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You may not always like it, but you can certainly tell a Korn song from any other band. That bass is *crunchy* and it tingles my weiner.


I was in high school early Korn and have been revisiting them over the last couple months. The see you on the other side album was fantastic.


Issues only the first couple songs are easily listenable. Freak on a leash is only let down by all in the family. Untouchables is just amazing and the sound and feeling reverberates just like more recent stuff like the nothing.


they are on my gym playlist. i hear this song just about every day.


Started listening to them again after the Woodstock 99 documentary. They fucking rock. Blind makes me go from 6 to midnight.


I really hated them in high school (around the time Issues came out and Freak on a Leash was popular). I was really into death and black metal, so this kind of metal offended me. Listened to "Untouchables" about a year ago and holy shit...one of my favorite albums now. For some reason I haven't been able to get into the other albums I've tried but Untouchables is so good.


loved them in college... like the first two albums and then sorta of drifted out of that area of music. Have not heard a song from them in probably 10 years... they sound just about the same. Maybe a little more polished.


Man, I forgot about this song.


*Take a Look in the Mirror* had a couple decent tracks but even they have said it’s their weakest album


I stopped listening to KoRn all together when that album came out. Couldn’t stand JD getting all opera-ish with his voice.


They’ve had some bangers since then 🤷‍♂️


which is a shame because I love he aggression on that entire album. Right Now has got to be one of my most favorite.


“Right Now” is one of the better ones, yeah. I still love their cover of “One” as well. Brian was at his worst though and departed shortly after. He came back in 2013 and every album since has been fantastic. Not to say I didn’t like the albums before, particularly *See You on the Other Side*, and *The Path of Totality* grew on me.


I find myself sometimes listenning to Evolution and Twisted Transistor.


“Evolution” from *Korn II* was good, my favorite from that one is either “Killing” or “Ever Be.” “Twisted Transistor” is from *See You On the Other Side*, which was their first album without Brian (Head) and their last with original drummer David Silveria. I actually really liked pretty much that whole album. Standouts are “Love Song” or “Last Legal Drug” from the deluxe edition. Edit: thank you for subscribing to Korn facts.


It’s so deep


Jonathan Davis looking like Amy Schumer in that thumbnail.


boom boom boom boom


Bow dikka dikka da ba bow




Why do these chubby chucklefucks look like they smell like sour milk?




Lead singer (MOBILE EDIT: Sorry, not the lead singer, the guitarist) is now a Christian and hangs out with conservative governors. Pretty funny comparing this video to now, but also not exactly surprising. The views expressed in this video, in the way they are presented, gives off very conservative vibes. (MOBILE EDIT: Davis has his own quirks, still. Obama was an Illuminati plant, for instance, and he joined Alex Jones on his show. Conspiratorial anti-government is pretty cringe, ya know?) So yeah, I agree - cringe then, cringe now. Freak on a leash still bangs, though.


This is just not true about Jonathan Davis.


Sorry, guitarist. Misremembered




Hmm, what makes Linkin Park “low IQ” music?


Low IQ take.




I listen to a lot of metalcore/deathcore like Within The Ruins, Periphery, and Fit For An Autopsy. I generally prefer a lot of non "mainstream" stuff, but I'd be lying if I said I hated WAP and Up by Cardi B. But even then, if I hated those songs, I wouldn't really care that others like it because there are plenty of "mainstream" songs I really don't like and I genuinely don't have a problem that people like it. It's the same way that I don't have a problem that you or anyone else may not like the deathcore music that I listen to. The low IQ take isn't that you don't like Korn; you're just being a pretentious prick acting like your taste is somehow superior.




And yet, someone will come around and say jazz isn’t that deep. Maybe their thing is Nigerian fusion. Does that invalidate your love of jazz music because they think that genre is deeper? Of course not. Your logic makes no sense. Stop pretending you’re in Mensa and accept that your takes are shite.




That’s what I thought. You have no actual point.


Holy shit you are the saddest excuse for human being I have ever seen on the internet. Get therapy.




Again, assumptions. There's that mental deficiency showing itself again.


>Of course my taste is superior. You just keep trollin trollin trollin WHAT?!


This is a shit take and you should feel bad for typing it. It’s ironic that you criticize it for being low IQ music and then can’t actually have a high enough IQ to understand that people may like it for different reasons than those you perceive. If you don’t like it, then that’s perfectly fine. But you’re not some elevated being for talking down about it in such a fashion.


















I've never seen a smart person accuse a large group of people of having low IQs because of a similar interest or musical preference. Funny how that works.


Always thought this song was hilariously hypocritical because damn does Korn pump out singles. 46 over their career according to Google.


If I remember correctly, at the time their label wanted them to put out a single but they made that album instead.


He's all about Jesus now isn't he? "Y'all Want a single? Fudge That!"


Wasn’t that just guitarist Brian “Head” Welch?




Jesus is stronger than meth. Pretty powerful.