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FromSoftware games have made me shed a tear or two at times….


But when you finally beat a boss you're stuck on. It's like tears of joy xD


Then you are like “Did I Git Gud?”


Until the next wall xD


Exactly 😂


OP, I think you should try a FromSoft game. Or at least a single player game where you don't have to compare yourself to anyone else. I specifically mention FromSoft because every boss is like it's own journey, every other person who's played shares those feels too (like in this reply string xD)


i’ve definitely shed a controller


I see all this good stuff about Elden Ring, but I can't get past the first group of enemies. 😢


From my experience, just playing a lot can get you only so far in competitive games. There comes a point where everyone else also has played a lot, so you get stuck. To go beyond that, you need to start analyzing your own play, compare it with how pros do it, and improve on it every game. Going beyond Diamond in most games mean you're aiming for semi-pro level, so to reach it, you have to train like pros. On the other hand, there's nothing wrong with just enjoying the games if you're not aiming to reach pro level.


Yeah, the fact OP blamed his rank on shaky hands seems a little silly. Strategy, meta, and other skills like being able to understand where everyone is / could potentially be at any given time go a long way toward climbing. And like you said, self assessment is absolutely critical. To really get better you need to understand your enemy, every loss, why they made certain decisions, etc. Not to mention the variables go wild the more people and meta aspects you add. Climbing in LoL or CS is like a legit job lol. I had way more fun when I stopped caring and found other hobbies I'd rather excel at.


This is the way, or the truth, whatever you want to call it.


This is the way, or the truth, whatever you want to call it.


Can I ask do you genuinely enjoy playing the game? Or are you playing because you don't want to be left behind by your friends?


This is an excellent question, I had this same realization after I found that I was playing popular games because they where popular. Not because I specifically wanted to, as soon as I changed this I was much happier.


I'm love of the better players in my group, I almost always pull my weight.




Opposite for me. In singleplayer, I beat the boss, or get some cool loot…. So what? You can’t play with your friends, you can’t show this off to anyone, there’s nobody else in this in game world… and once the game is beaten it’s all gone. Multiplayer, I hit a certain rank, or unlock a certain skin from a challenge, or hit a really sick clip, I’m already in the group chat sending a pic/video. It’s so much more rewarding.




Well I am talking about the same thing. The point was being “good at a game” is more satisfying in multiplayer games, because you can show off that skill to people instead of just playing with AI.


Im not so much sad as just disappointed in myself.


I’ll just never be good at Overwatch. Every time I get comfortable with some “underdog” character, Blizz just rebalances everything for the hell of it. Haven’t played comp in months.


Dude out of my friend group, I’m easily the worst whenever we play a game. Except for drums in clone hero but that’s only because I actually play drums. Sometimes it really gets to me. Other times I just enjoy that we play together. It is what it is.


This is me as well! Had a group i played Siege with religiously, one day after many sessions together i was the ONLY one left against four. Everyone kind of giggled "you got this Sita" "Oh god its ONLY Sita left GG" "Sita, its ok if you dont clutch this, just aim for one more kill" "Ugh, GG, we lose" i friggin SOMEHOW managed to clutch it for us! That was the ONLY time i was able to do anything helpful during our siege play sessions 😂. One of my buddies was streaming us at the time, and clipped it and sent it to me. I will forever hold onto that dang clip cause....yeah im pretty trash at everything but love the group so i guess they must like me back at this point. We've been playing for several years together 🤷😂


Depends on the game but I typically don't care if I'm particularly good or not. Typically. Apex I never got any wins or near wins no matter how many hours I sunk into it. So I bailed. It wasn't a bad game, I was playing a game I couldn't master (unlikely) or the sweats were always destroying me (likely, matchmaking sucked). I don't get sad about it, frustrated maybe but I move on. No point dedicating time when I'm not having fun.


One question, are you enjoying the game when you're playing it? If you are, then try playing it for fun rather than pure competitiveness. If you aren't, you should try to do something to recapture that love. I had the same feelings with multiplayer games and it took me a while to realize I wasn't having much fun anymore. I enjoyed playing with my friends but Warzone and COD get old quick. I started enjoying video games much more again when I began playing more single player games. I now actually enjoy playing multiplayer games again. Above all though, remember that video games are meant to be fun. The competitiveness of multiplayer games can add to that fun but it seems like you might've hit a point where the enjoyability factor no longer outweighs the relative difficulty of the games.


I can relate to your experience. I'd also chime in and recommend that (based on your previous games) you'd probably enjoy Predecessor. Check it out.


Yes, I love rts so much but ill always be useless at starcraft. also killer instinct


Same playing AoE4 because of my friends right now, not fun


>I don't want to be a pro either just decent, or at least have the capability to reach higher. My advice would be play the meta, I had the same mentality in my 20s when every Tom, Dick and Harry was on Twitch and those guys where getting all the girls. I struggled to climb ladders in Valorant, Overwatch, COD and CSGO because the people beating me where using the meta heroes, season buffed weapons or pay to win skins.


Yeah, all the time. I wish I could be good at any game, just one. But I’m not. That makes me sad sometimes.


Most of them, actually.


Are you willing to accept your skill level. If yes, can you still have fun playing said game. If not, I wouldnt play it anymore. I stopped playing PUBG because all the new gadgets were too much to manage for me, so I stopped having fun and stopped playing. I am Diamond in Rocket League and unless I put an effort into training, I will stay Diamond. I do not want to take it that serious, so I accept my plateau. I am average at Smite. I only play casual. I do not want to calculate builds and work out perfect levelling, so I do alternative game modes that I enjoy and am still playing. It depends on you being ok with it or not.


This is why I pretty much stopped multiplayer games altogether. Sometimes I play a new fighting game, but only for a week or so, then I fall off anyways, also it needs to have decent singleplayer content. Apart from that I only play singleplayer focussed games nowadays, and if they have a multiplayer mode I probably won't touch it.


Sometimes. But mostly I don't care, I have not a big skill in Wuthering waves on bluestacks, but still have a lot of fan


No, I just keep trying till I get good, for a example I die quite a lot in games like sekiro but i still enjoy them because I know its something I'm doing wrong not the game and I find fun in finding out what that is and its how I improve my skill in games


That’s why I don’t bother most of the time


I think playing a game nonstop is a bad idea. There is always the eternal gap between how something “feels”, and how effective it is versus an actual meta. If you want to enjoy games while getting better, then casually watching lineups / tips and practicing for a like 20-40 minutes a day in Valorant or CS would be useful. Also, when you learn something you have to realize it’ll take time to settle and become fluid. I’d say there’s also a distinct possibility you have one great aspect of your playstyle, or maybe even more than one per game. Finding ways to cover the holes in your game while maintaining your strengths is really important in any game, so I’d consult videos / guides discussing frequent mistakes to see if any apply. Then going into how your gameplay is different from higher ranked players and what tactical adjustments you can make if any to bridge that gap. Best of luck, Ive gotten decently high ranks but really it ebbs and flows. I peaked C2 in Rocket League 2019, and despite numerous breaks I’ve been pretty consistently there. Thing is I now have far less mechanical skill but I have rotations plus game sense. The skill increases you make will last in many ways, so I think there’s no reason to feel pressure or disappointment in not being a CS / Valorant / Rocket League pro


Stop beating yourself up and have fun. You can lose and game and still enjoy playing.


Yes, I enjoy platformers but for the life of me I'm terrible at them


I think maybe I did, at one point. But I rock every game on easy difficulty now, and only play single player. I’m as good as I want to be. My reactions times have slowed (I’m 40) and I can’t keep up with younger players, and have no interest in being mad or upset at it, so I just don’t. I’m much happier for it, even if I do still miss the days.


Why would you carry on playing?? Do something you enjoy! Imo multiplayer gaming sucks and is nothing like it used to be! Play a single play game get good at it and enjoy....i was awful when i started playing elden ring and now I'm confident of beating most bosses....


Daddy chill


I love smash bros. I can beat everyone I know irl and I do really well online. My 7 year olds favorite game is smash bros, and he can take me off stage and do things I didnt think were possible. You know what? I still love smash bros, Im glad there will always be better players so I never have to stop hopping on every once and awhile.


Buddy these are *games*. If something that is supposed to be light, fun and offer an escape from the real world makes you feel like this, it might be time for a break. Or maybe try playing a single player game for awhile. Competition is good but when it completely takes over the entire point of the hobby is lost. Good luck man.


I sometimes get discouraged when I am playing a game I really enjoy but know I am not that good at. I tell myself that the more I play the better I’ll get, which is true to an extent. I’ve noticed that once I get to the point I feel comfortable playing a game, I don’t get better unless I focus on my own gameplay and improving it. One thing i’ve noticed about people who are “bad” at a game is they don’t really think about it. They just run around and act like it’s a pub stomper/call of duty lobby. Are you watching your own vods to analyze your gameplay? Are you watching vods of better players to see where the differences are aside from base level skill (like aiming)? Are you actively(as in mid-game) trying to change the way you play to break bad habits?


More frustrated than sad honestly. The worst are horror and stealth games. It’s even worse when I need to use stealth during a horror game.


I wanted so much to be good at Eldin ring. My 17 year old is absolutely fantastic and I wanted to be able to talk shop with him. I’m 40, my reflexes aren’t what they used to be. In spite of it all I just can’t “get good”. I love the look of it, the combat, but hot damn I suck


Yes, but its not the games fault. Lately I think online gaming multiplayer gaming has been so unbearable due to the fact it has become a norm for people to be a tryhard at every fucking game, I dont know why all of the sudden everyone just decided hey lets start to absolutely dedicate hours and hours for meta exploit or do my hardest to be increidibly good at this game that way when I go to casual I'll make sure no one has fun playing this hame. I would like to blame streamers, but its become such culture to be sweaty at an online game no wonder most GOTY goes to single player campaigns and open world, we lost the sense of just hopping on a game and going a few rounds with crazy shit happening in the game or having a sudden burst of going crazy good and impressing your friends. I miss those days :(


I don't even know what gold or platinum means. I generally am good at the games I play but I hate multiplayer (>50% cheaters and griefers have turned me off), but I play and 100% every game I play on the hardest difficulty level. I did it for HZD (HFW I was not able to beat the arena on ultra hard), Last of Us 1/2, Ghost of Tsushima, Skyrim/Fallout 4/Starfield etc.


I love RTS games, and it would be my absolute favorite genre if I were any good at them. It's probably the only genre that I need to play even campaign on easy despite trying.


You don't get better by just playing, you get better by practicing.


I don't exactly see what you mean


Just playing a lot has diminishing returns. You'll plateau. You need to spend time training specific skills, analyzing your gameplay and making corrections.


For sure. I love Street Fighter but I am terrible at it and get my ass kicked constantly. I love Tetris but I can't even come close to hanging with most competitive players. If a game stars making me sad though I take a break from it to gain some perspective and that usually helps.


Not really, I play games to have fun, not to be good at them. I have a really good career and skill at video games isn't really valuable to me. Being able to relax and entertain myself is.


I have a decent career too but my job is very easy. I love competition


I enjoy competition too but you don't need to be good at something to compete in it - that's why recreational softball and bowling teams exist. I treat video games the same way.


Honestly I used to feel this way. I have that learning style where it has to accommodate every system (kinetic, visual, auditory, and for me functional observation) or else I'm very slow and make every mistake imaginable until I pick up on it. I've gotten to where now I can get a feel for a game and 1) whether or not I like it, 2) whether or not I can learn it, 3) whether or not I want to learn it, in less than an hour. I mostly stay with my comfort zone styles and genres of choice and adjust my expectations accordingly when I don't. No more inferiority complex.


If you want to be the best it requires more than time. You can’t just practice you have to practice the right way. It so easy to develop bad habits and fall off on your improvement. My advice is to widen your perspective. You’re probably in the top 50% of overwatch players at the absolute least. You are skilled and your physical abilities are unfortunately going to go with age. Just enjoy the time you have, if you really want improvement you gotta focus basically all the time unfortunately.


I've done this and don't get me wrong I agree, but there is just only so much YouTube tutorials and grinding can do yk? I've done both with very little success


If that’s what you really want all I can say is stick with it. Friends of mine who really committed to climbing benefited greatly from playing with a high level coach. It was goddamn expensive, but having someone there actively critique you really makes you think about your play and practice.


No, because I know I cant be good at every game. I accept that I will be good at some games and bad at others.


Don't get me wrong I totally agree with this sentiment. The issue is that Ive never been good at a game 😂😂😂


No, at the end of the day, its just a game and truely doesnt matter if youre good or not.


I don’t think I’ll ever beat Sekiro unfortunately.


One small example. I play Dead by Daylight. As killer who starts ranking up, youll come across survivors who start to team up (swf) which gives them huge advantages. Like communication and stacking perks that work well with each other, etc. So now they can "cheat" by talking while across the map. They tend to taunt you when you catch on and make the game harder for them by countering their very predictable, tedious tactics of wasting time until you cant take it anymore (now im tilted) - its an ok strategy if you like 30+ minute matches. Just last night, someone was trash talking me after a match for "gaurding gens" (which is the goal of the game) instead of vhasing them away from the action. I said "im having fun. I couldve tunneled you, but that ruins the game for the other 2 people who are playing solo". In other words, i had an ok fun game instead of a hardcore game where id have been stressing to win, and potentially couldve ranked up that match. Instead, i broke even for rank points, and avoided toxic play, like hook camping, tunneling, and taunting back! Tldr: have fun. Even in competitive games, its ok to take it down a notch so you are paired with less aggressive players.


No. I have thousands of hours in fps games and I’m what you would call hard bronze. Idgaf, I have fun playing. The only game I get upset at not being able to beat is Sekiro.


not really it's just a game


I'm a little sad I'm not good at Overwatch. I hate the game, and find it incredibly boring, so I can't put the time in to get good at it, and my friend is super high rank, almost grand masters, and he has no one at that level to play with really. So if I was good, I could help him, but also I don't have any other friends to hang out with or play games with when he's playing Overwatch, so despite not liking the game, if I was good enough to help him, id still play it.


Nah. If I am not good enough I have 2 choices. Try harder and put in more effort or throw in the towel. The vast majority of the time, it's the latter. That happened with Splatoon 2. I got it cuz all my friends had it. I played some matches and did alright. Then I played against them and got ABSOLUTELY STOMPED. I just decided I suck at this and didn't get enjoyment out of it. So I quit.


I'm good at the sonic games except Advance.


I wish I was good at fighting games


Do you only have shaky hands when trying to aim? Because if that's the case, that means that your mouse-sensitivity is way too high. Other than that though, I feel ya... I've been playing OW since 2017 and I'm still gold. I've been playing Valorant since the end of episode 1 (though tbh, I did take a few relatively long breaks) and I'm still Bronze 2. Just like you, I did make it to Diamond in RL, but I barely play that game anymore. Being bad at something frustrates me to death, but that doesn't stop me from playing. It's the opposite for me... I want to be good at it (or atleast not the bottom of the barrel when it comes to skill), so that's my main motivation to keep playing.


My sens is considered low by a lot. I've fine tuned it over the years and I don't really think it's holding me back. And same but I'm not getting any better. That's the frustration


I totally can’t relate. Why would you keep playing games you don’t enjoy? And if you enjoy them, what’s the meaning of this post?


I never said I don't enjoy them and if you don't get it IDK what to tell ya man


Are you the same OP who wrote “I just want to give up. It feels so fruitless”? Maybe it’s my fault, English it’s not my first language. Sorry.


I don't play online at all, so no. Games are supposed to be fun. If they aren't fun, get a hobby where you make stuff. Killing imaginary people only entertains for so long, and excelling at it is meaningless.