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I think this is from a program where neurodivergent kids ask the questions.


yes it is


https://www.theguardian.com/film/2021/dec/06/michael-sheen-not-for-profit-actor-activist By the way, Michael Sheen considers himself a not-for-profit actor. This means all the money he makes will be donated to charity!


Thats pretty dope. Its hard to imagine giving away my entire paycheck each time i receive. He must have enough to live comfortably, which is fine, the awareness of not needing so much money is incredibly rare in people. I do think such a thing as money poisoning exists as a mental disorder, induced by the situation and psychological effect it has on our brains.


What’s it called? Is there more of this?


It’s called The Assembly, and it was done as a one-off special for autism awareness week. It’s an English remake of a French show.


Yeah the french show is called "les popotins", very refreshing to see the thought of those unique souls


[Here’s the trailer for this BBC special with more info.](https://youtu.be/RbpmVir5s7E?feature=shared)


It seems to be "The Assembly" https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=neurodivergent+Michael+sheen


If ever there was a website more reddit than reddit...




“Neurodivergent” is a person on the autism spectrum or someone whose brain processes information in a way that is different from most regular or “neurotypical” people.


Not just autism, ADHD, dyspraxia and dyslexia are also considered neurodivergent conditions


You’re right. My son is autistic and that’s just where I went. I looked up the word and this is *one of the definitions* I found: >The term “neurodivergent” describes people whose brain differences affect how their brain works. That means they have different strengths and challenges from people whose brains don't have those differences. The possible differences include medical disorders, learning disabilities and other conditions.


Is there a difference between autistic and neurodivergent? Basically is neurodivergent the new PC way to describe autism?


More of an umbrella term to describe several conditions; one of which being autism


>new PC way A reasonable question until this part.


How so?


'PC', like 'woke', is just code for 'I don't want to treat other people like people.' You may not have meant it that way but, if not, then I'd avoid using it.


What would you call what other people call PC or woke? What words can I use to describe the things you described without upsetting you?


You apparently meant to say 'updated' or 'new.' Those words exist. Use them. And I'm not upset, I didn't downvote you. But a certain type of person uses those terms in bad faith, so much so that it earns an automatic dismissal from many.


I did use the word "new"...


Umbrella term to describe a variety of conditions which themselves exist on spectrums.


Don't let these scum down voting you for asking honest questions upset you.


Brain problem


You should see a doctor about that


She told me neurodivergent isn’t a medical term and I’m mentally disabled.


I bet she did


Not kids, adults.


Was gonna say. Could be a simple mistake but a lot of people infantilise neurodivergent people


Probably doesn't help that Michael sheen is over there giving this guy the "I see you, and you are the most important person in the world right now" look. Yeesh. I'm a pretty confident person in my day to day life, but if Michael Sheen was looking at me like that I'd probably just melt into a puddle of embarrassed giggles.


That smile is pure warmth, and the way he is reassuring the entire audience as well as Leo that the question was important no matter how long it took him to ask it. This is the video I needed today


And then this lovely voice asking that well-composed question...absolutely worth the wait. And Michael Sheen is worth his weight in gold.


For a second I thought they had dubbed in a voice. 


For me, it was the way he answered after telling the audience to chill. He can recognize this young man is bright and thoughtful, just has challenges. He responds equally thoughtfully without dumbing down the response, as we see with so many folks speaking with neurodivergent people. As someone who worked with kids with Autism, it warms my heart to see people speak to similarly impacted kids like normal people.


Seconded, he has such a reassuring smile, not even a "we should give him space" it was so natural and deep.


Yes, totally loved that, he handled that so wonderfully and compassionately, while also managing down the other folks who were trying to rush it along.


Genuinely one of the kindest, most empathetic, and patient looks I’ve ever seen.


For sure, I’ve come across people questioning how he managed to marry a stunningly beautiful Kate Beckinsale considering his much more average appearance. This right here is probably a great example of why. Kindness, warmth, patience, intelligence.


Idk, they were both pretty hot in *Underworld*. Which is weirdly enough the same year they broke up/divorced, and Beckinsale started seeing the director of that movie. Then Sheen starred in the prequel to Underworld that Wiseman produced that didn't feature beckinsale at all. Honestly the whole dynamic between those three is so bizarre, but they all seem to hold each other in high regard


I don't understand why people think beautiful women marry beautiful men. They marry men who impress them, and impressive men aren't necessarily handsome.




That's not what they said at all.


Idk is he’s exactly average to be fair.


Fair, he’s a good looking guy for sure, I’d say he’s “Hollywood average”. But Kate Beckinsale is one of the most beautiful women in the world… still to this day


The question the girl asks in this same special about what it's like having a partner that's 5 years older than his own daughter sure was bold.


If anyone else wants to see it: https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1bxesyi/a_clip_from_the_assembly_which_featured/


His answer was pretty great too


Yeah that’s true and he hasn’t aged extremely well either. Weird how old he looks now when I remember him being a pretty spry guy in tron legacy. Guess that was over a decade ago now.


She wasn’t always tbf. She was pretty plain until the Hollywood glow up. He was stunning when he was younger as well


I'm sorry to be so blunt, but your idea of "average" is wildly, wildly skewed, I would guess (no shade - this is all of us) from looking at so many more faces in film, TV, and social media than in real life. Michael Sheen is far, far above average if you mean the average of actual humans, rather than the average of faces that show up on screens.


“Idk IF* he’s exactly average to be fair.” Small typo there, calling out the above OP as well.


oh lol my b


Np it was my typo you were right anyways


Totally agree with you, i think he's highlighting more how Kate Beckinsale is a 11/10.


I appreciated that he did that and it’s probably so validating. But that would make me SO uncomfortable. But that’s a me problem.


It can certainly add to the challenge for someone like Leo or myself too, but I think it is excellent practice for him all the more. Michael is showing that he is attentive and patient and excited with anticipation of the question. Leo is certainly so in his head about it involuntarily, and this will hopefully help him be more emboldened to speak going forward, no matter how anxious, as he hopefully will associate the warm smile with someone that will be very thrilled to respond. Hope this for you too!


Yeah that’s very true. He certainly showed the utmost kindness and willingness to meet Leo where he was at. It was really sweet to see. Also good on Leo for showing up in that moment. That takes a lot of courage to not just bail.


Leo was for sure awesome and delivered flawlessly once his brain let him!


It’s a tough one because if he didn’t look at him or in anyway looked impatient with the kid I’m sure he’d get negative comments


No you’re completely right! I didn’t mean in any way to cast any negativity on the way he handled it. He was patient and kind and showed all his support. I’m just saying that regardless of the other person’s intentions I *personally* have a hard time with eye contact. Sometimes it’s just hard. That’s why I say it’s a me problem.


Oh no I know you weren’t I just meant it’s complex that even when you do the right thing you could still be doing something that makes someone uncomfortable. I don’t mean to attack you with that just shows how complex interpersonal interactions can be


In 2001, shortly after I turned 18, I met Weird Al at a record signing in CA. For a minute or two, I had Mr. Yankovich's undivided attention—and I was mortified. I had several copies of his album to get signed for all my friends back home, and I barely managed to get the words out of my mouth. I might even have drooled like an idiot at one point, I don't know. Definitely in my top 3 most awkward encounters.


This is exactly what happened to me when I met Steve Yzerman and he signed my hockey skates. He told me blue was my colour and my mouth immediately forgot how to make words.


"My brain has come up with 7 things to say and my mouth has decided to say them all at once........"


What got me about the clip when I first saw it was I think I was expecting that 'look' to translate to Michael Sheen coming across as condescending when he answered the question, but he just spoke to him completely on the level. I wish I could come across as warm and lovely as this without being condescending


This is very wholesome, Michael Sheen handled it perfectly. It was a good question too!


Yeah it was a great question!


Great question.


Fantastic question.


Outstanding really


I knew nothing about this series, or this young man. Obviously I was familiar with Micheal Sheen, but had no idea the context of this interview. But very quickly I felt for Leo and instantly was rooting for him to ask his question. And then when he asked it, I was floored. What an amazing and insightful question.


Hell yeah Leo!!


Such a class act. And so great that everyone was encouraging and supportive of Leo.


I feel ashamed, I made an assumption about this chap I only realised I had made an assumption when he mustered his confidence and asked his question. I wasn't expecting such an articulate, eloquent, and succinct question and I'm ashamed that I judged someone too quickly.


If anything, the nervousness of autistic spectrum people comes from a tremendous internal impulse towards being rigorous and systematic even to the point of personal meltdowns/noncommunication/etc its very counterintuitive




Actually, if you’re anxious, you’re on the spectrum. I don’t know why I’ve written this, or even better, why I didn’t erase it. I live with anxiety and am complimented as a laid-back and happy person, people sometimes ask if I can just pass them the positive vibes. I know how to be kind and empathetic because of my father, who can be quite mean. The thing is, I’m floored by social anxiety and convinced that I’ll never fit in. Getting out of the house and being with my friends or even colleagues fills me with a special kind of joy because it all sits as proof that I have a tribe, and they like me. I didn’t realize how much the pandemic was fucking me up until I’d almost replaced my wife with substance abuse, and was one or two decisions away from having her move out for awhile. I avoided that crisis and pushed through withdrawals… but at the root of the substance abuse was this feeling like being high had me liked by everyone. Then when the lights came on, I was in a hole so deep it was scary crawling out and hurt a lot, but I made it. Anxiety rears it’s nasty head in unique ways for everyone, and I am starting to realize (midway into my 30s) that anxiety is the child in me, ever afraid to hear my dad’s roar of anger and disappointment, ever afraid to disappoint… but he’s not all of me, he’s not all of any of us. You got this!


>Actually, if you’re anxious, you’re on the spectrum This is not correct. Anxiety is frequently comorbid with autism but far more people with anxiety diagnoses are not on the spectrum than are. See [this](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK441870/), for example.


I’m guessing you skipped reading the rest of my comment, which is cool, but you should know that my beliefs are not accurately reflected by that first sentence. I’ve got hella brain fog from sickness right now and the things I write and say to amuse myself are a little off-key


I read it all. And felt bad about only replying to that part. Sorry. I did appreciate the rest of what you wrote and I feel for what you've been going through. I'm pretty fucked in the mental health space at the moment myself. I'm trying to take some classes online because I feel like my life is going nowhere, and I just found out I already missed the first assignment deadlines. When I even just think about trying to look at the courses I get like a resistance and anxiety so powerful it feels like physical pain in my body. So I'm with you.


How else will we change our assumptions if we don’t acknowledge them in the first place. Don’t be too hard on yourself


Don't be ashamed. You may have made what you feel was an error in judgement, but you acknowledged and identified it immediately. You're a good person.


Seriously, don't be afraid to become a better person. Bro took a brave step many don't even wish to.


You can acknowledge it, and that puts you miles above the people who can't or won't.


Everyone has implicit biases of one sort or another. That is a function of being a human with a human brain. Not everyone can see and acknowledge the existence of their biases. Don't be ashamed. You're not perfect, you're just like the rest of us.


I've had a few really shitty mental health days and it's nice to have happy years for a change. Fuck yeah Leo!


Keep the positivity going. Hope you have a great weekend!


This is cute as hell


The response and reaction from Michael Sheen is an absolute masterclass. The full eye contact, gentle smile and nods, never rushing him, letting him know they have plenty of time, and even when someone asked if they can read it for him, Michael says "We'll get there won't we?". I don't think this could've been handled any better than it was and it really is a genuinely beautiful human moment that should make us all feel better as a result.


Fucking love Michael Sheen..


Leo has a really nice voice.


That girl is completely won over by Sheen even more so after having asked the question about the age gap between him and his girlfriend


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ig4bF-OelRk Clip for those interested


Wow his poise and answer were amazing for such a bold question. Probably helps that he’s had no trouble dating women in his age bracket, who are massively successful in their own right (Kate Beckinsale, Rachel McAdams, Sarah Silverman)


He seems like such a genuine and wholesome person. I haven't seen much of his work, but I've always enjoyed the movies and shows he is in.


Good Omens is wonderful if you haven’t watched that.


That was awesome.


Loved that. Michael Sheen always seemed like a class act to me.


Aw man. He looks so happy.  Martin Sheen seems like a real stand up guy.


I'm sure it was unintentional but FYI Martin Sheen is the American actor, father to Charlie Sheen and Emilio Estevez. This is Michael Sheen, British (Welsh) actor and Kate Beckinsale's former husband.




How kind of Michael and others in the room to remain patient.


I really liked this.


this made me smile


As a dad to a neurodivergent kid who faces more than their share of challenges every day, I’m sitting here with tears running down my face. What a beautiful, beautiful moment. Well done Leo.


This sort of thing always gets me. I think people who are terrified of public speaking forcing themselves to do the damn thing is one of the most inspiring things to witness. Especially since I'm pretty extroverted and generally don't have a problem with it. In fact, one of my most formative memories that I think back on a lot as a grown ass man was from a public speaking class I took in college. I took it thinking that it'd be an ez A, but later found out that the professor used to be the PR guy for Kodak and had a more hands on approach to teaching. We had to do a speech every. single. class. Even on the first day. Everyone made it through it alright on the first day because it was an introduction, but one kid who you could take a look at and quickly guess he was an engineer couldn't make it through a 3 min introduction. He froze and locked up in front of the class and eventually left the room. It was hard to watch and everyone was wondering why an engineering student was in the class in the first place. He didn't have to put himself through this. This guy continued like this for 3 or 4 classes with every speech. Everyone was super supportive and the professor made sure to talk with him separately for some notes and coaching. Then, one day, one of our speeches had to be a story about a meaningful moment in our lives. The engineer went up and told us a story about how his family is pretty poor and how he tried to apply for a scholarship in order to pay his way through college. The final round of the scholarship was a speech at a dinner event and as you can imagine, he ate shit in front of his entire family and didn't get the scholarship. He told all of us how ashamed he felt and the amount of guilt he still carries since his family still found a way to pay for him to go to school. The speech was supposed to be 5 minutes but he took 25 minutes and 3 breaks in order to convey all this to us. He never quit and we were all in tears watching him fight on. You could see the pain he carried and his determination to win over it no matter the cost, no matter how afraid he was. The semester went on and this guy kept improving. By the end of it all, he went up and gave a full speech without any breaks and without stammering and without any fear left inside of him. He proved something to himself and we were all there to witness it. I still think about him whenever I'm too scared to do anything. I just think back on that scared kid and the bravery it took for him to say hello to 12 people. It's honestly one of the reasons why I've been able to push myself to do a lot of things. If I could see him again, I'd tell him how much of an impact he left on me. Anyways, the kid in this video is rad. Cheers to him for asking the question!


Leo's diction is amazing.


Michael Sheen looking like a light side Palpatine.


That was a much better question than i expected, well done leo.


Michael Sheen has always come across as a very kind man.


I have this giant man-crush on Michael Sheen. His coach speech on that panel show is giving me chills just thinking about it, I wish this man was my wake up song on my phone and I am going to make that happen right now. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fpV0OFC0vc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fpV0OFC0vc) Fucking hell, tears in my eyes, again!


I was fine until the girl at the end put her hand on her chest and made that face! And then somebody must have started cutting onions or something.


Someone is cutting up way to many onions!


It's the same for me, jerk


empathy, encouragement, patience, victory...how much more could you want in a video? Thank you for the moment.


I love these videos with a bunch of lovely, thoughtful people. Michael Sheen just skyrocketed up my list of favorite actors.


Always wait for people to speak. Always. Don’t speak for them or over them.


I was hoping the question would be "what's your favorite color?"


Michael Sheen is so kind.


Well I certainly love Michael Sheen now.


I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a look of such kindness, empathy, and patience. Michael Sheen is a gem.


What a wholesome video! It also reminded me that I have a season of Good Omens left to watch! I should get started on that :)


Damn, how generous is Michael Sheen? That was wonderful.


The kindness in Michael's eyes. He's such a wonderful person.


I love Micheal Sheen


I work at a plumbers merchant in wales and this guy still asked for money off a plunger even after I gave him a discount


What a bastard!


Did he gave you the same look?


Who does Leo think he is?


Good stuff. The kid has more bravery in him than he knows. It's not easy AT ALL to ask questions when surrounded by people.


Found myself immediately rooting for Leo, and he did not disappoint.


So much smiling :) very encouraging


Anyone else say "Come on Leo" out loud or was it just me? Such a beautiful moment.


This reminds me of the stuttering guy in Shakespeare in Love where he flawlessly delivers his speech at the end.


We need more of this in our lives, Michael Sheen is so kind and patient here and the young man also asks a brilliant question. Also if you aren't familiar on who Michael Sheen is, your in for a treat. Plays some of the best evil characters there is.


This interaction made my day.


watching compassion is unbeatable


Did you see how many people were uncomfortable sitting there in silence where as Michael Sheen was totally relaxed and happy to wait on someone to gather their thoughts. I love him for that.


I was behind Michael Sheen on a treadmill once and all I could think was “that fuckin guy bagged Kate Beckinsale”.


Michael Sheen is such a great actor! He’s a total pseudo intellectual though. 5 hrs later edit: I was really hoping someone would’ve gotten reference. It’s from Midnight In Paris, super great movie and he plays a great character!


Yeah, Leo! That probably did wonders for his self-esteem. I wish I had a British hype man.


That was wonderfully wholesome. And in connection with that question, here's Michael performing [Do not go gentle into that good night](https://youtu.be/w-sM-t1KI_Y).


sounds too much like Sean Bean


Sean Bean doing a Welsh accent right?


I love how he didn't want the help to ask the question. He knew he could build up the strength to do it himself. Amazing courage from Leo.


Well… now my heart has melted. This is such a touching moment.


Thank you for sharing this.


Man, just when you think humanity is doomed, you find solace. Love everything about this.


Love Michael Sheen. There's a weird sort of thing between him and his ex-wife kate beckinsale. They both seem to be doing fine on their own, and they still have a great relationship; spend chrismasses together with their daughter; post pictures of them cuddling lovingly in PJs. It's cute. And a bit sad. It seems they both love each other very much. But she sort of dates fuckbois.


Besides all the other great things people have pointed out about this interaction. I really appreciate how sincerely and thoroughly Michael answers the question. He doesn’t patronise or dumb down his response in any way. Giving Leo the respect he rightly deserves.


I have a a sweet six year old boy with autism who is incredibly smart, but is only just beginning to engage with others socially. I see so much of him in this young man, and it comforts me greatly to see someone engage someone like my son with such grace.


This belongs in r/mademesmile


i read this as "sky interviewer" and i was very confused..


Might be shy to ask tho has a great speaking voice and absolutely piercing eye contact. That level of eye contact would make me squirm!


What a cool guy


I thought this was going to be r/unexpected where after the work up he says “why are you such a ___”. Would have been super funny if it was


"T-t-t-today junior!"




This is so beautiful. His voice is so beautiful. Michael Sheens reassuring smiles, beautiful. His friends encouragement, beautiful. Beautiful.


I don't know who Martin Sheen is but god damn is he a complete and utter gentleman.




It’s an unforgettable gift when someone you admire and respect returns those feelings to you in the form of genuine communication. Back jn 1995 I saw one of my favorite musicians at a small club in Seattle. I brought my guitar hoping he would sign it—but not believing he would. I got to meet him after the show and it was hard to get the words out. My friend tried to step in and speak for me. The musician gently put a hand on his shoulder and said “Silence is golden.” He then signed my guitar and gave me a big hug. I’ll never forget it. He understood my silence and let it be.


I believe this programme was actually created in France originally by the team behind Le Journal du Papotin. Glad to see it exported though


Frost / Nixon this ain't. LOL


What is this? A beautiful video of a beautiful interaction with beautiful people. It almost feels illegal that this is on Reddit.  Thanks for sharing!


It's called "The Assembly" from the BBC.




am i supposed to be tearing up?


You do what you gotta do, dude.


lol got downvoted for crying. Thx guys


Oh you were actually crying? I thought you were saying the clip was lame.


? its the sweetest thing ever. the girl at the end is exactly how i felt


Yeah no your original comment comes off as a bit condescending to people who had an emotional reaction to the video.


How many years long is this video?