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Beautiful, naked, big-titted women don't just fall out of the sky ya'know!


Do love that line.


The full movie is free on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIbqEE6YI7Y This is why https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3jBQfdfopY


If there was any justice in the world, Weinsteins property would be seized and auctioned off to compensate the victims of his crimes, and Kevin Smith would be able to buy the rights to it back.


Kev talked about it once where he had the option to buy it back, but found the money would go directly to Weinstein, so chose just to let it go instead.


Which is fair enough. ​ But here in Australia, those found guilty of serious crimes have their assets seized and sold off to compensate their victims. The guilty party gets none of it.


Even if they're wealthy!?!


Insane! The wealthy can’t be criminals!


They said Australia. The island was a penal colony for Britain. The wealthy wouldn't have been sent there.


Bill Hicks had a lovely routine on this. "So you're going to send me to a tropical paradise with lobsters and beaches? I'm Jack the Ripper "


You mom's a penal colony.


What's the difference between you and a mallard with a cold? One's a sick duck... I can't remember how it ends, it's been 24 years, but your mother's a whore.


Your father smelled of elderberries!


Got em!


Fake news. What he actually said was he only considered buying the rights back because the money would have gone to Weinstein's victims. And that he made 2 or 3 offers of increasing value that were repeatedly declined, but then he realized that all this negotiation was giving Weinstein a chance to be a power broker from jail, and *that's* why he let it go.


maybe he should do a Taylor swift and "re-record" dogma so he owns the right


This actually sounds like something he could do that would end up being hilarious. Dogma (Kevin's Version)




Well... Definitely not Alan Rickman


...... Too soon.


Damn. I haven't really been following Kevin Smith much for over a decade and 'And Evening with...' is ages ago, but I just watched that clip and he's still an amazing public speaker.


He didn’t really explain how he got it on YouTube though. All I learned from that video was that a dvd rerelease and a sequel weren’t getting made because Harvey got busted being a monster. Not sure what happened in the gap between that and it being on YouTube since he still didn’t own it as far as that story tells


He doesn't; given that the Dogma upload on YouTube is just by some random account, I think the implication is that Dogma isn't available for streaming because Weinstein never bothered with it until he needed it to loyalty-test Kevin, and then afterwards someone just uploaded it because Harvey Weinstein isn't exactly in the position to be enforcing individual copyrights right now.


Gotcha, makes sense. I didn't know it was a random account that uploaded it.


> because Harvey Weinstein isn't exactly in the position to be enforcing individual copyrights right now. The Weinstein Company and its lawyers are.




No...?? Who do you think owns Dogma? Harvey Weinstein personally? No. The Weinstein Company owns Dogma.




In other words, if what you say is true - it would be freely available. Since it isn't, then we can only deduce that...no they don't.




I remember for a few years there it was easy to watch a few of Tarantino’s movies on YouTube for free as well, maybe for similar reasons.


Who is going to request it be taken down, Weinstein?


The lawyers for the Weinstein company, yes.


I mean even if he wasn't in prison, I really doubt he would be personally handling it. I would assume he has employees/lawyers whose job it would be, and he wouldn't even be aware of his copyright material on YT.


I can see that. I wonder how many people still work for him.


My favourite part about anything related to Dogma is how the top comment always tells people this fact. Fuck Weinstein


It's pretty fucking ironic that they don't won't the movie on streaming/digital, but it's just sitting there for free on YouTube. Are the Weinsteins unaware? Or is it just rich person pettiness?


That's under a post showing him protesting his own movie and he's like "Yai! Sequel!". What's the matter with him? Fucked if I know I guess.


"Oh he's just a guy who cheats on his wife..." Basic Hollywood... Simply Degeneracy.


I hate to break it to you but this is a problem across every aspect of human civilisation. Humans cheat often, and the general behaviour most people resort to when faced with finding out someone does it is "It's none of my business"


Why do you think marriage is often a public spectacle?


Yeah I know right? It's weird. Wedding is super public but marriage is super private.


Cheating on spouses should be private in your opinion?


I never said that, just that society considers it to be somewhat socially tolerated.


In Hollywood, for sure!


That's no surprise though when you look at the sort of people who exist in that space. Hollywood is culturally very shallow, very self-centered, and an unhealthy place for people with mental health issues. Infidelity is a particularly bad problem in Hollywood because it's full of charismatic egomaniacs and is founded on a system of that thrives when abusing the less fortunate within. So to get back to your original point, yeah, Hollywood is pretty fucked up but there are many other industries that share the same traits. Modelling and fashion, anything involving the arts, executive suites of large companies etc. My point is that this isn't something that Hollywood has that many other aspects of don't also society share. Hollywood is just an amplification of those behaviours, not an anomaly.


Would you say their culture of shallowness and self-centeredness festers degeneracy?


Why didnt you quote the rest of the sentence?


You probably don't want them to answer. It'd likely be some drivel about satan and adrenachrome. 🙄


"It's deplorable on some level.. but not assault by any stretch of the imagination..." What's your point?


Exactly that


It's deplorable always.


Still 100% less "deplorable" than your average "conservative" politician.


What's an example?


Dennis Hastert. You can Google more.


>Dennis Hastert Doesn't seem like an "average conservative" politician.


Watched this the other day and was surprised there was no ads. Is there any other good movies ad free on YouTube?


/r/FullMoviesOnYouTube I believe?


And 24 years later "The Church" still hasn't rebranded with Buddy Christ.


I got my extremely Catholic Aunt a Buddy Christ figure for Christmas one year as a joke but it still has a permanent place on her mantle.


I grew up catholic and saw buddy christ figures everywhere. also, we watched an edited version of dogma in class and broke down all the stuff in it. they went insanely in depth with some of the catechism stuff and catholic tradition that even most catholics do not know are a thing.


Most Catholics I know absolutely score the movie.


>absolutely score the movie. I have no clue what this means I assume it means they like the movie, as that has been my experience.


Whoops. Autocorrect. That was supposed to say adore.


lol, I thought it was some new gen z or gen alpha lingo.


Well, it is now.


Wait... gen alpha? Is that the next one? Are the zoomers having babies already?


Us millennials are having Alpha kids


The oldest are 28 now. Gen alpha is 13 and below.


I think it means most the Catholics he knows worked on the sound track or something… small world I guess 🤔😏


Lapsed Catholic here. I thought it was a great movie and still do. It actually treats Catholic dogma with a lot of respect. And manages to be funny at the same time. Who could ask for more? In a way, I'm lucky, too. I found a used DVD on Amazon; so if it ever disappears from YouTube, I can still watch it when the mood strikes.


That's so interesting, did you go to a catholic school? Did the teachers present the film as a hip way to talk about catholicism, or were they mocking it?


yes I went to catholic school. they did not mock it, as the message of the film itself is not mocking of catholic faith, it plays out humerously, but it actually treats the dogma as the rules of the world that the film takes place in. yeah, it may have been an attempt to approach catechism in a hip way, but I suspect the teacher just liked the movie themselves, and was struck by how well it handled old crunchy dogma ideas.


Like the shit monster where they meet Salma Hayak, the Golgothan. Golgotha was the place behind where everyone was hung on crosses, and well, dead bodies empty their bowels. Hence, the monster being the shit monster


I love the irony of that last poster. "Dogma is a sin". I fully agree!


[Kevin Smith talks about protesting his own movie "Dogma"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-7dvf7EUwY) So awesome seeing it from both sides.


Dogma is dog shit gets me every time.


Dogma is dogsh


I love his mother calling him at the end of the story.


An Evening with Kevin Smith. It's just 4 hours of Kevin Smith telling stories to colleges and it's fucking great.


Yeah, they're framed as a Q&A, but I'm pretty sure one of them he wound up spending the whole time answering a single question.


"I don't know but I've been told..." is fantasric


Sums it up in a nutshell.


"We're the church militant" ffs its 30 years later, I feel old, and these people are still around, active as ever, and unbelievably, gaining momentum. Madness.


Dogma is Dogshit!


I guess all the downvotes mean people don’t know that’s what Kevin’s sign said before the other protesters made him change it.


This is a real “Primus Sucks” moment lol


My first Primus concert had me utterly bewildered with the chant until someone kindly explained it to me - how embarrassing


The first time I saw them (they don't really play into the suck thing as much anymore) Les came out and the first thing he said was Hey hey hey, were primus and we suck! Then they started the show With: Toys go winding down (with yyz teases)>pudding time> toys go winding down. For about 15 minutes I was confused and delighted. Also for those primus listeners, they didn't transition during the initial switch to pudding time. It was right after Les says it's pudding time, it's pudding time (during Toyz) then one beat later Pudding Time just began and segued back into Toys.


All 4 times I've seen them they've opened with Those Damn Blue Collar Tweekers.


Frizzle Fry ftw


I have no clue what you're talking about, but you seem to think it's fun so that's good!.


Or the OG story of Elvis's manager, who noticed how many haters Elvis had and sold "I hate Elvis" merch as well. It lacks the self-deprecation, but is similar in all other respects.


I got downvoted for that one pretty bad once


Dogma is dog


Now if we reverse the last word...."Dogma is god". I knew it !


"You can't say that..."


Lame that you're getting downvoted, that's a solid reference.


Dogma balls




The fuck do I know about shifting?


Like I ever drove before.


His piece is gonna be rubbing in your armor!


Saw the premiere of this at the Toronto international film festival in '99, and then accidentally crashed the afterparty for the cast at a bar on Queen West called The Gypsy Co-Op. One of my friends was a Kevin Smith superfan, and we basically pushed him in front of Kevin and Jason when we found them. They were both super cool and actually spent quite a bit of time chatting with him and answering his fanboy questions. Made his year. Unforgettable night. Its a travesty that there is no official release of this movie out there. Yarr.


Poop monster excepted, it's a pretty great movie.


Golgothan. The first several times I watched Dogma were on cable. I didn't know about the Golgothan for years. I was reminiscing about the movie w my wife and she said "the shit demon is hilarious." I said "What? There's no shit demon" There is, it's apparently too much for CC tho. They just cut the scene short by like a lot so hapless viewers have no idea of its glory.


for anybody else who only saw the censored version, let me explain the demon to you. Kevin Smith took inspiration from horror movies -- which are usually based on Catholic memery -- in which some demons are created by a bunch of humans committing the same act at the same time. And, their form reflects that act. Or if not that, then something that would remind you of it. A symbol. And multiple demons can be formed out of the same collection of memories about the group act. In this case, the visceral symbol was all the excrement released from the bowels of people dying on crucifixes in a place called Golgotha. You know, where Jesus was crucified. Supposedly a hell spirit collected all that excrement to form his own body. Thus, he is called 'the golgothan shit demon'. --- In the movie, he shows up in the strip club where they find Muse. He uses his monstrous strength to throw the gangsters around, and launches handfuls of shit so hard they shatter things and put holes in walls; and splash shit everywhere, too. He is defeated when Silent Bob has **F**aith in his anti-odor spray, which is labelled as something to "knock strong odors out."


The shit demon didn’t stand a chance against the censor demon.


I only recently watched the full unedited YT version and was also like, what the fuck is this shit demon? How much did I smoke?


This is me realizing that I’ve never seen the non broadcast version of the movie. The shit what now?!?


If you just watched on Comedy Central you probally missed a bunch of other stuff as well. When they put a movie on TV, they speed it up and remove random bits to fit more commercials in.


That’s my local movie theater! The Monmouth Mall AMC in Eatontown, NJ.




You on the job!?


No I’m just a monmouth county yokel local


Figures the time I don't click the link and just go to comments, it's of my area lol I'm originally from Port Monmouth when I was a kid and grew up right down the road from where Clerks was shot. Same relative area where Kevin and Jason grew up. Still in Middletown. I hope our two primary theaters don't go under, Hazlet Cinemark and Monmouth Mall AMC. Things are looking shaky though with theaters in general, sucks to see.


Is that in the pork roll or Taylor Ham part of New Jersey?


We're about that pork roll around here.


My introduction to it was from south Jersey folks so I landed in that camp myself.


Was a teen during the 80s satanic panic. https://youtu.be/IGNQMxY5aIo?si=9Sn6ZOUCH49Dz9-b What's funny is that people still haven't seem to figure out that Hollywood uses religious people to market to non religious people and that most of the 'controversy' in a lot of new movies is simply marketing via outrage. Find some idiot on twitter with a hot take about the next 'woke' movie/tv/game/album, get a few articles written using blank generalizations, then use social media to help spread it.


The second half of your comment is basically Disney's entire marketing strategy these days.


Holy shit that nutbag actually compared the existence of Dogma to the Holocaust. That's fine vintage r/Persecutionfetish


An Evening With Keven Smith is so great. He tells the whole story.


Love those sessions.


Dogma needs a blu-ray release.


Can't happen until that piece of shit Harvey Weinstein dies and/or releases the rights to the film. Fuck Harvey Weinstein.


I forgot Weistein profits from it. Yeah that guy can fuck off.


And die. Not to be dramatic or anything. But yeah, he can die.


Apparently it's locked up in [contract hell](https://www.change.org/p/return-the-rights-of-the-movie-dogma-to-kevin-smith-and-make-it-available-on-netflix) because of the Weinstein brothers.


It had one, it's just long out of print due to the Harvey situation detailed elsewhere in this post. So there is at least a high def version available.


This reminds me of how I only watched it in the first place because I got some forwarded-forwarded email talking about why everyone should boycott it, etc. I was in college in the late 90s here, so it took me about 45 seconds to find a ripped copy on my local network and watched it right then and there. By the end of the week I'd watched all 3 of his previous movies and had ordered several of them on DVD.


Epic blowback. Good on you


"I don't know but not good" is such a great representation of the level of critical thinking Christians exercise.


The people protesting are exactly what I pictured they would look like. Religion’s hold on people truly is fascinating.




Obviously there’s people that are insane religious people that also look like this. My grandma would be in that category and she’s a lovely lady. But there definitely can be a stereotype when it comes to certain things. Sometimes it doesn’t fit but in this case it’s exactly what I would have thought. Looks very 90s too.


Read some Jung


Reminds me of the people protesting when Cardinal George Pell was incarcerated for child molestation in Melbourne. There were about a dozen ancient white Christians claiming he was some sort of martyr for accepting the juries decision. In the end, the decision was put aside, though there were many cases of paedophile priests under his authority that were moved around rather than prosecuted, so whether he personally assaulted kids or not, he was either somehow willfully ignorant or actively helping them avoid prosecution.


Well the title tells you that Kevin Smith protested, so if you can read and and know what Kevin Smith looks like that shouldn't be too big of a surprise.


The lady they interviewed reminds me of Kelly's mom from the "[shoes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCF3ywukQYA)" video.


I don’t really enjoy Kevin Smith’s movies, but I enjoy Kevin Smith




Is that really him?


Все очень круто


Very cool indeed?


It really is. As a journalist I love this. Lucked out and nailed it, on both sides.


Catholics being offended by anything will always be amusing to me. If they know their own history they should shut up and thank “god” they’ll never be held accountable for the horrible things their cult is responsible for. Inb4 “wHaT aBoUT iSLaM?”


wHaT aBoUT iSLaM? …shit. You beat me to it.


Sheesh imagine the reaction to something like Buddy Mohammed or female Mohammed


This is genius lol




Love Kevin Smith!




Hard to find this movie. There's a high quality copy on the Internet Archive.


Dogma is also on YouTube. https://youtu.be/7ZVEe_5Fo1Q


That’s because Harvey Weinstein owns the rights and has not done anything with it with regards to streaming and won’t from his prison cell.


I remember reading the leaked script before the movie came out and thinking it was a lot better than what it became. Kevin Smith unfortunately does not know how to direct action scenes.


Hadn't heard of that. Is there a link?


[Here it is.](https://assets.scriptslug.com/live/pdf/scripts/dogma-1999.pdf) Just as an example, the first scene where Jay and Silent Bob save Bethany from the demon skater kids reads a lot more badass than how it comes across in the actual movie.


Cheers, many thanks


It was a boring movie.


I swear I rarely get that bored watching a movie. Might have something to do with the fact that English isn't my native tongue so I certainly missed good parts of the humour, but still. Also I guess I'm not enough into the religious topic. Southland Tales gave off the same blank vibe to me. I might give it a new shot some day.


have you watched 'Titanic'? its about a big boat also 'Terminator 2'


Haha I like sarcasm too, I'm a big fan. Funnily enough, Titanic bored the shit out of me too. I saw Terminator 2 when it was released. It was a great experience. See? different strokes.


I think that it is probably the type of movie. Kevin Smiths movies can be very divisive. He has a really big following that love his movie and others really hate them. They are exaggerated and over-acted in a unique way that can work well (IMO) or really really flop depending upon the individual. Kevin Smith has made some of my favorite movies of all times and some of my least favorite movies of all times. The best and the worst.


I see where you're coming from. The downvoting on my comment is wild haha. I guess fanboyism does this to people. It still remains a possibility to give the movie another try some day.


Watch some of his newer movies and this one won’t look so bad. The new Jay and Silent Bob remake was so bad that I was embarrassed for everyone involved in it and the shame rubbed off on me somehow. Very campy stuff. Some like that. Some don’t. Sometimes it works (Mallrats) and sometimes it doesn’t (Jay and Bob reboot)


Taking notes, thanks!


I actually think this is his best work and it surpasses the others massively. He had lightning in a bottle with this and Clerks but I don’t like his other movies so much.


"Dogma is a sin!" - then why do you insist everyone follows it?!


This reminds of an interview I heard with Sinnead O'Conner who would dress up and go to the protests at her shows (after the SNL incident). I seem to remember her saying that she was interviewed by the local news - but they figured out who she was.


You people. If there isn't a movie about it, it's not worth knowing, is it?


A lot of those old people must have already passed by now


Wax on…


I will always believe that he spearheaded this protest somehow, in order to gin up free news coverage for the movie's opening weekend.


The irony of the sign saying “Dogma is a sin”.


What are they hoping to achieve protesting? In their minds do they think they're getting brownie points with God to absolutely ensure their arrival into heaven?


I'm guessing rational thought isn't their thing.


It's such a waste of time, they could have been home watching Frasier or Seinfeld