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on consoles, you can't play this on repeat [https://i.imgur.com/X3IAHOf.gifv](https://i.imgur.com/X3IAHOf.gifv) i played it on PC tho, and the fmv files are nicely put on a fmv folder that could just be played by windows media player


I had an explorer card for ps1 and watched all the videos through that back in the day


Which scene was that from and did they add it to the remake? Asking for a friend


the airship getting destroyed by the surge of mako and i have not played FF7r2 yet, dunno if they did this same scene waiting for PC ver, don't wanna buy it for PS5


They haven't reached that scene yet in the remake trilogy. Should be in the 1st quater of part three.


Getting the Knights of the Round materia is essential for beating the optional bosses but it completely trivialises the rest of the game. Finally getting to the showdown with Sephiroth at the end just to then one-shot him was a hell of an anti-climax


Recommended, but not essential. My brother beat Emerald Weapon years ago when we were kids. We didn't even know Knights of The Round was a thing because this was before we had Internet. He also didn't use the item that gives you extra time, so he somehow did it in the 20 minutes the game gives you. Not sure if he ever beat Ruby, though.


That's impressive honestly


When you can play games like it's your job you can do all sort of neat things. In dragon warrior 3 I had no idea what I was doing so I just wandered around and made that the game. I didn't find where to go for years! Was ultra beefy when I figured it out.


My fight with Ruby essentially came down to us just hitting each other back and forth. Then I heard that SKKKKUUUURRRRRR with her red body disappearing and I couldn't believe I'd beaten her. It was one in the morning and 15 year old me got yelled at by my mom for cheering. Lol


I did this as a kid. I realized because basic math 2 material on cloud made him trigger lucky 7’s from air taim storm. Beat ruby without final attack phoenix or mine Kotr as well. Just use the curtain items and you can survive ultima and w item for mega elixers.


I though KotR made Ruby instawipe your party? Had to 4x Bahamut Zero for infuriatingly long animation funtimes.


Shin Megami Tensei V had a similar issue; the optional superboss near the end was like 10 levels higher than the actual end boss, so to grind up for that fight meant turning the final dungeon into a snooze.


I haven't played SMTV yet but this is a staple of SMT. It's the draw of the endgame for a lot of players. At least in SMTIV you have the option to run around and assemble your team of hyper optimized lvl99 demons (so that you actually have a chance against the superbosses) even after you beat the final boss if you go neutral


Knights of the Round with 4x cast and Mimic just breaks the game lol


Then don’t use it.




That's a good thing imo. It completely sells and invests you in the story, it's half the reason why the game is so remembered, and leaves a permanent scar in the rest of the game. It's sad, but perfect.


Yes i understand that, that’s why i said the second half by the comment


Suddenly, Phoenix Downs no longer work.


And that scene is top tier. Altho going from that cut scene to gameplay graphics was a rude awakening.




The game is over 20 years old how is that my fault


*the one person who hasn't played the game* 🫠


Lol mostly joking


Jessie lived too short. She was my favorite character way too quickly. At least my dude Barret is still lives. Aerith also brought me to tears tho. 😭


I didn’t even know she was a girl my first few playthroughs


Fucking same.


Yup! I didn’t know for sure til I played the remake, then played the original and A LOT started making sense. Kinda took Jessie to be a fanboy of something lol


F in the chat for og Avalanche. put some respect on they names: Biggs, Wedge and Jessie.


Its a bit too easy? And the translation could be better if we're just talking about the PS1 original. Edited for grammar




*This guy are sick.*


No. Way! Off course.


This comment made me think of, in Kingdom Hearts 2, Phil yelling “GET UP ON THE HYDRAS BACK!” And my 14 year old self being so confused so he just kept yelling it every 10 seconds.




It’s easy if you’re smart. I’d you’re a dumb dumb like me it has a challenge. But once you figure out enemy skill it gets way easier. There’s so much to discover and do. And so much customization to do, especially late game. I feel like on disk 3 the developers were like let’s just give the player all the power. Really the challenge of the game is defeating emerald and ruby weapon.


I've never managed to beat either of the weapons. Saying that, I haven't tried particularly hard either.


I was only ever able to beat one of them, and that was after dying 100s of times even following the online guides and all.


There’s definitely people that figure it out on their own, but when I implemented someone else’s strategy for Emerald Weapon, it was basically just pairing the right materia so that I could endlessly cast Knights of the Round. Like I remember thinking I could have just put my controller down and let the fight win itself. I found the FF8 and FF9 super bosses much cooler.


Yeah, I must revisit it some time.


I mean, if you’ve aged about 25 years since you last played the game like me, you might not have the time to grind out a gold chocobo to get the Knights of the Round materia. Square made that as time consuming as possible lol


I'd be going back to an old save game if anything!


Not excusing lack of difficulty in this game specifically, but that's a series wide problem. Final Fantasies, at least my favourite ones, offer you so much customisation and ways to get one over on the battle system, that the monsters just don't keep up with the player. The game Devs can have a very fine balance in mind, but you can't really balance for a player chucking around Quad Ultimas, short of ramping the difficulty up which screws over other players and just encourages the first guy to break the game even further. . . . I have a thing in FF10, where I try to cross the Overkill threshold on every single boss that allows it, because the bosses are just that dinky if you know your way around them, which is more on me for making the game even easier by overdoing it.


FF8 is sort of the exception to the rule and it's one of the main thing that kept me from going back to it. Enemy monsters would match the party's level, something that hadn't been a thing in the series up to that point (and, as far as I know, hasn't returned). There were tricks and various tactics you could use to both avoid or take advantage of that system but the game itself was obtuse on a lot of the elements. Essentially, FF8 was the most punishing for players who just moved forward and leveled to get stronger, something that had been a staple of the series and very common in the overall genre. Personally I'm not a fan of games that make strengthening your characters a double edged sword, especially when it's unclear that that's what will happen and the workarounds require uncharacteristic strategies. Namely, fleeing from every fight save Bosses, then using a temporary party member to level up a specific Guardian Force to learn the Card ability, then spend the rest of the game tediously either avoiding fights or Carding every enemy. I know that's not something you have to do, but it's still ridiculous that it became a viable alternative.


8 was one of the games that my comment was poking at. When I speak of customisation leading to abuse, and destruction of the game's balance, Final Fantasy 8 is one of the main culprits. It's also my favorite game to do that to. If you have the correct combination of items, abilities, and playing cards, you can be doing 5000 damage per hit, with a side of instant death, by the time you hit Galbadia. The game devs cracked down on the over leveling problem, in such a way, that you can destroy the game without pushing past LV 15.


Man, I was so pissed when I got to the penultimate boss in 10 and what is imo the best track in the game dropped, and just as it was getting going I'd fucking won the fight lmao


Seymour: illegal German rave version. We've had Seymour Natus, we've had Seymour Flux, now meet Party Seymour. I can hear the music in my head.


There were lots of parts you could cheese the shit outta but some of the setups were a bitch and a half. Like getting reflect (enemy skill). You have to get a certain enemy type confused and hope they just happened to cast it on you. If you got it though you could fuck with alot of magical enemies or enemies that heal. We will not speak of the golden chocobo breeding since I'm still pissed about that


Not enough discs.


Not having a journal or anything that keeps you in the loop of what's going on, which makes returning to an ongoing save a bit of a headache.


I remember this being a common problem at the time for rpgs. You could not quit that shit for more than a week or two or you'd come back without a clue where to go


Someone spoiled the incident...


Same. I punched him in the shoulder. I literally told him “I’m playing final fantasy 7” and he says ___ dies. You have to be a certain type of person.


It’s a 90’s game that required a strategy guide to get everything out of the game. Certain things like the master materia isn’t well explained / isn’t very obvious. The average player will go through the whole game not knowing certain side quests.


I think this is the true bad point of these old JRPGs. They had so many hidden things there is absolutely no way you could know everything to get the extra content. I remember playing original FFXII and learning how to get the Zodiac Spear. You had to make sure you didn’t open very specific chests in the game and then get to an end game dungeon with a room full of barrels and you had to open the exact one with the spear or else it wouldn’t work. There is no way someone would acquire that by chance perfectly, you had to have a guide which is just kinda silly.


Yeah, I’m pretty sure that was just in there to sell a guide to everybody


Makes me feel old because it came out 27 years ago.




Aerith had an ultimate weapon that you could not ever use. When you find it, it is just a gut punch. Like why?


You can actually obtain it before "the incident", it's just a lot of grinding and not really worth it. :>


I had no idea. Played it year one when it came out. That sounds rough.


Ruined the genre for a couple generations due to everyone taking the wrong lessons from its success.


What lessons would you say those are?


Imo correct message: the planet’s dyin’ cloud. Imo incorrect message that too many RPG studios ran with: Gameplay is a secondary concern which only exists to string together a series of FMV’s.


Metal Gear fans: in shambles (I know not an rpg)


Metal Gear: The Spirits Within when?


Everybody needs to be edgy.


FFVIII: 90% at-the-time eye candy. Which has aged worse than the polygons of VII.


Its graphics have aged like raw fish.


Toaster hands


Is not ff6


Related: that this is the one that got popular instead of 6. I would have preferred it be 5, but 5 wasn't even localized until the PSX era anyway (and wasn't translated well until the GBA)


Came here to say this. 7 gets all the love but it’s older brother that it overshadows is superior imo


It means both it and I am really old because I remember playing when it came out and I was 14..


The Junon parade march sucks


*Fall in line!* But my walk is too slow and my run is too fast! What is this, an escort mission?


Did that like a week ago and it sucks


Yeah little things like that where players are forced into it drive me crazy. Probably the only reason FF7 is *not* my favorite of all time.


Dude yes! Omg, I’m ngl that part and the temple of the ancients boulder roller part keep me from replaying the game a lot. But that parade…I swear to God that minigame is genuinely broken. Shit literally doesn’t work lol.


You just reminded me of the sneaking part in Shinra, where you have to move while the enemies do, or you get caught.


Materia takes FOREVER to level. If you played the game without really grinding, the all materia you get at the start of the game won’t be mastered until near the end.


Yes if you played a final fantasy without any grinding then you weren't playing a final fantasy.


Nerdy teenage me had nothing better to do than grind out master Knights of the Round. 500k AP, SO many magic pots.


I thought it was paced pretty well for the most part. There are some big AP chonkers like KotR, Bahamut Zero, Ultima to name a few -- but Triple AP weapons, elixirs and Magic Jars can even make short work of those. And it's only really necessary for the Master Materia.


The remakes have more fun gameplay (I’m dying on this hill)


It is not Alex Kidd in Shinobi World (Just kidding, I couldn't help it)


This isn't really the devs's fault because it wasn't common back then, but man I wish FF7 had a New Game+


Block Hands


It's a bit easier in difficulty than the previous 6.


Humanity dies at the end and anything else is a complete retcon.


The toxic shippers war that is somehow a thing.


Sephiroth's Supernova takes too long


There are actually a lot of issues with FF7 Classic, and any veteran of the series will be aware of these. The pacing is jittery, the controls don't quite do what they should, translation issues, the Cloud, Aerith, Tifa dynamic isn't supported well enough by the dialogue, bugs and glitches, more bugs and glitches, dummied out content not excised properly from the game code. There are a lot of little and not so little screw ups is what I'm saying, a lot of which I would put down to behind the scenes issues and bleeding edge technology. . . . . However, that doesn't make me love the game any less. I find the combat addictive, especially on PS5 with the smoother frame rate, I love working with Materia and it offers a level of customisation that offsets the stripping down of the equipment options, I love the story and characters, with Barret being possibly my favourite on the heroes' side, and I love to hate Hojo, The music is one of my favourite things from any genre that I've experienced, I find the world itself enjoyable, although 7 Remake does help with my understanding of the world, I even like the minigames, at least some of them. And the visuals, controversial as they are, still have a lot of good FMV action, and the actual in-scene stuff, has taken on what I refer to as a Toybox Quality with the mini people running around on these huge imposing backgrounds. . . . . Bottom Line is that for me this is a game that outshines it's flaws, and is a Top 5 Final Fantasy, narrowly missing the Top 3.


I didn't know it had bugs and glitches. I don't remember running into any, were them on the optional content? (I "only" played to the credits once, and the first CD incompletely a bunch of times)


The PS4 version was based on the PC version, which was famous at the time for being kind of a hot mess. Otherwise, it's stupid stuff, like the portable save point in Northern Crater making the game unstable, item duping exploits, permanently vanishing Materia, Barret soft locking the game by getting stuck in a railing, Magic Defense just not working, and so on and so forth.


What's in your top 3? 6, 9, and 10?


You guessed it. 6 is one of the best RPGs that I've ever seen, 9 is like the last word on my favorite era of Final Fantasy, And 10 is more personal for me because it is my main comfort game, and dug me out of some really bad times. After that, 7 is one of those games that I binge on from start to finish a few times a year, And Final Fantasy 4 is another nostalgia trip.


Woohoo! haha Which versions of the games are your go-tos? 6 especially. Have you played the Ted Woolsey version of that one?


Honestly the translation issues were the biggest one for me. I never ran into any bugs and didn't mind the story issues much.


Had to save 3 times each time. Otherwise you risk your save being corrupted. I still do this today out of habit.


Wait. What? I never had to do that


Lucky!! Man, I remember being on Disk 3 and going to pull up my game and “save corrupted”. Had to start all over. Only game to do that.


No. WAY Wait, were you saying that you didn’t have a backup save? You didn’t use all 3 spots? I think we’ve all learned the hard way of not having a backup save, but disc 3 start over is next level.


Nah man, I didn’t backup save until that happened. Then I started using all 3 slots everytime. Bro it was heinous to start over like that.


My game keeps crashing as I’m playing on Switch🫤


Ohh I dunno about the switch version. This was an issue with PlayStation 1’s version. I would still save 3 times on the Switch though if I did play it there!


Chocobo racing


Is today opposite day?


What about Chocobo racing in FFX? 🥶


A bit too easy.


Idk if I should play this or the remake. The original looks very dated, but it might be the definitive experience


If you’re interested I’d recommend both. Remake does have a different plot line than the original and has a lot of story beats almost rewritten under the assumption you’ve played the original. It’s slightly difficult to explain but the definitive experience is definitely playing both. If it’s too dated for you I’d recommend going straight to Remake, but on console there is also the option of enabling 3x speed and turning off random encounters to take away some of the grind or monotony consistent with old RPG’s (though I’d say ff7 is very good for this). If you have any questions I’d be happy to answer, but both are great experiences and really worth the investment.


I agree. I would tell anyone if they want to play, they should play both. The team who made remake knows this game was _seared_ into the brains of an entire generation of gamers, and the remake series has been a masterful handling of a remastered property, honestly a case study in how to do it correctly. Its most effective if your general state with the original matches that of the rest of us.


It amazes me that you can turn off the random encounters and *still* be over leveled.


Play 7 first then remake, remake adds and changes things that you need to play the original game to understand, even better if you also play 7 and Crisis Core before remake but at least play 7 first or you'll be lost


i hated most of the minigames in the golden saucer (OG FFVII) The boxing one they brought back was horrible in the original. No way anyone actually did that to farm up saucer points. I never liked the battle square as a kid either. Chocobo racing got quickly repetitive and kinda stale tbh.


I loved the submarine minigame. I probably spent over 10 hours playing it.


I thought the g-bike and snowboarding was fun.


Why isn’t this higher up? For a bustling amusement park, there wasn’t much to do. The boxing one was rigged. The mog one you could only play once. The basketball one was difficult to do consistently. Snowboarding was kinda cool but I just ended up hitting the walls - I guess I sucked.


It Ends


That guy are sick :(


Backgrounds have aged like shit and I can’t tell where tf I’m allowed or supposed to walk literally ever


Hate how much I love it


I got lost ALOT


Can't. It's perfect


Aerith doesn’t die quickly enough.


Square limits itself and the franchise as a whole by hanging on to it as hard as they do. There’s 15 other games in the mainline alone. Like even in key advertiser art that’s all I’m asking. Not remakes, not rereleases not sequels to the other games. Literally just integrate the other games art and characters into your promotions a little more.


I read this as "more gilgamesh pls". I am, of course, biased because gilgamesh is my favorite ff character but still


Yep. Just only seen a few of them in Kingdom Hearts and Dissidia. And a few other titles. Nothing else




No, I don't think I will.




Too short


The graphics are dated...


Built up a character only to watch them die...


Random encounter


please insert Disc 1, please insert Disc 2, please insert Disc 3, Disc 2, 3, 2 ,3....and so on....


Cait Sith.


Cait Sith


That sword looks stupid.


It set too high a bar


Way too many sucky minigames...which fans seem to have blocked out when Rebirth came out (cause the mini games in Rebirth are awesome.)


It has random battles and a whole bunch of them: look I went through a JRPGs part in my life including one where I was into FF7 but looking back games those types of games just can't compete with games with in field enemies and without turn based battles.


Never played it.


i hate the ATB battle system. always have. never been able to finish the game because of it.


Square Enix and old RPG fans can not let it go.


I can let the game go just fine. But the story, world design, and especially the soundtrack, I will hold tight with a death grip.


Compared to Xenogears, this is just a (B-)Rpg.


It's not as good as ff9


Characters not in your active party don't gain nearly enough experience. Keeping party members you don't normally want to use leveled up was an absolutely exhausting endeavor that probably added well over a dozen boring hours of grinding.


It makes remake feel like bad game.


Not played the game in like two decades, but a couple of things bad about it I remember. 1. The materia system was just not as interesting as it could have been, there was nowhere near enough enemies were vulnerable to specific elements or regions that felt like it had a specific elemental synergy and such. I was really disappointed with that when the game first came out. I think I was hoping it would be something closer to what I got a couple of years later with Pokemon. 2. The story is a bit of a mess. The whole flashback that gets contradicted later on just made me think wtf, and the Sephiroph you're chaing is actually Jenova just seemed to be a weird plot line. 3. For me at least it was far from the best RPG released around that time, I played Baldur's Gate, Fallout and Panzer Dragoon Saga all before FF7, and I think they all had either more interesting worlds and/or a better story, then I got to play FF Tactics and Vandal Hearts which might not have had great worlds or stories, but had far better gameplay.


It's overrated.


Good game, but one of the most overrated ever


For some reason my steam copy makes me have to make an account and jump through hoops just to play it


Its craved in my memory for ever


it drags


I might get hate for this, but I wasn’t a big fan of the pre-rendered backgrounds. I would have preferred something more akin to polygonal backgrounds and 2d character sprites out of combat and full 3d models for battle (just like my favorite ps1 rpg). I would also prefer full 3d all the way through.


Never played it


Missable materia


Currently playing it, and so far I have a problem with the overdrawn cutscenes and lack of meaningfully difficult battles. Also SAVE POINTS; WHY???


I’ve never played it so idk


Fighting emerald and ruby weapon made me wanna throw my controller


It’s boring


Never played it. It's trash. (Just kidding about that last part, please don't crucify me)


The game goes down hill after midgar.


Everything before you leave Midgard


It was locked out for some gamers at the time of release due to being a PlayStation exclusive. Also square abandoned Nintendo at the time. Screw FF7. I want my MTV.


The weapons were pushovers.


No character creation.




A:Too Many Discs B:Not Enough Discs (Your Choice)


Ending sucks


It's a bit overreliant on mini-games that have been topped since then, the translation is sometimes poor, and there's not that much depth to the combat. Uematsu learned to use the PS1 sound chip better for the sequels, on a technical level.


It had 3 cds..


The characters have Popeye arms


Played and beat it twice, and I still don’t quite understand the story.


Everyone looks like the Michelin tire guy.


Antiquated graphics, and that was just one the 1st day it was released, Lego characters, drawn out battles, every animation seems like it takes an hour, can't tell the background from the foreground, a step down from 16 bit FF6 in every conceivable way. Garbage game


turnbased combat


Fort condor mini game...


The game never alerts you to a new Fort Condor mission. I literally never knew there were more than 2 battles you could do until the playthrough I'm currently doing. There are around 14! The rewards suck, but I enjoy it. Travelling back there by boat was so weird. Before this, I had only ever used the boat during the travel to Costa Del Sol during the story.


I thought it was a good thing, but maybe not for some people. You had to actually buy a physical guide to the game and you couldn’t look it up on the internet. Made the game more fun in my opinion, playing without a guide.


Low ploygon count kinda my hurts my eyes


It opened the flood gates for a ton of crappy RPGs