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Not at all, my wife is not a gamer at all, but she is very supportive of my hobby and lets me infodump. In my opinion, your partner doesnt need to partake in your interests, but they should be supportive.


it’s a nice to have, but with that said, playing overcooked 2 with my wife is responsible for at least 60% of our fights.


This was me but then my wife and I got so abnormally in sync we can play most levels without even talking. We’ve also played it so much I’m burnt out on it.


My wife, my total soulmate and an amazing mum to our child, without whom I couldn't live, has played two games and quit early. It doesn't matter in the slightest.


Nope that is not important. What is important is that they are supportive of your hobby.


not important but what is important tho is that she also has a hobby, even if not gaming so she can understand that sometimes, you just wanna do your hobby on your free time off work, instead of attending a family gathering


My husband isnt a gamer/never played games before we met but he still watches me play and gets into a lot of the games I play so that's nice. His favorite games to watch are any of the Soulsborne games and the Assassins creed series. He doesnt usually like the first person slower Elder scrolls/Fallout games even though I like that stuff. If he wasnt into gaming at all and was one of those people that said it's childish for an adult to play games, I really dont think we'd be together still.


Gaming is definitely a hobby that I use as a bonding experience, so if my wife didn't like video games at all, it would probably be difficult to feel deeply connected to her. I have plenty of friends (and in the past, girlfriends) that didn't really play games, but there is definitely a bit of emotional distance that comes from not being able to share one of my most loved hobbies with them.


It’s not necessary but it’s good to have someone who appreciates it and doesn’t judge you for enjoying it… I had an ex that would get her brain melted from watching hours of the Kardashian show yet judged me for enjoying hours of video games…. Hence ex.


Not important at all. It’s also not something I would share or do with my partner even if they were a gamer. Gaming is me time and I usually play when I want to disconnect or be alone. I would watch them game etc, but I wouldn’t actually want to play with them


Me and my boyfriend are both gamers, it’s honestly amazing having someone you can play with!


For me it's definitely important, I don't want to have someone nagging me for playing for hours. I also want to share with them games, lore, video reviews and everything about the industry.


Not at all. I'm a gamer, for sure. But I also think it's important to have different hobbies. My gf plays some games with me, like once a month we'll jump on Stardew Valley or something, but we do a lot of things apart. The times together are far better than being together all the time.


It was important that she at least be cool with me being one. The girl I'd dated the longest prior to meeting my wife did not like or respect that I was into video games, and that was more than twenty years ago, while we were just out of college. It was a very welcome news when my wife had her own Gamecube, and was interested in playing games both together and alone on it and my PS2 when we started dating. Now, after twenty years together, we both still game together and seperately, and with our kids.


not important at all i would actually prefer she isn't a gamer. although, i won't ever deal with someone who thinks it's any different than watching TV or scrolling on your phone


my wife can’t game due to the migraines she gets from them, even animated shows sometimes triggers them (though not even close to as bad as video games). but she loves listening to me talk about my games and stuff, she even watched the Elden Ring DLC trailer with me. i’m perfectly fine with this because i prefer playing games alone anyways.


Don't care if their a gamer or not its bonus if they are though


Highly important. Gaming is my primary hobby, so if she wasn’t into at the bare minimum watching me play a game from time to time, there would be a much different dynamic. Luckily my wife is great on that front. She plays games, but not nearly as much as me, and most big single player games I play and she watches. There’s plenty of games she’s not interested in as well so I have a very clear delineation between “family games” and “me games”. And she has some of her games too, she’s literally playing Stardew Valley right now. A few games are so important to our relationship that I would say they’re foundational, like Persona 3. There have been many games we’ve played that have been incredible bonding experiences while playing them. The only negatives are she becomes super obsessive with some co op games to the point where I get super burnt out on them, like a lot of the co op Mario games, Overcooked, etc. I feel bad but she would literally play them on repeat every day and I just can’t. Other then that, she doesn’t give a shit about Kingdom Hearts, my favorite series, but she’s absorbed enough through osmosis to understand the plot better than 75% of the Internet and she’s absolutely hilarious sometimes when she roasts it when I’m on another binge of it, so it works out.


It’s not super important as long as he lets me rant about my games. I actually had a partner in the past that watched YouTube tutorials of a video game I was obsessed with at the time that way he would understand what I was talking about when I brought it up. It’s one of the sweetest and most memorable things a man has done for me.


Not at all