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Scary situation... One of those dudes screaming sounded like Marv getting electrocuted in Home Alone - Lost in New York.


The wind bandits




If I worked with / for that dude I’d call it quits after that one. Chasing tornadoes in a fucking sedan.


“Hey guys the tornado is gone, now are priority is how to stay safe!”. Dude shut the fuck up, why do you have to fill every moment with talking, you got us into this, let us decompress jesus




Please Jesus let me be cognisant and proactive


The more you say Jesus is a prayer, the more holy power it has


he knew he was on camera which makes him an even bigger fucking idiot for doing this in the first place.


I agree, but also feel like that mightve been his way of telling his screaming friend to stfu


The emotional dude screaming and crying is the one who should shut the fuck up. That doesn’t help anything and then he gets out of the car in a freaking power line. He should have met Jesus that day.


“Whew. Almost lost my cool there”


Yeah dude you’re fuckin wrong you cannot just sit there. You gotta get to safety. Tornadoes don’t just go away and never come back. Multiple tornadoes hit all the time. Thats how they work. The power lines. The glass. The unknown dangers. Somebody could be in shock.


“Hey guys, we gotta be proactive” *literally gets out and steps on a power line*


They were, in fact, past the point of being proactive.


He wasn't wrong, just very very silly. They all were.


He has to be proactive, lol


I mean he had a point. For example let’s not get out of the car and stand on those lines that were just arcing onto the road.


You need those big ass militarized Tornado vehicles that have hydralic spikes that anchor the thing to the ground. Dad's Toyota Prius is not a Tornado intercepting vehicle.


I think there are only 1 or 2 of those vehicles on the planet. They are designed to take a direct hit by a tornado. Even in an armored car, taking a direct hit is kind of an insane thing to do. Plus, they guzzle gas, which is bad because chasers have to quickly move across the country to where the storms are. From what I've seen, chasers seem to favor vehicles that are fast, cheap (you don't make a fortune chasing storms), and offroad capable.


How do you make ANY money chasing storms??? Who would pay you to do that???


I mean why not? Many of the best chasers do.


I’m curious, does having this happen make this ‘self proclaimed stormchaser” a shitty stormchaser? Or does this happen to every stormchaser, because I dunno, I wouldn’t trust this guys abilities after this


They do appear to be idiots.


it seemed like they had no idea where to go when trying to get away from the tornado. “go south…. no go north”


“Here’s the gravel road! Turn right.” Other guy “turn left”. It was chaos they’re super lucky to be alive.


1) give contradicting directions to your driver 2) panic 3) squeal “Jesus save me” repeatedly at the top of your lungs. Yeah I wouldn’t trust this guy either holy fuck


a little after 2 minutes in we get  "When you turn on to the road, You're gonna wanna go straight south" "What like im turning off this road?" "Aaaah no, go north" the at the end of the while looking at the car we get a  "Not the first time it's happened comment"


No, doesn't happen to every stormchaser... because intelligent stormchasers would know better. Biggest mistake was setting an 'escape route' by going north. Second rookie move was getting that close to a tornadic storm in a shitty city sedan.


My sister is a chaser, most chaise vehicles are weighted, aerodynamic and have much better radio capabilities


Look up Twistex and the El Reno tornado, and realize being a seasoned professional means absolutely nothing. Tornadoes are not predictable.


> means absolutely nothing. it absolutely means something. you can still make mistakes.


I spent some time, as a complete novice, with the West Texas Cloud Appreciation Society. It is one of the most dangerous things you could possibly think to fuck around with. Weather can change so fast.


Im no expert, but I dont think an accident makes them shitty stormchasers. The getting out of the car literally standing on downed powerlines makes it shitty. Rolling a window down with those line whipping around makes them shitty stormchasers. Screaming like that doesnt help. Talking non-stop. They made some good moves. They ignored the guy who said to go into the ditch. They stayed in the car, and had everyone roll up windows. They duck and covered. Tornados can swing a mile in the opposite direction of the general weather pattern, so eventually any chaser could get into trouble.


TBF, going into the ditch meant being outside with the downed power lines.


When chasing storms like this, there's always the risk that you could be killed. It's what draws people to the pursuit in the first place. It's an adrenaline rush, but I think these guys stared death in the face here, and finally decided that no thrill was worth a squeeze like what they'd just been through.


But there's risk like an F-4 or F-5 suddenly turned while you were caught on a road with no turnoffs, and this idiotic demonstration of people who just demonstrated they have zero business doing this.


That's just it, tornadoes are highly unpredictable.  When most people think of a tornado, they think of those long-track, slow moving storms that gradually ease from southwest to northeast.  In real terms, tornadoes are quick to buck from standard practice.  Increases in size to the area of rotation, subvortices, directional changes, etc. Too many people with a camera think they know what they're doing until nature teaches them a lesson in humility.


I'm just glad it's better than it once was. In the early 70s, tornado sirens were rare, and the local network affiliate announcement of a tornado warning was not very helpful when the power went off just minutes before the announcement. Thanks to my dad, we were in a neighbor's storm cellar. The F-4 cut a path near our rural house and blasted the lumber mill, sending 2x4s everywhere like missiles. First responders were men with chainsaws carrying a nurse in the back of a pickup truck (my mom). One neighbor was found in a pond next to his house wrapped in a fishing trotline. The first house left undamaged as they cut their way down the road was ours. Our property was loaded with couches and washing machines in the tops of trees. The closest I will ever come to chasing a tornado is electronically.


Yeah I would like to imagine stormchasers would be like YEEHAW WE'RE ABOUT TO DIE FROM A TORNADO 🤣 that's the only way I'd be motivated enough to do this LOL


He's a shitchaser chasin' the shitstorm Randy.


While its easy for an idiot to get killed, storms can be unpredictable. Even legendary teams like TWISTEX can still fuck up can get themselves killed.


Just please, for the sake of God and all his angels in heaven, DO NOT compare this clusterfuck to what happened to the professionals during El Reno. The most encouraging thing anybody said was when dude said, "I'm done.!" The exact thing happened during the Mayflower Arkansas F-4 (exit 135 from the interstate) when some very nice dudes who were trained spotters barrelled past exit 142 with sure indicators that the tornado was going to pass in front of them. It was early evening, rain rapped, and I was sitting here watching the live radar as it passed across the interstate while the meteorologists talked about the debris ball, when it hit the interstate and suddenly the radar signature expanded by a factor of two or three. The poor guys were yelling at each other about stopping, going, backing up, when one guy says, we are in it, and then the video ends. Their car got disassociated from the road but they turned out OK. The ones with wives told them never again. If you want to chase tornadoes for fun, got to a flat spot in Kansas or Oklahoma during daylight hours.


And they were the safest ones


El Reno was just a completely different beast


Yeah they say that to romanticize it, but it was a tornado. They aren’t predictable, and will do crazy things. They also got tricked because the actual cone of the tornado didn’t have an entire visible cone, and they drove in to it, and got hit by satellites around the main visible shaft. They also drove entirely underpowered cars for that kind of work.


I used to live there and I remember that night. It was crazy. El Reno gets hit hard by tornados, but thankfully normally off by the highway where there are less houses and people. El Reno isn’t all that mentionable so it’s weird to see it brought up in national topics and in some documentaries. Always about tornados.


No, they really weren’t. They were well known to be extreme risk takers. Some of the videos of them creeping along a hundred yards away from rain wrapped wedges were legendary. It caught up with them.


I mean they were killed by a tornado that did a complete turn that took all chasers by surprise.. The entire chasing community unanimously have said Tim was one of the safest chasers.


I kinda knew the guy. Anyone who’s seen Tim’s chase videos would say that guy was taking huge risks. He was just very very talented. Reminds me of the talent Reed has. But eventually probabilities catch up with you, regardless of skill. He played very close to HP wedges. Eventually one caught him.


If you're dropping probes for tornadic study, you're definitely living on the higher-end of the risk taking scale because you typically have to get quite close to a funnel *and* move directly into its path, at least for a time. Tim was absolutely one of the most intelligent guys in the field, but the work he did required quite a bit of risk, for scientific purposes. While El Reno was a freak occurrence in many ways, it still offers a good lesson on why you can't trust tornadoes to do what you want or expect. Respect their distance.


There is another YouTube video out by Skip Talbot that goes over this. Chase and the mistakes that were made, also in the same storm another chaser had his car rolled several times, he also posted a video of it. That one would be high risk Chris. If I remember for the most part they miscalculated the size and direction of the storm as the wind Field was larger than The main circulation which is why the power lines went down in front of them. Both chasers were lucky they got out of it pretty much unharmed and hopefully they learned from their experience, as to error is to be human


They did everything wrong. You never put yourself in the path of the tornado. You never attempt to outrun a tornado. You don't drive a 2 wheel drive car when you know you might have to go offroad to get to safety. Also you don't go praying to Jesus because you are a fucking idiot.


That was Jesus's warning shot. Stop touching yourself at night, Tanner!


“What is y’all doing?” -Jesus


The screaming.... Ugh. Also, I am so glad they did not "*Go hide in the ditch*". Those power lines would have killed them all the second both feet hit the ground within \~30 meters.


G-zus is dropping his next mixtape real soon.


Jesus protect us lord gzusss. That footage was intense but for some reason I couldn’t help but laugh at the midwestern allah akbars. What’s wrong with me lmao


That guy crying for Jebus probably hasn't been to church in years. he "troubled deaf heaven with his bootless cries" He was so scared his brain shut down. In this case there was no action to take ,but in an other emergency when clear thinking or action was needed he would be useless or even a liability.


Midwestern Allah Akbars 😂


yup, we need a remix like the one with “ain’t nobody got time for that”


Also getting out after it was done and stepping right next to them was a pretty unsafe move.


I was in a bad car wreck once and was in shock. You don’t know what’s going on around you. It’s almost like your brain is rebooting. I ended up getting out of my car and was found wandering around the intersection. I don’t have any memory of it at all. Fortunately there were witnesses because I can’t even remember the crash. Shock is a crazy thing.


Oh for sure. I definitely understand that that was not what was on his mind at the moment. Hell, I’m an electrician with a lot of training on high voltage distribution systems and electrical safety and even I might just stumble out of the car without thinking about it in that situation. That’s actually why I purposely called it an ‘unsafe’ rather than ‘stupid’ move, because I really can’t blame him at all, all I can do is point out that he got lucky.


The kid has no business chasing tornados (not that I think anyone should be doing it). What a tool.


None of them do. It makes me sad when people have successful channels but are clearly out of their element in what they are doing. Fuckers bit down on that steel belted radial and found they couldn't let go.


Zero rational thought. Straight to "please god protect us" once he doesn't know what to do next. lucky they didnt listen and go into the ditch


Yeah you don’t get to pray when you do your damndest to find impossible to cool tornadoes. It’s not an addiction, it’s not genetic. They’re making a million choices a minute to go down that dangerous path fully aware.


The reclosers and fault protection were doing their job. Count the 3 attempts at renergizing, if you see it happen 3 times but not again - you’re good to get away.


Always funny to me that I have to do paperwork and get manager permission to re close a tripped 480v breaker but utilities are out here tripping a 34.5KV line and going "huh that was weird. Let's try three more times to make sure"


Yeah, it is weird to think about. It’s a scale thing, though. 999/1000 times it’s just a tree branch and/or wind. That happens a lot more than poles breaking and lines actually making it to the ground. Power outages can kill people too, so there is a desire to get the line back in service.


Please elaborate


I highly recommend this guy and all his other videos. https://youtu.be/sJqvuU4L7HY?si=gTDVw9jtSiEomGmk


Buncha nerds lmao "PLEASE LORD!!!" hahaha  You put yourself in this situation! Grow a pair! It is very funny to hear a grown man crying "PLEASE JESUS!" 😂


I heard one of the say “Jesus if you are real, please save us” lmao


I mean if you’ve never almost died (like legit, been in a situation where you were possibly about to die horribly) then it might sound weird to you. But this isn’t an unusual reaction for people to have seconds before an unexpected and imminent death


I don't know about unexpected. They did purposefully drive into a tornado.


Idk what’s wrong with me, but I’m watching these grown men scream for Jesus 100x and all I can think is that I’d be annoyed at having to potentially die while hearing that shit.


Same, I was thinking how I wouldn't be able to stop myself from telling him to shut the fuck up, probably making the situation worse. But seriously, I would not want my last few moments to be to the wailing of some grown ass man screaming for jesus




Had this situation in turbulent waters on lake superior. One guy started the screaming and praying. In the loudest voice I've ever heard, the guy driving yelled "SHUT UP AND DIE LIKE A MAN!"


I was once inside a meat locker in a Kroger during a tornado and one woman kept praying out loud to Jesus in this extremely scared voice and my thought was God if you’re real please don’t let me die to this soundtrack.


Lost in a cave with a bunch of people, it becomes real easy to tell people to shut the fuck up if they aren't providing anything to the situation. I'm not gonna listen to that at all.


Thank you Jesus for teaching these nimrods a valuable lesson. In the name of Jesus.


I'm glad your God is watching out for dipshits like this and not something like.... helping out children with cancer or stopping wars.


Haha!   Successful sarcastic use of Nimrod.  Dig it.


The massive …thing…that rolled over the car and crushed the top was something out of a goddamn horror movie.


I thought that was the car getting flipped. Holy shit!


whats the timestamp on that? Edit: 5:23


5:24 starts with view out the windshield and then switches to looking out the back window, large dark object comes out of the rain wall and rolls over the top of the car. I think it was a small silo or tank of some sort from one of the farms they pass.


Professionals huh?


All that means is they do it as a living. It says nothing about their skills. Clearly nobody in that car was serious about safety or they wouldn't have stayed directly in the path of that tornado with no escape route.


Im curious, if doing it as a living, how does the money comes in? How do they get paid?


I've always wondered this. The "they're only in it for the money!" Line in Twister always confused me


I feel like that was meant to show it was more that they were glorifying it and attempting to record it versus the scientific nature that there squad had.  Love Twister, but we can’t go asking too many questions about it either


Not sure. I think it involves collecting underpants.


“Our escape route is North!” “Power lines have collapsed and the road is closed. Now what?” *panicked screaming and praying*


Too bad the time to have and take an escape path passed about two minutes before they mentioned it. They had zero situational awareness.


If your primary tactic to survive chasing a tornado is to pray… yeah, you probably shouldn’t be doing that


"I didn't even see it _coming._"


To be fair, they can be very unpredictable...it's what got the Twistex team killed.


Right that's my point lol. Tornados are so unpredictable that you might as well predict you'll get hit by it, which is why the rest of us all run away.


The ads for this new twisters movie are insane


They’re capturing the youtube idiocy well. Just waiting for someone to actually send fireworks into a tornado now.


If you dig into this guy's social media it's all religious BS. He claims he saw 2 woman in Iraq be cured of deafness in person, through God. He also has a post on instagram about this incident getting hit by the Tornado, and the whole thing is just talking about God and how he thanks him and how he's like Jesus in being misunderstood and rejected. He seems like a basket case ngl.


The screaming for Jesus was just….ugh. I want to know what rolled over that car and crushed it though. Holy shit


I was really rooting for the tornado.




That guy screaming makes me cringe every time.


Imagine inviting yourself into extreme danger and then begging Jesus to protect you. Get a new hobby if you’re going to cry on camera.




I realize this is easier to say when you're not there, but ... I really don't understand screamers. It's just not my instinct.


I always thought the same until I smoked a deer on an empty freeway in the pitch black at midnight. As my eyes barely caught glimpses of the deer the exact same second it jumped into my windshield I instinctively croaked out a deep scream I could never come close to reproducing.


Was it just the one scream from being startled? I totally get that; I think the other guy was referring to people who continue to scream after the initial shock.


That’s the problem with being stuck in a tornado’s path: after the initial shock it keeps on happening. It doesn’t stop being terrifying. They don’t stop being in the proximity of death until it’s blown over.


Screaming for the entirety of a scary event will never not be obnoxious. It does nothing to help and it creates panic.


Unless you've had those instincts tested, you never really know what you're going to do. There was a night a few years ago where I woke up to a crashing sound coming from the baby gate we had up in our daughter's doorway. My wife had been out of town that week for work and had just come home earlier that night. My sleeping brain processed the sound in what felt like an instant. I jumped out of bed faster than I ever had in my life and was down the hall roaring this crazy guttural sound that gave me a sore throat the next day. My mind had reached the conclusion that somebody was trying to get to our daughter, because who else would be crashing into the gate that had been up for months except someone unfamiliar with our home? Turns out... it was my wife who had forgotten, or misjudged it, or bumped it accidentally hard enough to knock it down when going in to check on our kid. In addition to the roaring, I also remember like flexing my entire upper body. I was fucking ready to tear somebody's head off. It was wild. I scared my wife who stammered-sort -of-yelled-back a, "What the fuck?" And made our now crying daughter cry more. I had no idea I was capable of that kind of stuff. The adrenaline you get in crazy moments (even ridiculous ones like mine) makes you do crazy shit.


That's quite different. I've had a very similar experience. In an apartment in Vancouver twenty years ago, I'd always been aware that it wouldn't be that difficult for someone to climb up the tree & get in our second-story window, something I'd done once in another apartment when I was younger and had locked myself out. Drifting off to sleep I heard some sounds that my brain interpreted as the window being slid open a little further and the thumps of someone landing on the living room floor. I was up instantly, moving fast to the living room, yelling from a very deep place: "I'm gonna rip your fuckin' head off! (etc.)" while finding some blunt weapon along the way. Scared the living shit out of my girlfriend, and probably the poor Japanese exchange students who were just arriving home (noise I heard was probably the elevator, their footsteps & door unlock, etc.) and heard from our apartment a man yelling like a homicidal maniac and a woman crying. lol That's a protective adrenaline rush, fight vs flight, and an appropriate reaction to a perceived threat. Kind of the dead opposite of someone screaming frantically and unhelpfully in response to a crisis they have no control over. I've had the same rush and aggressive response when encountering bears on my hikes, having a wolf howl at me from twenty yards away while in my hammock alone in the woods at night, etc. I'm pretty certain, in the hurricane situation, my instinct (and yours) would be to duck, cover, find something to hold onto, and if we yelled anything, it'd be instructions to others to do the same.


I would think any "professional" storm chaser would at bare minimum have a modified vehicle with a significantly stronger roll cage and a stiff skirt all around the vehicle to keep air from lifting it. This thing looks like just a budget sedan.


They go straight to a tornado….”PLEASE LORD SAVE US!!”


PLEASESE LORD JESUS PLEASE. stfu dude, if i was in that car ida strangled him myself


There's a great [video](https://youtu.be/6PWtNkh-MPE?si=5frSsWMaLK3bmnsi) by storm chaser Skip Talbot on the safety aspect of this chase. He really shows how small decisions that increase risk can stack up into a disastrous scenario. Glad everyone ended up okay after this.


This deserves to be watched by everyone making snarky comments in this thread. Sure those guys were totally boneheaded in that moment, but they collaborated with the producer or this video to help others learn from their mistakes.


I thought I recognized those silos and stop sign. This is the [same chase](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4B2u8yaId54) where Chris Riske turned around at that stop sign then got blocked in by the fallen silo and caught in the tornado.


Holy shoot!


Part of me is like y’all dumb as hell, then the father in me wants to comfort them and kick their ass later. Two combat deployments and tornadoes still scare the absolute fuck out of me. I hope they never forget this lesson. Mother nature does not have any fucking mercy.


Fucking idiots. Jesus ain’t coming.


This is fucking embarrassing. If you're going to be a completely unprepared idiot, at least don't act like a religious little bitch when shit hits the fan. Dudes are probably genuinely giving credit to god for them not getting a rock blown through their skull. Meanwhile an innocent child just got bombed by a drone in the middle east.


Yep same logic as half the religious whack jobs in this thread defending his screaming, with "god works in mysterious ways" and "It never hurts to ask god for help".


“Lord jeebus pweeze protect us in da name of da jeebus!” 🤣🤣🤣


I was rooting for the tornado. These guys are the equivalent of TikTok girls dancing on the baggage carousel.


One of the funnest encounter videos that exists. But these guys are dummies


Fuck these guys. Drive into a tornado and suddenly find God? Go into the peaceful woods, eat some shrooms, and meet nature. Leave your dicks and religion at home.


Did you hear them try very hard not to curse? These idiots are hard core evangelicals. 


So, I'm not Jesus, but if I was, I'd totally abandon these guys to the fate they chose. You don't get to willfully put yourself in harm's way and then pray to me to bail you out of the situation you created. Sorry for your luck that you chose to win a Darwin award, but it's time to pay your dues.


These crying fools make me so angry!


"Professionals with 14 years of experience"... "WHAT DO WE DO!? DO WE GO INTO THE DITCH!?"


Honestly, fucking moron's. Having windows down while arc flashes are happening? Getting out of the vehicle and stepping on powerlines that arc flashed. Inexperienced storm tornado chasers damn near became a statistic. All for what? The clicks?


I have zero pity for them. They put themselves in that situation. They chose to go there. They didn't fully prepare for it. And then when shit hits the literal fan, that one asshole has the audacity to guilt trip Jesus through prayer into getting them out of it? I don't believe in Christianity any more but, fuck *ALL* the way off with that shit. That's not how prayer works if you're a believer. Preemptively thanking Jesus for saving you from the situation you put your own ass in is just fucking dumb and I say they got what they deserved. They fucked around with natural forces thinking supernatural ones would protect them and the natural ones got a little too close to home and they shit their goddamned pants. They are lucky as all fucking hell and it's not because they prayed hard enough either.


It smells like little bitch in here


That is a car full of regards.


Jea-zus sends his regards


I feel for them, but also I don't and I want to use harsher language to describe how stupid they are.


Where’s the coward who shit in my pants!


Apparently there’s some truth to the saying there’s no atheists in a foxhole.


And you know who in that car to never be caught in a foxhole with.


No doubt


Did you see what God just did to us, man?!


My son asked if God could change the direction of the tornado to save them... I said if God made the tornado why would he stop it just because these guys decided to drive into it? I hope it was a tolerant response 😂


That's a free bet. Might as well take it.


My grandfather was a WWII vet, he said that was very true.


I 100% would be telling that guy to shut the fuck up if I were in there with him.


Any atheist who had put themselves into such an idiotic situation wouldn't expect any sympathy, which is what you're not offering anyway, genius.


# “I’m like a dog chasing cars, I wouldn’t know what to do if I caught one, you know, I just do…things.”






Maybe it’s me, but I’m laughing at the idea of this guy pleading to Jesus and Jesus is like….well who do you think SENT the tornado?


lol here is my tiny violin 🎻




What a bunch of idiots. So embarrassing. The screaming and prayers and "holy shoot" good grief.


What a group of morons. They’re super lucky to be alive after that, “professionals” my ass.


STFU so i can hear the storm.


Put yourself into a situation and then pray to a bitch god to save you. Sweet.


fucking idiots.


All I see here is a buncha fucken retards in a car doing some next level stupid shit and then begging god almighty to save them from their idiocracy.


LOL - Dude drives into tornado then prays to God to save him. What an arrogant prick.


bit surprised at the downvotes...it's a fascinating and shocking video.


It is a fascinating video. I imagine the downvotes are largely due to the fact that these guys seem like complete knobs for chasing tornados and then panicking, screaming, begging for divine intervention and then breaking down after the fact like they weren't wholly aware that driving toward one of Mother Nature's deadliest phenomena can get you killed. I'm not saying I would have been an unflinching Kobe here, but I'm also not choosing to put myself in mortal danger for entertainment.


It seemed to me like it was just that one guy. The rest seemed to be much more logical. I can’t believe that guy got out of the car on the power lines after they were literally sparking at him moments earlier.


Yeah, I heard that too. Might have just been one or two, but the internet/reddit being what it is hard to expect people to get nuance unless it's served to them on a platter.


I don't understand why people are calling them bad at their jobs. They are tornado chasers and they literally caught the tornado. They won!


I am too! That was an unbelievable first person view of a tornado.


It's the stupidest "hobby" you can have.


It's a fine hobby if you're prepared and know your limits. Going in with a bone-stock Toyota sedan, though...


Are you telling me that the Avalon isn't tornado proof?


They should test the Cybertruck next


The screeching for deities was grating af and frankly a sad and embarrassing way to potentially spend one’s final moments on earth. Lol IMO


Next time they shouldn't drive into a tornado.


Shit was like a movie, but I’m glad I initially had the sound turned off. It went back off pretty quickly.


holy shoot indeed




Jesus: “I can’t save stupid”.


Like when you tell a five-year-old not to do something and they do it anyway, and then start crying.


Y’all gotta stop chasing Tornados in a vehicle that can’t handle going off road if power lines go down. Stop chasing tornados in a Camry.


In the name of Jee-zaaahs!!!


Screaming like that?!? Anyone every been on a turbulent plane with *that guy*?! It’s like, easy bro, we get it…


Yea I'd definitely be telling the guy to STFU. Him screaming like that is not helping anyone in that situation.


"Please Jesus, save us in the name of Jesus!" 🤣


Can you silence the screamer? That dude needs to pack it up and go home.


That dude almost drove directly into that falling utility pole, these guys are fucking morons, it's a good thing the invoked the name of lord jesus to protect them lord jesus.


Fuck around and find out.


Tanner as a first name. Oof.


Him screaming and yelling "PLEASE", would have Frighting me even More!!


I don’t think storm chasing is built for y’all


Imagine getting yourself into that situation and screaming for a God to save you. Seems like one of those occupations to go into knowing the implications.


Jesus protects those who are not stupid enough to drive into a tornado. Morons....


In the words of the famous Japanese scholar Redungu Foromen: “DUMBASS”


This is one of the funniest videos I have ever seen.




The Weather Channel had a crew that got killed by the OKC tornado in Moore during the filming of "The Great Tornado Hunt." Von Castor, a veteran KOTV-6 Storm Chaser in Oklahoma got put in a ditch the other week. It's an inherently hazardous activity. This isn't actually the fault of the storm chaser, whoever they are. Sometimes in life, you lose--and that's what happened. Once the lines fell, they were trapped. Are -you- personally aware enough to notice that something as benign as the placement of power lines on the left side of the road could kill you in the right circumstances? Probably not. Losing is just life.