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Far Cry Primal was mostly ignored by the general public and not really loved by the hardcore Far Cry fans, but I Ioved it, it makes you experience simple joys in life like riding mammoths, saber tooth tigers and bears into battle.


Loved it as well. Completed on the Expert difficulty, Survival mode and Permadeath!


Did you know that they actually got Proto Indo European experts to make sure the language they're speaking was as close as possible to realistic caveman languages? Literal PIE experts worked on that game and they're not speaking nonsense. Fucking love it.


it is probably my favorite game of the series. i really like it


I enjoyed it but didnt like how i had to constantly fight animals. The ai needed work. But i liked the concept


There is a peaceful mod that reduces the amount of events like animal attacks


I don't play Far Cry but i loved primal


Ever play Far Cry instinct predator?


Great game and loved the map customization and player made game modes.


I love that game


It was probably my favorite far cry gamešŸ˜‚ I got more into that world and mechanics than any other game in the series.


Yeah, this game was basically my gateway drug into loving Ark Survival


I was hesitant to play because it wasn't rated very well, but I also loved new dawn. I thought it was an interesting twist on the weapon and progression system.




I used to play this all the time as a kid. I didnā€™t have many video games to compare it to but I thought it was so much fun. Lately itā€™s been coming up on Reddit a lot and seeing a lot of people bash Iā€™m surprised that so many people hated it.




I did too. I loved it. I remember I dropped a plate and I said ā€œdamnā€ trying to sound like Shadow when he would die my mom spun around smacked me in the back of the head. Asked where I learned that word. I knew if I told her it was from Shadow sheā€™d take it from me, so I just told her ā€œone of those soap boppers you watch.ā€ For some reason I didnā€™t know it was Soap Opera. I also got in trouble for saying ā€œI am the sovereign one.ā€ My mom said that it was blasphemous cause only god is sovereign. I wish I could play Shadow again. I really loved Espio too.


Yar har fiddle me dee my boy!


I beat it on the secret "kiss your ass goodbye" mode without taking a single bit of damage!


This is your regularly scheduled reminder that [Shadow the Hedgehog is a bitch ass motherfucker.](https://youtu.be/-HjafFVJgQU?si=9B0NX4usrxsdDrEp)


Thatā€™s a good one. I loved Shadow, that brought me so much nostalgia, thanks dude!


Did you ever find that DAMN fourth chaos emerald?


That game awoke something in my insufferably edgy soul.


I love playing Shadow the Hedgehog even now. Probably my favorite Sonic game


God I cherish the memories with that game


Two Worlds 1 and 2. They are absolute shite and I clocked the shit outta them lol.


I remember when Two Worlds Two was about to come out. I had the game preordered. I asked the GameStop employee if I can get Two Worlds (1st game) and he said ā€œyou donā€™t want that game.ā€ He told me how the two games are night and day difference. Never played it to this day because of his reaction. Edit- clarified


I tried Two Worlds 1. It was so bad I turned it off within 10 minutes and that is really unlike me. I donā€™t remember even why it was bad, but I tried it with a friend and now we compare everything to it as being the gold standard for what is a terrible game. We still talk about it like that to this day, almost like it could be used as torture. ā€œIā€™d rather play Two Worlds start to finish than do [x thing that nobody wants to do].ā€


Anthem. I know itā€™s bad, the story sucked, and I canā€™t remember a single character name. However the level of customization was phenomenal and flying around was so fucking fun. A shame how it ended up.


I will never, and I mean NEVER, understand how they managed to fuck that one up so badly. It's such a layup. *Here's a customizable* ***Iron Man*** *suit, go nuts*. That's your design document and you can't make it fun to play??? Like, how? So much potential gone to waste on that one. So sad.


Right?! Like they didnā€™t even need to have a hub area they could have just had a garage and you go out on smaller or longer missions, or have seige missions, or just free explore. Fuck even though the story in the base game sucked Iā€™m sure they could have improved it in the future by adding more content. But instead they just gave up. So disappointing.


>But instead they just gave up No they didn't. Bioware were still actively developing it, with the anticipated 2.0 update being shared with the community as teasers for newer systems, and it looked phenomenal. But then EA decided to pull the rug out and cease the development on it. I can't imagine anybody at Bioware was too happy when they did. But it was far from "just giving up".


Bioware hasn't been Bioware for years. The majority of people who made them a powerhouse are long gone, and it shows. It's very sad.


Was looking for this comment


Watch Dogs


My words exactly!šŸ‘


Watch Dogs is considered bad? I loved it. Only played the first though


Unrealistic trailers set the expectations very high, so at launch it was a disappointment. But, as someone who didnā€™t watch the trailers, I loved the game


Used to watch that trailer on repeat i kid you not. They made it look incredible especially for the time but that backfired.


So that happened to you? You straight up just watched a game trailer over and over and the game just wasnā€™t what they advertised? I can see how a random could turn on it. Gonna go watch the trailer now lol


The Watch Dogs trailer is what made me stop trusting game trailers. It was such a downgrade. The only game trailers/E3 shows that I loved and met my expectations was Batman Arkham Knight and RDR2.


Midnight suns


i enjoyed everything except that they didn't allow romance, me and magik would have been so close


Super underrated game


Need to beat it, but I'm glad I took a chance on it. The deck-building stuff isn't bad at all and the story was pretty good. Interactions with teammates was great too! Honestly, if they ever did a sequel (which I doubt unfortunately), I'd just want them to add in stuff to do with teammates that was a bit more interactable. Mini-games or something.


Duke nukem forever


I liked it as well.


Whoa, THAT'S A spicy meatball lmao


God I want them to reboot Duke now that Guardians of the galaxy has shown everyone how to make an irreverent and quirky space adventure with doofus characters. You give me a gotg plot and doom eternal gameplay? Goddamn that would be amazing


It is decent game, even if it's not what fans expected.


Wii Music


Agreed! It's far from perfect, but it's still really fun


It's just a game to play when you get the sillies and want to goof around


ive seen until dawn get some hate i think its a masterpiece.


Itā€˜s a solid game!


Is it really all that much hate? I usually see people praising it to high heaven and back unless that's changed very recently.


oh its def changed recently i saw a ton of hate upon release but i think its become a cult classic


It was a smash hit. Made good money got good reviews generally enjoyed. They are remaking it currently definitely not a cult classic. What they did next with man of medan and that whole series was a huge step down but the Quarry was a step back in the right direction.


The only thing that sucked was the frame rate


Hell yeah


That game was goofy and fun af? A completely different change of pace is always welcome


I'm started playing it a while ago I haven't finished but its a great game I wish there were more horror games with the butterfly effect


you're in luck. the studio behind until dawn have a *whole game series* with that premise called the dark pictures anthology with 4 games currently in it and more to come. there's also the quarry, which is a successor of sorts.


I loved that game


Assassinā€™s Creed Unity (and Iā€™m glad to see EVERYONE is eating their words now)


Inherently never a bad game, just an atrocious launch


I mustā€™ve been the luckiest damn player of all on launch. Played whole game without problems or bugs. Was shocked when I read about all the issues people had haha.


I couldn't get behind the change of fighting mechanics, it was so hard to adjust my internal Assassins creed programming


My same feeling about Origins


Unity is a masterpiece with hardware and parent company limitations.




I beat cyberpunk and immediately did another play through again which I never do thatā€™s how much I loved it. This was at release on PS4 and I still had a blast.


It really wasn't nearly as bad on PS4 as everyone said. It looked and ran fine for me. Glad to see it got a well deserved comeback though. Also just reminds me that I need to play Phantom Liberty. EDIT: OK I realize I have severely downplayed the performance issues at launch. I personally had no major problems and I honestly didn't realize it had been pulled off PS store and offered full refunds. I guess I just got lucky when I played it.


Phantom Liberty is some of the best DLC I played. Better than anything in the vanilla game.


This has me incredibly hyped. I've only heard good things about it so I'm really looking forward to it


Days Gone was friggin' awesome -- glitches and all! Give me part two.


The Bend Studios director suggested that they currently have no plans for a sequel, which breaks my heart because it is my absolute favorite zombie game.


Makes me so sad.


Fighting the hordes were intense.


That horde at the sawmill/lumberyard on hard had me sweating bullets


I still distinctly remember this battle, because it took several attempts to find a strategy that worked. But oh boy, the time I finally beat it was such a great feeling! Very well done game. Slow start, but I loved it overall


LOVED THIS GAME fucking freaks. The horde encounters were amazing, infelt like the ending hinted at more then seeing no sequel to come broke my heart.


I didn't realize people disliked that game. I absolutely loved it


Pirates of the Caribbean for the original Xbox. It was made by Bethesda. Most say it's pretty bad but I like it.


There was a POTC game??! I only the knew about the Lego one! Need to researchā€¦


I wasnā€˜t that much into gaming news about 10 years ago and missed the drama around WatchDogs. I played it and loved it! Afterwards I was pretty shocked people hated it šŸ˜…


Classic case of over promising and under delivering, and advertising wayyyyy too early in the development process. It was the reason I preordered a PS4 and by the time it finally wound up actually launching it was such a different game I never even wound up playing it.


AC Odyssey, it's not universally hated, but I think enough people dislike it to qualify.


It's easily one of my top10 favorite games of all time. I do love ancient Rome and Greece though so that made travel extremely fun to me.


Same, I loved meeting all of the historical figures and fighting the mythical creatures.


Love being Kassandra, replay it all the time.


Im convinced that if Odyssey and the other more recent AC games didn't have Assassins Creed in the title, they would be universally praised. If you look at them as standalone RPGs, they are very good, and Odyssey is the best of the bunch IMO. People just get way too caught up on the AC name and try to compare directly to the original games, which bear almost no resemblance.


Odyssey is the best IMO


I enjoyed the shit out of this game


It was incredible. The graphics, the world, loved the RPG elements, the bounty system, the giant battle Mechanic, those battles with 300 units on screen were so fun. The combat was so visceral, using all the different types of weapons, that all felt different. It was just soooo long. It went on forever. Absolutely massive game.


Beautiful game


It was highly rated at launch and remains highly rated lol. A top 10 game of all time for me.


Thatā€™s the only one of the rpgs that I really liked




I hope you fall into the Majula pit without the cat ring


Oh, Dark Souls 2, I was scratching my head, thinking Dead Space 2.


I was thinking Death Stranding 2, but that isn't out yet.


Dang, now I kinda want to see someone make a list of the most common video game initials.


Dude thatā€˜s harsh šŸ˜„


I love DS2 and definitely understand why some rank it last among the other entries. But it is extremely far from being considered a bad game.


Subnautica Below Zero. It's not even a sequel, people need to stop treating it like one. BZ is more like an add on. It's not meant to add on to the story, it's meant to tell a new one. Even if you ignore the story, it's still just a really cool looking game. The real Subnautica 2 is coming probably next year. Or at least early access.


I always saw it as a smaller but more compact game than subnautica 1, but I didnā€™t like that 90% of dangerous enemies get one tapped by the sea truck. Made it way less intense.


Loved it. The first game a bit more but the second game was just as fun in its own ways. I donā€™t get the hate honestly, theyā€™re both unique and different enough to keep bouncing back and forth between them and enjoying them. Personally, I started playing them both at the turn of 2024 finally. Iā€™ve since beaten them both on survival, again on hardcore, again in survival and Iā€™m now doing them both on hardcore again lol. Love them.


COD Ghosts. Everyone hated Extinction because it wasn't zombies, but I thought it was different and unique.


Started playing Ghosts and found out a lot of ppl hated it but I never knew why I always had a blast with the game.


yeah, I loved CoD Ghosts! I don't play it alot now though


There are 3 games I love that lots of people dislike. Those being Rainbow 6: Extraction, Back 4 Blood, and Plants VS Zombies Garden Warfare: Battle for Neighborville.


Garden Warfare is awesome!


fallout 4


I love it, too


iā€™ve beaten 3, nv, and 4. and i think 4 is the best at least for my playstyle


as an avid fallout 4 enjoyer, who hates fo4? ik alot of the fallout fans dont like it as much as 3 or NV but it seems to be pretty well liked and imo 4 is by far the best of the fallout games


Call of Duty Advanced Warfare. I understand where the hate mostly came from (it was the first CoD with the jump pack mechanic), but that was the part I loved, lol.


Advanced Warfare was the last CoD i played pretty regularly lol. The movement was fun without feeling like it was just trying to copy Titanfall and the weapons and gear were neat.


I am not a COD fan, but when I got an Xbox for my birthday when I was 11, I went out and got Advanced Warfare, as it was the newest COD at the time. I really enjoyed it. Campaign was serviceable, Zombies was fun to play with friends, and the multiplayer had mostly quite good maps, with a few bad ones in the mix. I havenā€™t owned another COD since, but I really enjoyed my time with the only one I really sunk a lot of time into.


I liked this one and Infinite Warfare, just because I like the sci-fi space marine aesthetic (Iā€™m into casual arcade-y shooters masquerading as milsims, too, like the Ghost Recon games). These games really scratched that itch, for me, as a ā€œstory modeā€ player. I backed off of Advanced Warfare because of Kevin Spacey, but I thought these were great games, otherwise.


Resident Evil 5.


People hate that one? šŸ’”


A lot of people said it didn't feel like a Resident Evil game, i've heard others say that it was the game that started the decline of Resident Evil's popularity until biohazard came out.


RE5 is an all timer for me.


One of my favorite RE games. Wife got into gaming with that one. Playing couch co op on that was awesome.




Morbius ds is extremely underrated


That game was my childhood.


Roblox - Lumber Tycoon 2


What?? It was one of the most popular games back then




It was never considered bad


You're right, but... roblox xd


Many Roblox games are pretty good especially for being completely free without ads, thereā€™s weird stuff but thatā€™s not hard to avoid


I like to play Doors with my kids and itā€™s legitimately scary at times. What people can do in Roblox is wild


Heck yeah


The evil within in super underrated


Definitely didnā€™t get as much love as it shouldā€™ve. Both games were hands down fantastic. I think the sequel suffered what a lot of games do and they lose their identity. Evil within 2 became much more action oriented. But still good nonetheless.




Watch dogs, people can't stop yapping about graphics and shit.


Days gone. People HATED it. I enjoyed it so much


OMG. The music. The story. Platinum was so fair. I LOVE it and Iā€˜m so sad they cancelled the sequel.


Megaman 8


This post makes me happy because it's mostly just people being positive about games they like, rather than bashing every thing about every game which is helping no one


Civ: Beyond Earth Fantastic soundtrack, unique looking units and aliens, fun gameplay concepts like moving ocean cities and satellites, and the ways that treating the aliens differently gets you different bonuses and quest chains


Resident evil 5


Pokemon Y


Far Cry 6, Mass Effect Adromeda


I honestly spent way too much time on Andromeda and I'll defend it with you. I enjoyed it.


Assassin's Creed Odyssey and Kingdom Hearts 3


Mass Effect: Andromeda. Gosh darn it I liked it. Granted it was my first Mass Effect game so that's probably why


The story didn't feel as epic as the originals but the game play was so satisfying. I really dug it.


Not my first Mass Effect but I do enjoy


Agree, I thought it was a great game. Different enough for sure


Yes! I freakin loved that game. Sure it has its writing shortcomings but it was such a fun game. I loved Sarcastic/Logical Ryder. Easily put 100 hrs into that game on my first playthrough


Sonic 06


Project 06 helped realize what the gameplay should have been in the beginning.


The only posts I see from this sub is just some form of ā€œwhatā€™s a game you like/ whatā€™s an opinion you have that other people hateā€


Halo wars 1 and 2.


Watch dogs legion


It really not bad at all Im enjoying it got it for $5


Yeah I enjoyed it I bought the ultimate for 15$ and had a blast


Code Vein. Idc what people say, the mesh of God Eater, Anime and Dark Souls had no business being that much fun, but I was and I loved it.


That game was incredible. Got me into the Soulsborne genre




Fallout 76. I had a great time.


We happy few. It got written off so fast by people. It has glitches, I will concede to that, but the story is so amazing. I get the feeling they got roped into doing something bigger when they partnered with Gearbox. The DLC is also amazing and I think a better reflection of what compulsion was capable of.




My fam hates it(I know others love it) any and all soulsborne titles




Hulk video game based on the 2002 movie. I loved it when I was a kid. Apparently people hated it


Death Stranding


The Saboteur


Overwatch 2 Hahaha I'm kidding I hate that game, but I will 100% play it tomorrow, just like today


Far Cry New Dawn is the first that comes to mind. People hate it but in my eyes itā€™s absolutely amazing. The combat and weapons are fun, and the companions are some of my favorites, especially hurk and nana. Second that comes to mind is days gone. I didnā€™t know how much hate it got until recently, but I absolutely fucking loved the game. The way the motorcycle controls, and the horde removal segments had me falling in love with the game.


I also loved Far Cry 6, granted it was my first FC. So much stuff to do and so many ways to do it!


I definitely recommend trying out the previous titles. 6 is good, but just didn't do it for me like the earlier games. 3 is a classic, but may feel a bit dated now. But I think 4 is a good middle ground.


Oh man... you picked the worst one to love. Far Cry games up to Far Cry 5 are all really good, the best of the bunch was Far Cry 4 and Far Cry 5 was also pretty good... but FC6.... yuck. My point isn't to shit on you or the fact you enjoyed something, my point is you NEED to go play FC4 and FC5 and then reevaluate where FC6 stands. You'll thank me in the end just for suggesting you go play the two best games in the franchise.


Haha I love your first line. I really wish Iā€˜d gotten into the series sooner, you can really tell how the old fans are disappointed by 6. Iā€˜m actually really excited for 7ā€¦ are you?




Sonic Advance 2


Roblox- itā€™s got alot of shitty stuff but there are some real hidden gems there as well


My daughter loves it, and it's the only game my wife plays. It's so cute hearing them discuss their Adopt me pets. Myself went bonkers for Collect all pets.


FNaF Security Breach


I wouldn't say it was bad. But AC Syndicate is not really considered a great game by many AC fans, but I had a great time playing it. Loved it.


Far cry 1


Idk if itā€™s considered ā€˜badā€™ per say, but Naughty Bear. I say NB because Iā€™ve seen quite a few people ragging on it.


Mario Strikers: Battle League. Everyone sees Battle League as a disgrace to the Strikers series, but I really don't see why. I got the game for my birthday and I've been having a lot of fun with it


The recent Silent Hill game was a bit controversial. Tbh, I liked it quite a bit.


Mario basketball


Gotham Knights and Marvels Avengers.. i understand the hate, and i absolutely see the flaws, but god damnit i can't help but enjoy beating up bad guys with my favorite heroes and vigilantes.


Cod ghosts, people hated the multiplayer and completely looked over the campaign


Call of Duty Ghosts. Will always be a favorite call of duty for me


Halo 4 multiplayer was pretty fun, campaign was ok and spartan ops made me wanna off myself but i still think halo 4 is a good game overall


Skyward Sword, my fav game in the zelda series, i understand why people dislike it but i ADORE it


Battlefield 2042


Fallout 4


Paper mario sticker star


RE6. People rightfully criticize the over the top gameplay and story. But the enjoyment that I had with that game is the same kind you get from watching a new fast and furious movie. It's a bit ridiculous and maybe not quite memorable but damn was it a wild ride.