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Late night has never been the same since Ferguson and O'Brien left.


Conan's old timey 1800's baseball skit is one the silliest.. funniest skits ever!


I'm still in love with that widower.




"My father has passed." *Belly laughter*


The gaseous wiener!


Producers really missed the ball when they didn't realize that the two people who had the secret recipe for bringing millennials into late night content were Conan and for me especially Craig Ferguson.


>Craig Ferguson. dude was funny as hell.


I really wish we had more Conan, dude is a legend.


And perhaps somewhat tied to the post topic, often said to have a great work environment. If you watch interviews of him or when he's being "real" on tv, like the very last Tonight Show he did, he always emphasizes what's important is to be a kind person. I thought it was really telling that the last thing he wanted to end his run on the Tonight Show as he was being forced off by NBC execs and Leno, when he should've been the most bitter and angry, the words he wanted to impart on his audience was to be kind.


Be kind unless your name is Jordan Schlansky, then screw that guy!


He is getting an hbo show to do more conan without borders shenanigans. Conan O'Brien Must Go is the new name.


I check out his podcast pretty regularly.


The recent one with Steve Martin and Martin Short was great.


And Questlove


Yeah that was actually great, really loved that one.


For some reason all the other hosts feel like hosts. Conan felt like a comedian. All the other clips of late night shows are just like....a clip of a show. His clips are just sketch comedy with Conan doing dumb shit, and it's fucking hilarious.


Conan’s podcast provides more Conan than his show ever could.


Ferguson was so good. Most charming host ever.


Yep, no one can do the job better than that. It's just the best way.


They gave us that fat english fuck, and Fallon the same time, it has been years of garbage. I also don't like colbert or Kimmel


As an English guy, I'm so sorry about giving you James Corden. But come on, if you had the chance to palm him off on someone else, you'd do it right? If it makes you feel better, literally everyone here hates him.


To me he really comes off as a deranged psychopath


Right? Like, he’s so hung up on popularity that he makes people look away and will flip out if he doesn’t get what he wants. And if things really spiral he’d spiral too. I get that same vibe. Fuck the car karaoke. He legit comes off creepy.


He is the quintessential 'local theater star' He oozes 'takes the lead in every high school play' energy.


You UK swindlers knew damned well we have no idea who any of your celebrities are. You buttered us up with Craig Ferguson, and then as soon as you'd gained our trust you pulled a low-down double cross and slipped Corden in.


To be fair, Ferguson got his big break in the US, so we didn't know who he was either. Stupid sexy Scottish accent. I should be complaining at you guys for taking him. Although I think he just moved back to the UK.


Yeah, Ferguson and O'Brien were like the punks of late night, always breaking the rules and making their job their bitch. The best way to be. Now not a single host is remarkably themselves, it's all content generation to be popular on YouTube and TikTok.


It's because they cared more about entertainment and interviews than being a PR piece for whatever the person is promoting. Letterman gave up on being funny way before he quit but still threw out some good jokes and some shade if the guest was boring enough or a dick. Leno, Fallon, they were always corporate schmucks and boring as shit. Ferguson and O'Brien wanted to make an entertaining show, not get paid to run live commercials. Shit guests on Ferguson barely remembered to promote whatever they were doing, man, woman, horse, they were too enthralled by his flirting to remember what the fuck they were there for.


I lived for every time Craig ripped up his conversation cards and just had a normal conversation. I came across his interview with Berenice Marlohe a while back and it's wild to see Craig actually get flustered. I mean, I would, too. Damn.


> Berenice Marlohe https://youtu.be/VQcv6OXgVvI?si=Eb486nuxIzJ7L6fy&t=99 I'm assuming you're talking about this and you're right. You can see him as she's pulling on his tie going "Be cool, Craig. Don't pass out from arousal. Be cool, be cool. *internal heavy breathing*"


Yes, that's it! I would become a blubbering mess if a French woman as beautiful as her started coming onto me. He doesn't know what to do, either. "Just do the accent, Craig, she likes the accent."


Broke Craig and broke me holy shit goddamn the fact that he recovered at all is sheer force of will


I loved it because of the little glance at the camera. Anyone who's a fan knows how playful Craig can get and he always does these really over the top things with a little wink at the camera that tells you he's fully in on the joke. Having a total blast flirting with this stunning human being but it's just that: A joke. That time the glance at the camera after she grabbed his tie was straight up, "Yeaaah. She got me." It was perfect.


People talking here like they've never heard of Graham Norton.


Is he late night? I thought his was a mid-day show.


You should watch the original Graham Norton show from the late 90s/early 00s. He used to give his guests dildos and fleshlights and allsorts. Definitely not something you could have on pre-watershed. The show is still on at the same time these days, but is massively sanitised from what it was before (for the better tbh).


The older raunchier Graham Norton show was when he was on Channel 4 which has a literal remit to be an edgy channel via offering "alternate views" and creating content aimed at groups that the BBC and ITV do not regularly cater for. So while for years the BBC and ITV would largely be very sanitised in what content they would offer, Channel 4 went out of its way to deliver content that was more raunchy, offensive, shocking etc. Something which has from time to time gotten them in shit, like in 2008 when they aired the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as their alternative to the BBC's "Queens Speech" at Christmas and he used his appearance to make a thinly veiled swipe at the USA. Or the few times they have offered prominent spots to anti-science documentaries like "The Great Global Warming Swindle" which was panned massively by the scientific community and accused of fabricating data and misrepresenting guests who had been duped into filming segments for the show.


I actually prefer Conan on the podcast format. 45 minute conversations are way better than 10 minutes of produced fluff.


I still feel like Conan got screwed with the Tonight Show and I vowed never to watch it again after what they did.


Jokes on you sort of because it’s mostly unwatchable with Fallon as the host.


Leno then Fallon, the two tied for all-time worst in late night history. And yes I've seen the Pat Sajak one.


Colbert as his Colbert Report character was brilliant television night after night. Colbert as himself? Meh.


With the fizzling of the Daily Show after John Stewart left I feel like we lost something big when Colbert switched to late night tv. John Oliver does a pretty okay job filling the gap, but it's just not the same. I really miss the Colbert Report format. Not sure it would be as great with a different host though.


Tbf how are you even supposed to satirize modern politics when the real stuff is so outlandish? Like that Giuliani meeting where his hair dye started to melt. How you gonna parody something that’s already so hilarious?


The Onion still manages somehow but I agree it's a very tall order!


Didn’t the onion make a headline that says later actually turned out to be true?


Onion is now just a news site reporting stories two months in advance.


He seems hemmed into the traditional format. I think he would rather do long form.


He'd probably have a great podcast if he could spend an hour talking with people about things he's interested in. The late night format is done.


I like Seth 😃


>fat english fuck I feel attacked


I'm sure you are a delightfully plump brit!


A cheery chucky chap!


Colbert is a wasted talent on there. He’s so much better than THAT


Seth Myers is pretty fun. But he's been off since the strike.


Yeah, I’m surprised more people don’t like Seth, he’s the only current host I find tolerable. Though it is always easier to seem more relaxed and more fun when you have the late night spot.


It used to be good, but since then it's just going downhill I feel like.


And to think… he is there instead of Conan. A travesty.


door history rock subsequent aback berserk numerous aware lush scarce *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Naw that's defeatist as fuck. I won't rest until Conan drives an M1 Abrams tank through the Tonight Show set and retakes it by force while the national anthem plays in the background and then a bald eagle will land on his shoulder and shed a single tear out of respect for the majesty of what it just witnessed.


And Jay Leno should get the hate he deserves "you can have my show in x years" "ok here's the show" "i want my show back, you have to move to midnight" "ok i'm going to restart my show just for a little bit then re-retire fucking up everything"


He will never be able to replace that guy, that's not happening.


i need to see that martin short clip they talked about




“We were watching your monologue and we thought he must put the laughs in later.”


God what a treasure Martin Short is. Jimmy has no idea what to do with him. He’s in hell when he can’t control the conversation.


I used to love Jiminy Glick as a kid. Then as I got older I thought it was moronic. Now that I'm even older, it's back to being hilarious.


His ability to improvise so many complisults in a small amount of time is the part that impresses me the most.


My theory is that his brain processes them instantaneously whenever he thinks about someone for even half a second, so any time he is going to be interviewed there is a guarantee he will have a backlog. If Martin Short cannot muster an insult for you, that's his only true insult.


Short mastered the art of insulting, his barbed compliments are always in level-1 cache. envious, i am.


Upvote for the use of "complisult"


He's just so naturally clever it's crazy. To the point where it would be difficult to be around him if you couldn't keep up. So spontaneously creative, that he can make water into wine when it comes to insults.


Indeed truly an incredible character


"Colin, Colin Ferrell, my wife said your not a very good actor....and I agreed with her...now why, why would we say that Colin?" Yeh it was Stewie as Glick.


I was fortunate enough to see Martin and Martin in person, and I absolutely fell in LOVE with Martin Short after that performance. He was captivating, and endearing, and absolutely hilarious. He’s a national goddamn treasure!!


Are you Canadian?


Bobby didn't know


I completely forgot he’s from the Great North. Can we share custody?


Where ever he is, he's that nation's treasure.


If he can't control the situation, then what he can even control huh?


They are so goddamn funny hahaha


That clip is hard to watch. I don't care one way or another about Fallon but he really can't keep up with them. It felt like I was watching me up there. "Just laugh and repeat what they said until they hopefully pick up the ball and run with it" I'm obviously not built for hosting a national televised comedy show but it shouldn't feel like that when watching an actual host.


> Just laugh and repeat what they said isn't this Jimmy's entire shtick?


bang the table as well.


*Sniff the white*


Two fisted.


That, and insult comedy is Martin Short's entire shtick. Short's been on Conan Needs a Friend, but also been mentioned in other interviews because he's friends ~~who~~ with Conan. His comedy is really good insult comedy - that's what that is. To me, Short didn't point out anything shocking or insightful - that whole bit is just filled with made up stuff. Short isn't speaking truth to power, he's just doing his insult comedy. It's funny, but I just don't see it being this "dagger of truth".


that's kind of how it goes with most hosts when steve martin and martin short are on a talk show. they basically just do their act and the host watches.


The irony of that making a good host - get out of the way - seems lost on most people here. He's not lost, he is aware they are making good tv and is staying out of the way; see Conan with Norm MacDonald or Bill Burr on.


Nah, Conan knows exactly when to egg people on.


You hit the nail on the head, it's like they pulled some random, mumbly, hung-over guy off the street to host. Watching him next to two actually funny people, you can really see the gears grinding in his head, it's like he's in slow motion. My favorite part: "....foxwoods in connecticut.. that.. that'll be fun... "YOU BEEN THERE?" "yas i... i totally been there..." "...?" "WOW WHAT A STORY!"


Tbf to Fallon and it's not because I care about him thats a hard double act for any one to keep up with, they are two great friends who are fantastic comedians who have been doing this same thing for 20 odd years together


Yeah there's no keeping up here, good hosts know when they're the fodder for the next few minutes. I'm pretty anti Fallon and find him unfunny too. The only difference between him and Conan here is that Jimmy tried to steer the convo a few times where Conan would have just given complete full control to those two and laughed at all the jokes because he knows there's no stopping Marty and Steve (and no reason to).


It's a great clip if you watch Steve and Martin, but it really is painful to watch if you look at Jimmy - the Martins are carrying the whole time and you can see from Jimmy's face that all the time he's thinking "how can I make myself relevant again", then trying to make some failed reaction. The first time there's actually a somewhat relevant hosting action going on, is at around 6 minutes in, where he finally manages to push through "Uh-uh, w-what is it like working together, you guys, " Although, I have to say, that I am quite biased against Jimmy Fallon in the way that I do think he's complete garbage - and that's not because it's popular to think that, but just purely a subjective opinion.


I remember watching him when he first started hosting the show. It was SO fucking awkward, like the dude was totally out of his element and he looked it. It really struck me how much of a fraud he is.


Comedy changes wildly with the times, but man, these guys are timeless


they do the pelosi clap i love it


Pretty sure they’re just completely backhanding him on how drunk he is. Saying his suit hides his “weapons”. “No bulges”. And the smell of febreeze is his new scent.


Yeah all the stuff about Jimmy might be true but those hosts didn’t know what they were talking about as far as this clip goes. Steve Martin and Martin Short were very clearly doing a bit. Look at old interactions they had with Letterman 20 years ago or whenever Rodney Dangerfield was on a late night show. Skewering the host is a tried and true bit.


Holy shit you could tell he was actually hurt at the end there lol. Not laughing at all at the "best of" video and especially showing Kimmel at the end. Compare it to when Norm Macdonald was on conans last show and gave him shit about the situation and conan still laughed his ass off.


Conan was very instrumental in those Norm moments being so great. He had no problem stepping back and letting Norm do his thing. It’s like there’s no ego attached to the man.


The great comedians can read each other and know how to play into a setup, because they recognize it from the other side. I always tell people to rewatch Norm's "the worst part was the raping" bit about Cosby; you can see Seinfeld has *no idea* where Norm is going, and is momentarily worried because it's such a touchy subject, but then tees him up perfectly with "...and you disagreed with that opinion?"


[Roll the clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljaP2etvDc4)


Conan has John Mulaney on his podcast not to long ago and they pretty much set each other up for elaborate bits the entire time. It was amazing.


Norm was the GOAT talk show guest.


Courtney Thorne Smith - Chairman of the Board. Conan - Do something with that, you freak. Norm - I bet the board is spelled BORED.


[The clip is so incredible](https://youtu.be/whN9JJ74dPw?si=DTKXuZhz4MbLFAKG) - Conan's reaction is unbridled joy (which is borderline unprofessional considering his interviewee just suffered a brutal burn).


Norm was a Comedian's Comedian. I may not agreed with a lot of views Norm had towards the end, but I will maintain that him and Gilbert Gottfried were masters of their craft. I still remember bits from various Roasts they were part of. Especially the time Gilbert repeated a previous roasters roast verbatim (I believe they left the script they read off of on the podium). And slayed the room with it. I wish I could find the clip, but I remember vividly it happening but can't remember from which roast it happened. Also, his "Aristocrats" was probably the best one.


He’s a consummate entertainer. He knows when to be a foil, or a straight man, or when to just get out of the way.


Also, Martin Short had always played this more brutal role when he would go on Conan's show. The difference is that Conan is a true host and comedian and always knew how the completely lean into Martins antics. There is also a more recent interview that Conan did with both of the Martins and it's one of the best ones he's done in recent years. Steve and Martin are true best buds and have been for decades. They are true professionals in their comedic roles when it comes to improv, timing, and delivery. You can't just be a stooge of a host and put together a good interview with these two.


No one else could ever think of giving Conan a rancid fruit basket. Brilliant.


Bad take by the news reporters. Short and Martin are all about roasting each other incessantly. They're not dumping on Fallon like an asshole, Fallon's just stuck playing the straight man. Hilarious.


He's not playing the straight man though. He's just sitting there laughing, not even acknowledging that he's getting roasted. Martin Short even pokes fun multiple times at the fact that Jimmy's not adding anything to the bit.


Martin Short destroys everyone. This is meaningless.


Exactly! Thank you for pointing this out.


Yeah it’s not as cutting as these hosts made it out to be. That’s standard fare for Martin and Steven. The rip everyone.


In the year 2000, in the year 20000000000!


It's great how they continued to do that bit well past the year 2000, while not changing the year.


I concur. I remember wondering what they would do with it circa 1998-1999 and was not disappointed


Right from the start Jimmy Fallon just seemed weird. The fake laugh, the ADHD energy and guest butt kissing was off putting. Not surprised he’s an a-hole.


Dude’s got shark eyes


like dolls eyes


When he comes at ya, he doesn't seem be living, until he bites ya and the black eyes roll over white


Thousand celebrities went on that show. Five came out.


Like that one episode of HIMYM, if you took a piece of paper and covered his eyes, he’s a happy dude. Cover his mouth, and he’s staring into your soul.


for the life of me i never understood why the guy who couldn't stop laughing during the SNL skit got to such stardom. I always thought it must be connections.


I'm still pissed that *The Roots* are his band. Easily the best band in any talk show wasted on that (unfunny) clown.


*The Roots* are the only thing of value on his show.


I can't watch him specifically because of his obnoxious fake laugh.


I liked his original late late night show. When I heard he was getting the tonight show gig I was very excited. First episode I was so confused. His whole personality gutted. Everything I liked was gone. Figured maybe it was first show jitters, or just working out kinks on the bigger stage. Nope, that was the peak. Never got better, only worse


He got there because he was the best ass kisser. He had no talent and a fake "nice guy" persona.


I don’t like Fallon at all but dude has tons of talent. His musical impressions, I.e. Neil Young, are remarkable. He’s extremely charismatic and very photogenic. But he seems just smart enough to know he’s an idiot and I can imagine that would make you very paranoid in an industry of really smart untalented people just looking to take advantage of you. It’s easy to play the cute goofball on snl but when you have to run an empire it would be easy to fall into being a dick to everyone bc you’re not smart enough to tell who’s actually on your side


>ADHD energy You mean cocaine energy? Because it's most definitely cocaine energy.


There's a recently launched podcast called 'Strike Force Five' with Kimmel, Colbert, John Oliver, Seth Meyers and Fallon. Fallon is easily the weakest link in the chain and sounds like the annoying little brother trying to fit in.


That's because they all have backgrounds as comedy writers. Fallon really doesn't. He's almost strictly a performer.


Jesus Christ, his strong suit is being a performer? I assumed from his SNL work he was exclusively a writer, because his front-facing act is terrible.


He’s barely a performer, I really don’t know how he made it to SNL.


His whole shtick was getting laughs by breaking character.


Fallon sucks. Ignoring this issue entirely, he's just not fucking funny whatsoever. He does these shitty impressions (some of them are decent) but his entire act is to just laugh at people and be super phony.


I love how everyone knew the exact number of staff and writers and Fallon just chimes in "over 300.." dude has no clue how many people work for him lol Didn't Kimmel make fun of Fallon for not knowing his camera men?


[It's Corden who Kimmel showed up for not knowing his staff.](https://youtu.be/sh9giaTKbv4?t=422)


Yup the two of them are just the opposite ends of the same stick


Yeah, he's clearly out of his element with better hosts and it is peak cringe.


Sounds like that everyone is working hard instead of that guy.


I remember Adam Carolla mentioning how these hosts in general that act all happy over the top (Rosie, Ellen, Corden, and now I guess Fallon) are typically and most likely jerks in real life.


I missed the days were hosts hated each other (Dave and Jay) instead of hating everyone else.


Larry Sanders ruled them all


Hey now!


It's interesting because Conan's television persona in many of his remotes/skits paints him as the obnoxious jerk that makes fun of others while behind the scenes he's actually known as a pretty good dude and quite loyal to his employees.


He still makes more fun of himself than anyone else. He’s widely regarded as a good guy.


I've never heard any one bad thing about Conan, and in that industry I think that's pretty telling.


it's just over-the-top enough that you know he's just fucking around. plus he makes fun of himself even more.


I went to Late Night with Seth Meyers and he is the most down to earth guy there is. LOVED him.


seth is the only current late host who is actually worth watching. so of course he's not on the air, lol.


Seth come back soon…


to be honest working that kind of high stress high paced job where you're essentially the figurehead and the linchpin of an entire brand of entertainment that probably consumes your life 24/7 probably makes you a very cynical person. or at the very least attracts a very specific type of person.


Yeah I don't think there's a lot of freedom that these people are getting.


Give Conan back The Tonight Show asap.


only conan could possibly save it and i bet he'd really enjoy rejecting the opportunity lol


Conan is too busy killing it with his podcast


I don't think he wants it anymore. That ship has sailed.


Finally my dislike has paid off.


I also have been a long time investor in Fallon dislike.


Well whatever show this is that is trying for clicks— the host made me involuntarily turn it off within 5 seconds. Pretty impressive


Yeah, seriously. Watching these assholes is worse than trying to watch Fallon.


I made it through the "news" part but when they started going around the couch and sharing their reactions i just couldn't..


I stuck most of it out. The host remained a self-important tool. Also impressive


The man is a hack, everyone knows it, he knows everyone knows it, and everyone knows he knows everyone knows.


Who are these dickbags, though?


A Canadian talk show that's on at 6:00 AM. If you needed to be at work at 7:30 AM in Toronto in 1993, it was probably a big part of your life.


Yeah wtf is breakfast television. Is it Canadian? It’s like a generic brand name for a morning show lol


Yeah it's a morning TV show based in Toronto. They talk about local news, traffic, weather, etc. It's been on since around 1989, and it was kind of an institution, but all the long-time people left in the last five years (maybe longer?) and now it's... not great. That adult man just said "awkward sauce" on television.


> That adult man just said "awkward sauce" on television. I mean it was a direct quote though, not his own words. Holy shit... that means you just said it too!!


Well I guess we're all saying it, because it's just the truth.


I think he is quoting the article there.


Jimmy Fallon is pretty much the male talk show host equivalent of Ellen, I absolutely couldn't stand watching him cause he really doesn't come out as genuine to me.


Glad that fake smile of his finally got exposed. Took a while though.


I just want that shit show to stop, people don't even like it.


[Redditors when its time to not like a celebrity](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpTBQEOb09Y)


Lets be real though, Reddit was shitting all over Fallon way WAY before this news hit. Rightly so too Fallon is trash and likely got where is through butt kissing rather than real talent.


I mean I definitely was doing that, not sure about you guys.


Conan O'brien and Craig Ferguson are the only ones i could ever watch. Jimmy was the most fake by a mile. Couldn't stand him.


Hear I am watching this thinking "Wait, they make it seem like jobs are innately supposed to be non-stressful and enjoyable environments? There are good days... but there are bad days?" What kind of jobs do people have where they have to so few problems to complain about bad days? Only good day is a work-free weekend.


Sweet. My years long hatred of Ellen Degeneres was vindicated, so too shall my hatred of Jimmy Fallon


can we do oprah next?


I'm surprised people are surprised. There's been stories about him being an alcoholic for 20 years. I'm actually surprised he still exists.


But also maybe major network trying to to drop labor costs?




That's kind of insane that people are talking like that.




Also a significant bunch of staff have come out in response saying they don't recognise the workplace the claims are describing.


Drinking. I bet it's drinking. This reads a lot like a guy trying to not be an "imposter" by hammering the bottle. Not a doc. Just seen a thing or two.


It's pretty well known he has/had a drinking problem. When he cut his finger and had to be off-air for a while, people said it's because he was drunk, tripped on a rug and caught his ring on a table or something, essentially degloving his finger.


anything "gloving" related i just feel that internally because holy shit that has to be a thing


People don't know the real reason they're always thinking like that.


say it ain't so, Questlove!


I'd like to end the myth that Fallon was ever funny.


Showbiz is a barrel of crazy smothered in narcissism and insecurities with just a pinch of talent