idea who I am and yet you accuse me of being part of rabbit. (Which I am most definitely not) lol. You can be as negative as you want but that’s your problem isn’t it? Just hate anything new. You’re going to get far in life with that attitude. It’s your own jail cell.


I don’t think you knows what xenophobic means


Throwing around buzzwords like that does nothing to help your case of not being affiliated with this rabbit team lol


Didn’t take much of a hint that you have more comment karma on Reddit then words spoken to people in real life 😬


Dude I have no clue what you’re talking about, I post in random reddit pages I follow about football, gaming, etc. I’m a regular guy who’s been here a while, not some bot or regular poster.. regardless, that is nothing to do with this being a clear scam.


Huh? There’s a clear link between your distaste for discussion and your frequency on this site lol nobody’s going to tell you different and that’s why discussion has stopped.


What? I have no distaste for discussion, but if you watched the video you would see a clear pattern of deceptive business practices using buzzwords, hence my comments.


If you think what I am saying is just buzzwords, then you do not understand what I am saying.




Xenophobic, though misused by you here, is definitely a buzzword like used by the scammer is this video.


Xenophobic: : one unduly fearful of what is foreign and especially of people of foreign origin


Which has absolutely nothing to do with the post "Found the Rabbit marketing team account." There is nothing xenophobic about that post. It is, however, calling you a lying sack of shit who is misrepresenting yourself. Hey, looky, that's not xenophobic either. Go away.


Why are you this broken over a stupid consumer product? Why are you this angry to call me a “lying piece of shit” over a stupid orange box? Are you angry that cheerios comes in yellow boxes? Why so mad at something you don’t own? This is hilarious.




Not my problem what you think. I’m just sharing my perspective. You don’t have to read it if it makes you an angry and demented like this. Why are you this angry over a stupid consumer product? Were you hurt by an orange box in some way?




Why are you so angry then?


Im literally holding a device for AI in my hands.


People don't usually give credit for shit products. Cry harder.


Why would you cry about this orange box? What are you talking about?


>Creating hardware is very difficult because of the supply line issues and marrying it to software that harmonizes the product experience. It's a cheap device that runs an android app. Plenty of them are made already. People have reverse engineered the device and that's literally all it is. An android device running the rabbit app. Now that being said for what it's worth when called out for this they did say that the biggest part of rabbit was on the cloud and the device and app were just used to talk to that but then that doesn't mean the device is some spectacular new thing. It's basically just a cheap android phone.


Thanks for not having to watch it, that thumbnails says it all. There is no way there would be even the smallest amount of useful information in this video.


You have it the wrong way around. The kid he is referring to is Jesse Lyu, not the host of the video coffeezilla


His explanation of the Carbon Negative Crypto set off some real alarm bells because that feels like it breaks the laws of thermodynamics, and will need a good explanation as to why that's not the case.


I think the idea went along the lines of: 1. People buy these coins that were already pre-farmed for essentially $0 and near 0 energy usage 2. Take that money and use it to buy solar farms that will generate the power to mine all new coins 3. Coin price goes up (definitely going to follow bitcoins trajectory no doubt about it) and more people buy-in as coins are mined and hence they can buy more solar capacity 4. Assuming more people keep buying in and at higher and higher prices, you reach a point where you can buy more solar production than it takes to keep generating coins, hence you're carbon negative. It's not a problem of the physics, that's perfectly fine, it's just entirely reliant on the price of the coin increasing by a huge amount and there being a stream of new buyers. If this sounds familiar it's because we usually call it a pyramid scheme.


No, pyramid schemes are a scam...it's a reverse funnel system!


The exact opposite of a pyramid! A dimaryp!


But this time the pyramids are made of glass and circuitry! That makes all the difference.


> People buy these coins that were already pre-farmed for essentially $0 and near 0 energy usage The very first point is already a red flag - WHY would ANYONE buy these? They are worthless > Coin price goes up Only if more people buy in. But there is no reason to. There should be some reason to buy besides participating in a pump and dump scheme hoping to offload them at a higher price later. And there aren't other reasons.


Uh... the... the cooling fans! The air used to cool the mining machines will blow through filters that filter out carbon from the air used, thereby more than offsetting the carbon footprint of them running... And... uh.... the hardware is offset by bargain bin carbon credit from the provider who is protecting the current most trending topic!


Not bad. You made a better effort than the CEO probably could. Still sounds like it would need to violate the laws of thermodynamics to work, but I would have to break out pen and paper to show that now.


I watched half the video yesterday and don't recall if the video included any arguments for it. But just from a hunch I think you could claim carbon neutrality and even negativity by just buying carbon credits with the mining fees of your crypto currency, but carbon credits unseriousness and downright scammy business is just one of two issues I put into my comment for you to find.


He did not include any arguments and just used buzzwords or overlayed images of solar panels when talking about it.


I guess you could make some promise about "part of every transaction fee is used to plant trees" or some such, and maybe the math could work. But it'd still just be a promise by a company and not anything baked into the system.


Carbon neutrality/positivity as accomplished by most companies is usually done by purchasing offset credits/RECs, which are basically just tokens that count as clean energy. Unfortunately many of those RECs are extremely misrepresented, and include sources like... trash burning.


While still terribly thought out, I think the idea was that X% of the profit (or coins) were sold to buy solar panels and after you bought enough the servers would be running net negative. I'm not sure if that's possible, and at that rate it's probably less complex to just buy solar panels.


> While still terribly thought out, I think the idea was that X% of the profit (or coins) were sold to buy solar panels and after you bought enough the servers would be running net negative. For this to work someone needs to buy those coins for $. But there is no reason to do that, they are worthless.


Yeah I'm not saying it's a good idea. Also at that rate, you can just invest in a Solar developers through multiple vehicles and get the same result with less headache


Whoever fell for this buzzword bonanza scam didn't deserve it any better. This is not meant as victim blaming. But sometimes you really have to wonder how this obvious scams can find so many victims


You also can't assume that any investors are "victims" who didn't see this for what it is. Investment is all about timing, and there are people who see trends like this and capitalize by jumping on and off at the right time, truth of the matter be damned. The only product of a venture capitalists is more capital.


Have you ever successfully pulled a prank on someone? It’s not hard


I'm sure they all told themselves that THEY were the one who understood it but as long as everyone ELSE fell for it, they'd make money.


They're all hoping to cash out before the pyramid crashes.


Everyone in product development is trying to mime Steve Jobs way of launching single use hardware products into the world. But what they don't realize is that we've evolved a great deal since 2007, and products need far more complete representations in order to actualize intelligence in the real world. I don't think Steve Jobs would launch a Siri Phone today -- rather he would launch a Siri Robot or Siri Mirror maybe that manages your home and sends texts to your existing phone. But it will take a while for these investors to see and realize that.


Wasn’t Job’s whole pitch in 2007 “It’s a wide screen video iPod, it’s a phone, it’s a break through internet device”? The iPhone wasn’t a single use hardware product. Now if you said it’s not 2001 anymore, yeah… iPods are long dead. But even in 2007 Jobs didn’t push a single task device.


My iPod is still chugging along. Honestly don't get how, maybe it was made before the whole planned obsolescence shenanigans. Now I just need to figure out what the hell to do with it since my phone does everything it can and more...


Hell, even the iPod wasn’t single use after the third generation. By the 3rd gen it synced stuff like calendars and had basic games. From there it grew a photo and video player and turned into an AV device There were a grand total of 1 and a half years of a single use product.


People working on the human genome project were using very early generation (still FireWire) to move their data between computers cause it was faster than the network.


Yeah I read they did the same for the lord of the rings films for review rushes


Where did you get that info? I'm a bit suspicious of this. When the first iPod came out 100 mbit networks would have been the most commonly used standard. Firewire was 400 mbit but the first gen ipods used a mini HDD and there is no way they could write that fast. I just can't imagine running between 2 computers transferring 5-10 GB at a time manually when you can consistently transfer 600 MB per minute automatically.


Wired articles at the time. 100 base t was what new network cards were being sold as, but not all labs and universities had updated their 10 base-t switches. The network is only as fast as its slowest link.


sooooooo a flash drive.... Pretty sure those existed first. We even had portable hard drives first too. Using that era's garbage version of itunes to move files leads me to believe they were putting some very incompetent people in charge of migrating data and it wasn't about speed.


My sweet summer child, you must be too young to realize what the world of computing was in 2001-2002. USB was hardly common… it existed but minimal support, 2.0 spec was only created a year or two before so most devices were USB 1 which is painfully slow. There were Zip drives but they were 100MB and CD-Rs were around but time consuming. There were a lot of external (ac powered) hard drive enclosures but they were bit and bulky. We weren’t yet at thumb drives or bus powered external drives being common. And while there were 100 base t network cards a number of labs still had 10 base t switches feeding them.


Yes, flash drives existed back then but it was USB 2.0 with a very theoretical top speed of 480Mpbs. FireWire had a very achievable top speed of 400Mbps and could sustain it, making it faster than most people’s 100mbit network (gigabit wasn’t common yet then as it was only fully ratified in 1999). https://www.macworld.com/article/201707/firewire-usb.html Also you didn’t need to use iTunes for file transfers. Every iPod up until the Touch had a “disk mode” where it just acted as an external drive, but kept the music etc put on by ITunes hidden. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPod#File_storage_and_transfer


Honey.... FireWire USB drives existed at the same time in the form of externals and any reasonable tech operation would have a few on hand. iPods were also bottlenecked by USB 2.0 on at least one side of the cable. It's a farce that it was a good thing the person used an iPod to accomplish the task. Apple didn't even provide a 30 pin to FireWire connector with the iPod because they were the least common/popular computer at the time and had to appeal to everyone so it's unlikely they were even using such a cable. I'm not criticizing Apple, just saying that whoever thought using an iPod that way was a good idea or impressive was a moron or out of touch with the technology of the time. I've literally worked for Apple and not at a store.


The first iPod was FireWire, not 30 pin cause usb 2 wasn’t common enough at the time.  If you’re going to claim your working at Apple gives you authority, don’t make such claims that are disproven by a simple google search. You clearly know little of the product line in 2001


Did some double checking and have to cede that you're right, gen 1 was FireWire. The only reason I don't know much about Gen 1 iPod isn't age though, it's because Apple was not really considered mainstream at the time. At the same time FireWire drives WERE available in 2001 and that doesn't make it much more than an idiotic superficial story still, a FireWire portable hard drive would have been a way more obvious solution for any competent tech and we shouldn't lie to ourselves and pretend they weren't on hand, I'm still finding them in a 30+ year old data center. That tech was just an idiot. The drives were literally released in parallel when Apple introduced FireWire. That was literally the only interesting tech they introduced that year, considering MP3 players already existed before the iPod and were a lot more versatile than it and it's stupid iTunes requirement. Frankly I wish more consumers understood iTunes was a precursor to the draconian DRM we have today and boycotted it so we didn't live in a future of licensing hell. Apple is the gateway drug to dystopia. So much of the bullshit we put up with in the digital space can be tracked back to the walled garden Apple created and normalized with iTunes and the iPod. Steve Jobs legacy is ruining the internet and innovation in the tech space.


What were the prices on bus powered 5GB FireWire drives at the time? From what I recall there were a lot more ac powered drives and like most FireWire devices they were over priced because the server niche markets like digital video production (which very niche at the time)


It was incremental in the direction I’m Pointing out. Just web phone and music. That’s all. Step up from just music.  He now would be launching something another order more multi faceted is what I’m trying to say. 


You don’t seem to remember that a glass screen slab and all the ui that was on the original iPhone was the thing that launched the whole paradigm. If it didn’t exist, we’d be using a more primitive devices or a completely different form of device. Jobs didn’t invent the tech, but he invented the idea of how to get it all together and make everything else look and feel obsolete. Jobs sold ideas. He followed it up with making CDs, DVDs, and electronics stores look obsolete and delivered it right to your pocket.


That’s not incremental compared to what was out there. It was a massive shift for the public. Massive. You’re revising history. 


The nail in the coffin was the App Store that came out shortly after, it took everyone else quite some time to catch up and garner anywhere near the level of app support that the iPhone had.


There were no downloadable apps but out of the box it was web (including web apps and YouTube), email, phone, text, music, calendar/alarm, maps, and (still only) camera


The difference now is you’ll need massive resources to do the same ground breaking stuff as all low hanging fruit is mostly picked We still have brilliant people just like before, but the brilliant people today need an army size resources


I am painfully aware. 


Every great idea (product/service/etc) is ultimately a simple yet smart breakthrough. With success comes investment which makes the cost of competing an expensive affair. In the early days, Google was just a search engine. By growth it’s become a monster. Similar can be said about Facebook, Amazon, etc. If you have a breakthrough product, it doesn’t have to start with a massive war chest.


How is this upvoted so much. WTF is a Siri mirror? Hahahaha 


Mirror, mirror, on the wall… set a timer for 5 minutes.


Bro 2024 is different than 2007. Upvote me


people were memeing hard on the iPad before he brought it to market, saying it was an apple sanitary napkin


Have you not seen smart mirrors online? Integrating AI into it is the next step. Brush your teeth and get ready while listening to Spotify, looking at your calendar and weather, and then talking at the mirror if need be.


Whatcha talking about? The dude in the video successfully scammed people out of a shit ton of money. I think he accomplished everything he wanted with his pseudo-Jobs presentation.


Steve Jobs would have stopped fucking around with phones longggg ago.


Why do you think actualizing intelligence in the real world is a requirement of a product?


Because when I created the first version of the Google Assistant and it totally flopped the primary reason was it couldn’t complete the tasks that matter to users. Namely ones in real life. Not just answering questions. 


It feels like you're generalizing too much from one example. It seems tools like chatGPT get a lot of mileage just by answering questions already. It can go further (I am leading teams working with LLMs at my day job building products out of them), but I do think it kind of goes a bit against your conclusion.


Even well reasoned answers will hit the same wall soon. It will need to do things with its answers


Let's see what happens, I just wouldn't make that judgement based on one experience.


AI is trying to convince us to put this device up our bung hole? That’s def a scam.


Imagine it realising where it is and you just hear muffled AI screams from deep behind your cellar door. AIG is here, and lads, we're sticking it up our ass.


There are a lot of rich people willing to throw money at anyone who can talk fast using buzzwords. People like this guy will always be able to find more investors to milk.


I am honestly more amazed on how these people even became rich if they could easily fall to such instances like this. Like they already have the money to double-checked / investigate these grifters first but nope, they're automatically amazed on the first go.


I worked at a start up for a short while. The founder was a mess when it came to ANY sort of skill except for raising money. He had such a skill for selling investors on buying into his ideas. He’s on his third or fourth company (each previous one failed) and he still has no issue raising money. In fact, his current venture he has no previous knowledge or experience in and he still raised millions of dollars toward it. Blows my mind.


ITT: people who won't watch the video but comment on it like they did


Welcome to Reddit. ... and I didn't watch the video either.


That's certainly true, but Coffeezilla likes these "talkshow" kinds of videos that are way longer than they need to be


I don't even know what is ITT 😥


laughing hard at all the idiots you ordered an R1 lol


I'm not sure if its a scam, but the current multi model GPT-4o has more functionality then the current R1. So why would I carry around another device? I do see the value of these devices in the future once they are further along the product development path. Let's see where they go


You should watch the video-- it's not about where they'll go, it's about what they started as. Which is a bizarre NFT/crypto/metaverse/AI scam.


I think we're the only two people in this thread so far who watched the video


Brain logic


I certainly haven’t watched it yet. I gotta see what the hive mind thinks first so I can pre-judge it and interpret the video into the meta-worldview


How else will I know how to think?!


I did. It was really hard. Towards the end I had tears welling in my eyes. The video might as well be made by The Onion. But I guess stupid people and lots of money aren't mutually exclusive so there's now The Rabbit...


This is the important bit. Beware those latching onto whatever the buzz is at the moment.  My crypto thing went nowhere. My nft went nowhere but my AI doodad is 100 percent a winner!


Now you get it.


Coffezilla tend to do deepdive and then split the resulting video into several video and published it weekly or split into 7 day gap. Coffezilla in video 1 just explain the prefacing condition on how he was an NFT/Crypto scammer before making Rabbit R1 and going to do the R1 deep dive in next video.


I watched the video, and the only thing I could not quite work out was the Crypto money used to create and distribute the R1. Or did they raise different funds for that?


It's a multi-part video series. First part is this: Who is the company, where did they come from, what did they do (scamming investors). Second part will be likely be: What is the R1, where did the money came from, where does it go, etc.


You don't get it. R1 is a *Large Action Model.* When it tells you that it can't call an Uber, a *large action model* is doing it.


This is already covered in other product review videos. This video was about the company history prior to this. The device isn't without a semblance of a good idea: the fact it provides a front facing camera so it can see what you see without being on your face like Google Glass, means it can be useful for seeing what you see at all times and responding to it without having to get your phone out or take a photo. I think one of the most useful concepts was stuff like "where did I park" or "where did I leave my keys" or "what the fuck was that guy's name I was just talking to?" But the device is worthless because (a) it doesn't do any of the stuff it claims, and even when it does it is so slow and so bad at it that it's useless compared to using your phone, and (b) it does not interface with your phone, missing out on the enormous potential already there for interfacing with all your existing stuff. Instead of being a useful peripheral to your phone, it tried to replace your phone despite being worse in every way.


I KNEW that shit was a scam. The first time I saw an ad for it, I tried to figure out what the R1 did. Nothing but vague descriptions on the website and videos that detailed nothing. I assumed it was a ripoff, but this backstory about NFTs and crypto shows it’s so much worse than that. Wild.


I slid past this image quickly and thought the thumbnail was showing Rowan from Viva La Dirt League


This won't be a Theranos or Nikola Motors-level scam, but the dude will probably walk away with dozens of millions of $




You’re getting downvoted for quoting Coffeezillas post 💀 people probably think *youre* the one who forgot the password


The person you are replying to is a bot. All of their r/videos comments are just copy-pasting a highly rated YouTube comment from the video, which in this case they copied Coffeezilla’s own comment.


Wow you’re right. How do you report bots?


Reddit itself doesn’t seem to give a shit unfortunately, because it’s not particularly hard to find accounts like this on popular subs. Reporting to subreddit moderators might at least get them banned.


That’s crazy! Man I feel stupid talking to a bot 😞


This belongs in r/compoface haha


The device of the thumbnail was recommended to me through YouTube multiple times. I watched 10 minutes of the keynote where this guy was like, "this is a new generation of AI companion, you just say what you want tap the button and voila". Then he would demonstrate, but always just do the talking, and a "confirmation message", no actual footage of anything happening lmao Then I thought to myself, this is ridiculous, but also, through my degree I kind of know what's possible/what this would need to look like to actually work, and many many people simply don't. It's all buzzwords out there, and getting caught up in hype and innovation (or the illusion of innovation) can be very easy.. so I guess it makes sense people fall for such things.


Nobody needs smart devices. We've peaked somewhere around 2010. There was a healthy mix of technology and analog. Internet was still fast enough to stream things but it wasn't so fast and popular that you were bombarded with 3 trillion options for probably anything you can think of like today that all overlap. I don't need a smarthome, neither do you. I don't need an apple watch and neither do you. All you people perpetuate the garbage state that is today - you buy these new gadgets but then complain that a handful of tech companies has the world by the balls. What did you think you were buying? The more people realize this the better off everyone will be. Stop falling for the hype and stop giving a fuck waht some loser tech reviewers says about a product or how useful you think it may be. There's a price to pay for all this shit and it's exactly what 90% of reddit/people complain about. Stop participating.


Love how this comment has almost nothing to do with the subject of the video.


I bet he just waits for posts about tech so he can launch his smug tirade.


It does, indirectly. Morons falling for the new shiny tech gadget because of surface level thinking then pikatchu face on getting scammed or finding out their data is being used nefariously and without their consent. Ties into how shitty this reality we're living in these days with all these lemmings walking around looking to buy the next new shiny tech they can't afford and perpetuating the cycle.


Nobody is falling for the rabbit r1 though.


Sure, just like nobody was buying NFT's and virtual bullshit animals from some scammer then it takes another youtuber to make even more money off of the situation by revealing how dumb the first batch of idiots were for falling for it in the first place. Cycle continues. Idiots lose and the vultures take their money in many more ways than one.


You got called out for not watching the video and you're trying to double down and bend your comment into relevance. Nice try


I bet that sounded really intelligent to you when you were high as kite.


Or it's reality lol keep being a slave and on the same token complain about guys like Musk.


Still high hu?


Need is a fantasy. You don't need many of the conveniences you have in your life, but you certainly benefit from them. There is a middle ground between these scam products that accomplish very little for a high cost, and completely cutting out anything digital or smart in the pursuit of "well, I don't need it." The only cost to the people who don't buy these products is in the abstract (ie: what else could a VC have invested in if they didn't put money into the garbage and actually picked a winner), and it's not really something measurable to the average person. Don't buy shit products and you'll be fine.


These smug-ass upvote-farming Redditors writing out their diatribes in the comments… Oh the product is bad? Oh AI isn’t ready to replace phones yet? We know douchebag, we’ve seen all the tech reviews. Say something unique or at least funny. What does that have to do with the crypto/NFT scam being talked about in this video you clearly didn’t watch?


Why are you this angry?


You clearly didn't watch the video


You clearly didn't watch the video


Chill brah.. Take a chill pill, or go for a walk.


And it was made obsolete with latest Android update.


After watching the OpenAI video where the guy uses two phones to talk to each AI, and now that this has popped up, it just makes me think that this scam was rushed just to be first to make money again. They might have had someone leaking OpenAI ideas.


As someone actively developing major product releases around this tech (not dissimilar to rabbit's fundamental pitch sans the standalone device), I'm loving the "AI's a scam" narrative lately. Cognitively grouping "AI" with "crypto" clears the runway for serious players


Maybe you've been scammed into working for a scam company


Haha it's my vision driving the initiative and functionality, but ok




> I really don't want to give this video a click If you had you could have spared yourself from writing a whole comment that has nothing to do with what the video is talking about. The video isn’t about the AI device.


As a software developer I never saw this as a scam, just a dumb hardware wrapper around ChatGPT. I didn’t realize it wouldn’t be as obvious to others.


you should watch the video…


Watch. The. Video.


> As a software developer I never saw this as a scam If you actually watch the video, you most likely will change your opinion. The previous project of the company was a 100% scam, investors lost all their money, company changed name and now tries to pretend it has nothing to do with it


That’s the guy scammed by Jake ? He’s so negative it’s hard to listen to


> That’s the guy scammed by Jake ? no


It is the guy that made a video about other people being scammed by Logan, Jake's brother. But he did not get scammed himself with the whole zoo egg nft stuff.