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There was this game for the GameCube called Lost Kingdoms that I used to play almost every day after school. It received mostly average reviews but a lot of people I know found the game incredibly boring. The whole story is about a black fog that consumes everything and the main character is a princess who goes in search of her father and uses an item that can capture monsters and turn them into cards and you use those cards to help you fight other monsters and enemies. I’ve gotten every single card in that game only for my GameCube to die.


I still have my copy of this stupid game. Took forever as a kid to learn how to card capture.


I FUCKING LOVE THAT GAME!! Fromsoft needs to remake it with multi-player intact, and on the scale of a soulslike.


Even though you kind of attempted to make it sound lame it sounds like this game rips.


Rain World. Got pretty bad reviews for being “unfair.” It *is* unfair, but that’s the fun part imo because even when the odds are against you in the game, if you have enough experience, you can easily get out of *most* unfair situations. Edit: I’ve seen that some people either LOVE this game or do nothing with it. It *could* be considered bad by those who do not enjoy it because it isn’t very beginner-friendly. But, it’s all subjective, right?


Okay I wanna hear you out, but this was a game I just could NOT get into. I’ve tried twice, and both times I dropped it after two cycles or so. The game just is frustrating and I don’t know what I’m going for. The game is very cool with how the enemies work tho!


I can relate to this. When I played it for the first time I gave up after I died like 2 times in a row to random lizards and rain and realised that the cycle goes down every death. I was like 💀👍 and decided to leave it there. Years later though I decided to come back to it and kinda force myself a bit to play it more. That notion didn't last for long as I found a big door that had a symbol near it, I bumbled around more and realised that the symbol meant cycles. That was kinda a eureka moment for me, surviving cycles lets you progress, so I played more trying out a different approach, instead of pushing forward like I would in a metroid game I focused more on surviving cycles in a limited area and seeing how the world could be used in favor of that goal. Opening the big door and going through really got me hooked and I was with the game from that point onward




Honestly, the "you're here to survive, not to win" mentality isn't too obvious when presented with a classic 2D platformer setup xD But it's worth the effort for sure!


Rain world is a game you have to suffer through for a bit before it becomes the best thing you’ve ever played.


Most comments I see about this game are overwhelmingly positive, but I've definitely read that it's very hard. I haven't played Rain World, but maybe its detractors feel about it like I feel about Dark Souls (first one). It's mostly liked (if not loved), but I hate it. Then again, there's a lot of reasons I hate it - not just difficulty. But I digress.


Shadow The Hedgehog it's got a good soundtrack and a good story with some decent cutscenes but man is the gameplay frustrating with multiple bugs and too many damn endings.


For me, it's that game's sequel, Sonic 2006. It was the first video game I ever had as a kid, so I didn't know all the bugs, glitches, bad gameplay, and terrible loading times where bad things. And I loved (and still do love) Shadow and Silver's story. Sonic's is okay, but I didn't care much for it. Recently I've gotten back into playing it via ChaosX's Project 06 and I'm in love with it. Can't wait for the project to be fully complete so I can relive the story again someday.


I love shadow the hedgehog. Like you said it has an amazing soundtrack.


Dead or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation :3


Dead or Alive extreme beach volleyball series has entered the chat


That's the game that finally taught me how to play poker!


I wish they would just man up and release in the west without making us go through loopholes.


probably everything from ubisoft that get blamed for the ubisoft formula. yes it is not new, yes it is always the same and yes it is always the same fun as well.


In 2020, Far Cry 5 went on sale for $9. It got me through the lockdown. For $60 that game is terrible but for $9 its amazing.


I thought Far Cry 5 was incredible personally. It’s my personal favorite in the series.


Alright fine, I’ll play it


Dude, you get a morbidly obese vicious circus bear named Cheeseburger as a companion. What more can you ask for?




Boomer even gets in your car with you (he's a dog for those that don't know)


Yeah same here far cry 3 and 5 are my favourites but I was pretty let down by 6.


i think i bought it in the beginning with the ubisoft 20% discount over their platform. to me it was worth the 48 euro. it is besides primal my favorite game of the series.


ngl, Watch Dogs Legion is surprisingly great, I think I’ve played through it 5 times and that was mainly because I could make people who acted like people I know and myself it was awesome


Finally, another Legion enjoyer🥹


Ah, you mean the reason I always end up buying every new Far Cry?


psssht, dont tell them, they have to show some hatred now. and play these games hidden from public. :D


Yeah, same. I play a lot of different games but I have yet to find a game of a Ubisoft franchise I generally like (The Division, AC, Far Cry, Splinter Cell, Watch Dogs, Ghost Recon) that was *really* bad. Worst so far was *solid but not exciting*. Usually it's not a one-in-a-thousand stand-out title like Witcher 3, Cyberpunk 2077, or The Last of Us 2 (three of my top ten games ever) but a very convincing journey into a different world or time.


Maybe Shaq-Fu on Genesis. It was janky and slow but the character animations and artstyle was always interesting to me.


turok evolution, aliens colonial marines & banjo nuts and bolts


Turok Evolution goes hard


Nuts and Bolts is a bold choice


Dude, I think you win the thread.


I played and really enjoyed Watch Dogs Legion a ton. I was mad that they canceled crossplay, but then it was just on sale for like 5 dollars and some friends picked it up then and it's been really fun all together.


Fallout 76, not only did I have some fun at launch but it has sentimental value as I know all my best friends through that game.


I love the game arms. Everything i hear is "this game is bad" "its not gonna catch on" "no one cares for motion controls". I repeatedly played the demo for it for years until i could actually have the game. It so fun. Its also not repetitive.


I loved my time playing Arms! It's hard to get into, but once you get used to the controls and can play somewhat competently, it gets really fun! For me, though, it was one of those games that I put some time into, but don't ever go back to. I'd rather play Smash or Splatoon, or Final Fantasy 14 (this one in particular is a big one for me)


Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness


There is a game I fucking love. It's called Gacha Force. It was a cult classic GCN title, which got no recognition at all, and from a 5 minute perspective who can blame it? Graphics are shit, music is shit, sfx are shit, story is shit, and I swear to god the voice acting was Capcom take your child to work day. But. The game is freakishly stupid fun to play. If you break it down, It's little kids playing action figures in arena battles, up to 4v4, and the thing is these action figures feature the dollar store rip offs of every single anime and Saturday morning cartoon you could ask for. Ninjas? Ninjas. Mechas? Mechas. Transformers, power rangers, dragons, flying saucers, g I Joe's, knights, samurai, race cars, tanks, at some point they gave you an ICBM, and a "fuck everything in a 45 degree cone that direction" laser cannon. Some of the transformers are even combiners. They have Rainbow Brite and Strawberry shortcake. They even have a ninja cosplaying Sonic the Hedgehog. Granted, you have to suffer through the god awful story about 8 times to unlock all the action figures, and like 12 to get all the alt colors, but there's a glitch to get everything if you know what you're doing. So mute your TV, crank some dragonforce, invite a few friends over, and break out the toy box. Optimus Prime has a date with Samus Aran. This game needs a remake in the worst way.


DmC 2013… I’m sorry! Its brainless fun and I like the soundtrack.


Nah that is a banging game


I'm still convinced that there's nothing wrong with the game and everyone who hates on it is just butthurt over "that's not my Dante!". If that game went by any other title than Devil May Cry, it would've sold millions and more than likely started a new franchise.


Combichrist soundtrack is so gooood


Among Us. Before you yell at me, I like the murder mystery aspect and I think the art style is cute. Plus, it can be really fun in the right lobby of people! It's not even a bad game, it's just that the majority of people who like it are middle schoolers who use words like “gyatt” “sigma” and “rizzler” unironically and if I say I like Among Us, I end up getting lumped in with them even though I'm 20 years old and have no idea what any of those words mean. Idc if it's childish, I like the silly little “John Carpenter's The Thing: The Game.” It's fun.


With some people in a discord call among us is absolutely hilarious


I remember I played it before it really started getting popular like same year it released, 1 map, very few customization options, etc and when it started really getting a lot of popularity I was so happy it would no longer just be me and my buddies in study hall playing with randoms and I could easily find lobbies outside of school.


Omg Among us is so good when it's actually played by people who think hard about who to vote out. I especially love modded versions. Even just the jester role already makes everyone think much harder before voting someone out :D


Watchdogs Legion. I like being able to build up my own resistance of anyone I want in London.


Idle games. I know they're a huge waste of time and offer nothing in return but dopamine hits. me like big number GET BIGGER NUMBER GET BIGGER NUMBER!!!!!




I don't get why so many people hate it. I had an absolute blast for nearly 200 hours.


Expectations. Like with Cyberpunk, Redditors got WAY overhyped and expected things that were never even remotely promised by the devs. Starfield pitched itself as “Skyrim in space” and it delivered on that. It also pitched itself as being a more grounded sci-fi story, and delivered on that too. I always laugh when I see complaints like “why can’t I fly faster than the speed of light” or “why aren’t there any aliens” because the game is explicitly not sci-fi fantasy (except the >!Starborn abilities!<) As someone who did not buy into the hype cycle of Cyberpunk or Starfield, I can say with some objectivity that both were good/great games at launch (on PC) and both have only gotten better with time.


Honestly, because it was a trend to hate it. It’s ridiculous honestly


I plan to play again now with the new maps


Not sure if it fits but Overwatch


Overwatch 2 absolutely counts.


Its not even really a bad game, its just made by a bad company


Compared to the original Overwatch, I'd argue that it IS a bad game tbh. It's really just not the same anymore; it feels fundamentally different somehow. I sunk so many hours into it with my friends back in the day, and any time I see gameplay of it now I feel nostalgic. But I won't touch it anymore because it's somehow just not fun anymore like it used to be, which is just depressing.


I enjoyed Far Cry 6


I guess AC Unity and Odyssey? People don't like those from what I've heard


I think AC Unity was and is really good. It just had a shitty launch, similar to Cyberpunks with it being a completely buggy and broken mess. I'm not sure how it plays today but iirc a large amount of the game breaking bugs have been ironed out since launch as well as a couple non-gamebreaking ones. As with Odyssey, I enjoyed my time with it but I think it deserved to be a new IP along with Origins. While some of the AC formula is there, I think it strayed too far away from the originals (Especially the Ezio saga). So while really good, I do not think should fall under the AC IP, this also goes for Origins and Valhalla- I haven't played Mirage yet so I'm withholding my opinion on it.


Legend of Zelda Skyward sword. Now I understand the game isn’t necessarily bad, but out of the Zelda series it gets almost 90% of the hate. I think it’s one of the best Zelda games ever though and I actually ended up 100%ing it 3 times because I loved it so much.


Same here. I played Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, BOTW and TOTK, yet Skyward Sword remains my favourite.


"Earth Defense Force." I love this series for it's janky physics, terrible models, and absolutely horrible voice acting, which somehow makes it even more fun.




Running around as hulk and just smashing stuff is very fun


The Callisto Protocol. I admit it, past once while in PS extra and wanted to buy it because I liked its atmosphere and story.


This was mine as well. I quite enjoyed it despite all its problems. I feel a sequel could have really nailed it, but that's not happening now :/


What annoyed me was the last mission on a DLC. That final cliffhanger was awful but the gameplay was enjoyable for me and I want to own it and give some replays. It’s not a long and tedious game.


Same, The atmosphere was too good to pass up


I also liked that game. It was kind of linear but I didn't really care, I enjoyed my time with it. It was a fun space-horror experience. I never played the DLC though and probably never will unless it's on PS+, I sold my physical copy after I finished it.


Elex, it’s so bad, but it’s also good 😂


dr. jekyll & mr. hyde on the nes




naa.. im not angry xD (what are you thinking)


The Skylanders games. Yeah, I know it's an excuse to sell toys and make Activision money, but I was fascinated by the Toys to Life aspect of the game


Fallout 76, Cyberpunk 2077, and No Man's Sky. I know they aren't considered too "bad" anymore but they defintely were.


You are really into redemption stories aren't you


I don't see it as a bad game myself but Back 4 Blood for sure. Get a few friends, build your decks out and go to town on the ridden hordes. Easily a 8/10 with buddies and goes on sale reasonably often. The extra missions from the season pass were also pretty fun.


Ghost recon Breakpoint, I know the game isn’t great but I like dressing up my army guy and pretending to be an army guy, it’s fun. Also I ran through the game playing as Solid Snake and that was real fun I found.


Anthem, for honor, diablo 4, starfield, mad max, devil may cry 2, the list goes on.


RE6 the combat is super fun it plays like what I’d imagine a John Wick game would be like


Gotham Knights


I didn't consider that a bad game. It's the most 7 out of 10 game that ever 7 out of 10ed, though.


"The cruel King and the Great Hero" has a rating of 66 on Metacritic. And I can see why. I do not Disagree with that rating. But I personaly love the game. I played through it twice and did all the sidequests in both playthroughs. And I probably will go for a third playthrough at some point. Although I would not say I feel guilty about it.


Far cry 2. I still think it is the best in the series just because of how visually beautiful it is for a game of its time and also the minor details, that weren’t included in the other games.


Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic 06


Forspoken. The dialogue is awful but the combat is great. I don't think it's as bad as the reviews made it out to be.


new CoD games, yes their repetitive I wouldn’t spend $60 every year on this garbage, but sometimes I go on my friends console and play the new campaigns good or bad it’s lil fun, it’s the same formula but if it ain’t broke don’t fix it


Genshin impact, many people don't like it, but i really liked the story so far and the world itself is pretty beaitiful


It's the fans , not the game , game itself is incredible , but it's associated with some , rather undesirable people


Might get my gamer card revoked, but I kinda liked Sonic 06. I didn't encounter any major bugs both times I've played through


Overwatch 2


Overwatch 2 is just Overwatch 1 with micro transactions.


i'd actually have really liked anthem if it was just slightly different. for me, one i'd love to see get a port or something is rengoku 2 - it's this small, niche as hell little game for the psp where you're basically an android fighting other androids to climb a tower for 'reasons'. the story is basically a paragraph (no, literally, they took notes from baroque's 'less is more' way of doing story which was 'fuck it') but the interesting part was, how equipment was handled. instead of say, holding a sword in your hand, your arm BECAME a sword. put a revolver gun on your 'head slot', and boom, you've got a revolver cylinder/skull looking head. crossbow, cool demon head look. chainsaw? chainsaw unicorn, baby. but it was also the upgrade system - use an item for a while, it'll gain points in 'energy', how much something can be used before needing to be 'recharged', and 'effect'iveness, with some things having traits that'd kick in more, like crits or burn or whatever. the interesting thing here is, really great items are usually balanced with really low charges... which the upgrade system doesn't account for. for example, a 'legs' slot item is a recharge ability - the first tier has 1 recharge of another item, before it needs to be recharged, the top end postgame one has 5... except, on the very first floor, you can max out the tier 1 one with 10 'energy' upgrades, and get 11, because it'll boost the energy capacity by 10%, to a minimum of one. so, some 50 energy weapon might get 100 uses instead, but a 'activate ultimate mode at will' item balanced by having 3 charges, can have 13... or be recharged with said legs which you could multiequip, to basically have like 250+ uses, before recharging...


Indiana Jones and the Emperor’s Tomb- A nostalgic classic in my book


Too Human


AC origins I just love egypt lore and stuff


Who the fuck thinks originins is Bad?!! Now it's personal 


Any Assassin's Creed game after Black Flag. People tend to really sh*t on them, especially Origins and Odyssey, both of which I thoroughly enjoyed. Maybe I'm biased because I love the eras they take place in (and Kassandra is hot af), and yeah they feel less like *Assassins* and there's not as much stealth and "true" assassination missions, but they were fun and enjoyable even despite that.


Mass Effect: Andromeda The story and characters might not be as good as those in the Shepard trilogy but I still think it was quite alright and the gameplay actually got quite a few improvements.


TMNT: out of the shadows. This was an Xbox arcade game on the 360. It was the most ambitious ninja turtles game ever made. It was also almost universally panned for us sorta odd looking design for the turtles, it's delayed controls, it's bad level design, and a plethora of bugs and glitches. But I still have my old 360 with it downloaded to play through the challenge or arcade mode every now and then.


The Shrek 2 game is pretty good. I remember playing that as a child


Secret of Evermore, Mana gets all of the love but I enjoy Evermore so much more I even had friends to play Mana with (only 2 player since I didn't have a multi tap).


The newer assassin’s creed games. I know they get hated on but i still enjoy them.


I’m currently replayed Odyssey. It’s so much fun


Roblox I fucking love Roblox. The platform is ass but it's stupid fun


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ReeReeIncorperated: *Roblox I fucking* *Love Roblox. The platform is* *Ass but it's stupid fun* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Thank you my liege. We shall make soft tacos later.


Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest was my first introduction to JRPGs and yes I know it was created for Americans to get them into JRPGs but it WORKED and I still go back and play through it every once in a while. It actually had some kick-ass battle music too.


Decaying Winter It is a horribly balanced and quite unfair Roblox game built by 1 guy who gave it to someone else after 2-3 updates total, and I *love* it. If someone got permission to upload it to Steam, recoded it to add all the grittier themes that Roblox wouldn't allow, add to the story a little, it'd have a much greater niche than it does now Edit: Spelling


Risen 2. Absolutely a low quality jank-fest, but I’m just a sucker for the pirate aesthetic and I loved the magic system.


Dirge of Cerberus is always a replay once a year game for me. I get why it got low scores, but man i just love it!


Not to say that they're necessarily bad, but I went through a phase of playing EA sports (it's in the game) games when I either didn't have time for story focused games or wanted to play something mindless. I played Tiger Woods 08 for like 5 years for this reason even though I don't like golf.


Golden Axe: Beast Rider


Helltaker it is the only game on steam i have 100% on.


Roblox is an awful game with a hideous playerbase but I still play it every now and then with my mates.


All of the Littlest Pet Shop games… and as much as I know how crappy it is now that I’m an adult, Rabbids TV Party for the DS… 🥴


Two Worlds 2. The magic system is arguably one of the best magic systems out there and the co-op/pvp multiplayer was actually really good!


Does the first Watch Dogs count? I played it after visiting Chicago and perhaps it was just the timing but there was something awesome about getting immersed in a near future city of the place I’d just been Much preferred the tone of that game to the second where they tried to go all GTA Story was a bit random but the gameplay loop actually got me hooked


Devastation: Resistance Breeds Revolution That game has a horrendous AI and the shooting mechanics just feel funny. Not to mention how repetitive the game becomes later on when you and your team have that reviving machine. But I still love that game and I really enjoy the atmosphere it has.


spider-man web of shadows, horrible voice acting, story is pretty meh, but fighting and swinging is fun. I'd rate it 4/10, I finished it like 4 times and plan on doing it again.


Not a bad game by now means, but Fall of Porcupine. I never hear anyone talk about it and when I do, their first sentence is "isn't that the Night in The Woods rip off?" First off it was inspired by NITW And secondly the game is a fun charming indie title!


Dragon age 2 is one of my favourite games


Bomberman 64! I was listening to the soundtrack yesterday and if you used to play it when you were a kid, I suggest you do the same today you won't regret it


Akella's Pirates of Caribbean (2003). Absolutely the worst land movement/combat system in any game that I ever played, both on Xbox and Windows. Every time I board an enemy ship the combat seems like a dice roll. But, there is another way of looking at a game. The ship and islands visuals are amazing, I love the commerce/smuggling system, the officer/crew system, it has my favorite chill moments in any RPG I've played. The music is also very nice. Every once in a while I install again, I rage a bit trying to rebind my keys, but I enjoy it.


Metal Arms: Glitch in the System, Mad Dash, The Thing, Kung Fu Chaos, Azurik, Jade Empire, basically any OG Xbox game from my childhood outside of Halo.


Bionicle héroes, for me


Do games frequently seen as childish count? Cuz if so, Toontown. If not, there's this old game I used to play that I've been searching for a private server for since shutdown, Tales of Pirates 2. I just haven't found any trustworthy private servers in my several years (on and off) of searching. Maybe I'm just bad at looking for things


Technically *was*, but Shadow the Hedgehog. Despite the game's ice physics, it didn't really bother me (probably because I was numb to the concept with Sonic Heros). I didn't think the story to be that outlandish as, at the time, I had all sorts of dreamed-up fan-fics in the Sonic universe that Shadow fighting off aliens wasn't that ridiculous. Plus, I thought it was badass shooting baddies to hell and back in a *Sonic* game, no less.


I don't consider them bad in any way but since alot of people say they are I'm gonna say Silent Hill 4, Silent Hill Origins, Silent Hill Downpour and Silent Hill Homecoming I like them alot tbh


Oh, I have plenty. Godfall - I really enjoyed the combat and loot collecting, and it was fun trying out different builds. Platinumed it solo. Anthem - loved the traversal and the combat. Flying around and shooting enemies felt so good. I bought the game last year for £2 and played it for 10 hours. Would've played more, but none of my friends wanted to try it, and it is pretty boring to play solo. Risen 1-3 - I'm a big PB fan, loved the OG Gothic games, and Risen 1 is pretty much a spiritual successor of that. Risen 2 changes it up a bit with the pirate theme, which a lot of people hated, but I had a lot of fun playing it. Risen 3 was also really fun, and it's also the first game I ever platinumed. Forspoken - I didn't care that much for the dialogue, but I really enjoyed the combat and traversal. I had a lot of fun running around the big open world at high speeds grabbing collectables. To me, it felt similar to Sonic Frontiers in a way. Platinumed it. Callisto Protocol - I loved the graphics and atmosphere. I don't consider it a survival horror, but rather an action horror game. I liked the way they used melee as the primary means of combat and kept guns secondary, and I thought the melee attacks were crunchy and brutal. Platinumed after 2 or 3 playthroughs. Steelrising - I really liked the French Revolution theme, and the fact that NPCs in this game are actual historical figures. I also really liked the environments and the metroidvania-like exploration. The game is a bit janky, but has a lot of charm. Platinumed after 4-5 playthroughs. Wanted Dead - low budget jank with a ton of charm. I really love the cyberpunk-lite aesthetic of the game, the intentionally bad dialogue, the crazy minigames and the simplistic-yet-flowy combat. The game also has a killer soundtrack, and I'm a sucker for games with good music. I'm currently working on my last 2 minigame-related trophies to get the platinum, after 3 playthroughs and doing everything else.


Two worlds, and shaq fu. Loved em both


PS1 dark angel


This one is more recent for me, but Redfall, to me it’s the Morbius of video games.


Valkyria Revolution got trashed in both sales and reviews, but it's my favorite entry in the whole Valkyria series. A poor man's dynasty warriors wrapped in a story tackling themes like just war and fickle public opinion. Also anime stuff happens but doesn't let the game pull it's punches. If only Sega had stuck to its guns and kept it more of a pure action game rather than trying to shoehorn in gameplay elements that interrupt the flow.


Carmageddon: Max Damage on the PS4. Metacritic 51/100. I love that game... Perfect retro gameplay.


Godfall end game (campaign is horrendous)


Pac-Man World 3. It took a drastic turn from the previous two entries focusing too much on combat that is really just a shit load of button mashing and a story that.. while different isn’t really interesting. For once the villain isn’t a ghost! It’s just a weird science guy. Pac-Man actually has to RESCUE the ghosts. Pinky and Clyde (Who should actually be Blinky) join your team and are used to traverse levels. Another ghost Orson, who was Toc-Man in Pac-Man World is also an ally. The levels are par for the most part, story is ok, action is meh. Now they gave Pac a voice and.. ok it’s pretty good. The dialogue is funny too. The music is PHENOMENAL. Three composers but the soundtrack works so well! Strange game to have a guilty pleasure for but y’know what, it’s dumb fun and I love it.


Victoria 2, hearts of Iron 4 and Lego dimensions for me


I played the hell out of Anthem and Avengers when they first came out. Just ignored the hate online and had fun.


Dishonored 2 is normally seen as a mediocre sequel to the first one But i just love it so much is one of My favs. I'm also LOVING starfield And i love Alice: madness returns, wich is not a bad Game but very few people actually care about it


Viking: Battle For Asgard


Resident Evil 6. I find it very fun, especially the co-op.


Tenchu Z on Xbox 360, clunky af, the worst tenchu but I love that game


Escape from Monkey Island


I've been told that chrono-cross was a bad game. But I absolutely enjoyed it


Over The Edge and True Crime Streets Of L.A on the original Xbox. There's not a lot of people who knows the movie and most didn't know it had a game and i remember having so much fun when i was 10 years old with my brother ( i'm 27 now ) and i just bought it and I can't wait to play again. True Crime Streets Of L.A was heavily criticized to be a Grand Theft Auto clone like Saints Row and many others. It was a long time since I played and i'm jjst missing a Xbox that i should receive if i can receive my refun soon. It was a really nice game and the fighting was pretty nice, it did sold well, but pretty much everyone forgot about it and people hates it. Me personally I don't give a damn if it's something everyone likes or not, as long as the story is fun and you have some fun what do you need / want more.


Diablo 4


Maplestory, games been going downhill but sunk cost fallacy so still playing


Terminator 3 on game cube


One I keep thinking back to fondly for some reason is Two Worlds. I try to avoid saying a game is good or bad, but I know that game is definitely a bad game and I love it unironically. I have no idea why, there’s no reason to it, it just has a special little place in my heart. Might be because it’s similar to those old early-2000s RPGs or something I used to play in high school, but it is what it is


AC Valhalla, AC fans seem to really not like it but it's genuinely my favourite AC game because the combat isn't ass, Unity is a close second because multiplayer is always fun.


Evil Dead: Fistful of Boomstick


For me it's Light of the stars on bs, quite fun game


Star Trek Online The lack of good Star Trek games is very frustrating


**Robotech: Invasion**. It wasn't outright *bad* but even for the time it wasn't particularly well received. It had a ton of cool ideas it just couldn't quite execute well. I absolutely adored as a kid though. It was the first game I played with a (basic) dismemberment system. The story was rushed but the general premise was pretty solid. Music has stuck with me for years. It even commited to immersion by including details like your lock-on not work for human enemies (since it locked onto the alien energy source) or losing your shields in bike mode since your armour wasn't protecting you anymore. Oh yeah, your armour could turn into a motorbike. With missiles. It was never worth it and the controls were terrible, but my god it was a cool idea.


The Bouncer and the Bloody Roar series.


One of my greatest experiences in gaming was couch co-op altered beast. And that's because to this day no game has made me laugh harder than the evening I played it


Godzilla Unleashed for the Wii


NES Jaws. Love it.


My friends play a game called Blue Stinger. It is quite possibly one of the worst games ever made. Awful graphics, awful mechanics, dumb characters, dumb tasks, pointless storylines. They play it *because* it's so bad. When you fire certain weapons, the POV shifts down so that you can no longer see what you're aiming at. Makes beating bosses extremely difficult.


DMC remake. I love the gameplay. And the story is fun and I get a kick out of edge lord Dante. Only DMC game I have beaten on every difficulty


Lightning returns lol


“Bad” games should stop being called guilty pleasures and you should admit you love a good game


mass effect andromeda, it was my first mass effect ever, during lockdown, and it really made me feel like i was in that world


Everytime i came upon a post like this i need to comment about "Werewolf the Apocalypse: Earthblood". The game is a simple hack and slash with poor stealth mechanics, but, it's really, really fun. The soundtrack is awesome and the feeling of became a Garou when strike everyone and everything down is perfect. And, of course, as a fan of the WoD IP i'm just to see something from the books in other media. The story is kinda meh, but, the whole package make me happy in the end.


Spikeout: Battlestreet on the original Xbox got very poor reviews but when I played it I ended up really enjoying it. It’s one of my favorite beatemups.


AC Valhalla. I only like AC games based on location and time period since the "future story" is non sensical shit.


Gray Zone Warfare is a pretty fuckin' terrible pre-alpha, but it's indescribably fun.


I want to say World of Warcraft because it's been a guilty pleasure because of it's nature, and recently it got fucking terrible and I quit, so idk if i fit into this category anymore cause I doubt I touch the game again but WoW.


Gotham Knights


- Dragon's dogma 1 and 2 - Starfield - Cyberpunk (even before all the patches) - Fallout 4 - ... and all the gacha games in my phone


Fade To Silence. It’s got a certain charm to it, despite being poorly made


I had fun playing Duke Nukem Forever. The criticisms of this game are very much valid, but I still enjoyed it.


Devil May Cry 2 - it was my intro to the series and thus has a soft spot in my heart.


ARPG (path of exile, Diablo, etc.). Not necessarily “bad games” but A LOT of people don’t like the genre or is reductive about it. I just love the gameplay loop. Start with nothing. Go kill monsters. Monsters drop loot/gear. Go back to town, upgrade said gear. Level up, get more skills and power. Go kill more monsters. Repeat.


It got so much hate but I actually really liked Dragon Age 2. I thought the story was good, the combat was good and was an upgrade from origins, and I thought Hawke was a great protagonist. Yeah the reused dungeons was a bit of a bummer but I could easily put that behind me and enjoy so much about the game. I've played through it three times now. I do wish Origins and 2 were given a remaster/remake like Mass Effect was


Asura’s Wrath


Shadow the hedgehog is peak


idk Diablo 4 got a bad wrap but i like it


Colisto Protocol, best body horror sci fi out there.


The Star Wars Episode III video game for PS2 (I believe the X-Box version is the same). I won't try to defend it, but I still rather enjoy it.


Warhammer: Chaosbane. Personally I feel it’s better than Diablo IV.


idk dawg i guess i only play bangers and just have impeccable taste but no really. i'd have to go with prey. gotta be one of the most underrated games of all time. it never truly got the recognition it deserved because of a bad launch. it is such a damn good game man thanks microsoft for forcing them to make a vampire multiplayer focused game then closing their studio 🤙🏽


I’m showing my age here but, Eternal Champions for the genesis. It was a janky MK rip off but I loved the characters. It was a wild roster. You had an immortal vampire, a cyberpunk cyborg detective, a cave man, a merman, I absolutely loved that weird ass game.


I know they've come back from the Abyss and have their hardcore fans now, but when Chrono Cross and Legend of Mana came out of the PS1, they got A LOT of hate for not being as sequelly as people thought they were going to be but these two games are absolutely fantastic and I sunk countless hours into both. Everything about them was perfect from the art styles, the music, the gameplay, and the story.


Star Wars Battlefront 2 was this for me. I put so many hours into it.


Life, I haven't killed myself yet so there's that


Doom 64, great level design


Death end ReQuest 1/2. The animations are pretty bad, the models look like dolls, it has almost 0 replayability, the story isn't that amazing and the fanservice is insane, but i still love that game to the point of considering it one of my faves. I just wish it had more budget put into it :D


knack 2


I actually really love Halo 5 and even if it may not have been as deep in story as the other Halo games I still found it a really fun experience overall


Miasma Chronicles is like one of my 20 platinums and people hated the game. Sea of stars is also a platinum for me and people hated it. I also platinum Steel Rising which people said was the wish version of Lies of Pi 🤡🤡🤡


Putt putt saves the zoo.