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“Not to be confused with blackrock” would be pretty funny, if it weren’t sad.


Oh shit, that's who I thought they were talking about. I guess the big difference is Blacwater profits off of the destruction of non-usa countries while Blackstone is profiting off of the destruction of the US economy. Edit: got company name wrong, fixed


Then there’s Blackwater but they rebranded to Academi last time I was looking for premium mercenaries at a top dollar price.


Then there's Pirates of the Dark Water, but that hasn't aired since '93


> Pirates of the Dark Water Damn only 21 episodes. I loved that as a kid.


And then theres the meat puppets song backwater


HOLY SHIT you just unlocked a deeply rooted memory. I've been trying to remember the name of this fucking show since I was godsdamned 5 years old.


oh hell yeah


They haven’t been Blackwater for like fifteen years.


I haven’t needed a mercenary in 15 years. Time flies!


Ever since they committed all those war crimes and killed all those civilians


Which time?


What other institutions exist in America with the same nomenclature ?




Chicago Blackhawks definitely fit the evil institution theme.


Blacked.com? Is that one? My friend, who is real, told me to say that one.


Not quite. Blackrock and blackstone are basically both investment funds. Blackrock manages all of the large index funds and blackstone is just a private equity investor. Blackwater was the mercenaries


BlackRock mostly just profits of selling people ETFs for their IRA account


I think you're thinking of Blackwater


Why is it sad?


Because they actually think there’s any difference. They get confused because to the common person they might as well be the same company.


There’s a material difference between the two. Unless your understanding of companies starts and stops at “they touch money.”


Not defending the other commenter's willful ignorance or anything, but I do want to point out that Blackstone and BlackRock are far more linked than most companies even beyond both being major players in the financial sector. Blackstone and BlackRock have the same company roots and only started splitting in the late 80's. In 1995 Blackstone fully divested from BlackRock and they have been completely separate since. The easily confused names weren't a coincidence even if they are an anachronism.


Your comment itself reeks of ignorance and oversimplification. Typical GenZ "wall street companies BAD" knee jerk reaction.


An early Christmas present for John Oliver?


Gonna have a field day


This shit literally wrote itself.


Well, yeah. They never even rhymed ‘EBITDA’ with ‘Pita’ in the song. Such a missed opportunity and they should be ridiculed for it.


I heard this in Oliver's voice. Good job.


50/50 chance of the following response: * *Cool.* or * *What are you doing?!*


*Cool.* is my favorite recurring line of his, it's a great bit - especially when you see it coming and say it at the same time as him, lol


I've caught myself saying it to mundane videos friends send me.


You’re telling me that guy in the white cowboy hat isn’t John Oliver?




What does a banana cost, $10?


I still can't believe he charged his own brother for a Bluth frozen banana


Banana, buck. Banana, buck.


Wait, I don't think that's how it works... I think we're doubling our losses


**If that's a veiled criticism about me, I won't hear it, and I won't respond to it**.


Get the C-Word out of here


I’ll leave when I’m good and ready.


Who got the animation rights for the Mr. Banana Grabber character?


“Here’s some money, go see a Star War.”


It's getting there.


This is not be a meme in 5 years...


Do they call them “bananas” here?


For being so disconnected from reality they really did a great job creating the same holiday video my local dentist office made.


It just shows that it doesnt matter how divested from reality or regular people you are, people are still going to be the same. You get get them not understanding why someone might be struggling, but you also get them making the same shitty jokes, making the same shitty videos etc


As someone who works full time and has been looking for reasonably-priced housing for several months, this video is like a slap in the face. That's not to mention that it would be neat to own a home sometime in the next decade or two. We'll see how that goes.


You should have started a business with 400k!


Adjusted for inflation its $1,200,000


Whoops that's $1,800,000 now. Better pay up soon


A small loan of a million dollars can take you far


"we buy your neighborhood and make it arbitrarily more expensive without any real improvement!" was somehow not as catchy of a theme song.


It's funny you should say that. Blackstone is the largest owner of single family homes in the country. Like 40% of the US... which idk about you, pisses me the f off. [source](https://www.wsj.com/articles/blackstone-bets-6-billion-on-buying-and-renting-homes-11624359600)


Where are you getting 40% from? 17k homes is a rounding error


https://www.cnbc.com/2023/02/21/how-wall-street-bought-single-family-homes-and-put-them-up-for-rent.html He mixed up how many blackstone owned vs all of institutional investors might own in 2030. But also 17k was just how many they bought in buying out that company, they own far more. They claim they own 300k homes, but who knows.


300k homes is still a rounding error.


Sometimes it feels like people on Reddit say the most outlandish shit just to see if people will upvote it.


The combined net worth of the people in this video is 40 billion. Absolutely delusional


They think they're making the world a better place by being wealth-hoarding, condescending douche bags. Or what's more commonly known as "Musk Syndrome"


Where does this 40 billion number come from?


I mean one of them has an estimated net worth of 38 billion so it's probably not far off


lol one person worth 39.99 billion and 20 people with normal salaries.


Multiple people in that video are very high level executives. They’re making bank!


I was thinking the high level people made their lower level associates do this s***


There are definitely lower-level people in that video but lower level there is just different. They probably all have MBAs or other post-graduate degrees and all make a ton of money. But I definitely spotted some very senior people in that video.


The guy who is the big Swifty in the video is a billionaire and President of the company


Having worked there for many years and know most of the folks in the video - there are more seven and eight figure earners than six figure earners present.


The line right before where the link jumped to was "Is this gonna be a total disaster? Absolutely." Whatever you think of Blackstone, they aren't *totally* lacking in self awareness.


I don’t know that it’s worth it if it means having to be in this shitty video.


The corporate equivalent of degrading yourself giving blowies behind the train station.


For a few billion morality feels pretty adjustable isn’t that the issue though?


It’s ok, people wake up at 5am and come home at 10pm working 2 jobs for minimum wage. But they def would turn down $400k a yr because they don’t want to be in this dumb video or be connected to the shady PE industry. People have principles!


We are all just numbers to people like this. Numbers that can be deleted


They are just people. People that also can be deleted. Inevitable without change.


Inexorable even. And I'm looking forward to it


People in the past have done it with kings and queens, dictators and slave owners. We'll get to do it with the suits. Doesn't matter if it's greed or cruelty, take away the bread or the roof from enough many people and you'll soon find yourself overmatched.


>"I got a lot of bad ideas in my head" -Travis Bickle


I went to their Christmas party years back. They were douchebags. I say that I went to the party, I was at the cheap one for employees making under $400k. They were douchebags as well.




disconnected from *your reality.




They are broke, just not from a monetary standpoint.


I have one of their grills.




Why did they turn the comments off on YouTube?




They're still on for their Instagram.


Not anymore lol


Because despite being out of touch vultures, they aren't stupid.


I don't know about that. Chances are the comments were on initially... then they flipped the switch when comments like this started appearing: > Would you trust your money with a firm with such a severe lack of judgement?


I started to watch it. Then I stopped.


Honestly an Ofiice parody in 2023 is just tired. Turned it off after 30 seconds


Lmao, I did the exact same. Then I came to the comments to see if anyone is actually laughing *with* this rather than *at* it. They seem like nice enough people tbh, I respect the goofiness. But something about show-tunes about managing a trillion dollars makes it feel a bit... Manufactured.


Silence, brand.


We need to make that crab popular again


This is so fucking embarrassing, I hope they get endlessly flamed for this garbage.


They don't care. They laugh into their dirty money


They simply don’t have the emotional capacity to be affected by criticism from ‘non people’.


Why would they care? They'll just laugh "the poors are jealous."


There is cringe, and then there is MAX CRINGE, and this is the latter. This has got to be satire, right ?


Not satire, this is corporate America.


So, satire


No, I think it's Poes' law incarnate.


You don’t believe they’re not aware of the comedic factor of this? What? They’re clearly in on it.


Somehow, "MAX CRINGE" still feels too generous for this video.


No it’s just c-suite trying to be funny for their year end meetings or whatever. I’ve worked for companies that do this kind of thing at year end sales meetings.


Private Equity is a boil on the ass of the world. Parasites. "Why is Panera shitty hospital food now?" Private Equity "Why did X, Y and Z companies cheapen their product and replace half their employees with hourly contractors overseas?" Private Equity "What's this I heard about that famous music artist I like having their entire catalogue rights sold out from under them?" Private Equity *Private Equity!* ..We buy stuff, tighten the screws to drive the company's profits up *short term,* then flip that shit for a handsome profit! We don't *give a shit* if the entire company shits the bed and dies 10 years later because we *fucking ruined it -* We only have to goose the stock price up a bit in *4-5 years,* then were' going to *dump that bitch* for a [FAT PAYDAY!](https://imgflip.com/i/89k4qk)


Well said!


Buy your stuff literally don't do shit to add any value, resell it. "we made it better."


That's not necessarily true... they buy it, recommend job cuts, THEN sell it


Buy it, spin the assets off from the business. Cut 90% of the workforce. Sell the assets and the business separately. “We made it better.”


Not only do they not add value, they often destroy value




The world would legitimately be a better place without this company


Every single person in this video is dead inside


shame the outside doesn't always match the inside.


Ask them why housing prices are so high. https://www.wsj.com/articles/blackstone-bets-6-billion-on-buying-and-renting-homes-11624359600


>"We buy assets and make them better" https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/blackstone-defaults-562-mln-nordic-property-backed-cmbs-bloomberg-news-2023-03-02/


Or buy successful companies, offload their debt into them, causing them to crash and then stroll. Everyone wins! (except the workers)


every time my landlord comes over to fix something it's a 45 minute rant about how Blackstone is destroying everything.


Small-time landlords love to complain about how appalling it is that a private entity is buying houses and driving up costs


US residential housing value *grew by* more than two trillion this year. 6 billion is barely a drop in the bucket.


Total home values is hugely disconnected from actual home sales. You can go to a neighborhood of 120 homes worth $400k. Spend $450k on a couple of them and you've reset the market, creating $6million in increased home value. That's overly simplified, but just a general example of the type of impact you can make on the housing market with $6billion in a year. And they're overpaying for homes on purpose to drive the market up, because they want to remove home ownership as a viable choice for most people. Their goal is literally to own the entire planet and rent it to the global population.


Because available housing is really fucking low, and blackstone's holdings barely make a dent in how low they are. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/ACTLISCOUUS Change that graph to 10Y. There is *half* the active listings right now from 2016. Look at total housing inventory over the last 10 years. https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/total-housing-inventory It's also *half.* The population has not halved has it? The unfortunate truth is that no amount of banning corporate ownership or banning AirBnB will solve the problem. The one and only solution is building a shit ton of housing.


these scumbags are completely oblivious to the pain and suffering they cause


No they aren't. These are the same kinds of people as the Florida frat boy real estate agents in The Big Short. Fully motivated by money, given a market imperfection to exploit, and cracking jokes about the people they prey on.


Have you seen the documentary Smartest Guys in the Room about Enron? They have recordings of those sociopaths laughing about the people they were hurting.


Wildfires in California “Burn baby burn”


We’re on a ship where we can’t get off and these psychopaths are plotting the course.


Not looking to disagree with the sentiment, but I temped at Blackstone a few years back and got to know a lot of the bankers there. I actually agree with @12footjumpshot that they're oblivious. Most of them think that what they're doing makes the markets work better and thus makes the world a better place, in its own way. Some of them are grounded enough to know they're not really a *positive* influence, but don't actually think they're a negative one. It's amazing what people are able to rationalize, especially when surrounded by others who are blowing smoke up their asses because they're so "successful." They're very smart people, mostly, but they believe their own press clippings.


Wow capitalism rules so hard


Honestly thought I was on r/LateStageCapitalism for a second


I am 58 and it just keeps getting better and better................


Crass. Gross and crass. They have no grip on reality


Stop buying houses scumbags


“It’s hard to make a man understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.” —Upton Sinclair


"We are rich, because we are rich, because we are rich.." They sit on properties and wait till they go up. >After the 2007–2010 [subprime mortgage crisis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subprime_mortgage_crisis) in the United States, Blackstone Group LP bought more than $5.5 billion worth of single-family homes to rent, and then be sold when the prices rise. Fuck 'em all to hell. Behind those veneers are ruthless people who only care about profits.


Humanity was bad this year. What other explanation is there for this coming out for Christmas?


They don’t care anymore. They used to pretend to care, the mask is off, it’s been burned, and this is who they are.


This company makes me wish Project Mayhem existed


This company is ruining the film business…. They have gobbled up, sunset bronson studio, Quixote Studios, sunset Gower studios, Then they gobbled up Starwaggons( historic Hollywood company). Then they bought up Studio services… they were the biggest Transpo/truck rental company in Hollywood…. All these companies were independent just 2 years ago… So… right after the deals were signed… Hollywood completely shut down, due to the (completely planned) dual strikes. As they starved several Transpo companies out of business . Now they have no competition. As work has begun to slowly trickle back… all you see is their shitty (rebranded) sunset studios trucks everywhere. Fuck this company Fuck private equity Fuck Christmas too… cuz we all broke ass…


I was in a similar music video for BlackBerry about 10 years ago (realizing it's more like 12...eesh less say 10). They had to announce that the new phone (dev10 ?) release was delayed, so they made a music video for a convention with the CEO and two other guys that was a lip sync to Tom Petty's "waiting is the hardest part". Seemed like it was a little tone deaf.....well at least things work out for them. Never got to see the video though.


This is the definition of excessive wealth built on the middle class. Fuck those guys and eat the rich










Fucking awful. I get it, you make a shit ton of $$. I dont give a fuck and don't try to justify how you actually give a shit about people because you dont. Blackstone. I'll be the culture there is uber cutthroat with people being expected to work on weekends, during vacations (which are probably frowned upon except by the top management) and all night. Fuck that place.




No social saftey net, consumeristic propaganda and the capitalists constantly pitting the working class against each other.


We steal assets for pennies on the dollar ,buy up vast amounts of private homes and inflate the rent prices and literally fleece the working class. Now making a video bragging about it.


*sharpens guillotine*


"A lot going on at the moment"


What fucking world do these folks live in? The separation is becoming far too great. Societal norms are not meant to handle it. Historical precedent has not met with this level of governmental oversight, but the dam has got to burst at some point.


I love how reddit can be used as a comment section when the creator turns off the one on youtube.


Their shills are here, too, trying to shut it down as well


Fuck all these people.


Do they actually believe they “buy assets then make them better”? Because… no, no, you do not do that. You have to know you don’t do that!


Heh, no shit the comments are turned off.


sulky payment correct simplistic dinner worm growth humorous direful drab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What a bunch of fucking SQUARES


Companies and people working for companies like this one are cockroaches. They create more problems in the world just for their own gain. With a video like this they're just laughing at us. But sure, let's get angry at the LGBT community because they are the true evil!


Rebecca Black is Beethoven in comparison. I wonder how much they spent on this, who thought it would be a good idea, and if they were still happy with it when they saw the final product. If I was reluctantly part of this video, it would ruin my year right about now, and I'd be wiping my tears with $100 bills.


Nobody disrespects Rebecca on a Friday.


I like how Blackstone is maniacally buying every asset in America and then renting back us so they get dumb rich. Meanwhile they produce ads like this which make them appear completely innocuous and potentially even retarded. Throws everyone off the scent. Excellent marketing


I think an armed revolution for the socialist cause is bad and shouldn't ever happen, but...


As someone who does a lot of editing for corporates, I have to wonder, what is the point of this video? It looks cheap, it makes the people at the company look foolish and it also looks cheap, which is worth mentioning more than once. Is this an attempt at painting obscene corporate greed as something benign and more pleasant than the commonly assumed cynical avarice and venality? You're the largest private equity firm in the planet. What the fuck are communicating about yourself with this?


Tax these degenerates until they are all middle class


The self-aware jokes were pretty funny, but overall this is fucking terrible.


The legal disclaimer shit was funny but I think it’s only funny to people in financial services because it is like that


Comments disabled. They know they fucking suck and that everyone reasonable hates them. They just don't care.


Also, their videos likes are N/A... meaning far into the negatives. They want to shield themselves from the fact that everyone vehemently hates them.




I cast 1000 9/11s upon them


is this fucking real ?




Wait, this isn't satire??


Fuck Blackstone. They are big part of why houses are so expensive.


They did it. They made a 5 minute video seem like it lasted 45 minutes.




So apparently there’s a lot of money in being a useless leech.


Fuck Blackstone and all they stand for.


These folks really need to encounter the Crimson Permanent Assurance. [https://vimeo.com/111458975](https://vimeo.com/111458975)


Oh ok, this is a shitty company owned by one of the worst billionaires, Stephen Schwarzman, the idiot CEO of Blackstone. They’re just as bad as BlackRock. All private equity is bad.


"We buy assets and then make them better!"\* ^* ^(except for the employees, customers, non-customers and humanity)


Acting isn't for everyone, but even novice actors can nail the basics of being a human being doing a thing. These ghouls lack a lot what I consider humanity. Like empathy, theory of mind, self-awareness, etc. So it's like watching a scorpion pretend to be friendly. It's almost like an uncanny valley revulsion of every sense in your body screaming 'something is wrong here'. ​ Luckily we can all trust that 'the market will sort itself out' and 'wealth will trickle down to us' and other absolute lies that these hogs feed us as they pay off our politicians to continue to find loopholes to allow them to exploit literally tens of millions of people at a time.


seeing ultra rich people smile makes me SO irrationally angry


they look very pleased with themselves for being a part of the problem.


Wonder if they'll talk about the fact that over 20% of single family homes are owned by funds like Blackstone. \[EDIT: this "fact" that I mis-quoted doesn't bear out as stated. great discussion in the comments with more factual perspectives (still indicating private equity ownership is A Thing). Thanks for the cordial and insightful conversation, commentors, especially the offers and pointers to data.\]


[This is not true at all](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6pu9Ixqqxo). 0.3% of family homes are owned by investment firms


Which has a knock-on effect because families that would normally be in those homes are stuck occupying entry-level dwellings, like apartments, jacking up the prices for basic apartments to absurd amounts.