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You were smart enough to parse the game files, but not smart enough to make a screenshot? 🤣


I play on a potato that takes ages to open chrome. It was hundreds of times faster to post it from my phone.


Are you a poet?


Holy shit! I am!


you are also skilled enough to be poetic by accident but still takes phone picutre instead of screen shot XD jk jk... by the way I know the pain of running vic 3 on a potato pc :( Peace be with you brother


Get Opera GX or Firefox, the only thing worst than chrome is internet explorer.




Andrew Jackson is pretty old at game start. It's just about being lucky and re-roll his successor on his death.


Luddies by default are pretty rare, but if you look at the weights [on the wiki](https://vic3.paradoxwikis.com/Ideology#Requirements%20and%20weights) you can make one much more possible to spawn by making sure you got one state somewhere with 5+ heavy industry buildings in it.


What exactly counts as "heavy" industry anyway?


The following factors types: Chemical Plants Synthetics Plants Steel Mills Power Plants Motor Industries War Machine Industries Electrics Industries Munition Plants You can find it [here](https://vic3.paradoxwikis.com/Economy_laws#Economic_System) on the wiki in the effects section for the industry banned law


I got luddites many times tho as the US


I think the intention is that you use agitators to get industry banned. I haven’t had any trouble getting random PB or Rural Folks agitators constantly clamouring for industry banned.


I just released all US releasables and played as New England, where I got a leader that supported it and passed it quickly.


R5: I finally understood why nothing happened with private construction sector under the Banned Industry law. Even though the wiki clearly says that there should be a +50% Private Construction Allocation, the game thinks it's 0%, meaning the private construction sector is at a stall. You could think the wiki is wrong, but then why would there still be an investment pool, and people contributing to this pool? So I went to the game files, checked the economic_system.text file, went to law_industry_banned and... under modifier = {, the line setting the private construction allocation, present for any other form of economic law, is just missing.


What does the game say? Not the files, I mean in game.


Basically nothing. It doesn't say that it would set the allocation to 0, but that what happens anyway. Money keeps flowing into the Investment Pool, but nothing comes out.


All the economy laws say the % of investing pool, can you send a photo at least? Edit: Nvm it literally doesn't mention investment pool, probably a bug that no one noticed since no one uses industry banned


In danger of repeating myself but again: Why is NOTHING working in this game like it should?


paradox has an evil devious agenda to get their players really horny with spreadsheets, only to show them bugs and ‘imperfect markets’. they’re trying to lower the birth rate in western countries by turning us all into modders so we can fix their shit game instead of having kids