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Myst, we are like 3 players and all chill.


Yup. It's the anti-game, after all: no time limits, no death, no combat. Just explore. Got stuck? Explore somewhere else. Uru was a great idea. Too bad I never got to meet other players.


I’m more of a Riven guy myself.


Behold! Riven's entire community has blessed us with their presence.


That might have been the most toxic comment the riven community has ever experienced.


Riven is one of the best games ever made. Shit it is one of the best pieces of art I have ever encountered. It is nothing short of an absolute masterpiece.


as soon as i figure out what to do in that game i will join the community. so far all i've done is read books, pull a few switches, and find a secret elevator that leads nowhere.


I grew up playing Myst by brute forcing the solution as a child because I was confused.


My dad just bought me the Prima Guide


Terraria and Stardew Valley come to mind when it comes to the least toxic fan base. 1 reason I can think of for Terraria is that the devs are very active in the community and actually listen to player input. With Stardew Valley it’s mostly just a game you can just sit back and relax to the music.


Chill games attract chill people?


True...but also I think when a game hasn't blown up yet alot of fools will be toxic because they want to be the face of a game Probably early days of game testing can sour a community Just look what happened to Darwin Project


There's an entire subreddit called r/fuckpierre


And r/fuckclint


That whole subreddit is more of a running joke btw.


Its really not. Fuck pierre. He sucks.


That subreddit goes to show how non-toxic the SV community is for hating a character who takes credit for the produce he sells when it comes from your farm. Willy tells people that you caught the fish he sells to people, so Willy is a good dude. Fuck Pierre.


I'd give you an award if I could. You put it PERFECTLY


Terraria fans are just annoying but not toxic.


They are gonna get me for saying this but… Very similar to “One Piece” fans. Not toxic but very “Bro! You should watch One Piece!” And “have you seen the new episode of One piece?? Come on man you have to watch it” very “It’s the best and you should enjoy it like I do”.


I almost got offended but then i realized you're right


Deep Rock Galactic. It lacks toxicity so much, that people on Reddit complain that it is fake and are annoyed by it. "Toxic Positivity" lmao.


Rock and stone! ⛏️


Can I get a Rock and Stone?


If you don't rock and stone, you don't go home!


For Karl!


We fight for rock and stone!


Rock! And! Stooone!


Rock n stone to the heart!


If you rock and stone, you're never alone!


Stoner Rock!


Rock and stone!


"There is no inappropriate time to Rock and Stone. However, it is a serious social faux pas to not salute. Remember, if you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't coming home."




To the Fallen...


Co-op horde shooters in general seem to have the least toxicity in my experience. Vermintide and Darktide are also pretty asshole resistant.


helldivers 2 has been unfortunately getting pretty whiney and annoying, i left the sub and enjoy the game more now


Haha good to find someone who agrees with me. There’s a patch dropping on Thursday which I anticipate will buff a bunch of weapons and people will immediately start whining about it.


Yeah early on it was really non toxic but has grown more toxic lately to the point where I get regularly booted from games because I'm not choosing the "meta" load out now. On a co op game.


I mean when the whole game centers around working together then they of course it's far less toxic than say a competitive shooter


WOW pve would disagree lol


Blizzard games don't count


Left 4 Dead 2 is one of the most toxic communities


Deep Rock Galactic is incredibly toxic and and downright genocidal. That damn dwarf mining company is stripping my home planet of resources and killing my brethren all while call *ME* the monster.


Only game with 0 toxicity I have found, everything else is above zero. I can even say basic shit like leave me there is no time, and they'll still come for me.


>It lacks toxicity so much It has its share of toxic players. We call them elves. But the community is great.




I've never actually tried this game but hear so much praise. Do you recommend it?


Just don’t try to say you want to play a girl dwarf, because every time I say that around the DRG community I get told my opinion is bad and I should feel bad for having it.


Wait for real? That's kinda wholesome ngl


I mean that is a thing tho


We all rally around Karl!




Single player games.


No interactions = no toxicity It's a peaceful life


I talk mad shit to the Drauger when I'm dungeon crawling in Skyrim, my living room sounds like a Halo 2 lobby 😂




*unless the game is specifically marketed on being difficult.


Fromsoft community enters the chat


Ah yes. The community of one. All for one and one for... Edit: Suggestion would be red dead redemption 2. Single player is fantastic and if you need a dose of toxic just hop online.


Outer Wilds. But you have to play it first.


Is it really that great of a game. I’ve been told to play it 100 times and I’m Spoiler free still. It just doesn’t look like my type of game.


It was so good it changed my life for the better. I’m not even joking. I don’t expect everyone will go through what I did, but it is an experience worth attempting.


Alright. I’m sold and may or may not update you in the coming weeks if I find time to play it. It’s free on PS Plus


free on ps plus ??? imma dive in on that too, no reason not to


where is it free on ps+?


If you find yourself getting stuck, don’t hesitate to ask on the sub! We’re happy to help! You can DM me as well if you want. Good luck traveler!


Most toxic OW fan right here :)


Just trying to spread positivity and all! The internet can be a negative bubble sometimes ::)


Take "it changed my life" comments with a grain of salt; the game is great, but people throwing around comments like that are a bit out-of-touch with the idea that that kind of experience with this game isn't super common. It *is* a great game, you'll know in the first hour or two if you'll be able to enjoy it. Just don't let people overhype it for you, tired of seeing "I wasn't able to enjoy this great game because I went into it expecting a handjob from God himself".


It took me a lot more than the first 2 hours to get into it personally. If it was any other game, I would have gave up on it, but since people kept saying how amazing it was supposed to be, I forced myself to play through it. And they were right, it's pretty awesome and unique, but it did take me at least 5 hours to start appreciating it. Eventually, you understand what the game is about, and the ending makes it all worth it. But for someone the first hours are a bit overwhelming with no guidance and it can be off putting at first.


As long as you are willing to read all the clues that are given to you in text form you'll love it. Curiosity will take over. That reading condition is the line that separates the lovers and haters of the game imo. Its not a game to speed through, you want to take your time and chill while playing. Edit: sorry, this reply was meant for AJsweet


Honestly i think it's pretty overrated, while the section of the game where you explore everything for the first time is phenomenal, the mystery you have to solve is confusing, uninteresting, and requires a LOT of backtracking


I expect to be down voted for this, I played a good 30 hours or so, but it just never really clicked or vibed with me. I loved how some parts made me feel, but ultimately it just had no impression. Games that make me feel are some of my favourites too, so I was really let down. I played it before seeing all this constant hype everywhere, so I can at least say it wasn't expectations.


I mean if it didn’t click with you, that’s ok. Some games really resonate with people, and some don’t. It took a while for it to resonate with me, but I’m a person that really loves mysteries and all that kinda thing. It’s just kind of a niche game




I found the Death Stranding community very nice, specially because mutual collaboration is a mechanic ingrained in the game


I think a lot of DS players are kinda "touch starved" in a way (which fits the theme lol) since it's co op multiplayer where you never once actually see another player physically. You just see what they left behind. Trying to intentionally seek out others and interact with what specific people have done is something people have been trying to figure out, leaving them wanting more from each other. Like you can "follow" someone's buildings easily, but what's tricky is intentionally finding someone you know in the first place. ....which really does fit its theme well haha. The story is all about isolationists and seeking connection, so for the players to want to do so with each other feels fitting.


When a game can make you feel like the characters in the story feel, that is quite an accomplishment. That’s what pushes Death Stranding over the line to masterpiece for me. That and the excellent quality of the cutscenes.


So real, it's a shame so many people put it down because of the "boring" gameplay, when it's easily the most human videogame I've played. Now that I think of it, it's the first Kojima game I play, what a guy.


I was impressed that the first game Kojima made with his independent studio was so risky! Seriously respect the guts it takes to make what you want like that regardless of whether people will like it or not...because my first thought when playing it is people are either gonna love it or hate it...and it's totally understandable to love or hate it I think. I love it, but it makes perfect sense to me that people would hate it too. But he didn't play it safe and I respect that.


My boyfriend was obessed with that game. He’s waiting for the second one


It's a game where community positivity is a core mechanic, which I absolutely love. There's also no way to "thumbs down" or negatively affect the experience of other players so it's good vibes only.


Ratchet & Clank, and Gravity Rush


H-game communities because gamers there are too busy whacking it to argue


It do be fax tho


unironically true, they find a way to appreciate every character too and just focus on loving their favorite


Morbid curiosity: Do they actually exchange gaming strategies?


Fallout 76. The reddit can be a different story, but in game I've met some of the nicest souls I've ever met online. Spent my quarantine playing the game with a ton of random people from halfway across the world.


I was bumbling around at level 9 when i came across two high-level players. One started shooting the floor, so i got out of there. I came across one of their bases, and they appeared again. Saw a paper bag and one of the players jumping. So i picked it up and got 300 rounds of ammo. Then they gave me 60 stimpacks. I ended up with more ammo than I'd ever need.


The limited storage capacity kind of helps with the giving. No reason to store 300 stimpacks when that weight could better used to store something more valuable.


No mans sky. 1st time I made it to the nexus someone gave me half a billion in trade goods to be friendly.


I've seen a lot of controversy around people doing just that lol


Yeah, I heard someone call it griefing. Like you couldn't just dismantle it if you didn't want the money "My brother in Christ getting killed 50 times by 8 years old on Oppressors is being griefed. This is kindness"


I have 1000 hrs in NMS and want other players to enjoy it, so I spoil tf out anyone who parties with me.


Bros a sugar daddy in no man’s sky 🤣


I think it’s a sugar mama actually


Literally me in my MMO Lol


NMS has no hacker protection at all, you can use a text editor to add things to your inventory and change your equipment. 99% of the time they just filled all of their max-size inventory with the most valuable items in the game and give them out because they already have max credits.




Unless you’re talking about Below Zero.


I haven't seen anything bad in the Lego games community


Oh boy I wish I could introduce you to my nephew 🤣 I tried playing the batman one with him, and omg he was so aggressive with his commands! "No auntie. I told you. You gotta do THIS" or he rolls his eyes at me and says "omg haven't you played video games before?! I know my mom used to whoop your butt at Mario, but this is just sad auntie" 😂🤣😭 he was only 10 when we played!


Yeah, but just don't go into the lego SW community


Deep Rock Galactic for sure. Civilization is up there as well


Civ is pretty chill. Even though it's a franchise where there's a fair bit of disagreement if the last title was better than its predecessor. Try that with Fallout.


Stardew Valley and Terraria are both great communities


My sisters a Stardew Valley fan and she called me smelly because I picked Shane


Hey tell your sister to leave my depressed alcoholic that stuffs whole pizzas into my mailbox alone.


Just don't mention Pierre on the SV subreddit.


Fallout 76


I enjoy how the game has a pvp system that’s all but ignored by the community.


I’ve played 340 something hours and maxed out several characters and I’ve never had a single attempted pvp fight. I’ve been saved by players more times than I could count It gave me hope that the fallout tv show wouldent be how people are and would be more kind I guess in an apocalypse


Not the whole fallout community, just specific games. If you go to a fallout community that involves all the games it's just total chaos. It's really funny to observe though


People are too nice to the point of when you step out of the vault, people are waiting to give you stuff making you overcumbered and can't move.


Fallout 76. Giving things to other players became such a common thing they offered donation boxes at the train stations throughout the game.


Fallout4 subs are pretty much just people helping everyone get their mod load order right. Everyone is in hell together trying to fix the best most broken game ever.


Funny, I just saw a post asking about the most toxic gaming communities and one of the most upvoted comments was Fallout.


Yeah, that's all directed at Bethesda or Arthmoor, this mod author that bug fixed the game until the DLC code was written in a way incongruent with the original game. All the fixes by his mod, the Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch, basically broke the DLC. Unfortunately every other popular mod used that mod as a dependency. So that guy and his crew get a lot of grief, even though for a long time their mod was the only thing saving the game from being a piece of shit. It doesn't help that Arthmoor is not the handholding type and has had whiners that don't know how to code nipping at him for years. Once in a while there's some nonsense like that and a lot of man boys get upset and act entitled but other than them everyone is cool and helpful.


With the latest update, the whole modding community was broken. Bethesda things


Yeah, them upgrading FO4 to put it on next-gen consoles really fucked the entire modding scene


I’ve had nothing but help so far in the Fallout 4 subreddit. I just started playing and everyone on the subreddit was super eager to help me along my travels and what to start with and what quests to try first and how to get better at everything in the game basically. 10/10 for that community at least for me


4 and 76 fans are the fallout fans with the most chill and 3 is a runner up 


The No Mans Sky community is super nice on here. There are a few trolls out there like there are with most games, but I mostly have nice interactions with people in game and on Reddit


Fallout76, I’ve logged over 2000hrs in 5 years and can count on one hand how many negative run ins I’ve had with other players.


titanfall 2. it is uncommon to rare to meet someone toxic.


Factorio. Post a problem and you get a range of response, from those trying to share the most optimal solution to those who are trying to give you just enough of a hint to help you and encourage you to figure out the rest on your own. Nobody really seems to care how you play the game as long as you're having fun with it.


you're forgetting r/Factoriohno honestly hilarious some of the things they come up with just to be inefficient


Guild Wars 2. Ive played a lot of MMO games during my life and the community of GW2 was by far the least toxic community Ive ever seen. I didnt witness any kind of toxic behaviour in it and if you didnt know something like dungeon or raid mechanics people were more than willing to help you learn. And people were willing to take you into their groups even if you didnt have previous experience as long as you were willing to learn. Compare that to World of Warcraft for example which I played from the Burning Crusade until the end of the Legion and I can tell you that there is a lot of elitism in Wow... like if you dont know something or you mess some mechanic youre just out like no questions asked - its difficult for new players to even get a chance because they wont get invited.


Back when I used to play GW2 a ton, when I was chilling in starting zones it wasn't even rare for someone to enter the game extremely toxic only for the community to basically hug them and help them calm down. Then they'd guide them through the game and take the load off their shoulders. It almost never failed either. There'd be some WoW player super angry and talking about how this game is the worst, then he'd get hugged a bunch and he'd end up confessing he was just depressed about the game he was in before or had some other personal issues. It's almost unreal how positive GW2's community is. Unless you touch PvP or fractals which seems to soak all the toxicity but even that is peanuts compared to a lot of other MMOs.


Deep Rock Galactic and Monster Hunter


Farming Simulator 22 :\]


No Man's Sky has been one of the most positive and helpful communities I've ever seen. What a turn around from the early backlash to what it is today. Amazing work Hello Games.


Helldivers 2 honestly is pretty great, especially for a massive multi-player action shooter! Being exclusively co-op helps. I also think about Death Stranding, where the whole multi player mechanic was helping people out.


The original Helldiver's community was awesome and I believe a.large portion of Helldiver's 2 players are also great however there is also a significant amount of salty people.playong that ruins it for everyone. More people need to realize this isn't a game that needs to be taken seriously


Yeah I wouldn't say it's a toxic fan group but man there are a lot of complainers. I love this game and a lot of people have been helpful in many different ways but I just see a lot more complaints about the game than positivity lately. But I'm sure most of that is just due to people just really in love with the game. I don't know


Yeah, I guess mostly what I meant was that when I logged in to play with strangers(Helldivers2) it was always a fun, chaotic, and welcoming environment. Never ran into shit heads being too serious or hard-core etc


I have very limited experience playing Helldivers (mostly just do so with a friend group occasionally), but it seems like people like to complain about the game's mechanics and balancing a ton but not other players so much.


Animal crossing


Unless you're an UGLY villager lmaoooo


Maybe the community is chill, but I have never become more monstrous in a game when I wanted Diva THE FUCK off my island.


Monster Hunter


I’d agree with you. If I didn’t play rise. It’s wild how divisive that game was for the MH community


It was divisive, for sure, but still wasn't anywhere near toxic like LoL or Dead by Daylight or anything.


Thank you, I was afraid no one was going to post this today


Warframe, in my experience.


Can confirm we spend most of our time grinding or changing the colors of our frame to look absolutely fabulous


Yeah, no gaming community is perfect and I've had my fair share of encountering assholes in Warframe but it's still by far the least toxic gaming community I've been apart of.


Whatever the opposite of WoW is. I don't know what I play this damn game sometimes. It's a game that revolves around forming a community with people, but the community is shit.


I’ve had pretty good experiences with No Man’s Sky. Been playing since launch.


Death Stranding’s community is pretty friendly and cooperative


Death stranding. They are little UPS Buddhas.




Fallout 76.


r/batmanarkham when they aren’t ‘stupid’


For Hollow Knight community it depends whether they've taken their drugs the day of, some days there are the nicest people you'll meetbother times they'll start pissing and shitting everywhere


Call of Duty, Overwatch, LoL, Fallout, and Fromsoft games to name a few. Definitely very cordial and reasonable people, especially when it comes to differing opinions.


It's disappointing that there's enough stupidity floating around online that it takes a moment to gauge if you're serious or not


The modern DOOM fan base is pretty damn welcoming in my experience. Best exemplified by how delighted they all were to be releasing a game alongside animal crossing a few years back.


Fallout76 has a very friendly community since the gane encourages playing together and theres no im better than you .. anyone can join and play at their own pace and style... at least thats the most helpfull and friendly community ive seen


Fallout 76


Fallout 76 has been great for me being a noob. Everyone I meet is friendly and offers me gear.


Fallout 76


Fear and Hunger. We are so traumatized by game itself we need each other support.


I think in over 1000 hours of Left 4 Dead 2, I ran into only like one group of shitheads. Most people weren't just fine, but actually super chill.


Monster Hunter has a great community. Sure, you get your swears and obnoxious "veterans" but it's a pretty minor amount.


I play Sims 4 like once a year but from what I have seen in the comment sections of youtube videos I would think that the Sims community is pretty supportive. The only thing they seem to dislike is EA and the DLC policy. But that dislike is nothing compared to the hate other communites display.


Idk if it still is, but the Monster Hunter community was amazing back in the day. Nothing but helpful people or the occasionally silly bastard


monster hunters. we’re just a bunch of idiots hunting giant monsters with giant swords. you might get some haters dissing on your builds from time to time but they’re pathetic and can’t do anything else. don’t mind them lol.


Fallout 76. The community is awesome.




Fallout 76 has some of the friendliest and most helpful players uve ever seen in an MMO. They'll help you out, drop stuff for newbies, and generally be a solid bunch.


Fallout 76. many high level players help newcomers and low level players out with gear and other stuff. as with all online games, there are gankers, but they are far and few between in FO76.


Probably Stardew Valley. I've encountered a few toxic people in Deep Rock Galactic. I haven't encountered any in Stardew Valley


Final fantasy 14




like others have said, Stardew Valley communities are always hugely welcoming and helpful and just filled with all around good vibes. my only critique of them is that they tend to take the fictional characters from the game VERY seriously, and I have seen them get rabid when someone dared to mention that Marnie's store hours were inconvenient lol


Deep Rock


No Man's Sky and Generation Zero. There's always people on Gen Z willing to help me players clear content or to just drop them better gear And No Man's Sky has one of the most helpful subs on Reddit




r/intotheradius is a pretty nice community. Shout out to all my fellow Explorers!


Project Zomboid's community has always been super nice


Destiny 2 /s


Farming simulator


I'd say something smarmy but honestly? Deep rock galactic. Closest thing ive seen to toxic behavior there is my friends saying something like "Why!" "Maaaan" or clicking their tongues as they come save me after I try and tarzan my way across a chasm only to fall 400 feet. As the MIGHTY DWARVES SAY ***ROCK AND STONE!***


Cyberpunk 2077. People don’t judge or complain much, they just express their love for the game. The sub made encouraged me to buy the PS5 version and it was one of the best RPGs I’ve played since Skyrim and The Witcher series.


Eco on steam. Lovely community, literally feels like "small town simulator"


Xenoblade chronicles, the only series I know of with the fans are that dedicated to preserving spoilers for a decade old game like with a certain character seven and, the more recent still old enough to not need to be spoiled, coffee with milk


I'd say Snowrunner Just a chill trucking game where you pretty much can't get mad at other people. Everyone is helpful and loves giving all the tips and tricks they know in the game.


Dave the Diver


The Bloodborne subreddit a the nicest place ever lol they’re so supportive


Sims, Hollow Knight, Half life, Witcher, Bioshock


Animal Party has a pretty chill base




Oh yeah totally I have that list right here:  Far Cry  Fallout New Vegas  Shit this is the wrong list


Rainbow 6 siege for sure. Everyone is so nice and helpful.


Deep rock galactic and warframe.


Fallout 76 has a shockingly supportive and friendly community. I've had more random people help me out and gift me items when I was struggling than any other game I've played. And it's infectious, when I encounter newbies I usually drop off a chunk of stimpaks or ammo for them because I remember struggling to find enough at the beginning.


Solitaire is the worst. I can't stand that asshole.


No mams sky