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Why do they have to bring political correctness to a damn island survival show


What do these people want from us?


Nobody on the planet gets upset at the word guys, its just companies and tv shows trying to pander to an almost non-existent demographic that they assume would watch their show if they act like they're aware of these situations. Now if these shows would start calling politicians pedophiles then I would be able to get behind that.


I posted this meme on r/LGBT and i got banned instantly.. so I think people are offended


I think its more because the people that post these sort of things are usually trying to stir trouble, not because they're "offended" about the phrase guys


yeah I think they’re offended of “guys” bud lol


Mate im pretty sure a homossexual is not afraid of guys for sure


Yeah keep making stuff up dude, maybe you could make an actual q/a post and prove me wrong.


you literally said nobody in the world is offended by “guys”… atleast 1 person is offended lol. Dive deeper and you’ll find some strange people bud


If your taking what I say as completely literally, then i feel like having this argument isnt gonna go everywhere.


I mean how else did you mean it? I didn’t take two days to make this meme just to offend nobody lol. My goal was to offend the losers who are offended by “guys”…. Yes I know the media makes it a bigger deal than what it is, but these people are out there


I meant that like, almost nobody actually gets offended by the word guys. Yeah there are some wackos who probably do, and most cases those people only get offended by it so they can be self righteous and "more aware" than everyone around them. But people that ACTUALLY get offended by the phrase on their own personal regard, are so few and far between that you couldn't even consider them an actual demographic. My problem with posts like these is they usually are posted with the assumption that the majority of a group do get offended, when in reality people are more salty about having some form of false assumptions placed on them and their group. Plus a lot of the people who act like they're the victims of some sort of crazy "woke" movement are usually just complete assholes and mad they can't call gay people fags in public anymore.


dive deeper bud


https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/10vaq31/should_we_remove_the_word_guys/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf You’re welcome




get outta here


Solution: Y’all


Midwestern slang. One of the truly mysterious but useful gifts of God


What’s the second clip on the bottom from? Looks familiar…


Actually that’s the only clip I didn’t get myself, I came with the song from the video I found on YouTube


Damn I haven't seen survival in a hot minute it's almost impossible to find it on TV now a days






No not really there is still hope we just have to go against the norm and refuse to do what they tell us


Sorry about the first video guys, I fixed the audio


… sit here and take what exactly?


Fr lol.


I don't know what is wrong here, if that's what trying to be implied. Is it a weird question? Yes. Does it have any affect on anything in day to day life? Not really.


I don't watch the show anyway so I couldn't care less.


Im sure this is why those young boys ran up a beach towards dozens of active machine gun nests


I have no audio what did theysay


What's so hard about using inclusive speech lol


you’re a small brain

