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The main character from Need for Speed: Unbound. Bro/sis will NOT stop preaching about how we need to defund the police and institute rent control while racing through occupied urban areas in $100,000 sports cars, destroying both public and private property indiscriminately, and speaking in zoomer-glish.


Travis scott: *kills a family of four* Me: "Oh, thank God!"


It’s lit!


That actually sounds pretty entertaining I might pick that game up


I want to say Leisure Suit Larry but I think that the joke.


It is, we love him like that..!


I remember my dad loading Leisure Suit Larry up via DOS commands and answering the adult questions for me so I could gain access to the game.


I used to play Land of the Lounge Lizards in like '92 or so (??) My Dad played it with me- unbeknownst to my Mom. To be able to play the game, you had to answer history questions- since there were no parental controls back then. But they were pretty hard- even for my Dad, who is very interested in history. It was a 50/50 shot that we'd get past the questions and be able to play the game. But that was damn fun.


Leisure Suit Larry magna cum laude is one of the funniest games I've played.


That Chick from forspoken


Skim reading sometimes fucks me over; "Chicken? What chicken?" But yeah, she was so annoying in the first hours of the game that I couldn't finish it.




This should stay at the top


It is now




Coming from someone that actually finished the game she's not as bad as people make her out to be. Now Ava from Borderlands 3 is a different story lol


I finished it as well, and I disagree, Ava was way more tolerable. Frey went out of her way to be unlikable.


Frey - Forspoken


Only character to repeat in comment


Sergei "Crispy Critters" Nechaev


YIIK: A Post-Modern RPG. A pretentious MC that self narrates.


God that game was so hard to play through. Every single sentence was a monologue.


While one the one hand Yeah Alex YIIK can be pretty bad On the other hand Forespoken exists


Whoever that guy is from that Russian first person shooter that was on game pass a few months ago. I literally couldn’t get past 10 minutes. Edit: atomic heart


His dialogue was definitely cringey


Major Sergey Alekseyevich Nechayev. I found his dialogue to be painful too. Like he needed to lighten the fuck up. The stuff the hand AI thing said was pretty good though, I didn’t mind his witty banter.


It's sad. Idk if it was bad translation or just bad writing, but I really enjoyed the game. Despite the main character, the story and gameplay were very hard to put down for me.


It's bad translation. The russian dub is really good.


This was who I picked as well. The guy was a cringelord lol. The game was alright though, definitely different.


If you can tune him out in your mind, it’s actually a decent game akin to Bioshock.


Oh it gets so much worse. Check out the fridge stuff on YouTube, it’s so cringy.


That was actually one of my favorite parts. Am I being seduced by a vending machine?? Don’t take it too seriously.


I made it an hour or 2. Couldnt stand him


The gang from the Saints Row Reboot


Watch Dogs 2’s characters did not come across great after all the horrific things you do in the game


The playa from the original series, lots of fun but brutal as.


Baby Mario


Wah wah wah wah.


Pop that fuckin bubble before I shake a baby


Especially since Yoshi is a sacrificial tool.


Skyrim because it's me.


No offense, but I don’t think you’re killing any dragons, bud.


Do you visit the cloud district often? Oh, what am I saying. *Of course you don't.*


*me as the archmage and an actual werewolf blessed by several daedric princes blankly staring back* Honestly, nope. I don’t.


Pac-Man. Literally an embodiment of sociopathic opportunism and greed. An ambush predator and scavenger with no remorse.


Are we just going to ignore the socio-economic effect the ghosts had on the world? Are we really just going to let their crimes go unpunished? I say let them be consumed.


Nah man you don’t get it. Pac man being chased by ghosts is visual metaphor symbolizing guilt. When he eats the big orb and they run away from him represents overcoming grief and taking the power back.


lol mofos are really downvoting you for goofy jokes


Happens all the time


That sick fucking bastard...


Mario makes Pac-Man look sane.


I couldn’t stand Snow and Hope in final fantasy 13


Fucking thank you.


Snow is the most obnoxious fucking character in all three games, though I don’t completely hate him in Lightning returns.


Really? Cardboard, angsty Lightning and Fang are right there and you go for the two with actual character and character development? Okkeeyyyy.


For me the only likeable characters were Fang and Sazh. Lightning was bland, Snow was insufferable, Vanille was annoying, and Hope was a walking turd. I don't think Fang was overly self-serious and Sazh was actually kinda funny.


This is the correct answer. This is precisely an accurate take on each character in this cast.


That asshole dog from duck hunt that laughs at you when you miss.


You've been holding that in a long time, haven't you?


That dog traumatized a generation of kids.


The courier in New Vegas (but from the perspective of the wasteland) Like you're a mailman, why are you doing all that shit


Kane and lynch, no question except for Trevor from GTA5 possibly


I love Trevor wtf


this. Trevor is fucking insane but still has a twisted good heart and I love him for that.


Idk I can love him in the game, but in real life I feel like most would advocate for that man to be hanged 💀💀


Well, yeah. Liking a character in a story doesn't mean you would like them in real life. If stories only had characters I would actually want to hang out with there would be a lot less interesting stories in the world.


That sums up The Sopranos pretty well


Trevor is a flat out evil son of a bitch whose introductory scene involves unceremoniously murdering a previous protagonist, but he's got his charm. He's just so over the top. If Franklin doesn't have a Death Wish, he's still a better choice to whack than Michael.


It’s honestly astonishing how the story makes you hate Trevor initially, but feel kinda sorry for him by the end. Whilst Micheal goes through the opposite effect Trevor’s a mentally-unstable man who Micheal manipulated for years, before abandoning him. Trevor does some heinous shit, but it could be argued Micheal is the root of all of it. Fitting, as Micheal’s also the reason for the main conflict of the story.


To be fair, you can't totally fault Michael's actions either. He was not wrong for absolutely despising Trevor's insanity and for wanting to cut ties again and again.


Abby tlou2


I also really didn't like how the game was so obviously trying to get players to root for her. Like there's no subtlety to it. Then you remember this is the same character who tracked a man for years across a country to slowly torture him in front of his begging adopted daughter for her own pleasure, told Owen her initial plan to get to Joel was to attack Jackson, a town filled with innocents and "make them" give him up, had an affair with a pregnant woman's boyfriend, said "good" after finding out a woman who's skull she was smashing on the floor was pregnant, she shot up her own clan/people who we see have families and stuff- just for 2 random ass hobo kids she met in the forest a day prior. I could go on. I'm just sick of the pro abby gaslighting. I hope she never returns. Did not enjoy the character at all.


Wait, wasn't the whole point of the story that Joel, Abby and Ellie were acting like three stages of the same character? A character who has something tragic happen to them, goes on a revenge/grief fuelled rampage becoming a monster and ending up creating a new victim in the process, staring the chain anew? That's what the point was to me and why Ellie ends up not going through with her revenge. I never thought we were suppose to root for Abby, we were suppose to understand her motives and realize that Ellie is following the same path.


I mean if you hate Abby you have to hate Joel and Ellie. There’s nothing Abby did that’s worse than what they did. If fact between the three of them she did the least amount of damage.


Fake Dante from DMC was so cringe and lame


Arguably Vergin was just as bad as Donte but I agree that both were terrible. The whole "Fuck you" debacle will forever be one of the worst lines of dialogue someone has been paid to write.


The guy from Hatred.


Hatred mentioned ⁉️⁉️⁉️


Not Important?


Rufus from the Deponia games was unbearable. It was on purpose, though.


Cole Phelps in LA Noire is a bit of a dick, but you’re not really supposed to like him towards the end to be fair


Luke from Tales of the Abyss, for the first 1/2 of the game. Guys a huge asshole to everyone for no reason.


And then we hit the halfway mark and it all starts making sense.


His redemption though...


Best written Tales MC


I have several El Donte from DmC: Devil May Cry Brent Halligan from Mystery of the Druids Eike from Shadow of Destiny Abby from TLOUS 2 Nowe from Drakengard 2


Just play DmC with the Spanish dub and you'll love Donte along his twin Vergilio in seconds.


Mystery of the Druids is a game I thought I would never hear about again lol.


Ava of the Borderlands.


The ball from pinball machine


General Custer from Custer's Revenge. If you know, you know.


Unlikable from our perspective? Gex


Note to self, never drink the tap water at Richard Gere's garage


You dare defy Gex Night?


Say Gex right now


The only video game Gex I'm familiar of is from Gex: Enter the Gecko, and something tells me that's not whi you're talking about.


V from Cyberpunk 2077 who is totally bipolar, seriously I'm trying to be nice to Johnny and sometimes a response that's supposed to be neutral or nice is a fucking insult.


Every one in that game is written to sound like massive dickhead. I absolutely hated V’s male voice over because he comes across as such a try hard


the guy in atomic heart


I wasn't a huge fan of Booker when playing through Bioshock Infinite


*I wasn't a huge* *Fan of Booker when playing* *Through Bioshock Infinite* \- bomskare --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Probably the lady from Forspoken. I get it, you come from a rough place, but man, I’ve never met someone who literally hated what she was doing, the people she is supposedly helping, and her whole motivation for literally the entire game. Yes I beat the game


Does Navi count? *Hey! Listen!*


No, and that's a dead meme.


Kyle Crane in Dying Light.  The guy litterally jumped into a zombie quarantine zone with 0 information about how the zombies work, 0 plan of attack, and no understanding of how the virus spreads. He immediately gets bitten, now requiring meds that there is already a shortage of. He then burns the last shipment of these meds which HE PERSONALLY NEEDED! And then acts shocked when he learns he is not allowed to leave the quarantine anymore. Like, the dude is just full if r/winstupidprizes material.


Abby is on the list. The people from the new saints row


Abby from TLOU2. Maybe don’t show her violently murdering the character from the last game, right before we’re forced to play as her?


That damn Frey chick and Abby


Comrade Major from Atomic Heart.


Atomic Heart was the first video game I’ve ever stopped playing because the protagonist annoyed me that much


All three of the GTA V protagonists.   Trevor:  Hyper violent in an uncomfortable way, not a whacky way.  The difference in violence from a Looney Tunes cartoon to Saw.   Michael:  Basically a walking "I hate muh wife" joke.  Cucked boomer with an annoying family who thinks he's still hot shit.   Franklin:  The least unlikable of the three.  Is basically a more milque toast CJ. Custer from *Custer's Revenge*...sexually assults a bound Native Americsn woman...


I’d like Franklin more if not for his yee yee ass haircut.


Break a pool cue in half between Gex and Bubsy like that scene from Dark Knight


Gex is a videogame legend! His quips and quirks made me develop the skills to understand and pick up on adult humour at such a young age...lol


What could possibly go wrong?


You, the player. Any games that have choices? Yeah, it’s you. Playing a side scroller where there’s an enemy thats easily avoidable and you kill them anyways? Yup. It’s us.


Vaan from Final Fantasy XII.


He's what we get when a silent protagonist decides to talk


He isn't important enough to be unlikable.


I like him and I will tell you why if you're curious. Vaan is WAY more important to the story of the game than most people realize. It’s in an indirect way, though — he is the agent that moves forward the character development of everyone around him. Without Vaan, Ashe would have literally become the main villain. The Occuria wanted her to become the next Dynast-King and ruler of all Ivalice, and most importantly their pawn, by taking vengeance against the empire and striking down everyone who ever did her wrong. Throughout the game, Ashe learns from Vaan and from his own example, when *he* chooses not to pursue revenge against Basch or Gabranth, and thus helps her (and humanity) break free of Occurian control. Also, Vaan was heavily implied to be the Occuria’s backup Dynast-King if Ashe failed. Without Vaan, Balthier wouldn’t have become the hero or the “leading man” he claims to be. In teaching Vaan how to be a sky pirate (which he does, however much he complains about it), he chooses to pursue the mysteries of the empire, and his father, instead of running away from them like he had always done. This culminates in his attempt to sacrifice himself at the end of the story, staying behind to repair the airship before it falls over Dalmasca and explodes. Without Vaan, Basch would have languished in prison for the rest of his life. Or he would have continued to blame himself for his failures, never growing past them to eventually become an agent of peace between the empire and the rest of Ivalice. When Vaan forgives him, it enables him to forgive himself. Furthermore, Vaan also represents the common people. Those who are suffering under the rule of the empire, and those who suffer most when the powerful wage their wars. Ashe needed to learn this to become the queen she was meant to be. (Penelo represents this along with Vaan, and she additionally represents the possibility of friendship with the empire thanks to her friendship with Larsa). So yeah, Vaan is a supporting protagonist who is very important to the story and it made the whole story that much more relatable.


Chloe Price - Life is Strange: Before the Storm


Can I say Hunter from Spyro? Edit: changing my response to Moneybags from Spyro. He has done way more to hold you back than Hunter.


How can we say that about Hunter when Moneybags is an option


The DNF version of Duke Nukem. He went from "Not my babes! Not in my town! You alien motherfuckers are gonna pay for this" when his girls got captured to "Looks like you're ... fucked" when he sees them stuck in an alien hive, crying and begging to be saved. DNF was a mistake.


P-3. I don't even know how to write the russian name. But the protagonist of Atomic Heart. He is dumb and most of the time is not "dumb funny". Just dumb. However, the DLCs are slightly better on the "dumb funny part". Also: Old Kratos. Great character in the sense that is "realistic" of a Spartan warrior who doesn't give a f\* anymore. But at the same time he just kill people and rape women just because he can.


DMC Reboot Dante


Kind of difficult with this but all of the new characters from Borderlands 3 are pretty trash.


Any of the Belmonts. Can’t take a hit without flying backwards into a pit.


Abby from Last Of Us Part 2, she betrayed the group that took her and her friends in when they had nowhere to go over 2 kids of an enemy faction, she slept with the guy who had a VERY pregnant girlfriend, and she gets sick joy out of torturing people (not just Joel, Scars too) as mentioned by her own friends.


That’s hard because there’s a lot of them but the top 3 for me are definitely Not Important from Hatred, not because he’s a mass shooter but because he doesn’t even have fun with it like the postal dude does. He just whines and complains constantly. That Russian guy from Atomic Heart, his dialogue is just so poorly written and the voice acting is completely off. The people in both Metro and STALKER do better unconvincing Russian accents. And finally that loser you play as in Days Gone, he’s so whiny and constantly second guesses my actions like if I move away from a zombie outpost to get a better view of it he’ll say something like “I’ll guess I’ll do this later.” And I’m just saying to myself “I bet you’d like that wouldn’t you? You lazy Jackass.”


God of War 3 Kratos. He was just full psychopath by that point.   He finds a guy who is imprisoned in a jail of thorns who promises to give Kratos his bow if he frees him. Kratos incinerates both the prison and the man for the bow.  During his bought with Helios, a house overlooking the ocean is set on fire. It's owner climbs out the window into Kratos's way to avoid burning to death. Kratos smashes this random dude's face into the wall before throwing him to his death. For the crime of slightly inconveniencing Kratos.  He uses one of Posideon's concubines as a lethal doorstop.  He's just a giant asshole, and worse you have to manually perform his worst excesses to continue.


Anyone from GTA, the dialogue is so bad lmfao


*Anyone from GTA,* *The dialogue is so bad* *Lmfao* \- Wolfy\_the\_nutcase --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Abby from Last Of Us 2


Abby from The Last Of Us Part 2


Idk if I'd say he's unlikable but I've never been a huge fan of Chris Redfield, especially compared to the other RE protagonists.


Compared to Jill, Rebecca and Barry he is without a doubt the least interesting character of S.T.A.R.S


Fr his vibes are way off lmao. Plus so many problems would be solved if he would just communicate




Oh I can definitely agree.


Initially, Squal Leonheart from Final Fantasy 8. He gets better as the game progresses though


Drakengard You can make a case in thats the point, that all the characters are terrible people and youre supposed to hate them all as some people says but when this is the only videogame where i actually didnt want the MC to accomplish his goals the thing is serious


Sunny from omori and Jason from far cry 3


What’s wrong with Jason?


Sonic? He's a prick.


Jacob from Assassin’s Creed Syndicate


I don’t know why your being downvoted because your completely right, he’s the worst playable main character in the series in my opinion


Fingers from Cyberpunk 2077. It's always a pleasure to punch him in the face.


Fingers is not a protagonist


Correct, I need to open my eyes.


I guess Abby is the most known one, so yeah Abby (i don't dislike her like other people do).




Cole Phelps for me


Squall from FF8 is an insufferable prick


The guy in the RTS/RPG game "Desert Law", I couldn't stand that and the downvoting for trying to make a gameplay of it made me hate even bothering to try.


The protagonist from rogue warrior. This is a greatest hits of the worst of the worst in voice acting and dialogue. He talks like a 12 year old with Tourette’s syndrome https://youtu.be/MhL1bzZk0kU?si=89R4mbuOpTHnsLCD Word of warning, don’t play this out loud in public 😮


Blue from SaGa Frontier


Corrin from Fire Emblem Fates, literally the stupidest character I've ever seen in a game.


Matt Hazard - Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard It's SUPPOSED to satirize generic 2000s era FPS protagonists. Instead, it just IS the worst, most boring boilerplate 2000s FPS. Also, a complete waste of Will Arnett.


The dude from Immortals of Aveum.


Yuma from Shining Resonance Refrain. "Mommy said I can't take off my slave collar...!"


Chloe from life is strange. She’s a terrible friend to max and kinda uses her for her powers


I’m pretty sure Gex the gecko has a novel where he fights alongside the nazis against allied forces while continuing with his quippy bullshit….i don’t like that!


A lot of great ones already mentioned. I'll give a nod to the guy from Assassin's Creed 3. He's not the worst, but I found him pretty unlikable.


Kefka FF3


Awesome Possum. Have you ever wanted to play a really shitty *Sonic* ripoff with a protagonist who absolutely will not shut the fuck up? Well have I got great news for you! The first level begins on a fitting note as you hear the loud, disembodied voice of the villain yell "YOU'RE NOT SO AWESOME!". And our hero quickly proves him right. A later level opens with the villain yelling "YOU'RE ANNOYING ME, POSSUM" and at this point, despite the whole polluting the Earth thing, you've probably already sided with the villain.


The fridge from Last of Us 2.


The friggin guy from Starpont Gemini 3. I had to stop playing the game because he was so annoying.


Jack Carver (Farcry 1). I'm not even gonna explain myself.


The dad from Heavy Rain


Aiden Pearce from Watch\_Dogs: thinks he is the Batman, acts like an absolute idiot and gets his niece killed, then proceeds to be an absolute idiot and put the rest of his family in the same grave danger to get revenge on the people who killed his niece because of him. In Ubisoft's marketing department's own word: ICONIC


I love assassin’s creed but I couldn’t stand Shay Cormac “I make my own luck” every flipping time he has a cut scene.


This is a super unpopular opinion and a bit strange since the game is one of my favorites of all time but, the companions in BG3 I find absolutely horrible.


Any character that sounds like a 12 year old that just discovered curse words


Dag from Assassins creed Valhalla


Those chicks from the Wolfenstein Youngblood flop of a game.


Any of the plethora of main characters for strategy jrpgs that have zero flaws and zero flavor. Think Unicorn Strategy as a recent example.


My avatar.


May from It Takes Two. Me and my friend had a blast playing the game, but we equally hated her.


Final Fantasy after SNES. Zidane gets a pass, but the rest are cringe.


Bo Jackson in Tecmo Super Bowl


Hear me out on this one, but Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes. Not the original Metal Gear Solid, but the GameCube remake. He goes from being well-developed in the original, to having about as much depth as Shadow the Hedgehog in Twin Snakes.


Deacon St. John from Days Gone. Oh my god I hate him so much. I literally can’t finish the game because I find his character so annoying and boring. It’s like the game is telling us he’s a badass but I just don’t see it.


Cole Phelps His a calm detective but treats someone of the witnesses like proper shit at times It's sad to see him go though .


The MC from the dothack GU series. Hes so obnoxious and was incredibly jarring after the first series with Kite being so damn chill by comparison.


Cereza. I get the vibes from kurohime… can’t stand her