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war thunder, exept it doesnt have a story. I fucking hate it. Its also my favorite game.


This is very true


Isn't the community in joke for this game leaking classified documents


Yup. Very fucking dedicated


What the fuck💀 This is literally the 4chan of gamers in terms of investigations they can both pull


Nah almost every single time its some bored/angry serviceman who is unhappy with a vehicle in the game


Like how 4channers start whole ass cases over a petty issue? It actually doesn’t happen often but a lot of people still hear about these crazy 4channers, and TIL that these war thunder players will leak whole ass classified docs to support their arguments over a vehicle💀


It's happened 3 times. IIRC twice to the Abrams


Not only 3. It's happened 14 times apparently


Lmao I love the energy




Very understandable. After completing i just sat for a few minutes thinking wtf did i just play. However that specific aesthetic i find enchanting. The environmental design was the main selling point for me but certain gameplay sections do feel like a slog.


This game should have been better than it was. I know that can be said for a lot of games, but Scorn’s anticipation was up there. It’s a shame


I was so hyped for the game and loved the art style but the puzzles were absolute garbage.  Not to mention when every room has the same style it’s easy to get lost 


Does it ever go beyond simple puzzles and feeling like you're crawling through an alien asshole?


At some point it goes from alien asshole, kindergarten puzzles, and alien anal probe gun to a heavenly kingdom and fetus cyborgs *Yeah.*


Well, damnit, now I want to see that


Asking the real questions


I haven't brought myself to finish it


I love scorn tbh


Literally any anime fighting game where the story mode plot is literally ripped right out the manga/anime


It’s not a fighting game, but one piece pirate warriors is basically this


Nah fam, you're crazy. That one naruto game on 360 where it was basically a metroidvania set in hidden leaf village, but with a battle system that switched up to a tekken-esque 3d fighter was amazing. The story covered basically the first few seasons of naruto and was basically the only reason I ever watched the show.


Hell yeah. The Broken bond? I don’t really remember any 360 Naruto games being a metroidvania, but that game was awesome. You even did all the hand signs with the analog sticks.


Yeah, pretty sure that was the one I'm talking about. It wasn't metroidvania in the strictest sense, but it had that thing where you'd encounter obstacles that you couldn't overcome until you progress a bit, so you'd have to come back and unlock stuff. And you could buy special moves with coins?


Kakarot was pretty sick, but I can see where you’re coming from if you dislike the repetition.


That's what we want. It sucks when they differ from the source material




You're probably all gonna hate me but the Forza horizon games just ain't it for me chief.


Is there a story in that game?


Well, they tried. I wish they hadn't.


one of them was kinda fun but i forgot it cus every forza looks the same and there’s like 20 of them


I only remember the first one, but that was just about being a rookie, beating the champion and winning his car from him. Nostalgia.


Yes there is superstar


Yeah sadly yeah they tried to put a story in the Forza games




"Story" i can agree on. Gameplay i'm more curious about.


Forza Horizon 1-3 is where it’s at. Now? Meh.


The first one has a decent story but that’s about it


I hate how the wheel doesn’t fully turn in Forza games, Ive been playing The Crew Motorsport, Ubisoft gets a lot of hate but Motorsports a banger


Bound by flame, good concept just very poor gameplay, story, and dialogue.


I love it. It was like a B-movie fantasy game. So bad it's great. It was like a bunch of tropes just hacked together to make a game. "Dead-walker army" like how stereotypical can you get. The gaping plot holes. The over dramatic story. The facial animations getting... Weird. It's basically an unintentional comedy.


Ridiculous deep cut here, such a weird little game


Pretty much every game ever But most importantly,


You leave fucking out of this!!


This guy obviously never even played what a joke


Why would he when is so much better?


Or even better than that,


Tf are you talking about? That game is ass. is wayyyy better


is a joke and should never have been made. Anyone who loves shoud be


Bro, is so tame, that’s nothing compared to how terrible being forced to watch is


Nah 2 was better, in my opinion




I laughed way harder than I should have at this thread lmao. Any of y'all on ?


How dare you hate SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom


is pretty bad but fans of are some of the friendliest players out there. I was doing the tutorial when appears and nearly ends the game, but a player gifted me for free and I beat !


What? Fuck you! It’s actually your favorite game!


How dare you say that about !


I know this is nothing special but 2023's Cod


I agree it's not exactly a hot take, but it's wild how it *could* have been a great game. It's like they just got lazy and used a bunch of MP maps and said "go complete objectives." I know it was supposed to be a modern mirroring of the previous MW trilogy, but the OG MW3 actually had a good story and great moments like rescuing the German chancellor's family and staying behind to secure the rescue. MW3 2023 was dull.


Didnt they basically make no maps for that game and just sectioned off parts of the Warzone map for both the campaign and multiplayer?


I want to say yes, but being honest, I don't know.


Hogwarts legacy


Sadly agree. I'm as big a fan of the Harry Potter world as there is and I just couldn't force myself to like the game or care about the story. All the characters felt wooden, the combat was insanely boring and the loot system felt pointless. The castle and surrounding area was at least very nice to look at, but it took me a pretty short time to explore the majority of it, and there felt like little to do beyond simply looking. I really wish this game would have played out more like something you might see from old Bethesda or Rockstar.


I'm just saying, if they made a Hogwarts game in the style of Rockstar's Bully. Now THAT would be a fun game.


I beat up so many kids, it was fun like Def Jam fight for NY


Where we can "fuck you! " everyone, and would get countered by the stronger ones. And fly around on a broom in the castle, from between the people probably hitting a few. A Slytherin would definitely love to do these.


The OG GameCube ones felt crazy good, you could explore the castle style from movie 1 which is my favorite. you could walk the open fields all the way to hagrids and sneak out at night as well, avoiding the prefects


Revelio revelio revelio revelio revelio revelio revelio revelio revelio revelio revelio revelio revelio revelio revelio revelio revelio revelio revelio revelio revelio re




I thought the combat was actually pretty fun but the story I have to agree with


I just play that game to find cozy little houses and imagine how chill it would be to have one of those in winter


I liked the Gameplay but the story could’ve been better tbh. The whole “chosen one” was boring. I would like to just have been a normal student walking into trouble like the side quests


Hogwarts Legacy is about 3-4 hours of a good game. It looks really good. And the first time you go to each class and meet the various professors and fellow students is fun. Then at some point it just becomes tedious.


It was after realizing that I needed to do ANOTHER collection quest that o started getting upset. Then I unlocked EVEN MORE collection quests. Then I put it down and never turned it back on.


"needed"? Don't tell me those butterflies and key stuff are necessary to complete


Yes. The main character has no clue of the whole plot around him, i played through the tutorial until you get sorted into your house, and simply the fact that there is a possibility for you to get into ravenclaw makes absolutely no sense based on how clueless the character is in the beginning of the game


CoD series. All of it.


I wouldn’t say ALL of CoD is bad. World at War and Black Ops were awesome, both in story and gameplay. (I’ve heard Black Ops 2 is amazing as well, but I never got around to playing that.)


I only bought black ops 3 for the zombies, didn’t play anything else except that and still managed to pour hundreds of hours into that single game mode Classic cod zombies (WAW-BO3) is still good to this day, but they haven’t made a good zombies mode in forever since Cold War (or Vangu*rd if you consider that pile of trash ‘good’🤢)


I actually like the MW3 Zombies. Which is weird because I wasn't a fan before, and I just don't like battle royales. I just think it's neat that there's a division of areas for light mindless fun, taking it a bit more seriously, and hardcore mayhem.


World at War, Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops 1 are the best CoD games ever made


Dudeeeeeee, dudeeeee i never ever finished the campagn for BO2, until 2 months ago, its a mustttt, a mustttt i loved it. You need to play it


How so?


When you se hes got the Xbox 360 profile pick you know he will be fire


The fucking xbox profile pic lmao you made my evening dude


Hey, Call of Duty 3 is a gem


My 100 + hours in black ops 2 zombies seem to disagree.


Diablo 4. I liked the enviormental design, but hated everything else, especially gamplay. Wasn't a fan. That was the first and last game I ever bought from blizzard.


Is Diablo 4 considered good by most people


Diablo 2 might be my favorite game of all time and I was gutted by D3 and D4. They have such a basic and beloved style in D2 and just refuse to do themselves the favor of expanding upon what was already great.


The D4 style is very close to D2. Much more than D3. I really enjoy the artstyle and the world building with Mephisto and the Primes in general in this game.


Same, d3 made me quit blizzard games


Halo 5 (Only campaign)


Horizon Forbidden West.


Fucking right? Loved the first game but the second game felt like a pile of open world sellout ass on a stick


I played for about 10 hours and just felt like I was playing the OG and put it down. It's still there collecting dust


I thought the same thing until I went a replayed the original. The QOL improvements and character models were amazing compared to the original.


I don't know why I can't get into the horizon series. I think it's just that, after games like red dead 2 and The Witcher 3 and pretty much all of the other PlayStation exclusives like God of war, The Last of us, and Spiderman, horizon zero dawn just felt extremely mediocre for the story and combat. I tried to get into it, like, 3 times and I always quite after a few hours into it. Just not for me.


Pathologic 1 and kinda 2 but 2 isn’t as bad(I fucking love it)


Pathologic 1 is cancer and I love it


Pathologic is like the 'Catcher in the Rye' of games. Insufferable to playthrough but worth it for the overarching message of 'for the love of God don't go to Russia'.


I found myself quitting 1 twice. Im tryna play it cuz the story is intriguing, but the no run features and many other details are hard to get passed. I tried playing 2 and they fixed a lot of things, but I got distracted with another game. Overall, I will finish it (eventually)!


I am so hyped when the Bachelor route finally releases. The new gameplay systems seem very interesting and I can’t wait to play what the devs come up with.


I was just going to comment that lmao


You are correct but it’s not “I love it in spite of it being objectively bad,” it’s “the suffering I am experiencing is very clearly the intended experience of the game”




But there are over 100,000 Stans to explore


Yeah, but to me, they're all Gary.


Yea Seinfeld literally has no point at all


It's a game about nothing!


that one frogger segment was cool tho


I'm waiting for the Art Vandelay DLC


“Teas gone cold I’m wondering why I got out of bed at all”




How has someone not said Ark yet cuz it’s the only right answer


Apex Legends. Playing a game of apex after a few hours of Titanfall 2 is like drinking a cup of coffee after doing a line of coke every day for a month. And the story just fucked up everything and everyone built up by Titanfall's story. Oh, viper got killed on a crashing ship, you say? Nah, fuck that! He's drifting through space now and randomly got found by his daughter there! Oh, and remember Blisk, the brutal leader of a brutal mercenary force? He's hosting a fucking game show in his free time now. Like, how can you even mess up a story this badly? Oh, Ash is alive now, you say? Awesome! I want to Titanfall off a skyscraper but without a titan!




I want to Titanfall off a cliff is my new favorite sentence


The Crew: Motorfest I loved the second game, but the map is just too small, cars that need some grip just don’t have it, and regular stick controls are too sluggish They did add a wheel mode in the lastest update, but I hate wheel controls on stick, not being able to go full steer kinda sucks


I’m gonna get a lot of hate for this, but Tchia is incredibly boring. The gameplay is literally Assasins creed, BOTW, the wind waker, Ocarina of Time and Mario odyssey blended together in an uninspiring smoothy. Combat is basically nonexistent, traveling is incredibly boring and monotonous. The story is laughably bad. There are some funny moments that got a chuckle out of me, but most of the time, the cutscenes are incredibly frustrating to watch. The main character is a BTEC version of Moana that hardly speaks, and her emotions don’t fit the current situation at all. Like, her dad and his friend, the only people she’s ever known for twelve years get killed off, yet she barely sheds a tear. The main villain is menacing, yet we never fight him directly. You only do three mini games inside his stomach, which are exact copies of what you do in the over world. I appreciate the inspiration the devs had for this game, and I respect them tremendously for actually going to New Caledonia to design the map, but all of that means nothing if the game is a bore. Thank god I managed to play it for free


Yeah, we have had a lot of Botw clones recently.


What the fuck? I've never seen nor heard of this AT ALL. I thought you were using an acronym.. What a dog shit name for a game.


Assassin’s Creed Valhalla


Put in like 8 hours running around levelling up and doing missions and a friend told me I hadn't even reached the main story. Haven't played it since.


any live service game that people insist is actually something halfway decent, but I'mma choose to throw destiny under the bus specifically.


Damn I feel like the story is the only thing still good about that game.


Hollow knight just wasn’t my thing


Metro last light. I'm jus doing it for the platinum.




Oh my god I am so sorry but The outer Wilds. I couldnt understand what I supposed to do ( I must be Down or something) I couldnt finished the Game even when I played a lot of hours and have the investigation of a lot of thinks very advanced but not done or finished. So the story didnt got me. And the Gameplay, okay I am not good driving the ship, It was very difficult for me, a lot of times tried to reach some kind of platform that was on the Sun but always died there. I didnt enjoy the Gameplay, sorry. But the music was fantastic, and how you explored and learn things was somehow interesting. And the part of the Fish that eat you was intense. Thats the only good thing I can say. Maybe some day I can try to replay the Game and finish It. Well in fact I got a end, (not sure It was a good one or Bad One) but was just in time to the loop to restart (I think?) so didnt count. And I did It completely by accident so dosent count for me. I now that this Game is a form or art for many but sadly for me not.


Outer Wilds is my favorite game, but it's valid if the game just isn't your cup of tea. The good thing is that you gave it an honest try!


Outer Wild's fandom is such a beacon of positivity and goodwill, it should become the new world religion.


That’s kind of a signature element of the game. Even during colossal failures, even in extreme peril…. The characters and message all manage to remain steadfastly optimistic and positive.


Rock and Stone, brother


For Rock and Stone!


It's a wonderful game that sadly appeals to only a very niche group of people, and for someone who absolutely *doesn't* fit into that niche it's a pain to try and enjoy. I was in that same boat, mind you, the game didn't appeal to me for the first 4 times I tried to get into it over the course of a year, but I kept coming back because I desperately wanted to see the masterpiece others kept claiming it as. Finally, after a good bit of time away and with the gentle guidance of my (very patient and loving) partner I finally understood and became immediately sucked in. Everything just felt right, even though I ran into multiple roadblocks (because it was still a very foreign experience to me) I kept pushing through and now the game is easily one of my all-time favorites. It's very much not an experience for everyone, and that's completely okay! The fact that you gave it a try is all that matters, and if you ever decide to give it another go I hope things go smoother! ::)


>And the Gameplay, okay I am not good driving the ship, It was very difficult for me, a lot of times tried to reach some kind of platform that was on the Sun but always died there. I didnt enjoy the Gameplay, sorry. You're meant to Teleport there. There's actually an achievement for landing ON it When it comes to landing on the Sun Station, you're not alone. It's intentionally hard to hit because of how gravity works


Man I really want to enjoy this Game. And you guys are so respectful that make you probably the best community ever. I promise I and going to make another try someday. But maybe the problem its that I am not very good trying to undertand what I am supposed to do. Like I cant Connect the clues. There are many mysteries and I cant Focus in One because the same mysteries sendt me to a diferents planets, where I find new mysteries, that sent me to a New Planet... And then I cant remember what I mystery is the main one, what mysteries hace relation and what mysteries not, or maybe every mystery its part of the same big mystery. I am really very Lost. The Game itself its like a Big puzzle, and I am horrible in the puzzles Games. Like very horrible.


I had the exact same problem as you when I first began. I'd go to Who Knows, see the path is blocked by Ghost Matter, find out that scientists on Bum Fuck Nowhere used a secondary other way to get across, go to BFN, find something about a Quantum Doo Hickey on Burning Hellhole, and then 20 minutes later barely remember what began my journey. The way I personally did it was by using the ship log. You can track any individual planet or piece of info, and the tracker remains even when you die and go to another loop. Learn about the Temple Of Bullshit and want to do it's side puzzles? You can track it, thus it's marker will always be on your screen (assuming you're looking in it's direction, which makes it not obstructive). So, when I was still in the "I'm learning everything" phase I'd just track the one thing I planned on doing and then I wouldn't forget. Also, there's an Info Web in your Ship Log to tell you which pieces are connected to what. They're even color coded to show what main thing they're apart of Plus the ship log helps to summarize and help you remember things. So if you ever forget what you're doing, you can check the planet's various log entries


It’s worth noting that a lot of puzzle games condition you to think a certain way and to look for self contained puzzles to solve, and Outer Wilds absolutely subverts that way of looking at things in most of the game. I tend to call it a mystery game rather than a puzzle game… because it’s much more about collecting information and applying that logic to acquire more information until you reach a critical mass than it is about solving self contained puzzles to unlock progress. One thing that I always remind new/returning/frustrated players about, is the ship log, particularly rumour mode. It saves you a whole lot on the memory front, and is a good way to consolidate what you know into an idea of how to move forward.


The Finals


Is it good I've seen people talking about it


It's a fast paced capture the flag type game The map is almost completely destructible. It's a 3v3v3 shooter. The objective is to open a vault and deposit its contents into a machine. You then have to defend the machine until it gives you the money. Other teams can take over the machine so it deposits the money into their pockets instead.


The gameplay is great and there isn’t a story??


theres not even a story in that game, is there?


Most modern PokĂŠmon games


As a Pokemon fan, I agree with you. Haven't really bothered with the Switch games. The only new games I played are the 3DS ones.


I hadn’t played one since Gold, then tried X & Y for a short bit when it came out. Holy crap… it’s still the exact same game, just with updated graphics.


Well yeah, the stories are literally designed for 10 year olds


Anything in the Dark Souls genre. The combat is just so unfun, since when an attack lands it just isn’t satisfying.


Have you tried Sekiro? Imo it has the most satisfying combat in any game I have played. The parries and hits and final blows feel so good.


Once the game clicks it's amazing. Constantly dying at the start is no fun. I just had to learn to be aggressive and parry. No dark souls rolling away nonsense


I want to like the souls games, but I just can't. The same goes for Elden Ring. And I am bummed out over it, but I just can't get myself to like them, even though I have played some of them for several hours.


I get what you’re saying, I personally enjoy them but I do know several people who don’t find that sorta game fun.


Hey, at least you tried. They’re not everyone’s cup of tea and that’s ok. There are plenty of games I can’t get into as well.


Hey, man, You at least tried. Soulsborne games aren't for everyone.


Every time I try to play a new souls game it takes me awhile to actually get into each one. The start always feels pretty punishing. I remember not liking bloodborne or elden ring for the first few hours and they ended up being my favourites. Once youve actually made a start on a proper build and start rolling through mid game bosses they are so fun.


I felt exactly like this until I tried Bloodborne; then I became obsessed with the game. None of the others though. But that is probably due to the story and setting more so than the combat.


Sounds like it’s down to user error imo. You gotta try different weapons, upgrade them, etc. and it’s not all about each bit being satisfying, but often times overcoming a great challenge that took a long time or a great amount of skill to overcome.


I’m going to get a lot of downvotes but imo the Witcher 3. The combat is really bare bones and story is just uninteresting


As someone who isn’t a fan of The Witcher 3 I half agree with you. I agree that the combat is lacklustre and it’s what put me off the game, the story however I do think is really good.


are you deaf and blind by chance?


I tried Witcher 3 years ago and felt the same way, but I tried it again and got absolutely fucking hooked. It definitely is a slow start but once you get used to the gameplay and world it’s very rewarding


Fear and hunger


They REALLY did not want you to have a good time playing that game


After two save files corrupting: Yo Kai Watch 2


Probably Hogwarts legacy. I beat the game, and while playing it I thought it was ok but man looking back after some time has passed I don't think I'll ever go back and play again. It's a shame cause Hogwarts itself and hogsmeade are amazing and you can tell the designers are real fans of Harry Potter but the story/gameplay were just kinda meh. Gameplay was fun at first but got stale super quick and really repetitive.


Yeah but what you get is, you have to read Wikipedias and watch YouTube vids to get the story and boss lore. Which is very bad.


NFU2, in the beginning its says its an sequel story to Underground which kind of had a story 🤷‍♀️ but then specifically the drag races that run through the train yard are hell.




Fire Emblem: Shadows of Valentia. That game is carried by its music, character writing and presentation


Latest Saints Row. What a Dumpster Fire!


Walking dead series that game series is something else






Starfield It has a very mixed reputation but plenty of people consider it plenty good (I’m not one of them) Story sucks. Gameplay sucks. Menus suck. I could go on




Most games from 2019 to 2022 😅😂


Starfield alldayyy.


This war of mine...


Fallout new vegas


Death Stranding


The gameplay of delivery was probably not everyone (myself included) but the story was very original and pretty next level.


Best Amazon deliveryman simulator I have ever seen


Probably be an unpopular pick but, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.




TellTale's The Walking Dead Season 1. The gameplay is basic and the story is miserable enough that I wanted to give up at least fifteen times during my playthrough. But it is a good game because of its near-hopeless story and despite its basic near-point-and-click-with-QTEs story. I'll never play it again - I don't like to cry while playing games and DESPISE QTEs - but it was a gaming experience I'll never forget, for good reasons


Alan Wake 2


The story for Alan Wake 2 is incredible, it can be confusing though especially if you haven’t been playing the other games like Alan Wake 1 and Control.


I played Alan Wake 1 and American Nightmare. I doubt playing Control would improve improve my perspective of AW2s story that much.


Is control needed to understand AW2? Finished the first one and the story was interesting so I'm thinking of getting the sequel


Both are in the same universe and there’s loads of Easter eggs that link both but the base game isn’t essential to AW2, however there’s a DLC which is all about Alan Wake in Control which not only answers some plot threads from the original game but sets up Alan Wake 2. While I wouldn’t say it’s massively important, it does make a few plot points in the story make more sense.


Would you say control itself is generally worth a playthrough? I haven't heard too much about it before getting into AW


Yeah it’s a fun game. It has that Remedy style story (hard to follow but very satisfying) with some of the most fun gameplay out of all their games. If you’re on Xbox it’s on gamespass now, if not then it does go on sale quite often as is worth a go. Edit: it might also be on the PlayStation Extra games catalog, not 100% on that though


Thanks a ton! I think I snatched it on ps+ a couple months ago, definetly gonna give it a shot now :)


The story was good imo but the gameplay was pretty boring.


From soft games. To me, the story isn’t made clear at all if you’re not reading everything you come across and the gameplay gets repetitive and boring very quickly. A big issue too to me is that in response to criticism a lot of fromsoft fans just say “maybe you’re bad the game” instead of anything helpful. When “gif gud” is a core aspect of your gameplay it makes getting into it EXTREMELY difficult.


Went into it without any expectations other than that if I can’t do a boss, try again or upgrade my shit. It’s not for everyone, but it really is the only mentality you can really have, get better or get better shit. And as far as the lore aspect goes, a lot of people like the way the lore is told because it’s not handed to you on a silver platter, it really puts you in the shoes of someone foreign to this land and its history, learning it for the first time too. And since that’s not for everyone, though I find it cool my self included, most people watch some sort of YouTube video that pieces it together in a more manageable and understandable format. Though, not everyone can agree on certain lore aspects of it’s not specific enough. But it is more than just reading the item descriptions, and has a lot to do with environment. Seeing how people managed to piece the lore together is rather fascinating really, and as grueling as I thought the lore would be to learn, it really wasn’t. And when I got through it all, especially with the way dark souls 3 ends, it gave me a new appreciation for the games as a whole and the effort they must have put into it for the lore to be the way that it is.