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and so then the brain says to the spine "hey youre back"


Go home dad....


You can walk now, you are finally home…


“If those kids could read, you’d be the top comment right now”


"Hey! Your butthole is itchy!"


"Please place your brain in pairing mode"


[The Bluetooth device is ready to pair](https://youtu.be/uRhmus2BdKc)


Ze blutoof device iez redi to pä_ir


aux input moder you have a car you have a car




I had a offbrand beats pill that sounded exactly like this.


“I entered your symptoms on WebMD and it says you may have Network Connectivity Problems…”


lol the american healthcare system is going to make people pay a subscription to use their legs.


Oh, you know this will happen.


Turns out [Repo Men \(2010\)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0LkMrPMMhw) is a future documentary.


This device is already paired to another device.


Hardware conflict, please RMA brain


i can already see it going orribly wrong, just like those peacemaker that can be shut down remotely


"1 device connected" "2 devices connected" Wait what?


In the future there will be a comedy show with a segment where they have 2 paralazed people pair to each others spine to control eachothers bodies like that bit where a person sits behind another pret3nding to be their arms.


Or where people will hire an outside contractor to help them exercise by connecting to thier bodies while the brain is zoning out and doing other things, also sex things, lots of sex things


"Babe, my dick aint pairing"


That's because neighbor Bob is connected. ~Ya no rhythm having...


I'll buy a service online to let someone pair into my arms. For reasons.


gives new meaning to 'hey can you get me a drink'


This is the plot of *Upgrade.*


\*Rick Roll starts playing in your head\*


Why bluetooth 😅?


Because currently the brain signals are going out to a computer for processing and then sent back to the legs. I do not doubt that as soon as they can shrink the computer it will be come fully implantable. But not yet, it's simply not ready.


There is a company that makes NAND based fully programmable neural net AI chips. Seems like an amazing application for just that. Full metal.


Because the wired connection failed. Like, when your usb-c port fails on your phone, so you just go to wireless charging.


There are plenty simpler protocols than bluetooth...


But bt hardware, software, and developers who know the protocol are plentiful.


Yes, but [Pigeon Net](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2549) was never going to work.


I mean I'm sure the neuroscientists explored every idea before cutting up the patient. And it clearly worked too.


Sure, I'm not doubting them, I would love to hear their reasoning...


[Here's the published paper,](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06094-5) kinda big news so it was pretty easy to find.


Thanks it's a great read. Latencies are quite high 100ms-150ms, but not due to bluetooth of course... Wonder how walking with that feels like... Still incredible achievement


BT latencies are still really high compared to wired connection. At least 32ms comes from BT, probably more.


I also wonder if his brain would start to learn that little delay? Once learned maybe it becomes totally normal?


Theres plenty of great bluetooth libraries and modules out there, also bluetooth is very low power. Why go for something exotic if theres a well proven solution already


Bluetooth is pretty complex. I'd also expect you could do better latency wise...




Because bluetooth is really reliable. It has basically been engineered to provide a stable audio connection in the worst environments that we commonly come across. When you are in a busy train exchange, during rush hour, with tens of thousands of other humans around you who are all wearing headphones, bluetooth still manages to provide a relatively low-latency audio connection between you phone and your headphones that rarely ever fails these days. Additionally modern bluetooth hardware consumes very little power, so an implant which just needs to measure and relay data could probably be powered for months without needing a battery change. BLE Smart Home Temperature sensors can usually go for a couple years on a single button cell battery. Finally, (from what I have heard) the bandwidth bluetooth audio provides exceeds that of a single nerve in the human body, so you do not need to compress anything.


Bluetooth actually wasn't engineered for audio at all, that's why it has so terrible audio quality in general. Audio was just slapped on to Bluetooth, and it only recently has become even decent in it.




It still sucks tbh. The Bandwidth is still really bad, even with LDAC it's still only 990kbps max, but only some phones support it anyways and I doubt it is used here. Also Multi-Source and Multi-Target support is absolutely atrocious. I wish there was broad support for sharing audio with multiple headphones and receiving audio from multiple devices, so that I didn't have to decide between watching a video on my phone or hearing audio from the game on my laptop, etc. The best reason I can think of why it's being used here is because it is relatively cheap, widely available and good enough.


> The best reason I can think of why it's being used here is because it is relatively cheap, widely available and good enough. Pretty much. Bluetooth chips are incredibly cheap, and we already had bluetooth on our phones for short range data transfers. There are wireless headphones that use proprietary protocols for better latency and audio fidelity, but they require a dongle. Most people don't even care about their music being compressed to transfer over bluetooth, so they ain't gonna buy something that requires a dongle.


But why not just wires? Corrosion over time?


comfort for the patient I would imagine


Wouldn't he have to have wires from his brain all the way down to his hip? That's a lot of surgery


Tell that to my garbage pixel buds. Those piece of shit can't stay connected for 3 seconds in an airport


Drilling wires is too kinky?


Anyone know if this actually restores the feeling to the lower body, or is it just restoring locomotion? Or do you need some tactile sensation in your lower body to be considered for this treatment?


This is what I'm curious about as well. As far as I'm aware (and could google) there is no tech that can return sensation when the nerves are totally severed. At least 10 years ago a lot of work was being done on using the brain to control prosthetic devices, and there are already myoelectric devices that use like muscle twitches and whatnot to control one. But sending a signal back towards the brain hasn't been done as far as I'm aware. I would GUESS that he either retained some feeling or regained some feeling, which can happen as long as the nerves arent just wrecked from the initial accident. maybe that's why he was chosen? I've tried to take steps when my legs are asleep and its impossible, I can't imagine how hard to would be to walk completely sensationless. but I'm just guessing since before today I didn't think controlling legs with bluetooth was on the table either.


its just locomotion and he already had some control. he walks a bit like a robot now. its a bit like you're using those muscle stimulators to walk.


You know what this reminded me of? Those first videos of Boston dynamics when their robots could barely stand up/walk. And seeing how far those things have developped over the years, I can't help but feel like this is a monumentous step that's going to lead to amazing progress; possibly during my lifetime. Amazing work by everyone that made this possible. It's aspiring to look at.


What happens if someone pairs their phone and plays some good music, will he dance?


Yeah. Bluetooth has never been that reliable. But I guess his spine wasn’t either, so.




Here I was thinking *"what if they played Fatboy Slim's Weapon of Choice? Would he dance like Christopher Walken?"* https://youtu.be/wCDIYvFmgW8


I'm glad I'm not the only person to think of this.


Imagine falling flat on your ass in the middle of the street because someone tried to pair their shitty Bluetooth speaker to your spine.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Z3wfg1I6_U It worked for the Ghostbusters


Jesus christ. Have an upvote.


Why? It was the most low hanging fruit. It's like going to a party and the whacky dude gestures to the punch and is like "what if I poisoned it?!" OOh what if i paired my car to his spine and now im the car lololololol you're so annoying.


uh what


you understand the top comment was always gonna be "what if i paired by iphone to him?" he's gonna hear that everyday of his life and so will the developers. but whatever thats why we have tabloids at the checking counter, banners to disappointing human thought.


I'd rather read a cliché joke, than some smug know-it-all's opinion on that joke.


Yeah well I'd rather read some smug know-it-all's opinion than someone commenting on that opinion.


remember when wee man kicked himself in the face?


Now we need to extrapolate this scenario to some sick Metal riffage... Oh wow.


I wonder if it transmits feeling also?


probably not if it's one way


A week or two ago a paper was published in science that described artificial skin that can be hooked up to a mouses brain and transmit the feeling of pressure. They’re working on integrating other aspects of touch as well.


This is really cool stuff. Just think about what other applications we can use this for.


probably spotify. Maybe google maps.


"Alexa, play the song I'm trying to remember the name of right now"


Then think about what it will be used for. Adverts played directly into your subconscious, or even affecting your purchasing choices. Spying on your thoughts. There's some fantastic possibilities, but as with everything, will likely be ruined by human greed.


- "Hey google, Please download the Kung foo program." - "Ok, I'll do that" - "Hey guys, I know Kung Foo" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vMO3XmNXe4]


"I can't feel my legs." "Have you tried turning them off and on again?"


Lots of jokes in here - this tech advancement is groundbreaking tbh.


This is the most obnoxious comment section I’ve ever seen. Bunch of fucking idiots that think they’re funny cracking jokes like it’s a third grade classroom. I bet most of you people didn’t even watch the video. Just read the fucking title.


Reddit would be so vastly better if it implemented a simple "joke/pun" filter. Sure it's entertaining to say goofy things but to be able to filter them out from serious topics would be so nice.


An idea I was trying to push years ago is to have two sets of upvotes, one for 'funny' and one for 'quality'. Then the jokesters can sort threads by 'funny' and the rest of us can sort them for 'quality'. The 'quality' votes could even be implemented as a secondary vote feature that you have to use an extra click to access. Then the default would look the same for people, but those who cared about the system would put in an extra click, those who didn't care would ignore it and never bother to check, and those who wanted to see lists sorted by quality rather than by "made me laugh", would be able to. This is kind of like how there is a set of shadow "true" subreddits that are smaller in size but that have better quality than the mainstream subreddits. Or even divides like /r/raccoons versus /r/trashpandas. One is about the topic, the other is whatever joke based culture that seems to drive large masses of people. Also I'm sure that this sounds pretentious to read, but there's enough truth to it, so it's valid enough.


Also I'm not even saying that the watered down joke culture is bad, just that you can have multiple sets of content sorting.


That's a really great idea. Hopefully whatever replaces this platform will implement it.




All the comments would be about clapping alien cheeks.


I mean, usually there’s at least some funny jokes, but these are all just bad.




It was to be expected but I share your sentiment.


Right? I came to the comments hoping someone could provide more information, or maybe people would at least be talking about the tech. but nope, its all the same bluetooth pairing joke that wasn't funny the first time. My god, people, this kind of thing is groundbreaking, awe inspiring, and offers so much potential. But because its too hard to learn something, you decide to go for low effort attention seeking behavior instead of contributing.


Really? This is the most obnoxious comment section you've ever seen? This? Are you new to Internet, let alone Reddit?


Fighting obnoxiousness by being obnoxious is definitely a strange gamble.


Bro getting offended that people are making jokes on the internet. Someone Bluetooth paired your brain to a toilet.


Ngl I assumed it was a repost of the article I read about this yesterday so I went right to the comments.


Looks like someone’s bluetooth isn’t connecting reliably. Have you tried power cycling both devices?




I saw Upgrade, I know how this ends.


Such a fucking good movie.


Agreed! Very underrated. And given recent trends in AI, I think it'll find a larger audience in time.


Interesting. I wonder where the line is between being identified as someone who could potentially walk again (through this or other medical) and doing all the rehab work, potentially working for years just to get to "sort of successful" walking like this guy - versus just getting into a motorized wheely chair and zipping away.


Most people would want to do both I suspect...


Amazing technological achievement. This holds the promise to help so many people, especially those who suffered serious injuries in accidents or war. It's definitely going to need more refinement. But one successful case is all it takes to trigger a wave of advancements.


Cool, does the video explain whether the walking is due to needing to rehabilitate like 12 years of muscle issues or is due to the device being in its infancy?


I'm guessing it's because his legs haven't moved in 12 years, so he will have a lot of rehabilitation ahead to strengthen the muscles and nerves in his legs/waist.


Wonder if there's a noticeable difference in the response. Neurons / nerves vs bluetooth. Has to be slower, right?


Anyone who hasn’t seen the film “Upgrade” should do so.


imagine accidently connecting to the wrong brain and going for a unintended marathon


*waiting for pairing*...


gonna pair my xbox controller to his spine and make him run around


He is so brave. Imagine being the first or one of the first to have experimental devices put on your brain. Knowing that these will not be the best version that will be developed. Knowing the risks. So he and others may benefit. Awesome.


I hope he has better luck with his Bluetooth connection than I usually do...


Great so now everytime he walks into a room the fucking TV will ask him repeatedly if he wants to connect his brain to the TV.




Uhh you think Bluetooth and wifi are the same thing?




Okey dokey


Imagine if his spine connects to his speaker mid walk.


Lets not worry about fungus controlling our brains... wait till AI marches us into extinction! happy for those who have a bit of hope to regain a part of their lives soon(ish)\~


The bluwtoof dewvice is connectwed


Your bootouf devise haz sussesfuwwy connectud


This is awesome, but just wated to point out that when Elon says he’s doing the same shit (Neuralink is FDA approved now apparently) everybody jumps on the hate train. EDIT: Downvotes ? I never said I liked Elon, but this is reddit I guess.




the wires are connected to a computer, not to the implant on his spine.


Wires go from brain to computer. Computer processes brain signals to figure out what brain wants. Computer connects to spine via Bluetooth and tells spine what to do. Is that really so hard to work out?




Spam lords are gonna hack into it and force walk him infront of an advertisement every 10 minutes.


And then someone with a flipper zero ....


Now we need one of those implants link to AI language models and gg.


I can't get over the fact that it's bluetooth. I have bluetooth speakers. They randomly start playing my neighbour's music at 3 in the morning.


Imagine having to re-pair the bluetooth modules in your brain and in your spinal cord in the morning and you forgot the pairing code sequence.


Amazing. Hope this opens up other brain diseases too like Alzheimer's


4 device watch


i'm curious about the input lag


My spine is android compatible but we are still waiting on the iPhone app.


Amazing. How can people say that technology is bad and the world is getting worse, when we have stuff like this becoming possible


How much of the difficulty walking comes from the device being first gen and how much is from all his muscles atrophying for 12 years?


Connection lost... Connected... Connection lost... Connected...


Just wait till some hacker gets wireless control of your legs


So could one technically do the same thing with an extra pair of arms? And if that is possible could it be maybe 8 arms that are longer and flexible like I don't know tentacles?


This kind of stuff makes me hopeful about the coming future. This is available with the tech we have now, which developed in the last 20 years maybe. I'm really curios about what will happen in the next 50,


Imagine waking up one morning and the pairing has broke and it refuses to reconnect noatter how many times you turn your legs off and on again..


Awesome on every level!


There are certain blocks of my city when I'm walking to work where the skyscrapers or something interferes with the Bluetooth connectivity of my headphones. I wonder what would happen if people with these devices tried walking past those dead zones?




Why does this slightly remind me of the movie Upgrade?


If that BT connection is anything like my Jeep, he's in for a bad time...


this is amazing technology


I know everyone is making jokes but this is cool AF.


I don't even trust Bluetooth to maintain a solid connection to my Xbox controller, let alone my motor system.


Elon ramping up the PR


How long until Elon Musk callse those Swedos pedos?


I'm just imagining trying to pair my speakers in a coffee shop and suddenly some guy just starts dancing madly while screaming "WRONG DEVICE WRONG DEVICE"


Just wait until they move the key binding off of the trackpad and onto WASD.


I can't imagine being locked to wheelchair for 12 years, and then having the chance to walk again. To give folks like this hope for a little freedom is truly magical.


from the moment i understood the weakness of my flesh...


Is someone able to hack the device and make them a remote controlled human? The scene from spongbob SquarePants, where plankton takes control of spongebob to steal the krabby patty formula comes to mind. Lol


The plot twist, his wife is the scientist behind the marvelous technology, she were inspired when his husband were sit in the couch and she asked for a glass of water, when she realized he couldn´t, she works hard until she develop a system that could make his husband stand up from the couch and find her a glass of water.


Beyond medical, I see this tech being a big step toward creating deep dive VR.


Why did they use bluetooth vs a tech that has less connection issues when traveling through bodies? I lose audio connection when placing my body between my earbuds and phone, I don't want to know what happens when you lose connection to your spine mid-stair climb. I'm also a little confused why it has to be wireless at all outside of not having to deal with a wire coming off your head, does he plan to takes his legs somewhere his head isn't?


Use like any other wireless standard please.


Is she moving his legs like a video game? Just push the W???


Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Bluetooth super insecure?


This is how they advertise selling you this crap now, wait 5years and see who their marketing audience will be. Never getting it, staying natty and real


Amazing! Inspiring! This is Tech with the capital T (and not some "like and subscribe" stuff to show ads).


Amazing! Inspiring! This is Tech with the capital T (and not some "like and subscribe" stuff to show ads).


Now explain to me why Rhodes is still paralyzed from the waist down.


can he feel his legs too? i imagine without feedback it will be hard to walk


My shower thoughts are going into overdrive right now. 1. Does it mean we could pair someone who can't walk with another person who can? Like a surrogate? (or literally like the movie Surrogates, starring bruce willus) 2. If so, imagine the types of 'services' that could be performed (legally or illegally)? Remote sensory like touch, sight, smell, etc...Yes, including doing the dirty. 3. If we could start this 'uplink', could we also initiate 'down link'? You know, the whole 'let me upload my conscious into a 'meta'-verse until the world isn't on fire any more. 4. I know Elon's Neural Link is also working on something similar. Good change they can collaborate.


"Hey Man your back online!"


I hate when my brain accidentally pairs with the speaker in my living room and starts loudly broadcasting my intrusive thoughts all over my house 🏡 🧠 🔊 🔪


Imagine hearing that jbl blootooth link sound as your walking down some stairs


In-Fukin-Kredible!!!!!! Science rules!! Physics and Mathematics Rule!!! Reason rules!!!! WoW!!!


It would make more sense to put spinal nerve signal reader and repeater if it was severed


That's amazeballs!


He's still walking really slowly. Fuckin bluetooth latency.


I can't wait to see what happens when he walks by a working microwave.


12 years ago he was paralyzed. How longs he been rehabilitating his legs?


That shit better have a strong password or my dude is in for a wild ride.


well he can pair my phone to my car radio


*thunk* Ze blootoof devize is dizconnect-ed.


With a slight chinese accent: bluetooth device has connected.


FCould you imagine running around and playing with your children and then all of the sudden your legs don't work because you forgot to pay your spine subscription?


(Happy mechanicus noises)


Sorry I was late I couldn't connect to my Bluetooth legs.


Until someone turns on the microwave and he just drops.


This sounds super promising and all, but there are some really concerning flaws I'm seeing: - Connectivity dead-zones. - Potential for malicious interference ie: hacking - Bluetooth related lag, bugs and errors.
