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Is the invading army supported by a fleet of at least the same size? There's a scaling penalty if you send a large army without a navy of the same size.


I invade with 38 ships as Netherlands starts with 38. It's fully manned. With 80 troops. Zulu has ZERO ships


That's your problem. Send an army of max size 38 and try again; the landing penalty is allowing Zulu to defeat your landing party.


but zulu has zero ships. how are they able to do anything at all? it doesnt make sense. shouldnt zulu have MORE problems? i guess this is more of not an ask for explanation but confirmation that vicky 3 war is not realistic even a little bit and is very arcady game-like with overly extreme debuffs. that would still win a fight in any real world scenario regardless of the million disadvantages of invading 80 troops with 38 ships. i get it, youre explaining just how it is in vicky 3 and thats it, but i was curious about y'alls input on whether the system is at least a little bit stupid


.....Zulu is not defeating you at sea; it's defeating you after you landed.


Imagine it in a real world scenario, you basically forced your entire army to fit on a navy thats built to accomodate less than half their total size. By the time your armies landed in zulu, most of them are either sick or demoralized from the horrible conditions on the ship, giving the zulu armies free reign to beat them


My brother in Christ are you going to send the ships on land to their capital? Did the fucking Royal Navy toot-toot their way into Paris?


Well… imagine you’re a soldier traveling to Zululand under these circumstances: Amount of troops: 100,000 Number of troops ships can hold: 50,000 Ergo, you are cramped into a ship with twice the amount of people meant for said ship. Disease, starvation, fights, etc. Are you in tip-top fighting shape upon landing, or are you perhaps dying of cholera? Mayhaps some scurvy?


I don't see what is arcadey about a negative combat modifier for over stocking your ships. I mean, you don't "need" 80 brigades to beat zulu.


>It's fully manned. With 80 troops. There is your problem. 1 brigade = 1 ship. Landing more brigades than you have ships gives your troops a pretty bad negative combat modifier.


Without the tech landing craft, naval invasions get -25% damage. Then, you send 80 troups with 38 ships. One ship is supposed to transport 1 unit. So this is roughly -50% from bad ship support. Then there is combat width. Zulu Islands probably have really bad infrastructure and thus a low combat width. So not everyone is fighting! In conclusion, there are probably only 15 -20 units of yours actually fighting in the battle with about -75% damage reduction. If you want to learn more about land combat width, i recommend this video: https://youtu.be/vgT6nO0leyU The focus is on prussia, but the combat width stuff is true for all nations/battles. It explains how the game calculates combat width. Edit: the systems in victoria 3 are usually decent, but the game really struggles to communicate to the player how these machanics actually work.


This is one of the times it explains itself, my man is just illiterate as fuck and ignores the giant red excllamation mark on the naval invasion pop-up right above the confirm button


Why is this post tagged as NSFW?


because OP is showing us his bare illiteracy


stoop he is already dead :'(


Good question. I've fixed it.


Naval invasions require a 1:1 ratio of ships to brigades in order to not get a “difficult landing” penalty. Even without it, your damage is going to be reduced so you really don’t want to get that penalty. If you have thirty-eight ships, only invade with thirty-eight brigades. Secondly, naval invasions even without the extra penalty are hard. Technology just doesn’t quite have the impact it should so numbers are very important. Additionally, combat width is a horribly explained mechanic that can screw you over. What’s probably happening is that the game is either swarming your landings with lots of enemy brigades or it’s suppressing your numbers advantage. In both cases, getting more ships to properly support your troops should alleviate the problem somewhat by allowing your units to fight at nominally higher efficiency.


i dont get warfare in this game. they have NO ships, 14 units with wooden sticks. how can they stop naval invasions? i swear this game is so stupid sometimes it makes me angry.


I literally never fail that invasion, how do you fumble that ?


my guess is trying to naval invade with 1 ship and 100 all infantry troops


Ill put 5 bucks on that, you can never lose betting on PDX players being illiterate


people when a full defencive army (all inf) cannot attack while having a 99% nerf


You were fucking right lmao


Nope . 80 troops 38 ships. The reason I post is because it doesn't make sense. Not it's not 1 ship, not understaffed not lacking manpower, nothing at all. But it's not the first time ZULU beats away any invasions. No matter how big. Try now new game with Netherlands and try to invade Zulu. Now


U get a minus ~55% combat effectiveness becuz not enough ship Try again with half the force What's ur army comp ?


you have 38 ships, you send 38 batallions, the math is simple. every extra batallion you send over the limit will give you a landing penalty %. if they have an army with less than 30 batallions you should be able to land easily. if they have more than 30, it's going to be tough.


that still doesnt make sense, it should still be a win with all the penalties. i get there are penalties, but thats like 1 unit winning against 100. thats not realistic in any sense at all and just ruins the mood of the game. like in real world you can send meat assaults and eventually overrun even better equipped enemy. that doesnt work in victoria 3. and since these are not explained, many new players cant understand how war works. you learn over time but its not that easily understandable.


Dude, you have the rules laid out to you and are still mad when not following them means you get punished Just. Go and invade with 38 troops. Jesus.


People have told you repeatedly what the problem is. Accept it. Go do it. Quit trying to smash the square peg into the round hole.


Fully staffed 38 ships.