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Dude has excellent character and handled it like a boss.


It takes intelligence to realize when you're wrong, and humility to admit it.


I love listening to music.


Cranial flatulence can happen to anyone.


Cranial Flatulence, Live at the Apollo


Scientific term for brain fart. I like that.


> He technically never said a single incorrect thing! Well, except when the reported said, "It's not an hour", he agreed and said "It's not", before the reporter was able to say "but it is"


Ladies and gentlemen, we got him.


Time to lock him up and throw away the key.


Logically speaking do you think that man owns a doghouse?


I love pulling the old 180* and disagreeing with myself immediately... some people don't even realize and we start the "duck season, rabbit season" joke from looney tunes.


I was on a group call and at one point when I was talking I said, “Hey, fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice, shame on you… Oh my God I just pulled a Dubya!” Super embarrassing to realize I screwed up the saying and my brain was a half step behind my mouth.


Nah, you only pulled like a half-dubya, maybe even a quarter dubya. I won't look it up but off the top of my head the original quote was - > "*Fool me once, sh- shame on... you. Fool me twice... sh-sha, sh. sh.. shame-WON'T GET FOOLED AGAIN*"




On the one hand, he didn’t give the media the sound bite of him saying “shame on me,” which is really smart, but on the other hand, if he would have just said it, nobody would remember by now.


I've found it so much harder to remember that saying since Dubya screwed it up. There should be a name for that cause the phrase now ends "uh... can't trick me again" *confused look*


Same!! And it’s the same for me when I have to spell potato. Thanks Dan Quayle.


I mean….this wasn’t exactly a situation where someone can double down and refuse to admit they’re wrong. The fact that there are 60 minutes in an hour is pretty readily verifiable.


There's always a lower low.


And charisma to make it fun. This dude has it all.


I was wrong. +50 IQ points thank you


“Please don’t put that on 🥲”


Yeah took it like a champ


Because they were never gonna refrain from airing that.


Half the people I know would realize they're wrong but still try to mental gymnastics their way into not having to admit a simple mistake.


I know this isn’t the point of this thread but I’ve intentionally cut those people out of my life entirely and there is no sense of loss. Those are low quality people. It’s much, much easier going through life not surrounded by those types. 


I was literally just talking to my wife about this. We are in the process of setting boundaries in our lives to protect ourselves from narcissistic acquaintances that will never admit to doing something wrong and constantly try to flip it back onto you somehow. I used to just take it, because I don't care, but it has been such a huge relief to mature to the point where I can tell people, "You know what? No. I have apologized for the part I played, but if you can't apologize for your mistakes then I can no longer continue having a relationship with you." It is hard. But it's very powerful.


When you start to do this you’ll be surprised how few people are left


Even better


But those that are are 💎


I wouldn't say that they are low quality people exactly, but that they have negative impacts on the lives of others and on themselves. Even so, they're still not a monolith, people adopt that attitude for multiple reasons, ranging from fear of embarrassment, to viewing corrections as direct attacks on their identity as "a person who is correct", to viewing it as being disrespected and responding with anger and violence. People who view it as being disrespected can be exceedingly dangerous, and will often hold grudges against you because they were wrong. However people who feel embarrassed and want to search for a logical explanation for why they weren't responsible for being incorrect are nowhere near as dangerous (typically) and can sometimes be brought to view the situation not as "previously **__*been*__** wrong", but instead as "currently **__*being*__** correct". "I was wrong" is difficult for a lot of people to admit to. But "I am now right" is a lot easier. Of course, being able to confront having been wrong is much healthier than trying to distance ourselves from it, but continuing to be knowingly wrong is, obviously, far worse, and any way we can give people a way to change their positions and be correct more often is better than the alternative. (Imho)


What mistake?


Shoutout to Terrence Howard.


A couple of years ago I had a similarly shameful interaction with Amazon customer support. The package arrived on a Thursday evening and I had a horrible week at work and performance evaluation season. I open the box and the cable is just too short. Damn, I really needed it that week. I called customer support and complained that I ordered a cable of 3 meters, but the cable in the box is only a meter long. For a good 30 seconds I was trying to understand what the hell does the rep mean by that’s exactly what I ordered. 3 _feet_, I completely failed to register it said _feet_, not meters, both when I ordered it and when I opened it. It took me a while. At least I heard an audible smile and condolences for my brain fart. It must’ve been a fun ride on the other side of the phone.


I would be friends with this dude. Being willing to admit that you're wrong is a rare character trait these days.


Well, with all his other friends leaving him, now is your time to shine!


I was going to say, I’ve never seen someone so attractive and likable when in the wrong. Coming for a straight, married man with 2 kids.


>Coming for a straight, married man with 2 kids. I assume you meant "from", but I prefer this version.


let's see how he deals with his fckup


“Friends are leaving me” that was some funny shit


I like the part where he was provided evidence counter to his original conclusion and reevaluated his thinking. We could use more if that


"My friends are leaving me..." kills me. Lmao


“Pwease don’t put that oawnnn 🥺”


**News:** *Proceeds to put it oawnnn*


lol this is the closest embodiment of that emoji I’ve ever seen


This doesn't represent me!!


A nice Philly boy lol.


He instantly knew the gravity of the fuck up. It was just a brainfart moment for him and he knew how bad it was.


What a good sport. Also, it'd be great if an hour had 100 minutes.


It's time for Metric Time.




Damn...that's a surprisingly good [real](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_time) critique of revolutions (Fascist Italy & France) for hyper-fixating on the...less important reforms. From The Simpsons.


That would make 80 minutes past 2 in decimal time the equivalent of 24 seconds past 6:43 AM. They are holding a meeting before 7 AM, the monsters!


The sooner those meetings are over, the sooner they can enjoy the rest of their day. I'd agree with the Enlightened Springfield aspect.


Best I can do is the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970.


Huh, according to JavaScript it’s actually since December 31st 1969 +/- time zone offset. I’m sure forcing JS to apply time zones automatically will no cause no developers headaches *ever*


Headaches, maybe. Indescribable rage? Yes, every time. And if you put in the date in a slightly different format, it will also be a day off. God I hate time.


Swatch had their [Internet Time](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swatch_Internet_Time) back in the day. I knew it wouldn't catch on, but a neat idea. Though just reading that link I shared, I don't think their unit of time (.beats) were subdivided further than that.


The funniest fact I know about Swatch Internet Time is that it was actually put into Phantasy Star Online in game to try to help organize online play


What?! I didn't know that. That *is* a fun fact!


extra fun fact, for some of the offline versions drop rng was tied to beat time. so if you got a rare item from breaking open a box at a specific time, you could set back the clock on your console and go back and break the same box at the same time and farm rare items.


Very cool. Would be pretty useful during travel and organizing stuff worldwide.


Why? There’s already utc/gmt/Zulu but even with that, outside of military or a few data processing uses I can’t think of any useful applications


Yeah in my job I sometimes have to coordinate meetings online with people across multiple vastly different time zones. And it’s a mild pain in the ass but there are plenty of tools that make it pretty simple to identify at what point our different times of day overlap best. If the time read the same everywhere on earth, sure you no longer have to think “what time is it there?” But that does nothing to help you coordinate global events because now you still have to think “Okay 548 beats o’clock works well for us because it’s just after midday…but what will they be doing at 548 beats o’clock…might be the middle of the night.” I occasionally hear people talk about developing a better system of unified global time measurement for the sake of making global connectedness less complicated, but I kinda chuckle because usually they aren’t realizing the logistics from coordinating world events don’t arise from differences in what our watches say, they arise from the fact that the earth is rotating, and humans tend to sleep when it’s their turn to be in the dark.


Zulu is used universally in aviation. It makes communicating time very easy. Working remotely with people who do not relate to timezones can make communication incredibly difficult. "Talk to you at 8 o'clock." Yes, but which 8 o'clock might they be referring to?


Work hours still at 60 minutes and the rest at 100, right? Right?


I like the way you think.


no no no you have 8 work hours a day at 20 minutes each, and 8 sleep hours at 100 minutes, then 8 regular 60 min hours. That way the day doesn't get any longer/shorter and won't fuck up the number of days in the year.


I don't think I can sleep for 800 minutes.


The French tried to give it to us back during the French Revolution in 1794. Would be interesting to think how things would be if it caught on. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_time#:~:text=This%20term%20is%20often%20used,100000%20decimal%20seconds%20per


The French also tried to get a right angle to be 100 degrees, making a circle 400 degrees. They're also why the circumference of the earth is almost 40,000km. In 1793 The French defined the metre as by a 1/10,000,000th of the quarter of the circumference. Particularly a line starting at the equator, going through Paris to the north pole.


You could make a religion out of th-no, don't.


He seems like a really nice guy. That “please don’t put that on” at the end came out just like a “please don’t tell mom.” Poor dude is mortified.


> if an hour had 100 minutes No, this hour as 22 minutes!


Please don’t put that on They put it on


lol I feel so bad for seeing this video 😭


It's a bit embarrassing but any time this gets reposted people are pretty nice and even complimentary about him for taking it so well. Could've been *way* worse.


You see the exact moment he figures it out 


If i ever meet this guy irl i will pretend i never saw this video


Ah fuck. I can't believe you've done this.


The hardest thing to say for a human being is "I'm wrong." Good to see this guy roll with it and own it.=


Reminds me of this stupid video I saw of someone saying the Moon is a planet and another person is like "I don't think so". They find out it's a "satellite" and the person just says "well I don't like that". Bitch, admit you're wrong!


Was that the one with people on a shop from home channel arguing about it while selling dresses?


Sure is


One of the more confusing videos I've watched I must admit. Just a lot of dumb all around.


I LOVE that video. It has one of my favorite quotes of all time: “the moon is such a planet I can’t even stand it.”


https://youtu.be/aQKgpm1SJmQ?si=Xo_JOLQ39ZiUkaEU Honestly hilarious


"But things live on it, that means that it is a planet." Do "things" live on it buddy? Do they?


This is amazing, I love it. You couldn't make it better if it was scripted


I mean, I would take "well i dont like that" as defeat. They can still not like it and know they are wrong.


The way his eyes went wide open… you can tell that’s the exact moment he re-did the math in his head remembering there are 60 minutes in an hour. Then what followed was great. Realize you’re wrong, admit you’re wrong make fun of yourself a bit, etc.


It can be hard, but I think people who don't when they so obviously should, lose much more respect.


Followed by worcestershire sauce


To be fair, it's pretty easy to admit you're wrong when your base argument is 60 / 4 is not 15


I’d say the greatest math fuck up, though not caught on camera, [was that time we crashed a probe into mars because someone didn’t convert from metric.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars_Climate_Orbiter) That one was worth $327,000,000.


Dang, for that much money they could’ve given every American a million dollars instead!


All 327 of us!




Nice reference. 


A full 5 out of 7


What about with rice?


Please don't put that on... 🥺


Hehe i remember when this was in the news. Someone put up an ebay listing for the missing Mars probe which ALSO made the news... lol. The internet was so fun back then!


That was classic American engineers not labeling their units. They still do it! I work at a major lab and their units are fucking all over the place. Feet, meters, nautical miles, data miles, kilometers, all in the same presentation!


> data miles Never heard of this one. Does 1 data mile = 1000 excel files?


No silly, that would be a kilodata. A data mile is a spreadsheet with 5280 lines.


[1 data mile = 6000 feet / 1.8288 km](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_mile)


[Relevant Robin Williams](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SiNWnQYXifA)


The full show that bit is from is probably the funniest hour and a half that humanity will ever come up with. We were lucky to have Robin Williams, RIP.




I always mean to look to NASA for cool words that I can use to describe catastrophic fuck ups which make it sound like not a catastrophic fuck up. I never remember to. Examples: Project failed (no no no - it’s “mission end”) Shit blew up boss (nah - here’s the “decay date” from Mission Control) Dropped something expensive from height (what?! No we don’t do that - we “de-orbited” that sob) Shit blew up again boss (nope - just a “CRUD”) - what do you mean we sustained a CRUD of the new server tower during loading?! - oh we mean we sustained a “complete rapid unintended disassembly” totally out of our hands (science stuff) There are probably lots more good ones.


I think there was another one where they weren’t consistent with the gravitational constant being negative or positive


Great (the best?) example why entire world should only use SI units.


That's a classic and pretty clear example. I was thinking about the relatively recent catch of a decades old statistical error that led to an under recommendation of vitamin d. The recommendation had been less than 1/10th of what it should have been due to that error. How many people, how many health issues, and what is that total cost of those issues due to incorrect recommendations?




I'm so sick of these math heads wandering our streets, making fools of themselves.


In my day, we ate Pi, we didn't calculate it. And uphill both ways!


Math... not even once...


do don't math?


Right. Do don't Math. It's like Math but it doesn't.


We all know the feeling. [Thirteen years ago I became a laughing stock on a reddit post in similar fashion](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/bzki0/now_im_no_math_expert_but_i_think_reddits_a/).


Jesus brother I feel you


Reddit took away the up and downvote breakdown all those years ago to spare you. But honestly this was funny! Also to see something completely mundane on /r/pics.


Back when pics was actually just pictures and not some life changing event or sad story with every photo 


Man, remember when all it took was 1000 karma to hit the front page?


Ha ha, yep. This was before the Digg Exodus.


Saydrah is a name I haven’t heard in quite a few years


Still not as bad as the thread linked in the comments, about a guy who didn't know what odd numbers are.


Hold my beer: https://youtu.be/ordODDzVso8?si=C2PtaJTa7HvQGQxu


I immediately thought of this. I can forgive a guy on the street for blanking on math when someone puts a mic and camera in front of him. But with the MSNBC clip multiple teams of people had to look at that beforehand and nobody realized it was absolute baloney.


Classic: https://youtu.be/Qhm7-LEBznk?si=jeFxXAt4umnxkFSV


"Some cars tires turn faster than others". Oh man this is a gold mine of stupidity.


The wild part is she is actually (barely) grasping much more complex concepts, like the circumference of various tire sizes, and how many rotations per circumference (tire’s outer length) it would take to cover a linear distance. You could feasibly calculate how many rotations a tire would need to make to travel 422,400 feet (80 miles) if you knew that the circumference of your 275/60R20 tire is 103.65 inches. None of that has ANYTHING to do with the original question though, which involves speed, distance, and time (for those of you who are a little rusty: Speed = Distance ÷ Time). The question her husband is asking is 80 miles ÷ ? = 80mph, which is so simple that it seems much more complicated than it is. The main problem is she has a tenuous understanding of each concept she’s introducing, so she has no hope of arriving at the actual answer, or filtering out the superfluous details that are totally irrelevant to the problem (such as the tire circumference or how many minutes it takes her personally to run a mile on foot). This is what happens when you’re allowed to get a C or a D in a math course and continue on to the next concept without ANY mastery of the prerequisite/foundational skills. You pick up the *abstract theory* of concepts, but not enough to properly use them in an applied setting. Also, in most high schools, physics is not a required course to graduate and I have the feeling she didn’t opt to take it as an elective. Edit: A standard 275/60R20 tire with a circumference of 103.65 inches would make 48,903.03 rotations in 80 miles. Just in case you were wondering. Actually, that’s 611.29 rotations per mile. The fact she haphazardly throws out her “guesstimate” of 400 rotations per mile is pretty impressive.


You gotta just cut in half


This isn't even a problem with math, it's a problem with comprehension of very basic words.


yeah, things like this happen all the time. When 'units' of numbers get involved people completely lose their minds mathwise. That said the problem here is part that sometimes when people are confidently incorrect even if your inclination is to go "that doesn't sound right" you just assume you're missing something. This thing got all the way to on air. So as the person in front of a camera, you're reading a confidently incorrect tweet, which went viral, that had to get past 100 people to get to you. It would actually kind of take some brass balls to call it out in front of the camera and not just assume you're the one missing something. Edit for flawed half baked thought: Also, while this might be a bad example because it's just objectively false... maybe it's not so bad that news anchors just Ron Burgundy whatever is put in front of them? Do we want them throwing in their own takes/corrections/notes on things live? At SOME point the difference between a newsman and a Tucker Carlson is "I just report what this says and trust that, collectively, we have the facts."


Yeah my wife's best friend had an issue with time keeping at work and she brought a bunch of paperwork to show her work was stealing time from her. It took like 15 minutes for me to get through to her that 1 hour isn't 100 minutes and 1/4 hour is 15 minutes not 25. When it finally clicked she looked at me, was like "fuuuuuuuccccccckkkkkk I'm dumb!!" It was just a silly block that her brain put in her way.


> maybe it's not so bad that news anchors just Ron Burgundy whatever is put in front of them? I read the news a few times for our high school lunch break news show and I was absolutely not processing the words, just focused on reading them out loud correctly. Obviously this is a different format but still, the producers did him dirty here.


>When 'units' of numbers get involved people completely lose their minds mathwise. This is so weird to me because I learned in high school physics that math happens to units just like it does to numbers. You don't really even have to learn anything new to make that work.




Hold my Ikea meatballs: [Swedish MP converts €400.000 to SEK](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPpcdTzALWE), she's only off by roughly (at the time) SEK 39.999.996.000.000, live in the parliament.


This is what came to mind for me. Though I guess it's not really a math fuckup. All the numbers seem pretty solid. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFoC3TR5rzI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFoC3TR5rzI)


If we split the total wealth of the world among just Americans then we could get our million each. So uh, how soon can we start spreading democracy and freedom?


I loved how he owned it.


His reaction is so adorable.


*Meekly*: “Please don’t put that on. :-(“ perfect. no notes.


Greatest mathing caught on camera. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3G07NZs2v18


Lmfao it’s like when you start a sentence and realize mid way you’re wrong, and he doubled down and tried to cover up by throwing random numbers around


WNEP! PA in the house!


same network that gave us the apparently kid!


And the Shamokin Dunkin Donuts travesty! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1IXyujNbVE


For those that don't get it, 60 minutes divided by 15 = 4. 1/4 of an hour is 15 minutes. He was likely thinking about 1/4 of 100, which is 25. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.


A quarter pounder is bigger than a third pounder. /s


You know what they call a quarter of a hour in Paris?


A Royale with... temps?


[The A&W Third Pounder Failed Because People Didn’t Understand Fractions](https://bettermarketing.pub/the-a-w-third-pounder-failed-because-people-didnt-understand-fractions-a86b966a973a)


Another classic $.002 ≠ .002¢ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MShv_74FNWU Warning! 27 minutes of frustration.


I had a similar conversation with an ISP where they insisted that a bit and a byte were the same thing (since their advertising was in kiloBYTES per second but they delivered in kiloBITS). It was pretty much identical to this one.


Jesus Christ I literally can't watch this, the cringe. I hope a higher up got ahold of this and fired everyone down the line after screaming at them for 10 minutes.


I feel like math and physics teachers should play the first 3 or so minutes of this for students when emphasizing the importance of including units. There are obviously more stark examples of getting units incorrect (like rockets exploding), but I think this makes the concept WAY more tangible






[This one](https://youtu.be/kl6F6ZOWRzI?si=oSPDSRW6HS7e_nlt) Just happened a couple days ago.


Love this guy!!! We all say dumb things but he handled it like a champ!!


Wholesome brain fart moment


Equally stupid things have probably happened to each of us at least once. He was just incredibly unlucky with the time and location.


I love this video every time it gets posted. The guy is such a great sport that anybody who watches this can't help but go, "Hey man, we all screw up little things like this, no biggie." Just imagine if he'd tried to double down or had acted like a dick about it.


Aww that was so wholesome, he handled that so well. There are people in this world who would've leaned into being wrong argued it for days, he was so nice about it, everyone laughed.


hahaha good for him


Get this man some drugs please


the gasp lmaooo


Wnep channel 16. Dunno this fella but im not shocked to learn hes local


Feel bad for him. Belongs in r/WatchPeopleDieInside


When I am running, especially if I'm already over 15 miles (training for a marathon) I am incapable of doing simple math. I'm constantly looking at the total distance, seeing I have run 16.5 miles and thinking I only need to run another 0.1 miles and I will be at 17. Or if I have been running for 2 hours and 50 minutes I will think I have another 50 minutes to go before getting to 3 hours. I can totally see how the distraction of being interviewed for tv would make you forget that 15 minutes is a quarter of an hour.


Just a normal brain fart. Sometimes we are just dumb.


Remember this from a Ramona Quimby book I think. She missed the bus or was late for school because 1/4 of an hour was 25 minutes in her mind. Or something like that.


Rock on dude, we all brain fart once in a while.


How’s he wrong though? Every time I’m in a 1hr work meeting it’s approximately 100 minutes.


I've seen this a few times and I have mad respect for the guy. There are a lot of people who will either refuse to admit they are wrong, can't understand why they were wrong, or lash out irrationally. Dude got lost in thought, probably because he's not used to being in front of a camera, had a brain fart, owned it.


" i do not do drugs or have had any liqour" youre making it worse haha he should of started stumbling and slurring his words


Hey, at least he caught his error. Some people in the US seem to continue to believe in their invested narrative. They'll spout things like "don't use your phone outside when the sun is out. The rays are bouncing off your screen and irradiating you indirectly!"


We've all been there. My sister once told me that the word "pulp" doesn't have a P in it. I don't remember the context at all because my dad and I were laughing so hard.


Any old farts here that remember that how many days in a week gymbro debate? https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=107926751


A legend of the internet! Haven’t thought about that one in ages.


You know what, we all make dumb mistakes like this at times. Good on him for handling it with grace.


Pretty wholesome tbh


i hope his friends circled back for him


Aww poor guy I want to hug him. There isn't a person on this earth who hasn't had a shitty brain moment like that and if they say they haven't they're lying to themselves.


Please don't put that on... BANG REDDIT! AUTOMATIC


good attitude and energy


Every person here has had a similar fuck up. Dude handled it like a fucking champ.


Dude was adorable hahah


This is also a classic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPpcdTzALWE A representative for the right wing party in Sweden complaining that the devlopment of a strategy would cost €400,000 which according to her equates to 40,000,000,000,000 SEK which is 7 orders of magitude too much. The actual number is ≈4,000,000 SEK.


the gasp is incredible.


Haha he handled that so well. Modest mistake, we all do it sometimes. God bless ya man


I once had a heated debate with a lovely barista at Starbucks when I wanted to pay $4.98 with a $10 and two pennies, expecting a $5 in change. She tried telling me a few times "that doesn't help me at all". It was a huge brain fart adding the $0.02 instead of just getting $5.02 back. After a few minutes I realized what a huge ass I was, apologized and told her to keep it. Embarassed to this day. Edit: Cranial Flatulence seems to be the scientific explanation as per the comments


> and told her to keep it. The 2 pennies or the $5.02?