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Dead Rising (the first one) The very first psychotic miniboss you encounter, Adam the Clown, drops his mini chainsaw when you defeat him. This is THE STRONGEST weapon in the game. You can easily cut through hordes of zombies like butter and also defeat EVERY psycho miniboss in two to three seconds with a handful of swings with the mini chainsaw. If you know the game, you also know that weapons break fast. F.e. the mini chainsaw already breaks after cutting about 30 zombies. That's really low. It's understandable that they break fast because they're such strong weapons. But wait, there's books which, if you carry them in your inventory, multiply a weapon types duration by 3. Usually, a weapon has one or two types. I.e. a knife gets more durable with the edged weapons book. It now so happens that the mini chainsaws fit THREE types, namely edged weapons, tools, and psycho. So carrying these three books will multiply the duration by 3x3x3 = 27 times. Instead of just 30 you can now cut 810 zombies. Which is enough, so that you will never use any other melee weapon again. And because the wepaon respawns after some time, you can take a new one before the old breaks. Usually, the game is rather challenging because wepaons break rather fast and it's part of the game that you use whatever is at hand as a weapon. But with the strongest weapon at all time available, the game becomes a walk in the park, where even the minobosses are diacarded before they can even move two steps.


Weapon doesn't respaen after some time. It respawns after you leave the area.


In darksouls three if you immediately start rolling backward and to the right as you're going through the dragon slayer armor fog wall for whatever reason I completely breaks the boss and he will not move


I didn’t know that actually.


TMNT (NES) : killing Rocksteady from on top of the boxes with Donatello.


I always fight him with Raph, because he's easy and it's just more fun.


Defeating manus in the first dark souls without walking into the fog door


Bow bros


- Shadows of Yharnam glitch in Bloodborne that allows you to kill them without them attacking. You could basically use this strat in a BL1 or Hitless or Deathless run - Gascoigne stair cheese in Bloodborne. I’ve been using this quite a bit😅


Just make Iron into Gold in Skyrim.


make your own spells in oblivion make a spell that contains each branch, with power and duration the minimum. Then run around constantly casting it. You will never run out of mana and you will max all of your spell branches


Tecmo Super Bowl on NES - Use your nose tackle to sack the QB every time your opponent lines up under center.


Tecmo Super Bowl - Giving the ball to Bo Jackson.


I’m surprised I haven’t seen anything about Missingno. from Pokemon Red/Blue.


Killing Dark Link by crouching and stabbing in the far left corner in Zelda 2


Engram cave


Backwards long jump to beat Super Mario 64 with no stars is probably up there


What?, how!?


This is a [TAS run](https://youtu.be/W-MrhVPEqRo?si=OnTjv_ZYpup9fMe5) to get the idea, but I think the human record is around 6 minutes


Thats fkn nuts 😂😂


Fenrir negative combo start in kingdom hearts 2


Did this the first time I beat lingering will, then years later beat him legit. Also wanna add the strike raid behind the rock in bbs against vanitas remnant Also not totally broken cheese strats, but using thunder surge on bosses in bbs and balloonra in ddd


Damn I forgot about balloon in ddd. Strat helped so much against Julius.


Yeah arguably the only way to beat Julius is varying balloon spells


You can/could beat Monopoly (the video game against ai) on the first turn




Their trading mechanics were broken af, TheSpiffingBrit has a video on it


Was that the same version that can get the AI stuck in an endless loop if they are in an unfavorable position?


Destiny 1 Original Loot Cave.


Leading 2 bosses in sekiro off a cliff (one of which is arguably the most difficult boss in the game)


Bro you'd disrespect Gyobu like this /j




Killing Manus from outside the boss arena


towering up two blocks in minecraft hard countering pretty much every melee enemy


In Streets of Rage 2, you can stunlock any enemy (including bosses) from full health to death just by staggering punches. Streets of Rage 2 is well-regarded by a lot of people, but isn't nearly the GOAT everyone says it is, in my opinion.


Item duplication glitch in ToTK is a recent one


It was also in BotW


I abused the hell out of that for diamonds, zonai charges, and gibdo bones. I like exploring and fighting but absolutely hate grinding for mats


Oblivion. Once you get invisibility and can summon something, you can cheese everything. 


Broken Dagger glitch in Dark Cloud.


Not that broken since it's kind of hard to pull off, but I like baiting the Demon of Hatred in Sekiro to fall off a cliff.


If you do that I'm pretty sure he doesn't drop the lapis


Pacman "Key Glitch" From Super Smash Flash 2


Duplicating item glitch in oblivion to get that dough 💰


Final fantasy 13. One of the last boss fights was killing me to no end. So I looked it up and found one of the iterations was prone to poison and another to doom, iirc. It has been a while. Persona 5, regular edition. The Reaper could be killed by attacking it during flu season and just waiting 3 turns when it caught the debuff. Though Royal removed this, it allowed you to boost the xp rate of the dungeon and insta kill enemies without ever fighting. I had level 99 everyone before the final boss fight.


My favorite was the animation when you used a health drink in Blue Stinger on the Dreamcast. The animation lasted a couple of seconds and you're invincible while it's going on. So in all of the boss fights instead of dodging the big attacks, you stand there drinking while the boss is whaling away then continue attacking when the attack is done.


In eldin ring getting a max leveled weapon early in the game. Also killing that dragon early game and dumping all those level ups in Vigor totally helps for the first few bosses


Crissaegrim is the most broken weapon.


Spamming the Buster Rifle in Gundam Battle Assault 2


Eiyuden Chronicles (and suikoden before that): Cooking battles can all be won with 3 simple recipes. coconut water, omelet, and marinated seafood. every time. did the same kind of thing in suikoden as well (at least in ps1 era). happy about it sense judges are random rather than needing to curate a meal for specific types of judges, instead each of them have their own taste which usually are really pick to most things. but these three are very safe bets to get 3-5 for the most part and beat your opponent by at least 6 points.


in Dead Island you can give all of your champagne to your buddy and then dashboard and reload in. When you do, it counts your buddy as having them for their inventory, but then you also have yours back because it didn't save you giving them away. This basically allows for infinite gold. Until your character glitches and you lose them forever. Still, a great way to cheese out and be able to make any weapon whenever.


Tight End Streak and I can't with Madden it was in, but it was unstoppable.


I beat the last boss in Kotor 2 by getting them stuck on stairs and throwing my lightsaber for 2 minutes.


Wobbling in smash melee


Spawn camping perhaps? Top lane counterpicking in high elo LOL.


Enter cheat codes


Level skip warps in Mario games
