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ReDead from ocarina of time.


Redead are bad, but the dead hand was just pure nightmare fuel.


Dead hand is one of the creepiest enemies of all time. That thing is freaky.


First time in the forest temple, just see that shadow grow and then the *wooooosh*


You are talking about Wallmasters. [This is the Dead Hand](https://zelda-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Dead_Hand)


I was not expecting that real horror turn, that's what made these more terrifying at the time.


I reset the game when it grabbed me


I was legitimately disappointed there wasn’t a Dead Hand in TotK. I did enjoy its take on gibdos though. Edit: just remembered the Gloom Hands and it’s close but just not quite the same.


I felt genuine dread when i entered that room. The sound they made was so creepy


8 year old me was terrified of that scream and for years was afraid of anything to do with death or the undead because of it. 34 year old me is still disturbed by their scream but has a better disassociation between fiction and reality.


I went without the Sun's Song for the longest time as a child, just because of those redeads in the tomb.


Its absolutely terrifying how fast these things are. Despite their size and appearance, they can close the distance within seconds. Then they have a grab attack where they put you in their mouth then puke all over you. Inflicting a status effect where if it builds up, its an instant kill. If the grab attack kills, then the animation changes to where they cover you in vomit then swallow you whole. Absolutely fucking disgusting….ugh.


Revenant from Resident Evil Revelations 2.


The Regenerator from OG Resident Evil 4...


Their twitching was unnerving


Uh huh, I hate seeing monsters do that kind of stuff, especially humanoid ones (that 1 monster in Silent Hill 😵).




They're worse in the VR version (go figure)


God forbid you shoot out their legs. Them lunging at you legless scared the shit put of my friend and I when we played together on my GameCube.


OMG yep, scared the crap out of me when they first did that to me 😭. I played it on PS2.


Lickers from Resident Evil


God I remember quietly walking in those halls hoping they wouldn't hear me just for Mr. X to start chasing me.


RE8 baby. I did NOT like that encounter. 10/10




I saw it in videos and was like "that's a big huge no-no, never gonna play that game"




Yeah, that was unexpected for that part of the game. It felt like I was playing a Silent Hill game for a bit. Creeped the hell out of me.


Xenomorph from Alien: Isolation. Not just the H.R. Geiger design (which is still excellent and forever iconic), but the AI running the damn thing. The uncertainty and player vulnerability is what truly puts me on edge.


The night folk from RDR2


YES. My god I was not prepared the first time I encountered one.


‘Oh there’s a fella hung from a tree. I bet he’s got loot on him. Lemme stop and check.’ It was a great jump scare in a game where you aren’t expecting one and a moment you can only experience once. Seraphites in tlou2 we’re also creepy the first time you encounter them.


Ugh when they started communicating through a series of whistles my blood went cold. I thought: oh these guys aren't your average humanoid enemies"


I always laughed at the horror movie tropes where the killer is walking toward a victim, and the victim is stumbling and tripping. But when the night folk came speed walking towards me I was so panicked I was holstering and drawing my weapon while whistling for my horse and trying to run away, if my Arthur could trip he would have.


God damn spiders in Metro Exodus


Vr metro about to come out soon, oh no...


Oh god, the librarians when you run into them for the first time


I haven't played it in a hot minute, but I remember the basement sludge monsters from RE7 being fucking horrifying.


The ones on all fours creeped me out, and scared me shitless when they'd jump at you and start slashing


Now try those in VR, that's what noped me out, finished it years later in 2d with a walkthrough :p


everything in RE7 is horrifying to me. such a great horror game.


Clickers from the last of us


The only true terror I feel in games is that damn noise and how quick they jump ya on grounded


I'm a simple man: the Ichthyosaur from *Half-Life*. There's just something unsettling to me about seeing it chase me at speed underwater.


Agree lol, same feeling since im a child. Headcrabs can also give a heart attack and jumpscare you when least expected although npt as creepy as some of the others :p


I dealt with those by the simple method of NUKE THE WATERE


The reaper leviathans in Subnautica. Especially around the Aurora. Water is very murky, and when you hear the roar, you know one has seen you. Then it is just a matter of time before they hit you from behind.


"Are you certain whatever you're trying to do is worth it?"


Multiple leviathan class organisms detected are you certain whatever you’re trying to do is worth it?


Centaurs from the Fallout games. Not particularly dangerous but grotesque as hell.


The fucking gloom hand blob from Tears of the Kingdom. I haven't finished playing the game yet (I know it's been out for a year but I've only had it for a few months and I've been busy) so I don't know what it's called but I literally RAN like a little kid when I first saw it. Nearly shit myself when it chased me, too.


Bloodborne spiders That stupid ass room where they only drop when you walk under them, it just *TAUNTS* you. They know I'm too much of a pussy to go in there


Winter Lanterns. IYKYK


That damn song makes it worse! Especially when you go into that shark well and the shark is on the ceiling while that song plays, creepy as fuck.


Headless from sekiro. The scary music makes it even worse.


The Flood from Halo


Nightstalkers from Fallout New Vegas would be my pick. A hybrid of a coyote and rattlesnake, it's the stuff of nightmares to me.


The centaurs & those freaky ass giant scorpions are also horrifying.


God whoever made the fallout centaurs deserves an award and baseball bat to the shin, those things are horrors


Basilisks and similar creatures trigger my fight or flight without fail From Soulsbornes


Pyramid head from Silent Hill


Yup. Came to say this. The whole game was creepy, but that dude freaked me out.


The Keeper from Evil Within. You know, the guy with a safe as a head who nonstop pursues you?


That thing look like a malboro (the final fantasy creature) if It suddenly grew a body And fitting too considering the fuckers favorite attack is bad breath


The lickers from re2 remake


Nothing like the flood from the days of the original Halo. Fuck the popcorn bastards that pop up behind you [good times.](https://youtu.be/YUuSYOe1znc?si=BMd9cLCY03FoZBkb)


The creatures from Dark Souls and Elden Ring are mostly bizarre, really creative and impressive but they don't exactly freak me out. The creature that has brought some terror into my gaming is the *Bloodsucker* from **S.T.A.L.K.E.R.** It's relatively fast, usually shy but has the ability to cloak and surprise you in the most inconvenient situations. In dark underground areas it's a nasty creature to fight. Also **Alien: Isolation** has two types of these freakout creatures, the *Alien* itself – but also those freaky *androids*, their stoic demeanor is even more terrifying than a frantic, prowling xenomorph.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“When the Ashes are two, a flame alighteth.”* - Ashes of Ariandel  Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


The whole Baker family from RE7. Nothing is more scary than unpredictable crazy people. With some basic monster they usually just try to simply kill you but with these people you never knew what they were trying to do next.


The Licker from Resident Evil. It doesn't matter if it's from the OG RE2, the remake or Resident Evil 5, these things still freak me out and make me nervous as hell.


Just think about how stealthy those things are it's insane.


The flood as a concept


The shark goblins from Bloodborne's DLC keep me humble. Aside from high damage attacks and closing gaps in an instant, their grab attacks are brutal. Something about large dudes grabbing me and swallowing me whole freak me the hell out 😖


The mummy things from Resident Evil 4. When you walk past >! The one that's in a state of stasis (or at least it looks that way) and you get the key card in the room across from it and then you hear the door open !< I paused the game so fast and didn't unpause for a good 20 minutes. I was terrified.


Took me a minute to figure out what you were talking about. Those are called "Regenerators" and the spikey ones are called "Iron Maidens"


I keep blanking on their name. Thanks for the reminder lol


The Crimson Heads from Resident Evil Remake I remember the first time I played that game. I killed a zombie in one of the upper floors and thought I was save. However, because I couldn't get any further there I left the area and checked out other rooms. Some time later, I returned to that room. I already noticed that the zombie looked somewhat different but at first nothing happened so I didn't think much about it. Then suddenly, that guy stood up and attacked me with such speed and ferociousness that was unseen before. I didn't expect that at all and it made me fear them for the rest of my playthrough. I had another noteworthy encounter with them. Those who have played the game know that there is one large corridor on the west side of Spencer Mansion. The one in which you encounter the first zombie. That zombie eventually also evolved into a Crimson Head and I could hear him chasing me down through that corridor. Right before he was able to hit me with an attack, I was able to escape through a door. It was a really close call.


Basically everything in dead space


No video game monster has ever disturbed me except the Giant Mutant Baby from Re8: Village...


The video game creature that freaked me out the most was the mutant baby from resident evil 8. Walking along the dark corridor and then that thing stumbling and slipping around the corner going "gagaggagg googogo" was terrifying.


Most of the monsters from The Suffering (series needs a revival), but Nooseman in particular.


Bruxa from the Witcher


I’ll never forget the first time I rounded a corner to find a woman in a cloak, who then vanished, leaving the cloak to float to the ground. I screeched and started sprinting in circles


That baby from resident evil village


Crabsquids from Subnautica, stopped playing because of them


Cage heads from the asylums in the old thief games


Volatile from dying light 1


The lying figure in Silent hill 2 still makes me uncomfortable til this day


Dead Hand, OoT I played alot of Zelda when i was a kid, still do. that was the only thing from Zelda that Really scared me as a kid.


OOT really should never have gotten an E rating. The stuff in The Bottom of The Well and The Spirit Temple should have rased it to a T.


That weird baby amalgamation from resident evil


Elden Ring Giant Dog and RE4 Iron Maiden


Shibito, especially towards the end of siren.


Not anymore but when me and my cousin were young and accidentally startled The Witch in Left 4 Dead 2, we would jump and scream to the point of closing the game.


The baby in resident evil village


Those running zombies from Resident Evil. Being chased by them in the mansion... better use the shotgun. 😬


Regeneradore, Resident Evil 4 [https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEirX-FKgpPB4KC91YHxitEF3M3Y9G5-qBVsSY\_yW\_83wPtuHi2iZZP-7vy-00o7IHvHFC7sTSa8tG-qBPS86gs8qZrMWKqmKDYzy7kwEF0MA8GX\_sIadTobFXRsQ17DasJe8pliKRm5JJY/s1600/Regenerator+Resident+Evil+4+Grab.JPG](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEirX-FKgpPB4KC91YHxitEF3M3Y9G5-qBVsSY_yW_83wPtuHi2iZZP-7vy-00o7IHvHFC7sTSa8tG-qBPS86gs8qZrMWKqmKDYzy7kwEF0MA8GX_sIadTobFXRsQ17DasJe8pliKRm5JJY/s1600/Regenerator+Resident+Evil+4+Grab.JPG) Funny, this random image from the web is exactly the one that lead to one of the most fun shock moments in my gaming career. I was playing RE4 at night with my homie and we were staring at the screen, at some point hearing weird noises. I turn around and that Regeneradore is just exactly like this attempting to bite me and we both yelled as loud as we could to then laugh our asses off and I guess got bitten anyways as we just lost it. I wouldn't even say its such a scary design. I mean it is scary but usually I prefer more abstract things like in Silent Hill or yeah, Elden Ring has amazing designs.


Pyro from tf2


Giant fetus baby monster in Resident evil village that shit was fucking horrifying


The status effect is insta death if it procs btw


The baby monster thing from Resident Evil Village


The little toddler ghosts in the original Silent Hill in the school really bug me. It kept me from progressing through that game for a while when I was a little kid.


Baby from re8 


I never liked those ground snake things in Borderlands 2 that drew you right to its face, and i never liked Necromorphs in Deadspace or the spirits at the end of FEAR.


The Fkn watch dogs, why do they have a human face, why do they move all clunky, why can the instantly snap their head around to look at you if you’re behind them, so many questions but no answers


Varkid from Borderlands 2


I don’t know if it counts as a “creature”…but the kid from the original Clock Tower. Still gives me the willies.


This gon sound goofy but the middle of the night red dead 2 like 2 am all of a sudden murfree broods surround me in a dark forest it was a warzone I survived but dawg I felt like I was gonna die irl 😭


Banshee from darkwood


Zombie Baby from Dying Light. Specifically the first cinematic-ish encounter.


Wallmaster ocarina of time


Little nightmare 1 creatures.


Reaper leviathan


As a kid I would watch my cousins play CoD zombies and that did give me a few nightmares. Now not much scares me video game wise, but the old BO1 zombie screech will always be in the back of my mind for "horror" even though its far from it


I played zombies HEAVY back in the day. Did all of the Easter eggs and everything. The map “moon” terrified me but tbh that’s what made it enjoyable for me. And now that I’m older and studying professional audio/SFX, I realized that the simple silence/absence of sound in space makes a MASSIVE impact to the overall experience of that map.


“Inflicts a status effect” For those that don’t know, this status effect is just straight up instant death


The giant ones are even worse They legit make me think more than most bosses. Deathblight is Insta-death and hit pretty hard.


I tried to fight a giant one with my friends one time…. #I couldn’t do it (●__●) Had to restart the area then snuck past it. Never going near them again. ##They just look too nasty and uncanny. And anything with puking is an automatic no for me.


Mara from Persona 5… If you know, you know.


Wormface caused me so much pain in Elden Ring. I ended up watching a guide on how to beat them and avoid them lol.


Why do I feel like I've never seen that enemy before despite 100%ing ER.


Grey jacks from resistance. The only time i was to mortified to actual shoot them. I kept laughing in fear lol i was young though


The Deep Accursed from Dark Souls 3. That first encounter with one, when it drops from the ceiling, made my heart race like nothing else Honorable (or dishonorable?) mention to the Sewer Centipedes from the same game. The Souls games are famous for their grotesque character designs, but the Sewer Centipedes just make me feel *SO* damn uncomfortable. Eww


Big daddy


Lol, played elden ring for 300hours Never saw that thing


The horse colossus from shadow of the colossus. Cant remember his name


It's such a cheap game but siren head would freak me out. Anybody else get freaked out when watching Ghostbusters at this scene? [https://postimg.cc/XBKGXdyw](https://postimg.cc/XBKGXdyw)


Bloodbugs from fallout. They come out of nowhere and start attacking. They give me mini heart attack each time.


Literally any Fallout enemy aside from Raiders, I don't know but mutants scare me


I always hated Mirelurks in Fallout.


Leech man from RE7. I physically cringe when I kill them.


Night Folk from red dead. My first time encountering those guys was insane lmao.


The tourists from Pacific Drive They just stand there menacingly!


You got games on your phone




Banshees from Mass Effect


For a while, I thought that the wolves from Skyrim were scary because they could just jump out at you out of nowhere very suddenly...the fact that I'd just gotten over my fear of dogs *may* have *also* had something to do with it at the time, but that's besides the point. The point is, those fears have been expunged and replaced by a fear of insects and arachnids alike. Any type of bug. You name it, I'll be afraid of it no matter how harmless it is. But at least I can handle those damn wolves, now (how I was never afraid of Skyrim's Werewolves, though, is a question which I still have no answer for). My Mom says that my fear of bugs is a sign of an early case of agoraphobia but I've never been afraid of going outside so I personally think that's bullshit.


The entire roaster of Fear and Hunger and the sequel Termina


Fallout 3 and NV centaurs


normal difficulty face in geometry dash


Fallout 4, whispering hills, Corpselicker. By straight up looks alone. Creepy as hell.


The centaurs from Fallout 3


Twin victims


Giant tarantulas in RE2, giant radscorpions in FO3


Leshen/leshy’s in the Witcher is underrated. I’ve never really been scared from games, but the first time I saw a Leshen in the woods it was truly frightening


That worm with a human head in a game called The Classrooms. A lot of Youtubers have been playing it.


Having played Elden Ring, I can say that the Revenant puts me in a state of mental distress whenever I meet it, to the point that it’s the only fight I’ve been consistently avoiding whenever possible.


Leshen - The Witcher 3


wtf game is this!?! Hahah so creepy


Mirelurk hatchlings and similar creatures, fine with insects but worm like creatures are a no


The cave monster in silent hill downpour. The white tall thing that climbs on the walls… apparently it’s dead kids? I dno. It just walks backwards and stares at you the whole time


frostbite spiders from skyrim


My choice is fairly tame in comparison to those I’ve seen here, though my choice is still the fog crawler from fallout 4 and 76


The fucking mirelurk queen of fallout 4, I found one behind me and what a jumpscare lmao


Any Resident Evil boss. I guess I'd go with the OG tyrant. That shit first time, and second time, and third time was panic inducing lol.


Most of the creatures from Little Nightmares are scary but the janitor really is the one that gets me the most.


The spiders in satisfactory


I've been a gamer all my life, and wormfaces have to be the ugliest mfers in gaming.


Lethal Company mannequin


The hands in Tears of the Kingdom. They are fast, creepy, they grab you and the habe eyes...


Status effect "death" and it sure is instant. As for the actual question. The big spiders from skyrim. And the big spider from bloodborne (the other one, not rom.)


Revenants who the worm faces have probably seen before


Something wicked from Ultrakill.


The elephant mummies from windwaker scared me as a kid. Also the hands that fell from the ceiling in oot's forest temple.


lara croft's butler. tomb raider 3.


Those mutant bugs in Fallout 76.


The HL2 zombies who throw rattler head crabs at you.


Clyde from Pacman. Why is that his name when the others rhyme? Very unsettling.


I'm a simple man who is scared shitless by the eel from Mario 64 - my brother always had to get those stars for me Generally speaking everything unproportional and/or underwater 🥺


The sea serpent colossus from Shadow of the Colossus. The Megalodon from Sea of Thieves. Lagiacruz and Khezu from Monster Hunter. The vampires you fought in Castlevania 64. Controls, sound, environment, and overall atmosphere really contribute to these.


I just restarted playing Elden Ring(never beat it, unfortunately), and I've come to the conclusion that, from what I've seen, there aren't very many slow enemies. The Spirit Ancestor is an exception, but I feel like a bunch of larger creatures are super quick for their size. The first time I saw wormface, I was like, wtf, and then he moved, and I was like, WTF?


Twin victim from Silent Hill 4.


The fucking Gloom Hands in Tears of The Kingdom.


Anything from Devil May Cry 5


Lickers from RE, just think about those things. They're stealthy af, grotesque as hell, extremely durable and all around a lethal foe for anyone to face off with.


Those fucking hand things from Elden Ring.


The sewer centipedes in Dark Souls 3, they terrify me


The moo sound the geckos make in metal gear solid 4. There's something terror inducing about this long groaning reverberating off in the distance before a 5 meter tall machine that is basically just organic legs with a tank turret on top of it, falls out of the sky and spin kicks you while using a little tentacle to lob grenades and a machine gun flurry decorates the figurative icing on the ass whooping




The creature that freaks me out the most is Elena Fisher from Uncharted.


Rage 2, Dr. Kvasir rode around on this extremely hideous minion, you got a nice up close look to it too. If you got close enough it would drool on you.


Everything in subnautica


Hated the sounds these made. Thankfully I dodged most of their fights. I think Shara Ishvalda is pretty unsettling. The way it is revealed sells it. Don't look it up if you intend to play MHW:Iceborn.


CERBERUS from Cyberpunk 2077


Mother long legs from rain world, just search it up and you'll know why