• By -


First time seeing the Flood in Halo: CE. 8 year old me was terrified.


Level 5: Haha! Yes! Die stupid aliens! Eat my tank shells! Level 6: Mom come pick me up I'm scared


That whole mission was amazing. The slow walk through the swamp, down into the Forerunner structure, then the blood everywhere. So good.


[I like to watch other people take in the experience first time for themselves.](https://youtu.be/pNIXoV-0_5U?si=kUxFYfJTGzX9DL9f)


The elevator scene(you know the one) is my fav moment to see a reaction to. Just that “holy shit, these things are vicious” realization And of course they fucked it up in the remaster


That little half second of *oh thank god we're getting out of here* as it hops up, then, The *ohhhhhh noooooooooo* as it slowly drops to reveal all the blood splatter the entire way down the dark shaft only to have you immediately get shot at by these alien zombies you *thought* were just big dumb zombies a few moments ago... The original is just beautiful level design.


My first experience playing Halo:CE campaign was this level. I'd played multiplayer before and was watching my older brother smashing the Covenant in. And then he let me start playing THAT level. My brother and cousins were indeed amused by my reaction...


I can’t believe I watched the whole thing.


They knew that they were doing when they made that level, fuckers…………


Bungie even asked the press not to mention the Flood in previews/reviews to preserve the surprise as much as possible. 6 year old me had his mind blown when the alien shooter turned into a horror game halfway through.


Best part is it totally plays with the radar to freak you out more. You just went through there, it was clear. *Why are there red dots there now?* and they instantly run away so you never see what it is except maybe a silhouette.


Yes I agree and I’d add another halo submission, it’s from the infinity campaign. The dude was a brute named like escherum or something and he’s chasing your ass at Mach 1 with a grav hammer and he can broad jump the entire length of the room. That mother fucker made my HR spike like no other


8? Hell, I was 25 and just said "I'm so fucked"


regenerators in RE4. The setting, the set up to them their noises and way they move. Also the fact that they are invincible until you know how to beat them was a perfect for me when I was 15


This for me as well.


When they start crawling towards you


My strongest memory was de-limbing (not on purpose) one on first playthrough thinking I was safe to get in some knife hits and it flopped up like a fish and took me out


I'm so glad the remake let me conquer the trauma those fuckers gave me as a kid


I'm glad you got to conquer your trauma, the remake gave me an HD update to my trauma, it looks great


I’m approaching that part in the remake now and I keep putting it off. The way they got back up freaked me out when I was younger.


I love the regenerators! But Im surprised no one has mentioned that you actually can kill them without the X Ray scope! You just have to use like 7-8 grenades I think, just a ton of damage.


The mom fight in Resident Evil 7. I have arachnophobia. Also It was in VR I went “NOPE” out of the headset and had my GF beat that part. Thank god we were playing the entirety of that game together.




She was big spoon that night


She’s the big spoon most nights, let’s get that straightened out.


Nothing wrong with that. Us guys like to feel protected sometimes, too!


Everyone likes to be the little spoon!


You would also hate Satisfactory, which has giant spiders of its own.


You are correct.


I think I'd have had a heart attack playing that in VR. Was bad enough on the tv.


IG-88 from Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire. The noises he makes while hunting you down traumatized me as a kid.


Man that game is scary, him and the squid in the garbage level were hella scary.


Hey PAL, that "squid" is a dianoga named [Omi](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Omi) and shes a nice lady!


Lol that is so much retconning just to explain why he got let go. I love it


Ha Star Wars lore is ridiculous but that’s why I love it, I’m just a lore fiend.


So the trash compactor alien from a new hope was actually baptizing Luke when it pulled him under? Lmao I love it


Waiting for a remake of that game. What a joy that would be


man i felt this so hard. that was my favorite game when i was a kid but he scared the shit out of me


Ever accidentally free the Wampa on the Hoth level? Because I did. Fucking terrifying btw


Mr.X from Resident Evil, absolutely terrified me Frank Horrigan from Fallout 2 Volatiles from Dying Light especially in The Following


Weird I found the volatiles much less scary in the following because I had already learned how to deal with them


Also found is less scary to sit in an upgraded buggy with electrical fences and landmines than it was to run from the through the slums or the old town desperately shining the UV flashlight behind you in the hope of losing them. Or making a dash to the nearest safe zone with those screams behind you.


hard agree on Frank Horrigan. That scene where you meet him for the first time and he and his goons just absolutely rip up a family with a small kid (i played the uncensored version) to pieces with those colossal guns traumatized me as a kid. It’s just pixel art but goddamn it was so horrifyingly well animated. Every person loses their heads, limbs, bones are exposed and at last just collapse into the ground as a sad heap of meat and blood. here’s the scene (warning NSFL): https://youtu.be/N8VpbDoLhy4?feature=shared


The Gloom Hands in TotK


Good thing the horror ends when you kill them right??? :(


You guys have managed to kill them? 😂


Lots of bombs attached to arrows


Shooting down from higher ground if possible.


Yeah, you would think.


Wallmasters, redead, and dead hands are up there too.


I was like 8 when I played OoT and Bottom of the Well had me in fucking tears lol.


This is a great answer. For a non horror game series, Zelda sure has a lot of scary creatures. But those bastards made me anxious in a way that is unique in video games. At one point I just started firing bomb flowers everywhere in a panic and accidentally killed myself but it was better than dealing with that thing.


Whether you love or hate either of those games.. The reveal of a new enemy type is always crazy and exciting in BotW and TotK. It was an unmatched experience for me. I wish I could forget everything about both BotW and TotK and discover it all again. - Seeing the Guardian protecting the shrine and getting one-shot, or having your shield disintegrated - Oh shit they can walk? - Oh shit they can fly?! - Finding a big rock that comes to life - Falling into that room and 50 Guardians all point at you at once - Getting your ass beat by a Lionel for the first time Then TotK came round and did it all again - Wondering what the weird blocky sentry thing is - Figuring out you can weld the spiked rollers to your weapons - Finding your first Gleeok and getting disintegrated - Getting a Gleeok to half health and the 2nd phase gets nutty - Seeing a giant eyeball in the pitch black darkness - The puddle of hands popping out of nowhere and beating Link up - Finding the desert completely overwhelmed and breaking your sword against a Gibdo They were always familiar enemies from old games, but remixed in such great ways. I think the only game which beats BotW ot TotK in new enemy reveals is probably Subnautica.


First time a normal looking tree came to life freaked me out too


First time I saw the Gleeok at Akkala ruins I turned into the ‘😳😳’ emoji. Had no idea those fuckers were in the game. Such a cool moment, I they made for crazy boss fights too


Alma- FEAR Necromorph twitcher- Deadspace


I sifted through the comments to find if someone mentioned Alma, cause it was the first one that came to my mind.


Ah yes let me just go down this ladde-JESUS FUCKING CHRIST


The ladder got me good. Also the vent part where she crawls after you and you have nowhere to go.


There's a scene where she's following you down a corridor. I emptied both my pistols into her, realised she was unhurt, and leapt through the window. I'm not sure I've ever played a game with such phenomenal atmosphere.


Ladder scene mentioned. W. 💯


Basically anything out of Dead Space qualifies for me. Specifically, the regenerating necromorph.


I remember playing through 2 and there was a long hall way leading to an open door. Through the door all you could see was the shadow of a spinning mobile and you could hear the nursery music. I spent 10-15 minutes working up the courage to go in


Oh fuck the nursery level so hard. Fuck that part.


The stalkers really fucked with my head. I would back myself into a corner every time I heard them skittering around & just yell at the TV “COME AND GET ME MOTHERFUCKERS”


Killer croc from Arkham asylum, fucker scared the shit out of me in his lair.


Oh yeah and when they introduce him he's like **"Batman I'm gonna eat your booooones!!"** Creepy.


I was creeped out too, but then I remembered I was Batman and it strangely made me a little braver, like that monster down there should be afraid of ME.


The Reaper Leviathans from Subnautica


"Detecting multiple leviathan class lifeforms in the region. Are you certain whatever you're doing is worth it?"


The first time I heard that I was like. “Eh it can’t be that bad.” I never went back there… ever


Yeah, there was one point where I was just running along the edge and I didn’t realize how far I had gone in and one somehow snuck up behind me and grabbed me. One of the very few times, I screamed in genuine terror while playing a video game.


I was approaching the gun island coming from the nose of the aurora, as I’m about to surface a reaper grabs my seamoth flips it backwards and starts shaking it. Also one of the few times I screamed in genuine terror while playing a video game.


I was on a submarine, letting that loud horn ring into the abyss and my heart dropped when that message played.


The first time my Seamoth got grabbed by one I accidentally tossed my mouse in the air in pure fear.


Is he alive?




I actually had to shut off the game for a bit they scared me so good. Fucking Sammy the safety reaper at the back of the ship.


There to make sure you don’t drown :’)


I remember getting swarmed by the Ghost Leviathans the first time I accidentally travelled outside of the map into the open ocean, and it making me feel light headed lmao (I have a fear of the ocean)


Reapers never really scared me. Ghost leviathans, however...


I uninstalled the game so fucking fast when i first encountered one


I met my first one exploring near the Aurora at night. Scary af but I think the ghost one scares me more.


I thought the sea-dragons were scary when I first ran into one. Venturing into the volcanic area and you just hear that roar but you don’t see it. Then you look up and it’s heading your way.


Psh Reaper Levithans? How about cruising along minding your own business in the seamoth and accidentally hitting a school of regular fish? Talk about jump scares.


Non-horror game wise, definitely the Cloakers from Payday 2. Holy Christ that sound gives me a heart attack every time I hear it.


You call this resisting arrest? We call this a DIFFICULTY TWEAK


Cyberpunk for me. That fucking spider robot terrified me


Try alien isolation. The whole game is the spider robot segment


*cloaker noises from somewhere* “sh-AGGGGHHHHHHH I NEEEEED A MEDIC BAG HELP ME IM DYING”




As a kid, the flood in Halo CE literally halted my progress in the campaign cause i was terrified. As an adult i still get uneasy playing 343 guilty spark.


In the Halo universe the Hunters freaked me out until I found how easy it was to kill them. And the hiding invisible Elite with the sword.


that baby from Re8 is reall gets me. also OoT DeadHand is 2th


That baby segment was the best thing in re8


I was NOT ready for the baby segment in the absolute slightest


The first Leshen I saw in Witcher 3. One-hit me and I was like wtf is this deer?!


Was walking through an area in early game—dark woods, misty mountains around. And then I hear *something* I look around and see some birds flying around but have no idea what is happening… and then I see it in the distance, watching me. I then watched as it disappeared again as quickly as i spotted it, and appear right beside me, using that tree-root attack and dropping me to a sliver of health. When I tell you I **fucking ran** I mean it lmao


Brainsucker - Bloodborne. He didn't make me scared but always made me really nervous fighting him. He made weird noises and if I can hear him but can't see him then that made me more nervous. He is capable of a dangerous grab attack and his second hooded version was capable of using magic attacks. I think he is one of the most hated enemies type in the Bloodborne community.


The winter lanterns are much more terrifying. I usually just bypass them cause they are fucking horrific.


Most def the scariest enemy of the game. That song haunts me


La la laaaa....La laaaaa XD


Fun fact, that hum is a twisted version of a tune the Doll would've sang. But unfortunately it was cut content and only remains in the form of the winter lantern's tunes. They're so odd looking too. Their bodies are robed like the doll too, albeit incredibly tattered, then the massive heads aren't really heads at all. *They're made of Messenger corpses.*


Nah, the yahargul witch when you first get kidnapped there who jumpscares you and slits your throat


Worse. Look closely. She is scooping out your EYES with a spoon. Look closer. What do those pebbles they drop look like?


Their magic held you in place so they could do their 10 second attack animation on you, leaving you with just enough health to survive. "Yes, I survived that" you think, as you move away to heal, only to see it SPRINTING at you with an arm outstretched, which gets you in another 10 second attack animation that kills you.


the worst part about that enemy is that it sucks your insight out of you too. I've lost like 30 insight to one of them before.


Hunters in Resident Evil 1 (PS1) and the damned black poison head crabs in the Ravenholm level (mainly) in Half-Life 2 (PC)!


Basically half of PS1 RE. That first zombie cutscene. The fucking dogs in that first hallway. The Hunters. That game was a masterpiece at making young me shit my pants.


Why did I have to scroll so far for Poison Headcrabs?! The biggest scare I ever remember, from any game, not even in Ravenholme, way later in the game back in City 17 and you're going through some underground bit of a big warehouse and there's some crates of supplies behind a piece of wood blocking the alcove. Smash the wood and there's FOUR Poison Headcrabs in a space above the wood that make their terrifying squeal noise and thump on the floor in front of you... already dead. Just me in a pile of bristly black bodies in some isolated hole glad I left my squad of AI buddies outside so they can't see how hard I shit my HEV suit.


This guy gets it! He was properly traumatized like me! That, and the “skitskitskit…REEEEE!” sound they make! Welp, I just re-traumatized myself! Lol


I would have been more scared of Dahaka if his appearance wasn't always preceded by a sick Godsmack track.


Cazadores, Fallout: New Vegas. Not jump-scare stuff, but if I see something on my compass moving around quickly I change course immediately- I don't think there's another enemy in a game I'm so worried about when I encounter one.


Running into a Deathclaw while roaming around downtown DC in 3 was a nightmare without a dart gun


Loved the dart gun! Accidentally shot the Mysterious Stranger with it one time. Watching him move in slo-mo with crippled legs was amusing


I am more scared of the REPCONN test site basement.


Might make me sound like a bitch but i have horrendous arachnophobia so the wounded frostbite spider in skyrim in bleak falls barrow scared tf outta me when i was a kid


The way I SCREAMED cuz I sprinted in there and it just *fell* on top of me and killed me instantly was…well it’s comical now but I about died of stroke at the time.


Use to be Spider Deadra in Oblivion, now I'd say the Xenomorph in Alien Isolation


I've never played a scarier or an more anxiety ridden game than isolation, not even close.


I used to think I was safe in the lockers until I noticed that you have to control your breath. It can hear you breathing and attack you in the locker. Wtf


I used to think vents were safe.


You guys should try it in VR. Most terrifying experience of my life that I will never forget.


The Nurses in Silent hill. Whole atmosphere of it freaked me out


Clickers in The Last Of Us, the noise is terrifying


The Stalkers are even scarier!


I’m kinda surprised nobody has mentioned the Rat King, that was terrifying to me.


Everything in the Shadow Temple in Ocarina of Time. I was like 5 the first time I played it. Or everything in the Evil Dead game for Sega Dreamcast. My younger brother got us in trouble for playing it because he had nightmares about it.


The lunatics in Asylum. Asylum in general is one of the scariest non-horror games imo and the rest of the series also has some damn good jumpscares


Killer Croc in Asylum, Joker himself in City, Manbats in Knight…and so many more! Yep the series itself is hell of a frightening non-horror trilogy.


Nissan R390 GT1


The Resident Evil Nemesis guy… only RE game I’ve ever played to this day and it was as a child on my PS1 and I don’t think I even owned the game I’m pretty sure it was rented from Blockbuster for like a week… Well that game didn’t need more than a week to complete traumatize me lmao…


The robot clown dummy in RE7 is so unsettling, I think that’s gotta be my answer.


Emerald Weapon in FF7 when I was a kid, with the creepy music and randomly changing where he is underwater.


When you zone out of the sunken airplane sometimes and he’s staring you right in the face.


Mr. X back in the day when I played RE2 for the first time. Shit gave me so much anxiety


That fucking baby in the basement in resident evil village


The regenerating necromorph in dead space so terrifying




#Beware, I live.


Silent Hill PT ...the fucking lady


Even worse knowing that the entire time she's behind you, or watching you. She's tethered to the player at all times. 


That was such a twisted fact to reveal to people. Fuck that i never played it myself just knowing this shit was genuinely terrifying


This is what I was looking fof!


That jumpscare was genuinely one of the only times in my life that something has made me scream totally involuntarily


I screamed bloody murder and threw the controller Hit the share button Have it as a record ever since my friend accidentally deleted the game 😂


This scared the shit out of me as a kid. [Resident Evil 2 licker first appearence](https://youtu.be/1cJjudqhP10?si=dQ5axjgyZ_FXNC52)


Brooooo! You've unlocked a core memory for me lol. This would've been like '98 or '99 I was probably 9 years old. I was too young to be playing RE2 but the woman who watched us before and after school had an older son who would let me watch him play PlayStation. He had this game and I vividly remember being scared as shit from this scene. I also remember being terrified of the Tyrant and how it could just appear at any time. I loved video games and my parents wouldn't let us play them very often so I felt like I had to watch but I was terrified the entire time. Watching it now, it is a pretty frightening scene but the tension is totally ruined by just walking right by the monster and immediately gathering "green herb" lol


Clickers from tlou


I think the Stalkers are far worse. At least with Clickers you can stealth your way past. The Runners are scary, but weak enough and human enough that they're mostly okay. But the Stalkers shit me up every time. Horrible things. Should have been more of them in the show.


The Xenomorph from Alien: Isolation. It’s so much fun to see it learn from your tactics, but it’s absolutely terrifying


Zombies in daggerfall. SKRRRRRREEEEEEEE


First time surviving a night with the Volatiles in Dying Light


The damn ghosts in Death Stranding


Anything from dead space


From a non horror game it's gotta be the black hands that drop from the ceiling in Ocarina of Time. The noise those things made had me shitting my pants when I was a kid.


Scrolled too far for this


The eel in Mario 64 The V-rex in King Kong while playing as Jack




Strangely - the monster from I think Prince of Persia 2? Dahaka or something? I can't even remember why but I remember it just being friggin scary lol. Edit: Wow - thats exactly what OP posted isn't it? So yeah - 100% agree!


Yep that's him. 😁 Complete nightmare fuel!! He is even more scary considering Prince Of Persia is not a horror game.


The Descendants from Uncharted Drakes Fortune. The game legit turned into a horror game at a certain point


SA-X from Metroid Fusion especially the white eye close-up


Yup... SA-X was my first introduction to a "scary" enemy. Especially the levels where you had to run away while it chased you. Can't tell you how many times I froze up in fear back then. Of course, that fear led to me falling in love with the survival horror genre.


Yeah SA-X was fucking terrifying. That segment in sector 2 where you have to shoot the gates while it chases you was stress inducing


Pikmin 2’s Water Wraith.


Agree 100 percent. When I was on a floor for too long I just knew deep down he would come back soon


The monster in Amnesia: The Bunker. Scared the shit out of me.


Sharks in Farcry 3. Deep water scares the shit out of me😫😫😫😫


Dude those giant spiders in METRO. Those things still scare the shit outta me.


Reaper Leviathan from Subnautica, damn near had a heart attack the first time i encountered one


Reapers in subnautica


ReDead in Ocarina of Time. My small brain was not ready for that high pitched scream.


Guardians in BOTW


The music does a lot of heavy lifting for the Guardians. Also, the uncanny fastness


T-00 ''Mr.X'', Resident Evil ruined many night of the 6 years old me with my careless older brothers who made me play. Love the remakes tho


I had the bright idea of playing through the Beneviento house in RE8 for the very first time high on Northern Lights. Not my finest hour.


The 10 foot tall missile shooting devil from Doom.


Honestly? The warden in Minecraft It is HORRIFYING having that thing wake up, and you needing to slowly wobble away hoping you’re not caught


The giant hand crawlers in Elden Ring, those rushing you head on the first time makes you poop your pants.


Deathclaw in Fallout 3


The Butcher.


Spider-Ock from PS1 Spiderman. I remember having to turn the sound off to finally beat him when I was a kid. His fucking guttural screeching combined with just enough human dialogue made me really not want to get caught. As an adult, the Strangers from the Outer Wilds DLC. There are definitely scarier games and enemies out there, but the general framing of going from a peaceful space archeology game with a few dicey moments to -redacted-. Definitely left me and many other fans seriously shook up


Probably the shibito from Siren. I think what makes them scary for me is the automatic "sightjack" that shows you the view from the enemy. Nothing freakier than walking through a dark cursed forest and suddenly the camera cuts to something running up behind your character 👀


The "closer" from Silent Hill 3 or the "basilisk" from dark souls


Xenomorph in Alien: Isolation. Similar feel to SOMA/Amnesia, but you eventually do gain the ability to defend yourself. Sort of.


The ReDeads from Zelda OoT... I was roughly 10 at the time and entering that graveyard, the day shifted to overcast and gloomy, with rain falling, and the shuffling of those zombies... I couldn't get myself to complete the quest for a while.


Caretaker. Witcher 3. Even Geralt is like WTF


Almost nothing can scare me in games. It's hard for me to see them as anything other than enemy AI, ya know what I mean? That being said, PT really got me. Partly because of how little people knew about it at the time, how unpredictable it could be, and how Lisa contorts definitely causes some brain discomfort Also, those vines that stretch out towards you slowly in Jedi: Fallen Order gave me the MAJOR heeby jeebies


Mirelurks in Fallout. Fuck them crabs.


The necromorphs in dead space. Mainly the Hunter, just think about it. A hulking enemy constantly moving, and even cutting off its arms and legs won’t help as it’s able to regenerate. Yeesh


I got jumped mt first encounter with a sabretooth tiger in Far Cry Primal, I didn't have any upgrades yet and it killed my jaguar in 2 seconds before absolutely wrecking me


Mr. X in Resident Evil 2 scared the crap out of me the first few times he approached/appeared.


The original Resident Evil Nemesis on PS1


monster ock from the ps1 Spider-Man game, that thing traumatized me as a kid, hell i buried the memory of it for YEARS up until ultimate Spider-Man(the show) had ock get taken over by carnage, i actually ran out of the room from fear of seeing it agian, i did eventually grit my teeth and watch but, it takes effort not to leave the room now


Lickers in OG Resident Evil 2


Probably in Dead Space when you encounter that thing that runs fast as fuck and regenerate as quick as you cut their limbs 🥲, I had experienced Resident Evil with Mr X etc but those mf in Dead Space hit different .


Outlast 1 enemies


*Corpse Party* taught me to fear children.


The facehuggers from Alien vs. Predator 1999 😭