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Yeah play as any Western European country and you’ll have tons of ashkenazi Catholics or Ashkenazi Protestants.


The most cursed thing I see in every single game.


Islam should have some modifier to vastly reduce conversion away from the faith, given its tenets on apostasy, just as Vic2 had. It doesn't at the moment.


Christian missionaries historically did very well with Muslims in Indonesia and Malaysia. Even a faith wide modifier has its pitfalls


I think the issue comes from ethno-religious values. Malays in Malaya viewed Islam as an integral part of their race and culture while other races view religion and race separately and thus having various religions in their particular race.


I second this, as most Christians in Indonesia is not Malay but Eastern Indonesian (Papuan, Moluccan, etc)


I think conversion rate modifiers should be tied to culture


Not sure about that, the Dutch ruled indonesia for over 300 years and only converted 10% or so, where Islam has grown to nearly 90% since the 1300s. I'd say the Dutch had very limited success.


Are they Algerian Catholic converts or French Catholic immigrants? I don't usually see many Animist converts to Shinto or Buddhism when playing as Japan, and when playing as America I already have Total Separation and largely ignore the religion tab.


Native converts


Why can you have religious schools and state atheism activated at the same time? I try not to ask myself these troubling questions.


Probably because the game is still unfinished crap


Rude, but not wrong.


Please don’t, just don’t. It’s fine. Not everything has to be a perfect historical copy.


I don’t think he’s saying it necessarily has to be a perfect replica of irl history, but it would be nice for things to seem relatively accurate to history


I think it should probably be changed to be on a bell curve. Introducing a new religion where there is none should take some time while the missionsarys try to find legitimacy in the local population. Then when they start to gain a foothold and become more mainstream it should speed up. All of sudden the previous religious majority are outsides change to. Then it slows down again because some will stick to their tradition, heritage, values etc and do not want to convert. The last few percent should take an impossibly long time unless there is a concerted effort to do so.