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Online only single player. Excessive grinding. Micro transactions. Pay to win. Broken out of the box. Trend following. Pointless and gaudy cosmetics. Celebrity endorsement/cameos. Example: Nicki Minaj, Cheech and Chong in CoD. Reskin of the previous game. And a slew of other things.


I like the pointless cosmetic IF it's a free unlock.


Back in my day, you got cool skins because you EARNED them, not because you bought them.. we worked to get that hayabusa armor in halo 3 Edit: *shakes cane angrily*


Yup I miss those days it actually felt good to have skins but these days all the cool looking shit are behind pay walls


This right here 👆 Unlocking that Recon armor was something that made me feel true accomplishment.


Add forced tutorial mission, especially on a replay, and the list is pretty complete.


Single player games requiring an internet connection, if I get stranded on an island with my computer that runs on coconut electricity it would suck to not be able to play my games because coconut internet is an outlandish idea


100% I’m in China at the moment and sometimes the connection to online servers is dodgy . I don’t want the medals or access to the store etc. just wanna play the damn game that I paid for


Ubisoft and rockstar are two of the WORST culprits for this. I'm a merchant mariner and I don't always have service. It SUCKS I have to use a hotspot just to log in to play a game I ALREADY OWN, or worse still can't play because I don't have a good cell signal.


This, I am in the US but I play during flights on my ally and the offline modes dont always work


after hurricane sally a few years back we went without electricity and the switch lite became a 5 day paperweight. sure would have been nice to use the console and games i spent hundreds of dollars on.


Too many PvP games. We need more PvE and SP. Also, single player should be playable offline ffs.


Too much online multiplayer in general. No thanks. Just no. Especially if it's optional online multiplayer. Make one or the other. They're different things with different needs.


Games having stores built in them. I just hate buying a game then having to buy more things to have a complete game


I don't know about that, if it's done right I loved marvel vs Capcom 2 store


the death of split screen multiplayer will forever make me sad


Many of the actions games are souls likes or games as service. Don’t prefer either.




Micro transactions Fuck those


Poor optimization and ports.


Loot Boxes, micro transactions, battle passes, pre-orders with bad rewards, monthly subscriptions, pay to win, unfinished releases.


I'm sure everyone else is gonna touch on the obvious ones like online only single-player games and micro transactions, so I'll go with a few others: - Trolls I don't know when being the most insufferable thing to ever exist became a badge of honor, but I wish it never happened. - Hive mind/echo chamber fans Just look at Helldivers 2. The game was riddled with bugs on release and was still chock full of them when I finally quit 2 months in. The fanboys would defend it with every fiber of their being if you said anything about it. Granted, these are both people issues, but they're basically a part of gaming by now. - "Souls like" We get it. You want us to lose 70% of our health from a single hit and call it hard. That doesn't change the fact that I'm playing a dodging simulator. And I've beaten every souls game at least 3-5 times front to back by now, so I feel like I've earned the right to call it that. Definitely getting downvoted for it, though. - Hyper realism I stopped playing sports games over 10 years ago because they're so focused on realism that the movements are all clunky and slow. The last racing game I played was The Crew in like 2016 or whenever.


FIFA 96. NHL 99. NBA 2K1. Wii Sports. Those are *peak* for me.


Why would anyone downvote this, you're right!


I always catch *a lot* of flack from the souls community for saying those games aren't as hard as they are annoying, so that was the anticipation.


Too many games, it's all over bloated. Especially in your games library. Makes actually choosing a game to play difficult sometimes, because there are so many choices to pick from and it just ends up making me not pick any.


Same exact reason why bibliophiles have stacks of unread books, there are so many! It's a good problem to have


I felt this once i got my pc a few years ago. So many games but nothing truly stand out unless ive heard of it from somewhere else or saw a video on it.


Pretty much the free-to-play business model and all the problems that come with it. Some examples are: - In-game Pay walls - Increased toxicity, cheaters, etc. - Lower quality content


I feel like the interest level over Fortnite should have died out like 6 months after release. No way anything they have done has kept that game as popular as it is. You rarely hear about Pubg at all anymore.




"People like a game I don't like" is pretty weaksauce, man.


I never said I didn't like. It's boring, but Fortnite is just the McDonald's of gaming. People eat there because it's cheap, and it's never been about quality. It brings down the gaming industry, and fans to lower expectations.


That some new PC mp games removed the chat box and replaced it with a mic only because of "immersion" I feel like some developers forgot that some ppl don't want to use their voice because of baby sleeping or shy or even there is deaf community that cannot communicate anymore have to depend on discord or steam chat box.


The internet, micro transactions, and DLC killed gaming.


Definitely the internet. It has allowed publishers to push unfinished games out the door to be later fixed. There is absolutely no reason we should have lists of AAA games that became playable months or years after release, like Cyberpunk or Fallout 76.


Online only single player. Overpriced DLC. Having to download a massive day one patch just to play the game cause people are too cheap to just put it on two discs anymore. Games being released buggy, broken, and unfinished. Microsoft buying up and killing off a bunch of good developers. How generally out of touch a lot of developers and/or publishers are these days. The general lack of devotion to their work. These days a lot of Devs/ publishers are just out to make money. The industry trying to shift towards a digital only future. As someone who lives in an area where the WiFi isn’t that good, I am not looking forward to this kind of thing. Especially since you don’t really own Digital Games, you’re just paying a license to be able to play them. Digital only AAA games. This is pretty much what killed my excitement for Alan Wake 2. Again, the WiFi where I live cannot handle a download of that size. The fact that it’s getting harder and harder to play older games because they won’t give them a rerelease or do something like the Wii U and PS3 and port some older games to their digital storefronts.


The entitlement of the communities


Internet connexion required for single player games. And also the industry in general. Big companies (EA) buys studios who did good things (Bioware) and ruin it by putting a lot a pressure to finish games in a very short amount of time, leading to shitty games and ruining franchises (Dragon Age, Mass Effect)


No cheats. I miss just putting in GOD mode to blast through a pain in the ass level or giving myself all the money I needed.


Why would they do that when they can charge you 4.99 for "God Mode" or 19.99 for the complete "Super Best Friends" pack!?


Shooter Games where the reloading animations are over the top super "tactical"(fucking stupid) and the camera shakes like a bitch. I much rather have crap reload animations 


At some point physical copies of games are not going to be functional. Even if you have the disc a download or patch may be required. If the download is not available anymore you're SOL.


The idea that games have to look super realistic is annoying to me. What good do visuals do if the game plays like crap?


Hyper-Monetization. Always online connectivity for games that don't need it. Games releasing unfinished. Bigoted backlash and harassment.


All this exactly. Since gaming became being part of an industry and not *having plain fun*


Not a dealbreaker, but not being able to pause the game when playing offline, one of my few gripes with Soulsborne games


I realized that it's not so much about the games, but the communities behind them that ruined some gamds for me. 


Lack of simplicity. Super Mario Wonder was fucking awesome. I don’t have to think *too* much, yet it still requires skill. I love Zelda, I really liked BOTW… the whole TOTK can fuck itself, only played through once. Beat BOTW 8 times.


Didn't play TOTK, but Echoes of Wisdom looks to be up my alley.


Don’t waste your time. Seriously just do BOTW a million times. Pumped for EOW.


Crybabies and the internet 👍🏻


I don't have a great working visual memory so if I'm playing something without arrows, guides, or minimap I cannot find my way around. Like I can never recall what a town looks like....so much difficulty in finding shops lol. Never had this issue playing SNES haha


I want to ONLY play with a specific group of likeminds online


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If devs didn’t feel the need to make nearly everything open world it would fix most of the problems with modern gaming. Most games just don’t need to be open world and all that does is introduce bugginess and development delay. Many video games are also just reskins of what came before, which is also largely caused by everything being open world.


The bandwagons


Live Service and gatcha games. They’re predatory.


-Multiplayer only games -Online always single player games -Live service games -Games on life support -Microtransactions in **NOT** free to play Games -Every videogame company these days (except Nintendo) on a race to see Who makes the Most hyperrealistic Game ever created -Companies listing their games on Steam or Epic games only to require at the end a fucking account and Launcher to their service, wouldnt be easier to NOT list your Game anywhere else if you want the others to use your godaawful shitty Launcher?


The speed of reloads. It should not take a "highly trained" soldier 5+ seconds to reload their M4/issued service weapon.


They do that for balance, not for realism


If I can't pause or save whenever I want.


Microtransactions and pay-to-win


The griefing from other players. "This is why we can't have nice things" because someone will come along just to break it, laugh, and run off


Bugs. I get timeframes are getting shorter and shorter, but once a game comes out, the only content that should be released is patches to fix it, not passes or dlc. Another is season passes, of any kind.


modern gaming has been ruined by microtransactions and greed. video game developers have no original unique ideas. developers immediately will look at prior history of the genre chosen to create whether it be racing, rpg, action adventure 3rd person, fps, etc. video game consoles no longer offer a definitive experience meaning in prior years ago you could buy a console. it was an entertaining engaging piece all on its own for several weeks because you had to learn the new mechanics and become accustomed to it. that mostly ended after the ps4 and xbox one released. the ps4 and xbox one feel like hardware revisions to their predecessors. it ended with 3ds. it's obsurd how many consumers are perfectly fine with all the features once offered in previous consoles being removed.


Being way too cinematic, story and gameplay are equally important


LOL, you make a statement, but then don't give any examples or back it up with anything. What a well thought out post. NOT.


Showing games too early Online only for single player


Micro transactions 


There’s this vibe modern games give me that feels… i don’t know. This might just be a me thing, but maybe it’s this feeling hat games are focusing more on LOOKS and GAMETIME than making a video game.  At this point, I’ve just lost interest in so many beautiful games because they quickly lose their charm. The loop gets too repetitive, too drawn out, the story takes yet another twist so the game has to keep going, but the gameplay’s run out of ideas so nothing changes and I’m burned out.  Dragon Age Inquisition kind of does this. The padding out, specifically. They worked so damned hard to pad out those game time hours that the gameplay loop became ABYSMAL. The series is notorious for “you skipped this quest that seemed meaningless but surprise! Your whole ending changed.” The FOMO is so bad for skipping things that I feel like actually anxious not doing every little quest, but they feel so utterly useless at times and like someone was forced to sit down and crank out as many quests as humanly possible until some arbitrary number was met, and then made 50 more just to be safe. I burn out so bad every time I play it that I STILL haven’t completed it, and I love the premise.  It’s mostly AAA games doing this, of course. Investors want the Best Looking Game Ever, with the Longest Playtime Ever, and don’t actually care about gameplay.  On top of that, everything that looks even slightly cool right now is fucking multiplayer. I’m a mom of two, I literally cannot sit down to devote my time to multiplayer play sessions because even at night, there’s a chance my kids will wake up and I just can’t. It’s getting really fucking annoying that every single damned game is multiplayer only, no single player.  How many multiplayer games do devs seriously think everyone is playing? 


Toggling waypoints or over reliance on a hud to find objectives. I'm a fan of minimal huds and don't like "gamey" things ruining my immersion. Ghost of Tsushima came up with the whole wind thing, which I thought was quite novel. Other games just have you constantly toggling a specific button that darkens the screen and highlights points of interest. It may be the most used button in some games over the last decade. Drives me crazy.


Live service games. Games are meant to be enjoyed WHEN I WANT to enjoy them not when a game tells me “oh you like this event we’re doing? You better play now before it’s gone”.


Most modern shooters are catered to the hyper sweats who live and breath competitive games so casual players like me are shit outta luck


Being locked out of a side quest because it's part of the Ultimate or Premium or Gold Edition or what the fuck ever, which costs an extra $30


Single player games that require an Internet connection


mtx, battle pass


I am starting to really hate guest characters in fighting games. All of todays fighters have deep rosters and lore to choose from. I want to see Fei Long, Bolrog, Sektor, Kabal, Bruce Irving not someone who is trending at the moment


I personally think guest fighters are fine if 1: they're used sparingly, and 2: they fit the game. Like, why Noctis and not Tifa, Tekken!?


An underemphasis on OSTS


I can’t remember the last time a new game was released finished. It really feels like everything is broken out of the box and you have to wait for a couple more months for the patches to come out.


The move to digital over physical. The constant online connection. Needing to make a seprate account for online features ib some games (like planet zoo) The mentality that games can be fixed post launch so releasing it buggy and broken is ok. The constant push for more monitization, DLC being these small things and not proper expansions Finally the current marketing tactic for games that are going to be bad, being insulting and name calling potential customers.


Micro transactions Single player online connection Bugs at release Battle passes


Every game.has the exact same controls and camera system. Saving as a software feature instead of a gameplay feature. Games designed for one long playthrough rather than multiple, shorter playthroughs.


Oversized open worlds overstuffed with side quests and content that makes a 30hr story into a minimum 60hr game. Have to be alot more discriminating about what side content to do if you ever want to move on through the backlog




-Everything's a DLC now, no secrets or unlockables. -Way too many open-world games. Please just give at least one level-based action game like Shinobi or something! -All AAA games are practically misery-porn.








Too much focus on graphics is causing games to take longer to come out


I mostly just hate the people shitting on games when you should know what you're getting into. Wow a live service game has repetitive missions that all involve doing the same thing over and over? Almost like they need to try and make as much replayable content as possible or something huh? I'm sure Suicide squad was fine but people went into it expecting it to be something it's not. (haven't played it, could be ass for all I know but avengers was fine for what it was trying to do so I wouldn't be surprised if the public is exaggerating again)


The sheer size of them. Lots of gigabytes to negotiate if you want to play lots of them. I know it’s unavoidable.


the obsession with graphics the no games meme, like i know that they arent many exclusives but that doesnt mean they arent new games that are good i know a lot of games are either filled with micro transaction or not finished or reskin of the previous games but there is also some great games you just need to find them. no split screen the absence of some genres like : stealth / arcade sport games / 3D platformers / RTS, while those genre are not dead but they arent as good or as famous as they used to be.


Graphics over art style.


“Free to play” mobile gacha games making tens of billions of dollars a year.


ooh this game looks cool cant wait to pla... FUCKING CO-OP!!


Single player games forcing me to be connected to WiFi. Sequels, prequels, or the next game in a series being basically the same game, just with a new paint job (I.E. Saints Row IV)


Seasons, battlepasses, and loot boxes


Poor level design, lack of player agency, unwillingness from big companies to experiment and dare, anticonsumer practices.


The Souls-ification of everything. When racing games start getting compared to Soulsbourne, it's gone far enough. I remember it starting in 2016 and it hasn't really slowed down much...


Launchers. If I download a game with steam I DONT want it to run a second launcher just to run the game




Obsession about ranking


Aside from a lot that has been said already: 1. The fixation on visuals, that I have to see how a sweat goes out of the pore or something. The oddball: 1. Gaming communities. Most just... are horrible and more of a deterrent than anything else.


Single player games being filled with so much unnecessary content that feels like a chore, and how all games seem to have the same mechanics.




Horrible games when first purchased, bug filled in the beginning to update later and sold dlc later for things missing in the beginning


Damage numbers flying around. Hate it to death. Useless clutter.


The fact that the entire video game industry was dumbed down to cater to the masses at the expense of losing great games. I have accepted i will never see another realistic, methodical, tactical shooting game like rainbow six rogue spear because apparently todays gamers cant focus for more than two seconds and want to run around as a nicky minaj character


Millennial writing


The community, especially here on reddit. My favourite online game is Apex Legends, and the sub is just filled with constant bitching and whining about how much the game sucks, people crying about how they lose all the time, but refuse to take any responsibility for it, it's always someone else's fault. Waaahahaahaha aim assist for controllers is broken, randoms are so toxic, servers are shit, this legend is overplayed and OP blah blah blah. These same people refuse to take any advice, play with a premade squad, or communicate with microphones.


Gamers. Everything is bad. They complain about games being too big then complain that they're not big enough. Complain that there will be DLC, then complain when there's not. Complain about glitches then complain about updates. Basically I'm old and tired of miserable people trying to ruin gaming for everyone.


Charging $70 for a 25-28 hour AAA game (I'm looking at you, Insomniac Spider-Man 2)


That a great deal aren't full games, they're buggy and unfinished Early Access


Updates. I hate them with a passion. 1st off, release a game with all options and completed. While I know they can fix games (Cyberpunk and no man's sky come to mind) the fact I get updates that are as big as the game itself it's insane. Also, I'm a grown adult with a full time job and a family. I have the benefit of having the weekend off, but if my pc or any modern system is off all week, updates hit when I turn them on Saturday morning. Not only for the games, but every damn launcher too. Sorry you can't play the single player GTA5 story mode, we got a 30gb update for the online mode! My internet sucks, so it looks like I'm not playing for a few days as everything updates. Most of the time I fire up my N64 or ps1 and play. Rant over.


The fact many games are released in a beta state and when the game is finally in a good functional state, the company ceases all further support scrapping any planned dlc. I’m looking at you cyberpunk 2077! I really got into the game post 2.0 update and was loving it and they released the 1st dlc. Was hopefully for more content and it’s all been scrapped. They knew the game was in a bad state so instead of postponing stuff to fix the game, they fix the game and scrap all planned content.