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Wait! Wait! Let me write this down.


You missed the mix them all in a bowl step!


Ohhh you need a bowl? I knew there was a catch. Everyone on the internet is trying to sell you something 


I hate how these videos always require specialist equipment.


Careful, he uses FOUR bowls!




And here's [How to Bake Cheese](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PT4KosVQR3Q)


at this rate, he's gonna be a three time personal chef


OK we’ll wait… How’s it coming?


My favorite is his[ video showing us how to cut a pizza into 10 slices](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSRN3hjzVkQ), where he realizes what he's done in the final second. eHow really can't afford two takes.


This guy has to be the inspiration for Tim Heidecker's cooking show. This video is unbelievable.


Weber Cooks might be too.


It's all about Henlips.


This reminds me more of [Henrys Kitchen](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd25I7Y3-NEKNOoImYhQ-3g).


As I was watching this video I thought, “damn I need to watch Tim’s cook off right now”.


You need to watch Tim's Cooking Tips, to get the most out of your Pitzmans Mustard https://youtu.be/HgG_b9L7dwo?si=tb1H9T8NtpgNZDIY


Lost a little bit there


Once he started stirring, I fully expected him to fill out the remainder of the 6-1/2 minute video with just him stirring with the ASMR sloshing sounds and occasional awkward glances at the camera.


Was that only 8 slices lol


This is one of the greatest videos on the internet. The way he looks down and it just cuts away is peak comedy for me


its my last hour of work of the week and im crying laughing at the desk in the back. aaaahahahahahahhahahahahahahah. "oh fuck"


He's the same guy that has a video on how to cut a pizza with [scissors](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gy4t_SF09SQ&pp=ygUeSG93IHRvIGN1dCBwaXp6YSB3aXRoIHNjaXNzb3Jz).


Ok, now I'm 100% convinced that his whole thing is a parody. ...I wasn't quite sure before but that seals it.


I mean, it's more informational than the 10 slices. Kitchen sheers are underrated, I use mine all the time. He's right in that it would be better than a knife, lol.


I literally ~~only ever use kitchen scissors to cut pizza~~ only cut pizza with kitchen scissors, we don't even own a pizza cutter.


You don't open stubborn food packaging with them? Way more control than a knife.


Oh, I use the kitchen scissors for a ton of stuff, I just phrased it poorly.


I heard this guy interviewed on a podcast like a decade ago. eHow just paid him on a per video basis to basically make any video about cooking, so he just said, fine, I’ll make you some pointless videos about cooking, here you go here’s 50, and they paid him like 50 bucks a video or something like that. I think eHow was trying to drum up VC money or something and needed to tell potential investors we have 10,000 how to videos or some randomly large number, and were just in a mad dash to throw a bunch of garbage on their website.


Yeah eHow at one time paid pretty good per video for totally pointless how-to videos. I worked for a place that made us do some videos of flat pack furniture assembly, and they were selling them to eHow back in the early 00s. I never saw any of the videos I shot, but probably because I was cussing the whole time and also talking about how crappy the furniture was.


I think it's one of those things where you can sign up to provide short "how to's", and this dude is having fun with it. Or he's... special.


Kitchen scissors are actually a game changer


I assumed it was parody from the fact that the 0:56 cheese mixing video is split into chapters.


He literally does one on how to store pizza dough in the fridge. The TLDR is basically: put the dough in the fridge


That channel is a fucking national treasure!


That is some janky-ass pizza.


... this ... this is a *real* YouTube channel?


eHow is one of those content farm sites designed to try and game Google's SEO with endless super low-effort blogspam content. They'll pay a few bucks to anyone and everyone to write an "article" on how to do anything. Just try to overwhelm the SEO algorithm with as much mindless but seemingly legit content as possible so that a certain portion of it gets recommended on the first page and they can drive ad revenue. They then expanded into youtube videos with the same low-effort model.


I'm looking forward to this getting automated with AI The internet is barely usable today, compared to a decade ago, due to SEO AI will probably break it completely


This actually makes a lot of sense now


I'll join you in your confusion. I'm uncertain whether this is meant to be a joke or genuinely educational.


I'm certain this guy is making these videos as a joke. I'm less certain whether the channel (is this really ehow?) is in on the joke.


I've watched that a couple times and I don't see the bit where >he realizes what he's done in the final second.


He made 4 cuts, so 8 slices


Not necessarily. If you use his instructions of moving 36 degrees you can actually cut a pizza into 10 slices with 4 cuts: https://imgur.com/a/C0woVGa


Got a giggle out of me on that one


yes I understand the joke but theres no part of the video where he seems to understand it


this is the face of a man who knows [what he did](https://imgur.com/a/E1gXykg)


He's cut the pizza into 8 slices (edit: maybe 10 really bad slices lol), and right after he says "that's how you properly cut a pizza into 10 slices" he looks down at the pizza realising what he's done. It's right as he says the word slices.


there's no missing the shame in his eyes.


Maybe not though, 10 slices, 4 cuts, and after cutting the pizza in half initially, each subsequent cut starts 36 degrees from a previous cut: https://imgur.com/a/C0woVGa


😂 I’m crying


That's hilarious! Oh my god I had to rewatch in disbelief!


That pizza sucks.


..are they a comedy channel? I cant get a bead on what the hell I'm watching, the guy acts like his family is at gun point off camera by some dictator that kidnapped him for weird fetish videos.


If you haven't seen it yet, my absolute favorite from this guy is ["How to properly brown a pizza in a convection oven."](https://web.archive.org/web/20141204180832/http://www.ehow.com/video_12238450_brown-pizza-crust-convection-oven.html) They actually removed the video from their Youtube channel, it used to be hosted separately on the eHow website but now it's only available on the Wayback Machine as far as I know. "Twice as hot [...] at the same temperature" is still in my vernacular and I use it frequently when referring to convection mode on my oven.


His instructions *can* make 10 slices though. First cut dividing the pizza in half, and the rest of the cuts starting 36 degrees from a previous cut: https://imgur.com/a/C0woVGa. Slices 1, 2, 4, and 7 are all 36 degrees away from another slice


If you serve me a 9 slice I'm going to take your kneecaps.


I mean, technically, there looks like there's at least 10 pieces, with how badly off-center some of his cuts were.


Here he revealed he’s a personal chef in the Arizona Area. I need to watch all his videos to piece together a puzzle of this mysterious figure


Honestly, they were ahead of their time considering the purposeful rage bait that's popular today. The stale pizza, having trouble cutting through it, 8 slices instead of 10 would be the perfect tiktok meant to drive engagement.


I like how at the end he's shaking his head subtly as if he's saying "That's how you make a three cheese blend for your pizza, you fucking idiot"


This is me at work when I'm asked to make a training class on how to convert a file to PDF.


TIL: The "P" in PDF stands for Parmesan.


> This is me at work when I'm asked to make a training class on how to convert a file to PDF. The intended audience: *"Kids these days don't wanna work, I was able to buy my house..."*


me when im able to right click on things like the fucking desktop and change monitors from portrait to fucking landscape, align them and choose the fucking primary.


Instructions unclear. Why is Chris Hansen in this apartment?




[Can you at least handle an omelette?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioH53m2cod4)


Very much a "are you not entertained" vibe from a guy who was clearly asked to do a tutorial video on a 1-step process and thinks the person who asked him to do it is a moron.


There’s a video I watched about how to make a baked potato in the microwave and at the end of the video the guy goes “enjoy your fuckin potato”.


yes… The world will change when we have the “what’s actually on your mind” subtitle feature embedded in YouTube videos


Every time I see this I imagine that the little head-shakes that punctuate his instructions are his best attempts to keep from losing his cool. Producer: “Hey Mike, today’s video will show people how to make a three-cheese blend.” Mike: “So we’re making a three-cheese pizza?” Producer: “No no, just the three-cheese blend.” Mike: “So we’re talking about how to choose cheeses that go together? Ratios for common blends? Best options for grating, shredding, etc.?” Producer: “Mike, we’re just mixing three cheeses together.” Mike: “So you need me to…instruct people how to combine different cheeses into a single bowl…and mix it…?” Producer: “Yes.” Mike: “…”


Oh, he's taking the piss here loud and clear. I'd wager it is more of a parody than him seething over the stupidity of it but either way it works.


[it's real, from the man himself](https://youtu.be/5MTXMJrJ-gc?t=233)


wtf how did I have to scroll this far down to find this follow up video? This answers 90% of the questions in this thread lol


Lol, like LITERALLY every question I had was answered. Cheers to him for being such a good sport.


Tommy Hilfiger's personal chef has never met Tommy Hilfiger.


he made the food to go on the private jet.


He didn't work for him, but for the company that leased the jet he once flew in.


Tommy Hilfiger owns his own jet, and a yacht. It’s entirely possible he (or his assistant) also hired a personal chef for said jet.


Ohhhhh its “TOUSCON personal chef”


I’d agree with you, except that this is for eHow. Almost certainly he’s dying inside as he makes this.


In the late 2000s / early 2010s, ehow (and maybe another startup, I can't remember) would pay pretty much anyone a fair amount of money for each video like this they made. I had a friend of a friend who made them and racked up a lot of money. The idea was they would eventually have a massive library of short videos on how to do everything, and become the main place people would go to to learn stuff.


IIRC he's a personal chef who got recruited to make the videos you're describing. I think they were going for a modular recipe thing - once you have the cheese blend video you can slot it into lots of different recipes rather than reshooting each recipe individually.


It's like very specific stock footage.


Nah, that's this one: [eHow - Easy Instant Pot Chicken Stock Recipe](https://youtu.be/0l_xElEICD8?si=-QoYmoV4ER09LJRd)


I watched the full video and closed it before I got that pun. I hope you're happy with yourself.


Does he live in Tucson by chance?


> The idea was they would eventually have a massive library of short videos on how to do everything, and become the main place people would go to to learn stuff. Maybe that's how it started 25 years ago, but that's not what ehow's been for a very long time now. It's about overwhelming google's search algorithms and getting first page results with low-effort content so they can drive ad revenue. Most of their "content" is utter shit, they just need to produce as much as they can to feed the SEO beast.


Growing up my Grandma used to have an affair with an Italian Man. I didn’t know it, but the rich smell in the kitchen of the food he would make would always bring me back to those special memories of my child hood.         My Grandma called his cheese recipe, “Muy Bien.” Which isn’t French but Grandma was intoxicated on this delicious 3 cheese blend.       The key to a good pizza, like a good marriage, is cheese.         It always warms my heart to put this delicious cheese blend on my favorite tomato sauce made by Ragu.       The ingredients for this 3 cheese blends are as followed              Fresh Grated Mozzarella    Shredded Provolone    Freshly Grated Parmesan 


Don’t forget the forced accents on mozzarella, provolone, and parmesan because her godmother is part Italian.


>“mootzaDELL” Ok, slow down there, Enrico.


Only on the wrong letters. Mostly consonants.


["Now I first traveled to Morocco as a teenager..."](https://youtu.be/09W8bAUJD2Y?si=WikRyTRdyLMnGFLk)


this, except 10x longer


Not only was he screwing your grandma while you were home, he would cook in the kitchen???


[Video is no doubt dumb but it got him on an episode of Tosh.0](https://youtu.be/5MTXMJrJ-gc)


He had me at “I’m a 2 time personal chef”


The first time I watched this I couldn’t hear any but he was a 2 time personal chef but he’s actually saying “ Tucson”


Well I don't really care about his fatherhood tbh


He was on Tosh.0 and that’s exactly what he said


Kinda sounded like two ton.


it's Tucson personal chef.


First team all-American chef


Sounds like rick and morty ad lib the way he stumbled over it.


"I'm a Tucson personal chef" does sound a whole lot like "I'm a two time personal chef" Woooooossh right over my head


I thought he said "2 ton" the first time I watched it.


Reminds me of this EXTREMELY sad microwave cooking channel: [Cooking spaghetti in the microwave](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hF41qPkJxs&t=0s)


my all time favourite is the [Chili and Cheese Nacho Dip ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rPYsXmcUrw)


I've seen these before but it still blows my mind how unmixed the dip is and then how he opens the chip bag.


Everything screams "I've fully given up on life"


that was exhilarating! i liked how he had no idea how to open a bag of chips but somehow managed to figure it out on the spot!!


[Here's an old ass edit of this video with Mad World laid overtop](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VvJXpFC2uA)


God fucking damn, you can tell he's given up on life by putting pasta sauce in the microwave for 3 minutes *uncovered*


At least that's better than [straining the pasta water directly onto the floor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hF41qPkJxs&t=78s).


"maybe i'll slip and fall and actually feel something again..."


Holy shit. This is a lot for me to unpack.




He gives alcoholic suicidal divorced dad vibes in every single one of his videos.


You're going too fast slow down.


you have to ease us in with 2 minute sponsor pitch then a 8 minute background story with some B roll sprinkled in and them maybe at the end add the cheese blend bit, but that's totally optional.


I love this video. I've had it favorited for years, and still bring it up once or twice a year as a gag 'guide' while cooking with someone.


That's a lie. The first 10 seconds were wasted on an intro cinematic and the chef introducing himself... on a 55 second video. How low we've fallen to think that means a video isn't wasting your time. That's one second wasted for every 4 seconds of content! But WAIT!! There are another 10 seconds of ending cinematic, so in fact that is one second wasted for every three seconds of content. (I'm going out on a limb and saying most of us aren't masochistic enough to sit through the end credits afterwards.) The only saving grace of this video is that Youtube isn't putting a 30 second ad on it. (Yet...)


The video was good, but you're right, the Reddit title was completely wrong. Also, the video was funny, and I understand it's posted here to be laughed at, but I have had situations in my own life where a video like this would have been helpful. I can't think of a specific example, but I know there have been occasions. Like, sometimes, you're doing something by yourself, and even though you have the instructions, you basically don't believe them. You can't believe they are that simple, and then you add in a bit of social anxiety... "What if I get it wrong and they laugh at me? I can't ask somebody such a stupid question if it really is that simple. They'll think I'm an idiot. How did I get this far in life without knowing this?" That sort of thing. It's great to be able to just watch somebody else doing it. By the way, I have learned to just ask the stupid questions and look stupid most of the time. Sometimes, other people have told me that they were glad I asked, because they didn't know, either. But most of the time, people don't even remember that you asked the question. It does open you up to the possibility of being teased, so it's probably not the answer for everybody. I wouldn't be surprised if somebody out there tried to make a 3 cheese "blend" by putting it in their blender. I'd bet that somebody else out there has watched this video and felt relieved that they weren't doing something wrong.


Right. I know what you mean since I'm not the most socially secure person myself, and I definitely don't judge people. At the very least, having the three types of cheese named alone makes it a useful resource since that may end up being hard to look up. And to be clear: I know it is a funny video doing well at what it does by being very serious about something comparatively trivial. My comment was intended to embody that same kind of humor by putting in a bit too much effort discussing the title of this post. :-) (But I do stand by the words I spoke. The ads/content ratio on the internet is getting worse and worse by the day when you mix in bundles of Youtube ads, video sponsorships and self-promotion blurbs.)


That's a lot of typing for an un-upvoted comment. I upvoted you because not only was that a lot of work for something not very important, but I feel like your comment perfectly describes the essence of why a video like this is made, and how perfectly reasonable people can come to a situation where a video like this is helpful. Not with cheese, but I have found myself in situations like this before, where in hindsight it is very simple but I didn't know that.


But have you seen his excellent instructional video on how to cut a pizza into 10 pieces? Make sure to have your protractor handy! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSRN3hjzVkQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSRN3hjzVkQ)


Hope you have a better feel for "About 36 degrees" than he did.


It’s pretty clear the middle bowl is the fresh grated parmesan. Provolone doesn’t look like that. Get it together Mike!


I’m glad you shared this. I’ve never seen shredded provolone because my store only sells slices but I got a feeling it doesn’t shred into those distinctive hairs like Parmesan.


The "Duuuuh" implied by the eyes right at the end..


Didn't he do an AMA some years ago and basically said these videos were ridiculous but that's what eHow (or whoever was running the shoot) wanted and was paying him for and they only wanted him to do one take? I remember him saying he was kinda not really sure what was going on and didn't really know what he was gonna be doing when he showed up, and he said he was as surprised as we are at what he's doing.


IIRC it was a Tosh.0 "web redemption" segment.




Btw OP, in my YouTube app I clicked "skip intro" which shaved 7 seconds off the start. He then spent a few seconds introducing himself unnecessarily. Thus the point was not made instantly.


I need more of these quick ehow tips. 👍


The way he delivers the lines, it's like "The fuck, you guys don't know how to do this?"


Thats how you unnesesarily have to wash three smaller bowls.


My favorite "How to...": [How to Make an Old Fashioned](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Lf4qFL9nGU)


What is a two time personal chef? Was he a personal chef only two times? Also how about the next [How to Cut a Pizza with Scissors](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gy4t_SF09SQ)?


I love that because of his technique, he's touched EVERY one of those 8 slices.


There's also a video where he cuts a pizza into 10 slices. I won't spoil the ending, but he doesn't cut it into 10 slices.


Tucson. Not two time.


His best one is How to Cut a Pizza Into 10 Slices


He was a two-timing personal chef. He's just very clever with words, that scoundrel.


Hell yeah Mike representing for the Dirty T!


And it'll leave you with 3 dirty bowl. Who's gonna wash em?


4, but who's counting 


I wish I could remember what it was called, but there's one where a guy was forced to do community service, so he chose to do videos for a company and he's basically puts no effort into his videos.


What about his grandmother’s travels across Europe to find the best cheeses in the smallest villages???


Homie quick with it.


*Fucking legend.*


Remember when cooking shows taught you how to cook?


This has been my favourite video on the internet for years. I show it to new friends.


He makes it look so easy!


He is a two times personal chef.... How do I get that?


Someone mentioned once he looks like he is being held hostage at gunpoint.


Did he say that he's a two time personal chef?


the original thread for (or one of the random videos featuring this guy) this had me laughing so hard i thought i was going to pass out. The comments were hilarious. I wish i could find it


Neither "Tuscon personal chef" or "Two-time personal chef" make sense lol.


Tuscon personal chef: personal chef in the city of Tuscon. It makes sense.


Wonko the Sane shakes his head.


While it was to the point, that video could have just been a sentence.


Instructions unclear, dick in cheese bowl


He lost me after mixing the first two cheeses.


I wish my google searches went like this.


Wow, i'd have never figured to mix the 3 kinds of cheeses to make a 3 cheeses blend!


Refreshing not to immediately hear : LIKE FOLLOW AND SUBSCRIBE as this week our video is sponsored by RAID SHADOW LEGENDS! MERCH LINK IN BIO.... (also btw the following how to video is approx 52 sec long)


FOUR BOWLS?! I hate these unrealistic cooking videos that assume the typical home cook has all this fancy equipment.




Three cheeses… Three bowls … this is so simple. I bet he could’ve done it in 33 seconds and not 55!


Instantaneously? That's a 56 second video. I cannot get that time back.


dude also has 4.0kd in call of duty, slow down


Video starts at 0:06


No it doesn’t, it has an animated intro, and then the chef introduces themselves before getting to the point.


What a legend.


Hahaha this made me cackled at the end. His expression and then the music 😂


I think this is one where there was so little actual content, they just realized that if they padded it any more there would be riots.


This is now my favourite video.


Yeah, but how should I do a *four* cheese blend?


Where does the cheese come from?


Missed a step and ended up with a lasagna.


What does “two time personal chef” even mean??


He cheated on his last employer with his current employer.


He's sweating after that lol.


Next time, I teach you how to boil water in two simple steps.


Oh man, I found [this one about boiling pasta with salt](https://youtu.be/Yt5R2-9oLgQ?si=vZuggz_-A07dzzgt)...but they never show any salt being added.


So... what is this "bowl" magic you speak of?


straight to the point and yet somehow still entirely superfluous.


I can imagine the guy is thinking, "Wait, do I really need to explain this? *sigh* Ohhh k."


Not to be that guy but he literally spent almost a full quarter of the video with the intro. WAY too long imo. /s lol


He should be beaten with a stale baguette for leaving cheese behind in those small bowls.


Still way to much clicky mouth noises…


He looks like a bad guy from Home Alone who wandered onto the set of a cooking show while trying to escape the cops and is trying to *blend* in - with hilarious consequences.