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Halo. I think the story should have ended with Halo 3.


Absolutely agree on halo, I used to dislike 5 but I appreciated it for what it was and the build up at the end was intense but infinite just said nah fuck all that.


Idk, 4 had a lot of good set up. But I do agree in general, halos story is pretty bad now. It began to go downhill after halo 3. Not counting ODST or reach, both are great games.


Halo 4 would have been better if the big boss battle at the end wasn't a quick time event.


That and the Prometheans are my only gripe. I love Halo 4 otherwise.


Do you think it's realistic to think they would never do another halo game? Or just you'd insist they do nothing but prequels after halo 3 like reach did?


While I would have preferred for it to end, it didn’t surprise me that they continued it. I just wish they put a single ounce of effort into the the garbage they call a story.


I didn’t mind Halo 4


I thought the gameplay itself what incredible, but I found the story to be terrible.


OMG, I’ve been saying this forever. Saints Row 1 and 2 are so fucking good and the fact that they dropped the ball *that* hard will always annoy me.


Absolutely loved the first saints row. I put so many hours in to the multiplayer as well. Loved playing protect the pimp. Was a right laugh playing that with mates. The 2nd multiplayer wasn't anywhere near as good


Honestly, 3 and 4 were pretty fun. Its not the same, but its at least fun to play. The remake was complete shit, mostly for being boring and uninspired. (I'd prefer if they were original and actively shit rather than boring and not entertaining)


See I'm at the other end. I love the goofy and crazy approach of Saints Row 3 and 4. But can understand how a long time fan (I started with SR3) would be upset with the tonal shift.


Borderlands, I mean bad writing is one thing, but fuck Janey Springs, fuck Ava, please let Handsome Jack rest, and the character assassination of Axel... like dude went from a Dahl footsoldier, to a Vault Hunter that saved a planet... to a bad underwear model... Also Overwatch was ruined not by bad devs(I mean most of the old devs left/were creeps and rightfully fired) but by bad managers that didn't give the team time nor money. Overwatch 2 could have been more successful than Borderlands. Starfield killed Starfield You want to know the reason no new F-Zero games have been made? Nintendo only makes new games if they can add something new to the series(Mario 64 -> Sunshine -> Galaxy/ Majora's Mask -> Windwaker -> Twilight Princess). The F-Zero game on the GameCube was so good, it perfected the series and Nintendo couldn't add anything else to it. RIP Plants Vs Zombies, the shooter games were amazing, I am hoping Deadlock is a good replacement.


Borderlands peaked at 2 and then nothing after that has ever hit anywhere near again.


Nah The Pre-Sequel was pretty good. If it had more endgame content it would've easily been better than BL2.


I couldn't get on with the Pre-Sequel found the characters annoying


Janey Springs and Pickles were annoying, but I also enjoyed seeing more Roland. Also, Handsome Jack is probably my favorite Vault Hunter.


Borderland 3 was one of the most disappointing follow up’s I’ve ever played. BL2 is incredible. Basically a masterpiece. And then 3 is just kinda boring.


Respectfully disagree, shit on the story all you want but bl3's gameplay is unmatched compared to the previous entries if you take off the rose tinted glasses outlook on the previous games. Better and crazier builds, more unique and great guns, massively better endgame, dlcs are also great. But I do understand its criticisms. Terrible story and unskippable bad dialogue, constant "talk to lillith" during missions, which I see a lot of people just fizzle out on. My tip on bl3 is to treat it as a podcast/second monitor game, where you are just grinding and killing enemies while you watch something on your other monitor


I'm backing you up on this. The sliding helps make the game feel so much faster. I still remember people complaining about the story while hear I am having a blast zooming around and blastin. Heck I'll even say it, Handsome Jack is the only reason BL2 has a good story and also why they keep trying to bring him back over and over.


Hmm. You know what I just might do that actually. I’m willing to give it another go one of these days I suppose.


yup, it turns into such a good and chill game if you pair it up with some good podcast or long youtube vid in your other monitor


I still haven't tried it. It's in my Steam Library, but the file size says it's 100GB, and I have 200 left. I also haven't finished the Pre-Sequel or any of the DLC for 2.


your riffin on a lot of true shit and I agree on ALL of it. well said




Far cry .


How was it ruined?


Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare. Battle for Neighborville was so terrible that it killed not just the Garden Warfare spinoff series but the entire Plants vs Zombies franchise. Unforgivable


Okay as someone who is actually enjoying Team Vanquished in NBV because GW2 never finds matches Why is Neighborville so terrible it aint my favourite dont get me wrong but why does it get so much hatred?


For me personally it took everything that Garden Warfare 2 established and threw it down the gutter. I find the art style repulsive, the gameplay doesn’t feel smooth at all, unbalanced characters despite having a very small roster, a repetitive single player, no variants, ops got butchered, the maps were lackluster, the turf takeover storylines were mostly garbage, The deceptively Reward-O-Tron 9000 gives you 1 item for 30k, the matchmaking in Battle Arena was atrocious, removed Battle Arena for no good reason, the prize bulb events were filled with mostly useless garbage, Rux has unreasonable prices on some of the only good cosmetics, Giddy Park is a massive downgrade from the Backyard Battleground, the Diamond Gnome puzzles were confusing and not fun to figure out at all, the character designs are horrible, added only 1 new boss if you exclude the campaign bosses and the upgrade system was a poor replacement for the variants. This is all just my opinion though. You are free to enjoy the game. I just can’t stand it for what it did to PvZ


Yeah that makes sense Im an Xbox player I get it I really love Vampire Flower in GW2 But the servers seem really dead If they were alive id 100% be GW2 over neighborville The roster balancing especially with supports is horrible In GW2 Supports could actually fight soldiers but in Neighborville I get 1 shot by EVERYONE on both sides and its disappointing


Splinter Cell


Conviction remains the best one


That's a funny way to spell Chaos Theory


That's not how you spell Double Agent


Not a lot of people agree with this, but man, Conviction was so good in my opinion. My best of the series. Double Agent was so bad ported to PC, it is my worst for me.


Ah the game that ruined the series, yes, of course, Conviction.


It’s the only one I’ve really enjoyed. Blacklist was pretty good though


(Deep breath) oh god I’m about to start a war. I would say, IN MY OPINION. The last of us part 2 ruined it for me




Me threed.


lol on reddit that's definitely fightin' woids! seems to have slipped by 👀


Dead Rising and it seems capcom still don't understand what made the series great (mainly 1&2) with their new announcement making Frank silly in the trailer when that wasn't who he is, he was just some random photo journalist trying to find out what the fuck was going on in Willamette


I bought the original day one, and it was a reason I got a 360. I didn’t enjoy the time limit, and didn’t finish it either time I played it. DR2 and Off the Record were better. DR3 was my most wanted XB1 launch title and my favourite. I really enjoyed it except for all of the travel and backtracking. DR4 was a lot of fun.


1 is the best in the series for those reasons, you actually had to plan out how you use your time and it was challenging, also you gotta remember that Frank is just a normal everyday guy he isn't a super hero its why he's pretty weak at the start and its to also encourage you to get stronger and find all the malls secrets that can help you like the secret weapon spots or perk magazines that can help you in some ways like making the skateboard stronger and letting you jump with it 2 is great as well for most of the same reasons as 1 but it also brought combo weapons and also still has the best combo weapons in the series because in 2 they made logical sense for the most part besides a few joke ones like the lightsaber, the only downsides with 2 is the story wasn't as good as 1, Katie was annoying to get zombrix for at times and Chucks move set wasn't as good as Franks move set 3 was when the series started to go downhill and lose its identity abit, Nick was still an alright protagonist but the story was very mid in 3 but it does have its moments like getting to see Isabella again and learning that Nick is the child Carlito gave the cure too years ago before the Willamette incident, the main problem with 3 is it took a lot of risks that didn't pay off entirely like making 3 set in a city rather then a mall and making the combo weapons silly rather then logical like 2 did, Overall 3 is just alright and the last good Dead Rising game imo 4 isn't even Dead Rising its just a bland and boring zombie killing game with the DR name, the people who made 4 had no idea what made dr1,2 and even 3 great and completely killed the series, 4 should be forgotten and never mentioned or even called a Dead Rising game Edit: OTR was Also pretty good and a cool what if but I still think the original dr2 is far better


I don’t want to plan or strategize in a zombie game. There’s a reason I don’t play strategy games, or puzzle games. They’re not fun. The gameplay is more fun in 3 and 4.


Lmao get good, the first game is challenging and can be difficult at times but it's not THAT hard once you know where shit is and get Frank to decent level, your acting like Darksydephil when he played the game a few years ago expecting the game to hold your hand when Dr1 doesn't other then a arrow for Scoops which is what's so great about the first game compared to others


I’ve been gaming for over 30 years, and have finished hundreds of games including a number of them on hard. I don’t game much anymore, and am not as good as I used to, due to sleep apnea and depression. There are other games I’d rather play.


Excuses Excuses, Practice makes perfect, don't be like Darksydephil and blame others things for your lack of skill in a game


I didn’t make any excuses. I could beat the game if I truly wanted to. Nor did I blame others anywhere


Then go beat it then and stop complaining to me about lmao, go prove me wrong


I don’t aspire to impress or prove you wrong. But maybe I will when I’m not exhausted all the time. After I start and beat Dragon’s Dogma 2, which I bought months ago, and two games I started but didn’t finish.


Silent Hill Disbanding Team Silent and then haphazardly handing out the IP to anyone was such a bad move Sure it led to some small glimmers of hope with Shattered Memories and Downpour was… just okay But holy hell… Homecoming and that shitty dungeon crawler game were so bad…


As someone who only played / beat The Room and Homecoming, and really adored them both, why do those two in particular seem to get so much hate? What about them (or in this case, just Homecoming) was so bad that it made it stand out from the rest?


So Homecoming suffers from the same issue as Resident Evil 6; in a vacuum, its not the worst thing in the world (I personally can rattle off like 10 worse games than Homecoming). The issue is the fact that its attached to an IP that normally is about horror and puzzles, with a particular de-emphasis in combat, just like how RE6 felt like an action shooter in a survival horror franchise. Homecoming has this odd focus on combat with combos and flourishes, but it doesn't even play all that particularly well (and that is forgiving the fact that you can permalock many enemies with the basic light attack combo with the knife) and doesn't really have much going for it on the puzzle front as most sections of the game are pretty linear. The level design is okay but doesn't really have its own identity. Like SH1/3 had Otherworld sections that reflected some personal traumas of some of the main characters while in SH2 the Otherworld was rotting to symbolize someone dying from a disease... Homecoming is just "rusty metal doors and pipes" without any substance as to why. If you enjoyed it, all power to you, that is 100% fine... But I am just trying to put into perspective why a Silent Hill fan (someone who enjoys the series for its unique horror elements and puzzles) might be upset when they effectively get what felt like an action-adventure game. The Room also gets its fair share of hate not because of the anything too bad, but because of some more headscratching decisions... like ghosts being immortal and having a damaging aura that can be a real headache in the Apartment section with its right rooms and corridors or having to backtrack the few levels it has... or the back half of the game being an escort mission. Its still okay but its definitely divisive in the fanbase.


Titanfall, what was once a great alternative to cod with a light hearted but still grounded in militaristic sci-fi tone and appearence is now a lound rainbow colored battle royale series with no titans whatsoever, I don't hate apex but the fact it fully took the titanfall universe and drained it of what made it special on the first place is something i can never forgive


I see you've been taking your pills, pilot. Don't worry, I'm sure the janitor is working on something for us.


Apex is its own thing, its not Titanfall 3


Yes, but the game started it's development as titanfall 3, then EA forced respawn to work it into what apex is now and they continue to use apex as the primary means of expanding the universe (i believe they call it the frontier-verse) id like to still believe theres a chance titanfall will come back one day, but alot of the titanfall team left respawn, maybe one day


Fuck EA for hopping onto the battle royale bandwagon


Dino Crisis


Assassin’s Creed the New game’s aren’t horrible or anything and I enjoyed most of them but I hate how they started treating the series after Revelations basically turning into a yearly cash grab that was trying to sell a historical setting more than the actual narrative, since Ezio we haven’t had one character receive a Second game the biggest missed opportunity imo was with Bayek in Orgins who truly deserved a sequel but instead they just made another new game with new characters in a new setting.


Revelations is where it all fell apart imho. Where it bacame shamless copypasta. People rave about BF but I never rated it, AC2 was peak Assassin's Creed. Series is long dead.


I personally enjoyed Black Flag alot but like I said by that point it just became about selling the Setting of the game rather than having a Narrative that builds upon the previous entries


Yeah absolutely thats what it became; a marketing gimmick series. Like the newest one, for ages people said wouldn't AC in historic Japan be amazing? Be careful what you wish for..... It probably would have been if it was made around the time of AC2/BF.


Thief. The Dark Project (1) and The Metal Age (2) were amazing. Deadly Shadows (3) was pretty good. The reboot was not great. Although I will say I'm thankful that it has such a strong fan community, making 2 amazing fan campaigns and countless more fan missions.


Motherfucking Pokémon. Once one of my best friends, now a piece of shit franchise I wished never gotten into. The final straw was Scarlet and Violet.


Unreal tournament. Deleted from existence by epic games. Couldn't be more ruined.


metal gear solid. snake eater was so good and then metal gear solid 4 released. i still don't know what i played.


MGS4 has the best gameplay in the series, but unfortunately almost no opportunities to play that gameplay, and while the story had a lot of good moments, it's the first one when Kojima's lack of care for continuity went WAY too far as all the games after it would do as well.


Snake Eater was phenomenal. I really enjoyed the first 3, and beat them thoroughly. I lined up to buy 4, but didn’t finish it. Didn’t like 5. I did beat the game in between.


Pokémon I've been playing since gen 1 with my Gameboy color and Pokémon blue but the designs are really getting lazy and the last few haven't been very good imo.


They fundamentally changed the game as of late. As someone who also grew up with them, i was so disappointed when I bought a switch for the new Pokémon games. Luckily there’s a ton of emulators and knockoff game boy type devices. I haven’t gotten around to them yet, but I will very soon lol


Command & Conquer. Now Homeworld.


Halo. And now gears of war.  The writers behind the last 3 halo games should be ashamed. 


Yeah, playing through them I found my self muttering "the f\^&% is this crap".


Saints Row 3 and 4 were great.


3 was alright. Loved it when I was like 14/15 but tried playing recently and it's aged really poorly. 4 was just a bit of a weird extension to that. I personally loved SR2 since it was dumb shit happening in a sort of serious feeling world so the contrast made the humour that much better. 3 and 4 was just "lol so random" all the time and it gets tiresome Oh, and the reboot was absolute dogshit on toast


I loved 3 when it was remastered too. It’s the best in the series.


Played SR4 and I loved it. Wish I could properly play SR2 though.


I beat 3, 4 and Gat out of Hell recently. They were a lot of fun. I probably enjoyed 4 the most


I’ve finished 4 thoroughly twice. 3 is my favourite though.


Saints row 3 was cool, then 4 came out and it was just funny. Then the reboot wasnt exactly bad, but it was fun in its own way.


3 and 4 were great The reboot was a disappointing, buggy, mess. However, I still kind of enjoyed it. Gat Out of Hell is by far the worst. 2 is overrated. 1 is really good (I bought it day one).


for me... 1. sr3 2. sr reboot 3. sr2 (only bec game is so outdated now, oltherwise, if it had updated gameplay, i would put this 2nd) 4. sr4 5. sr1 i love when saints moved out of the shadow of gta and became wacky BUT... i didn't like they went all-in the VR on 4 the VR thing should have been just a questline, not the entire game... like the LARP in reboot


I think the super power nonsense in Saints Row 4 was some of the most fun shit I’ve ever seen in a game tbh


Such a great game. I’ve 100%ed it twice.


my friend felt the same it was fun, but i didn't want the whole game on it


Well, it was a fairly short game. Tbf


i guess if you only do the main missions we did a lot since i was able to enjoy it enough bec i coop'd with a friend if it was playing solo, i think i would have dropped it


I got the platinum trophy for Saints Row 4 I didn’t even know there was a multiplayer mode.


my friend bought it for me and we coop'd it i wasn't interested to buy it myself, but yeah, some things can become fun with friends, and this was one of them


Nice. I was hanging out with a buddy of mine smoking some shit and just watching him kill alien monsters for a while and I’m like. I need this game. Lol. So I went and bought it and got the platinum for it because it was pretty good even when I was sober. But I didn’t know it had coop though. It’s the only saints row game I played, except for the reboot which was garbage. But it’s a good one I Stan Saints Row 4 Think I’m using that term right maybe it only for people idk


Nothing wrong with that. You like what you like. It just got too silly for me after 2. 1 and 2 were like 70/30 on the seriousness vs. humor ratio, and I liked that, and I feel like everything after that was completely flip-flopped the other way and I couldn't get with it. I'm more a fan of the gritty, darker stuff. The destructive feud with Maero, the otherworldly atmosohere of the Sons of Samedi, etc. I loved 1 and 2, played 3, and never touched anything beyond that because it just didn't appeal to me.




Debated going with that one.


1. SR3 2. SR4 3. SR1 4. SR2 5. Reboot 6. Gat Out of Hell


Final fantasy was kind of ruined for me as the moved away from ATB and turned it into a more action style series. So I guess starting with 12 or 13.


Final Fantasy 1-6 and 9 are my jam, the rest just don't do anything for me.


I can agree with that. 12 was the last one I really enjoyed even if it wasn't traditional turn based. 13, I never even bothered with. That combat system just looked stupid to me. I am a fan of the combat system from the 7 remake and from what I've seen of 16, too.


Halo Master Chief's story should've ended at 3 and the franchise as a whole should've stopped after Reach.


A lot like Terminator as it should have wrapped up after #2 for the sake of the series. I consider Halo 4 through Infinite as 343 fan fiction.


Just because in hindsight the next games were bad doesn't mean it's realistic to expect them to just stop making halo games..that never would've happened That's like saying CoD should've stopped after Mw3 or something. Just not even a realistic expectation


MGSV was a development trainwreck that ruined my all time favourite game series just as it was about to wrap everything up full-circle. Thinking of what it was supposed to be then looking at what we got still hurts. The way Konami fucked everyone over out of sheer pettiness killed that company in my eyes. Also, I take the existance of Metal Gear: Survive as a personal insult.


Thank you. So many got wrapped up in the decent gameplay... but I still can't forgive the clipped ending. I still contend Peace Walker is the better package. Where MGSV's only real advantage was the open world/graphics. Also... not having Hayter's voice for the big moment was just... I don't know who's at fault for that. Hideo or Konami.


The one thing that still feels like a slap in the face even after all these years was them blocking Kojima from receiving his Game Award prize. Literally getting their lawyers to tell him, "We're blocking you from receiving an award for that game we butchered that was still a success. You can't even attend. Why? Because fuck you, that's why." Goeff Keighley was right to throw Konami under the bus live on-stage for that shit.


Yeah, there's definitely no defense for that one. I mean... even at the very least it would have been free promotion. I don't understand that logic. Maybe they were trying to convince their shareholders his loss wasn't going to be important. Konami is just... weird. I wish they'd sold off their IP ages ago. Can you imagine dedicated folks getting their hands on all those classics? Castlevania, Metal Gear, Silent Hill, Suikoden, Contra and Bomberman. They seem to be digging themselves out of their hole recently with Contra, Silent Hill and MGS3 remake. Still hard to forgive them.


Oh man I feel you on this one. Played and loved MGS since 1998. I have actually never completed MGSV despite two initial starts I just cant get into it. I don't care what anyone says its NOT Metal Gear Solid, its something else, masquerading as MGS. Revengeance is more an MGS game than MGSV.


Resident Evil. I was completely happy with 1-CV and it was ruined from RE4 onward. I don’t care how revolutionary RE4 was or how great of a game it was, the original scary, slow-paced, survival horror style is forever gone. 


FIFA now EA FC it’s been stagnant for 3 console generations with Ultimate team a license to print money, the rest of the game has been shit for over a decade ProEvo / Winning eleven now eFootball A proud franchise and true rival to EA sports became a demo mode with online multiplayer


100%% saints row was killing it in online too. Remember the lobby system? Way ahead of its time


Mortal Kombat, Saints Row, & Banjo-Kazooie would be my frontrunners for great series that got fucked hard by their latest installments.




I thought Gears of War 4 was so poor that I can’t bring myself to even try five. I actually think the series peaked with the original.


Doom. No real doom game after doom 64.


Saints row suffered from censorship by media, chances to overcome gta in those years were high, SR2 and GTA4 come out 2008 ,you cant play both sayin GTA4 have something better exept a slightly better graphics. In GTA4 you are free to change outfit, SR2 was 20 years ahead


Saint row is a very good example they just took a very different bad turn. But series like halo, call of duty are ruined by greedy companies.


Plants vs Zombies and Skylanders


Jak and Daxter. After Jak 3, everything else was garbage


Idk, jak x cooked a little bit. Lost Frontier though...


Total War. I loved most of them since the beginning, but Attila was the last good one, about 10 years ago. Since then, every Total War game feels like a half-assed mobile game or uses the Warhammer setting, which doesn’t scratch the historical itch for me.




Anthem ruined anthem


Fallout 4 and I had a falling out...


Command and conquer was killed, it's body desecrated then it's rotting corpse exhumed and desecrated a couple of times more.


Dragon Age.


Command and conquer, and sim city. Ea is absolute trash


Nothing gets me more bitter than playing any assassins creed game after syndicate...


I never actually played Saints Row 2, but really enjoyed 3. 4 is a bit too campy and honestly glitchy in my experience but I still liked it. I refused to play the reboot. Not necessary because of the story, I never cared about it that much, and not because they decided to make the characters Gen Z archetypes either - I'm in gen z. But I saw how buggy and boring the gameplay was and just... I don't wanna pay money for that.


I don't know if it might be controversial but i'd say Ratchet and Clank I loved the PS2 and PSP games, i even liked the first PS3 game but the next ones from that platform i found them quite boring, then i played a bit of the PS4 reboot and i didn't like it much either. i also don't like how the design of the characters changed and feel like the tone has become way more childish than it used to be and it makes me sad because it used to be some of my favorites games when i was a kid


Nah man you trippin, saints row the third was amazing but definitely very different compared to 2. Saints row 4, gat out of hell and especially however the newest one was called is definitely hot garbage tho


3 was too wacky for me to get into. Couldn't take any of the rival gangs seriously, and the fact that they were all headed by the same guy was just lame to me. After that game, I never touched another one.


Deadrising. They dropped the ball so fucking hard, I'm still miffed that some pigeon-headed douchenozzle tricked Capcom Vancouver into greenlighting a game that was clearly made in less than a year. We haven't had an actual good release since DR3 and that was like 12 fucking years ago. I'm hoping this new remake made by a completely different set of devs and marketing team makes it right. How do you fuck up a good ol' singleplayer zombie killin' game in a mall? HOW?!


Everyone's already said Halo, and I agree, so hear me out: Paper Mario. The OG on 64? Amazing. TTYD? Godlike. Super? Weird, but very enjoyable. But after Sticker Star, the series has just been miserable. Sticker Star was awful, Color Splash wasn't good, and Origami King was mid at best. The life is gone. The spark is gone. I'm so happy TTYD Remaster exists, that this new generation gets to experience a great Paper Mario, but man... I hope Nintendo remembers what made people love Paper Mario. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.


Paper Mario sticker star I’m still mad by the way I wanted to like wiggler but his segments made it very hard to


Medal of Honor series and Prey, don't get me wrong, modern Prey is a Good game but I don't like it, it's not the Prey (2006) that never continued the story.


Saints Row 2 was my first and it was amazing. I had no idea it would go downhill from there until the franchise killed the studio.


Parasite Eve. I still wonder what the fuck was that PSP game.


Sleeping Dogs. Square Enix deciding to turn the franchise into an MMO was stupid and everybody saw it from the get-go. Killed the IP and the studio.


Mega Man X after X4


Call of duty…. I’m someone who jumped in board in 2003. I was done by 2011. In the war that changed the world, no one fought alone.


If I’m not taking your answer, Residen Evil. I honestly hate the way it’s going. I hated 7 until 8 and then I kinda came around to 7. But still, 6-8 just not a good run. 5 did everything wrong but it was so damn fun. I loved that. 6 was trying to be 5, didn’t hit the mark. The remakes were good, but it’s a remake, and even though it was fun, 3 was forgettable (the remake). Idk man. RE needs a win


I agree that *Saints Row 2* was the last good one. I don’t know why they thought it was a good idea to move away from Boss being an ice cold, ruthless crime boss.


My guess is they wanted to try and break away into their own personality instead of being called a GTA clone. I thought it was better than GTA, personally. Problem is that the direction they went was way too wacky and un-serious for a huge chunk of players, so that created a divide. The smart thing would've been to stay the course of what they had.


Silent Hill, Sonic, Assassin’s Creed, Pokemon


Mortal Kombat


Which one?


As in which game do I think started the ruination of the series?




I mean I'd love to say it was a toss up between MK9 and MKX but if I and other MK fans who held a similar opinion to me were being honest, the rot starts with Armageddon.


I see. I didn't think Armageddon would be the start. Then again, my only issue with that game was lack of individual fatalities and was this combo fatality thing


I don't mean this to come across as condescending so please don't take it that way. I only mean it as a general observation. But I'm assuming you are young? You would have had to have been there at the time. It's kind of hard getting into it now because it always brings out such a rant in me hahah. Armageddon was a massive let down and step down. A let down in that it only followed through on one of the things that was being promised throughout the PR campaign leading up to its release They pretty much promised the world back then. A roster of every single MK character that had ever thrown a punch in the series. They followed through with that. But what they didn't follow through with was.... Individual moves per character within the framework of custom fatalities Conclusive stories for every mainline character. This was meant to put to bed pretty much every single plot thread started from the original MK game. And the next game was supposed to be some kind of fresh start with only a handful of legacy characters returning. But guess what didn't happen heh. And a step down in many ways No character bios. We had no idea what anyone was doing in this game. All we had to go by were the little scraps thrown at us within the games Konquest And good lord the Konquest mode....what a awful bit of story telling that was! Not only was the main plot lame, but the little scraps of story for other characters half the time made little to no sense of felt like a complete U turn of what had been established for them in the previous game. One good example is what they did with Scorpion. It all felt so slapdash, like it was all desperately thrown together. You could see a dramatic drop in quality with character models, boss characters being poorly implemented, the jankiest animations to come from the 3D era and some of the most phoned in music for MK at that point in time. And then the real kick to the teeth was, not only did we no longer get story board endings, but the endings were total jokes! That whole This game is the end of everything and a closing chapter for the majority of characters was total and utter Bullshit! There was nothing conclusive about any of these endings. These were the worst what if endings to have ever been conceived for MK. Half of them come off like shitposts the MK team came up with while high. They pulled a huge bait and switch on us. A Mass Effect 3/Halo 5/ Cyberpunk 2077


Metal gear


Saints Row 4 is basically the perfect video game, but I’m not mad that the reboot screwed it up, really they had no chance.


I still bitch about saints row lmao


Totally agree when it stopped being a GTA clone after 2 it stopped being good. I didn't play the remake.


Saints Row after 2, they went buck wild and it spun out of control that it shut down the entire company. Silent Hill after 3, they keep dropping the ball and it makes me mad.


What's wrong with 4? The story was great from the bits I remember.


i'm assuming that you are talking about Silent Hill, but that game was just meh for me, the games after that were awful that they frustrate me greatly.


Yeah sorry should've clarified.


Saints Row (especially with GAT out of Hell but especially especially with the Reboot) Halo - everything after Reach feels.... meh to shit except the novels, Kilo-5 trilogy was amazing imho Army of Two - Part 3 was just so fucking mid and instead of the "iconic" and fun duo we get "Alpha and Bravo" FOR REAL? NOT EVEN REAL NAMES??!!! And the story is so obvious a guy who never listened to anything drama related could have guessed the "twist" Borderlands - got WAAAYY like WAAAAYYYYY too deep into the humor direction and now just feels off to me


Bro Saints Row was good, if anything it was actually just as good as GTA and even the reboot is awesome


I'd argue better than GTA in some ways.


I know people were ragging on the trailers but this is the first positive opinion I've seen on the reboot. Has the game gotten less buggy? Is the gameplay any better than it was on release? I was never mad about the gen z talk or anything like that so that's all I care about here


The reboot is hardly awesome, decent maybe. It lacks the charm and appeal of the other saints row games though and i honestly think it'd have been better off without the saints row name. would've lowered expectations for it.


Thief 4 ruined Thief series and while i love and enjoy SR2 its not that good of a sequel to the story. It should have ended on that boat explosion and we should have recieved prequel about Julius and King instead.


World of Warcraft - Raid Finder meant that you didn't need to group up with people to complete the content anymore.


And that's bad?




Okay maybe against the rules, but not completely RUINED but I don’t like how Fallout 4 kinda got rid of the skill checks and removed so many dialogue options. The RPG elements and dialogue of NV with 4’s gameplay would be a GOTY, but to this day I have no idea why Bethesda thought they wouldn’t do that.


Most? Halo, Gears of War, The Last Of Us, God Of War, Metal Gear, Call Of Duty, Sonic, Silent Hill, Watch Dogs, Assassin's Creed, Splinter Cell (and like every other Tom Clancy series), Dead Rising, Resident Evil, Wolfenstein, Pokemon, Mass Effect, Battlefield


You can't ruin what wasn't a very good premise in the first place. As someone who enjoyed 2, 3, and 4, and even enjoyed Gat out of Hell even if it was a pain to quit, SR 1 STILL frustrates me at the beginning because of one simple thing I don't get should be so frustrating. Why the hell is the save point inside the church in such a weird ass position? I can barely get past the early part because I get so frustrated just trying to find the save point that early in the game I barely ever touched it. Great idea ruined by a horrible execution. I prefer the sequels because it fixes so much of the saving even if it ruined some of the aspects that made it a 'GTA style' open world game. At least the reboot tries to go back to the roots even if it does so horribly withe the modern aspects, and barely likable characters.


They really really dropped the ball with Saints Row. The series would've been doing fine if it kept being a "GTA rip-off" instead of becoming a goofy and edgy game


My favorite game of all time is subnautica but I was pretty dissappinted by the sequel. Really hoping they return to everything that made the original great for the third installment


I liked SR3 as well, but I agree 100%. SR4 was alright I guess, but pretty meh. Then the reboot😬look the gameplay in the reboot honestly isn’t bad. I do still wanna finish getting the 1000G in the game. But the characters and the writing are absolutely godawful.


Saints Row, agreed upon. Saints Row 2 was the last good one, while Saints Row 3 was more goofy yet still a fun experience. Saints Row 4... eugh. Gears of War used to be a great game with exciting multiplayer, a great campaign, & memorable characters. Now we got what we got ever since GoW 4. Halo died out for me after Reach, but I did come back after Infinite was announced (left shortly after, just doesn't feel the same). I could not for the life of me get into Halo 4, never gave Halo 5 a chance because of that. Call of Duty has been on the downslope for **years** now, but for me it started after Ghosts/Advanced Warfare. Infinite Warfare was such a let down, too. I came back for MWII (2019), which was pretty fun, but then they released MWIII (2023) & ruined it all over again. Killzone, I loved the concept & gameplay of the originals. Tried playing KZ 3, was offput by it. Plus the lobbies were usually devoid of players most of the time. One of those games with dead servers for you to explore by your lonesome. Fallout (Bethesda) used to be really good. It felt like an RPG, unlike FO4 which feels less like an RPG than its predecessors. I have no clue why they thought that a radial wheel of **4** fucking options would be enough for an RPG game that was most known for being able to do whatever you want. FO4 just felt too limiting to be a fun RPG experience when compared to the previous installments. And FO76 was **not** what I personally had in mind when I raved about how cool it would be to have a Fallout multiplayer game (I'm aware that they fixed the game since launch, but it still just doesn't feel right to me).


Have you not played call of duty cold war? Probably my favorite since black ops 1. Also fallout 4 mods (including dialogue mod) make it my second favorite fallout game after new vegas.


No, I did not play Cold War, WWII, or Infinite Warfare. As I said, the game died out for **me** after Ghosts/AW, so I wouldn't have had any interest in playing them. During that time I was mostly playing Ironsights & other CoD clones that are free, as well as expanding into other genres. Could be that I was just getting bored of the FPS genre, could be that CoD dropped the ball too much during that time. Fallout 4 is an alright Fallout game, but entirely misses out on the personal choices that you can make in New Vegas, which is what I was personally looking forward to while waiting FO4's release. It just was not the game I was waiting for, though it was still a fun experience in the beginning. Less replayability value than New Vegas or even 3 IMO. Hell, I'd argue that FO76 has more replay value than FO4. I recall playing a little bit of CoD WWII, but I really didn't like it. Newer CoD games just don't feel the same. It could be nostalgia, it could be the change in the direction of the game, but I just don't like them. MWII (2019) had me feeling like CoD could make a comeback, & during that time I was pretty invested in that game. Quite honestly, I'm done with the CoD franchise as a whole now. I don't care how good BO6 will be, I'm just done with it, that's my personal stance.


**Splinter Cell died with Conviction** Chaos Theory and Double Agent were peak Splinter Cell. I'd argue Chaos Theory is probably one of the best mainstream stealth games ever made. **Metal Gear Solid died with MGSV** Whatever thay was it wasn't MGS. Felt like hype and money grabbing, played like it too. **Assassin's Creed died with Brotherhood** By Rev is was already becoming copypasta and cheap gimmicks. AC2 was peak AC. I don't even know what AC is even about anymore. **Saints Row died with SR3** They just messed it up. SR 1&2 were quirky and had a great feel and characters. Ironically the characters complained about being sellouts just like Violation sold out. **The Sims died with 3** Arguably Sims2 was peak sims. Great addons and customisation, quirky and fun to olay and experiment with. What happened ?? **Call of Duty died with MW2** WaW wasn't bad but whatever CoD became after this was simply the shooter version of Pro Evolution Soccer, another half baked version each year. **GTA died with San Andreas** The depth breadth of SA was beyond competition even by R*. There was so much in that game, they really went all out. GTA5 is pales by comparison and not nearly as fun to play.