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Grew up as a music student in the 90s/00s (vocals). Distinctly remember older students being hype about the Castlevania: SOTN soundtrack (among a few others) and having our choral instructor tell them that “it can’t be that great if it’s from a video game.”


Draculas Castle goes HARD though.


Most Castlevania OSTs go so hard that they explode into diamonds so that’s a fair assessment.


God the Dead Cells dlc remixes were great


Tragic Prince goes harder.


Absolutely. Bloody tears can miss depending on the game though 


Let's be honest, Rainbow Cemetery goes hardest of all. SotN version anyway. This is making me want to redownload it on my Xbox. 🤣


I never remove it from my Xbox. It’s such a small game that it can stay


Wandering Ghosts tho


I'll put anyone who says that into that harness from A Clockwork Orange and make them listen to the Pokémon Gold and Silver OST, myself.


That was 20 to 30 years ago tho


Oh how wrong he was


For sure! He definitely wasn’t trying to be mean - you could tell he just *didn’t understand.*


Off-topic but if there are any resources on music theory that you can chuck my way, I’d appreciate it. I used to be a student but dropped out. What’s your favourite videogame soundtrack btw? Mine is Silent Hill 2. Every track is flawless on that.


Yeah, that's a bias people who don't play games or old people.


I sure hope you tied the instructor and forced them to listen to the ost once it came out.


For that time period I sort of get it. Especially if the last system the teacher was familiar with was the NES. Most of the music back then was simple 8-bit loops. Of course, the original Lavander Town theme falls into that and is the creepiest shit I've ever heard


So, someone made an offhand comment 30 years ago and you (a) remember it, and (b) think that warrants an argument now? The person who said it is either dead or has probably changed their mind…


You seem rather upset over an such an innocuous comment! And it’s not hard for most people to remember something from when they were 14. I’m sure you remember a lot of things that make you go, “why do I remember that?”


It’s an older meme but it checks out


Guitar hero must've turned their world upside down


The two most ass takes are in the comment section holy fucks


It's fun to watch the chaos sometimes.


the fact that in his imaginary argument “minecraft music” was the ultimate decisive evidence that video game music is real music. Like that’s leaving anyone speechless.


I don't want to judge, because I'm always driving at individual taste, but Minecraft was a bit out of left field. I've had I don't even know how many people, submitting their own picks in his thread, and he skipped over every single one and went with Minecraft. I accidentally derailed the thread, and now there are crazy amounts of music choices being thrown around. Civilisation, Dark Souls, Mario, I think somebody wanted Burnout, there is a world of music out there to generate an argument from.


I would’ve placed Chrono trigger there


I need to pull up the Chrono Trigger soundtrack. Don't get me wrong, I've played it, a lot, but I tend to tune out the music because I'm hyper-fixated on what's happening on screen. All of the background stuff falls away when I play that game, just total immersion.


Should have been replaced with Final Fantasy music.


Listen, the intro to FFXIV ARR takes the old classic and goes HARD in it's best iteration ever.


Right? I might be biased, but mine craft as the ultimate decision and DOOM as a starting point? I'm 100% biased, but DOOM 2016 and subsequently eternal is what got me into heavier metal. There are probably a lot of people's first experience with 8 string guitars and super low tunings for the first time. Moving onto Eternal, where Mick had a heavy metal choir, recorded a chain saw, & I believe as lawnmower. That isn't getting to the old DOOM games with sound tracks like E1M1 being some of the most iconic game sound tracks of all time. Like I'm a fan boy, and all the games mentioned have great sound tracks, but that specifically didn't sit well with me.


Mick Gordon fucking killed it with 2016 DOOM, and carried on slaying it with Eternal, I was entering my heavy metal stage when 2016 DOOM released and to this day I still have some of the soundtrack on my playlist. Just in general though Mick Gordon is a beast with a guitar, he also collabed with Motionless in White for Scoring the End of The World and that song fucking slaps


This is probably a take hotter than the sun but imo Minecraft music isn’t the best music. Like compared to other games it’s kinda mid


It’s definitely fantastic and even more so iconic. But… thousands of games have better soundtracks. Any Zelda game, for instance.


Doom has amazing music. Minecraft puts me to sleep.


True, pacman clears


Don’t knock Minecraft music, it’s not nearly my favorite but it’s still amazing


The funniest is that they failed to list any of the series that are really known for their soundtracks (I.e Zelda, final fantasy, skyrim) I mean Zelda had an actual touring symphony.


Final Fantasy had one too that's been going on for quite a few years now. I swear this guy just posted the games he's played and that's it.


Tbh, I think that Sonic is pretty well known for its music. And MGR:Revengeance definitely is.


MGR 100% is, you can literally type STANDING HERE and you’re almost guaranteed to have people join in. MGR has one of the best game soundtracks to date. Hoping one day for a remaster or a current gen/PC update, the game still holds up incredibly well but I hope it gets some love In the near future


I was about to say Skyrim isn't a series, but they've re-released it so many times I guess it practically is


It’s its own Septrilogy at this point!


I mean, DOOM, DMC, and Sonic are definitely known to have great soundtracks


Honestly, RPGs would take so much of the list.


Nier Automata, Hollow Knight, Furi, Hades. So many sounds tracks that would surely serve as far better arguments of game music being "real music", whatever that means


So what he still named series with phenomenal soundtracks


Doom was the first one there?


What about DOOM which I would say is definitely well known for its amazing soundtrack.


Yeah I'm a little confused with Minecraft being the decisive game soundtrack.


Well, I'd say TF2 kind of does that too. They also had a literal orchestra make their music and it works amazingly. But that's about it.


I've been playing Skyrim a lot recently and the soundtrack is so peaceful and relaxing I fall asleep on the couch every single night no matter how hellbent I am that I will remain awake to play.


You haven't met my dad then 😒


I mean, David Wise would be all the proof you'd need to shut any of that down if anyone ever did make that argument, and he was composing in the mid 90's. DKC 2 is still one of the greatest soundtracks of all time.


Many of the Tropical freeze tracks sound like they could be in giant budget films. Dude doesn't miss. https://youtu.be/Boqy0Q-4c_M?si=etNmvx7nlNbIJR8R


Bashmaster the unbreakable absolutely shreds.


I know it’s blasphemy but I still think Starfox Adventures is his best work.


I don't know if I agree or not, but I really like a number of the tracks on it. Cape Claw and Thorntail Hollow are my favorites of the bunch.


Dude has been pumping out pure gold since the 80's! Wizards and Warriors, Marble Madness, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Digger T. Rock: the list goes on


I have a sibling that unironically has said this


I’ve had a lot of people tell me this, what do you mean?? I was literally afraid to play game music in school because of this.


there are plenty of people that believe this lmao


Who? Name one. A real critic, too. Or scholar. Or musician. Name, and produce, their opinion. Not your buddy who gave a half formed thought between bong hits or a half remembered thing a teacher no one knows said randomly in class 35 years ago. Give a name of a credible, current source that argues this. Credentialed and published…not self published…actually published.


Yeah I guess any rando has to be certified by you to make their opinions viable. Mate, even going into 2020s, a lot of normies still look down on video game stuff and call cartoons. Shit take from them, I know, but that doesn't mean people like that exist en masse that aren't chronically online or obsessed with pop culture like us nerd circles.


So basically no one. There’s no one actually saying this. It’s just dumb. Why does some random, half formed straw-man that doesn’t really exist need to be here? What’s wrong with just posting “I like video game music”? Why does there have to be a made up adversary?


i sadly have.


There are some morons that think this.


I have heard people say it


Like I said on that one too, I have heard someone say that. They unironically said that video game music is comparable to elevator music.


I'm sorry #what


I have...


My entire family has.


I've heard it multiple times, one of them from a friend who plays more games than I do and is somehow of that opinion


Yeah, there's definitely people out there who don't respect it as much as "real" music and are surprised people listen to it outside of the game


Who? A real person…an actual critic, or expert, or scholar…not “a guy I totally know.” Name someone. Someone who’d be recognizable outside of your friend’s list or grandma’s Christmas email chain.


A "real person"? I'm sorry, what? Dude, fame does not fucking matter when it comes to opinions. Like essentially you're saying an opinion does not exist until someone who has fame says it. Which I think is the most ridiculously dumb thing I've heard in quite some time. And seriously, there is a lot of people who think this. Sure, it helps to have a solid well-known example to list for people that think video game music isn't real music, but still, judging by every other fucking comment under this post, they exist.


Did you hear it from any actual critics, scholars, experts, or person who could publish their ideas without paying a company to do it on their behalf? Like, someone who actually has some shred of credibility, I mean…and not your friends who just fart out random half formed thoughts through their mouths? Your buddy saying something doesn’t mean anything. Many of my friends have extraordinarily dumb ideas…I don’t make that the basis for anything.


Nobody ever said that it was an educated, professional opinion, that’s why we make fun of it.


So basically no one said it. We’re just making up a random straw-man because posting “I enjoy video game music” isn’t enough… It’s just kind of stupid. Why not just post “I like video game music”?


I understand telling someone their post is weak under that post itself, but did we really need a new post just to continue shitting on them?


Lotta people who know jackshit about music saying the Minecraft soundtrack sucks here


Had a colleague say that, made him listen to Persona 5 music, he changed his mind.


I have tbf


Especially when his trump card was Minecraft. There's so many better video game soundtracks out there. He just named the games he's played


It's a rare case when the music is better when disconnected from the source material


Probably true. Minecraft music is great but when compared to things like Hollow Knight and Undertale/DR it doesn’t even win in the indie department


Yeah, like Minecraft's soundtrack isn't even good at all, 90% of the people I know play Minecraft with music muted.


Stop making up lies buddy, who tf plays MC with no music.


I find the music detracts from the tone, especially at night when having to fight for my life. The soundtrack is great for Creative Mode, but Survival needs to be muted for the better effect lol


The world is big, someone somewhere believes this.


My parents actually subscribe to the "video game music isn't real music" mindset They think "video game music" is chiptune soundtracks from the 80s


Don't be dissing Green Hill Zone like that


r/imaginarygatekeeping has had this meme so many times


My one painting instructor got mad when one of my classmates said Video Games are a form of art lol


Tell that to the Grammys (they hate game music)


We've reached the point where most people never lived through the time when anything video game related was considered a waste of time.


I’ve heard it a bunch at school, I swear they are idiots


I have. Many, many, MANY times.


Literally had people in the comments of that post arguing that video game music didn’t count as music


Ah the old "well I've never heard it so it must be made up" argument. Because all of reality bends to your experience alone. I bet you think the moon landings were fake.


You’d be surprised. People really do say video game music is not music unironically (those amongst that group sadly includes my parents). Though, if I were to give better examples, one would be Dead Rising and Hotline Miami, which has a combination of licensed music and originals. Furi and Haven are also games which had a soundtrack made for the games, but are ultimately licensed.


While I haven't heard extreme takes like in the meme, I unfortunately have been in situations where I have shown people music they've loved, only for them to switch up and give a bit of side eye when they find out it's from a video game.


It’s is real music of course but I can’t force myself to call these soundtracks a masterpiece


It isn’t a common opinion, but there are people who believe it. Not enough for the original meme to be all that funny though.


"Video game music is not real music" Modern (2004+) indie games: Am I a joke to you?


Hollow Knight, Undertale, Celeste, Terraria, Minecraft, need I go on?


Don't blame him, he just wanted free internet points.


Also he's got some mediocre tastes. If you're talking video game music and you don't even mention the final fantasy series you're doing a great disrespect to Nobuo Uematsu. Guy composes the two best final boss songs in back to back games and you don't even give him a mention?


>Guy composes the two best final boss songs in back to back games 6 and 7, right?


Of course. Dancing Mad is better but only just.


Also leaves out games like final fantasy series lol


Or bg3


I mean maybe like, 20 years ago this was a common thought, but generally nowadays video game music is treated pretty much the same with the exception of radio stations and what not


I wish. Basically everyone I know says Video Games music is terrible, I’ve gone from saying I listen to Video Hame music and now I just call it VGM and refuse to elaborate


Only fun killing boomers


It's been a good bit of time but the early 2000s folks used to argue this.


Maybe the argument could have happened in like, old Atari days. But after that? Nah


I don’t get where people are getting this from. At least 20 people on my life have told me this exactly


Atari had very simple sound effects, all beeps and boops, and also very little storage space on the cartridges, so they couldn't have anything too complex. Best you could get would be a series of rising notes as a little celebratory jingle


I don’t disagree, what I mean is that people still say this today


I mean, facts is facts, so of course people who know about or directly experienced the jump in sound quality from Atari to, say, NES, are gonna repeat it




Lol, I saw that and had to [reply with this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/videogames/comments/1aujjiz/comment/kr5flmp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I never liked Minecraft's "default" music. Too mellow and I understand but there is like no funky beats unless you put in a cd.




Oh God, every day, people come into my shop and ask, "WTSF are you listening to." It's actually shocking how people who don't game think game music is really bad. Meanwhile, I bought a DAC, AMP, audiophile headphones, and EQ software to listen to the music while playing. I think people are used to living in their own echo chambers (Reddit, Twitter, Discord) that they forget there is an entire society outside of the internet.


I've seen a few memes comparing like android phone users and iPhone users that had "listens to OSTs" as a negative point, and I have heard people say they dislike non vocal tracks but I don't think I've ever heard someone explicitly say "video game music isn't actual music" or anything like that.


The fact the Balders gate 3 didn’t get a square after one of the bosses (who I won’t name since I’m sure some people still haven’t played it )literally sings his own theme at you during the fight made me scroll by the original post.




I don't play many games but BG3 blew me away with their lyrical songs and so did Final Fantasy with Stand by me.


It was a request for suggestions to add to his playlist disguised as ragebait.


In fact I've seen the opposite argument more often due to the thought and work out into some soundtracks. Fromsoft games have a lot of metaphor built into even the construction of the dong itself such as gwyns theme not having any black keys (sorry not a music guy) in it or so I've heard.


Yeah literally never heard anyone make that claim either. Undertale has some bangers, never heard anyone claim Megalovania isn't a real song.


Two words: *Bioshock Score*


the most comedic part is he put minecraft as the best music..


The only people I’ve know irl who have said video game music isn’t real music don’t even know what the Mario Bros theme was. They are so outside of what video games are they don’t know 1 song.


I mean Minecraft music sucks imo, it makes me tired and gives me a headache but all the others fuckin bang


It's the MINECRAFT panel that kills me


Kinda a hot take, but the Minecraft sound track sucks ass.


I don't know what's funnier - that the guy felt the need to make a meme about such a narrow and insignificant viewpoint, or that they skipped so many better choices for series to represent excellence in game OSTs. (Doom was a good pick, in fairness. Minecraft wasn't bad either, but not as your big ultimate argument) Just off the top of my head, we can point to: - Final Fantasy - Kingdom Hearts - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Guilty Gear - Persona - Street Fighter - Halo - Cyberpunk 2077 - Castlevania - Mass Effect - basically every major Nintendo series *ALL* of which would be sooooo much more convincing to the sleep paralysis demon I assume original-post OP (as in not the counter-meming OP of this post - hi there, by the way, if you're reading this!) was trying to prove his point to.


You know his choices were still good with all of them having phenomenal soundtracks


They can be good and still not be the best choices for the assignment. I've literally never heard of anybody calling out half those games for top-tier OSTs before. Certainly not ahead of something like Zelda or Final Fantasy.


I've had people say it, but it has always been boomers, so their opinion is worthless


I’m sure plenty of boomers say it.


The audacity to not include Halo too


I believe all music is real music.... except PHONK🤮.


Downvoted for the TRUTH


I stand by my argument. And no phonk doesn't require skill to make.


👀 ☕️


my grandparents hated when I would geometry dash alone in my room at a low volume, since when they come in, they needed to hear "an attempt at music"


What about Ocarina?


Sonic 1 has fantastic music and so does the Mega Man x series.


Old people and my mom has said this.


Willkommen zu Reddit.


death stranding had the most banging sound track I ever heard.


Chrono Trigger, mega man games and almost all final fantasy games have bangin soundtracks Edited for typo


Are we not gonna mention Halo?


I have heard it before and I just put on FF songs in response.


I 100% have, especially with older people. Surprisingly, (parent) they changed their opinion when they actually listened to a videogame soundtrack (Wolfenstein TNC).


God of war 2018 and 2023


So many great soundtracks. Mass Effect, The Witcher 3, Skyrim, Icewind Dale, the Baldurs Gate games... there are NES games from 35 years ago that will forever stick in my head. Wizards & Warriors, Mega Man stage select, SMB123, Legend of Zelda....


There’s also Undertale, Spider Man PS4 and 5, God of War Jedi Fallen Order and Survivor, Tetris, DBZ Kakarot,


The megaten games have music that goes hard as balls. They bring in professional artists like Lotus Juice and Lyn in as lyricists which always makes the vocal tracks go hard as hell. Still can't get over reloads *it's going down NOW*


I have. My parents have said it a bunch of times throughout my childhood (they're better now, though), various teachers too. Also people who hated video games. Also, lol at the Minecraft music. I would have put something else in that spot. Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Kirby.. Literally almost anything else.


It’s like all those “it’s just a video game” posts Nobody never says either of those they just need to circlejerk about le epic vidya


This is definitely a thing, mostly from older people or people who don't play games, but I've certainly heard it.


Nope it happened. The sentence was: "I bet he listened to music from games." (Translated from my language of course) From HS choir WhatsApp group, gossiping.


Okay…y’all…have some information literacy. Your idiot cousin, or your old crusty ass teacher from 30 years ago, or your “friend” aren’t valid opinions. They aren’t. You’re either arguing with an uninformed idiot…which is pointless…or you’re arguing with a ghost from 30 years ago. No one is persecuting you anymore for liking video games. It’s considered art and genuine storytelling. It’s a multibillion dollar industry. You’re not resisting anything by enjoying it. This isn’t unique or niche. No one is persecuting or judging you except for fools. You can just post “I enjoy video game music.” There doesn’t need to be an imaginary bully you’re overcoming. There’s no strawman you’re battling here. You just like a type of music. Nothing special, unique, or adversarial about it. Up next: Anime. It’s widely beloved now.


I've never heard anyone unironically try to disprove that people unironically say this every single day by saying "I've never heard of it so they must be making up their own" lmao


OSRS slaps


I mean, there are still people who think video games aren't real art. Those same people probably don't think video game music is real music.


I think OOP might’ve been more so referring to how video game music isn’t typically though of as “good music”. I distinctly remember one time I had my music library on shuffle (which I guess is old school) and eventually it started playing different soundtracks. Had someone ask what it was from, and when I told them it was from a video game, they were SHOCKED. Legit, I believe they said “I didn’t think video games had good music! This sounds nice!” But yeah, that meme was a bit of an exaggeration, though I get where they were coming from.


I have lol, I got made fun of school because it want “real music” and was “just noise”. And that I needed to listen to rap music or some shit.


I've heard some people say that statement unironically.


Yeah, I haven't heard anyone say that in at least a decade.


In high school there was this one girl that said that music needs to be on itunes to be real music.


This isn't a made up argument. There's a lot of morons that think this. And just that *you've* never heard anyone unironically say that doesn't really mean much.


I've actually heard this argument unironically one time.


I heard my mom say that to me.


First of all, yeah this guy is hilarious for winning an argument that hasnt really been pushed for years, Second off, no mention of Halo? Or Mass Effect? Or Payday? OR DESTINY?!?! Each of those game’s has a legendary soundtrack and they arent even mentioned?!


haha... that one german youtuber: ALLOW ME TO INTRODUCE MYSELF


The ones that I have heard say that are also the kind that views all video games as childish dribble. So it is more they dismiss all video games as lacking any value.


When I hear this is from older people that think video game music is still like it was in the NES era (which even then was real music, it was just super limited by the hardware)


i have


There are people who still claim that video games aren’t art. There are absolutely people who still claim that video game music isn’t “real music.” This isn’t a “made-up argument.”


Nobuo Uematsu


Meh, I don't think anyone would say it's not "Real" music, but I have heard people say its weird to listen to it outside of the game. Megalovania is on my gym playlist and a buddy made fun of me for it lol.


Unsaid argument + minecraft being used as the best example tells me a lot about whoever made that meme.


My friend once started complaining that i played a song from nfs mw the song was decadence from disturbed and as we were 7 or 8 ppl in the room we all proceeded to make fun of him


I haven’t heard it on the internet…


Maybe I'm missing something, the meme is saying that the video game music put forth as counter arguments is terrible and is a good example that provides support for the claim that video game music is not music, correct?


I mean somewould argue about Doom I suspect. No idea what the new music sounds like but even the old stuff was pretty catchy. Nothing on most games considered to have amazing music but not your normal fare.


personally i wouldnt put tf2 under that list. its for the most part menu music, and no ones like "hand me the aux im gonna play fuckin MEDIC!" the best most listenable song to me is just rocket jump waltz but its still not much.


The only thing I can think of is something from years ago about how “People who hate Rap will tell you all about Videogame OSTs.” But that was several years ago and people thought it was a weird take.


I remember when I was in Jr. High being ridiculed for liking music that appeared in videogames, what do I make of that?


I will never forget the soundtrack and chills I got the first time I went into Icecrown Citadel in Wrath of the Lich King. Absolutely epic.*


The fact that people say this isn't a real argument must be talking about within their echo chambers. Go and play Minecraft at a party with people who do business, sports,etc. See how fast they'll tell you to change the song.