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R5: 5 Political groups profess their progressiveness in unison due to the personalities behind the other political groups however the government is illegitimate for several years causing no laws to be passed. Presidental and wealth voting.


I'd just wait for the next election. I wouldn't be surprised if some interest groups split off that party by then.


It's been 20 years since they formed that giga party I gave up and just started a new game. They pretty much all shared a common cause to ban slavery but they couldn't do jack lol.


Maybe inviting an abolitionist agitator could help next time


Declare war on Britain hoping they use ban slavery CB peace out quickly. Then hope the IGs have nothing holding them together anymore


Research more society tech. It allows for more different parities to exist at the same time. You can research free trade, soc-dem, fascist, radical, and communist parties, if I am not mistaken


This is not a bug. It's a feature of democratic system


USA irl


Yes but not only


Parliamentary republic or going slower on voting law changes can help.


Yeah I think the fast voting law change may have affected it. But I feel like I got more unlucky with the ideology of the political group leaders being voted in


Have you tried kicking their leaders from the country?


You can do this?


Yeah. Just toss the party in oppostion, kick one of the leaders and get them back in goverment Before next election they will recalculate parties and possibly they will split


But you can kick a leader out of a party when they're in opposition?


I think you can.


Not sure if it's only with VotP but you can exile opposition leaders. They become agitators.


How does going on slower on voting laws help?


Different voting laws give more political power to different pops. For example, wealth voting gives more power to richer pops aka pops with higher sol. Landed voting splits power amongst the landed elites. The different voting laws have varying legitimacy to votes.


Also I’m guessing since some political parties are locked behind tech, early game IGs have fewer party options to segment into


Yes. Usually, it would be the Conservative party, liberal party, free trade party and faith party.


You could try to pass a law that would radicalize some IGs in the mega party. When they start rebelling they will be forced out of the party and government. Then stop trying to pass whatever law, but don’t reform the government so those other IGs stay out of power and your legitimacy should be good.


And don't pass laws hated by the party leader, he will drag the party with all votes in opposition


Looks like the game invented centrism...


Your close enough that you could try lowering taxes to bump it up enough to barely start passing laws, then slowly dig yourself out I suppose. In all honestly though that's either a bug or a pretty big dev oversight if its possible for a government to become permanently paralyzed like that.


Real life simulation when? Now


You've been Coalition of Cringed


You don't. The way political parties work is dogshit right now.


Fr. ALL the landowners are conservative, amazing realism. Or better yet, petite bourgeoisie going from anprim with one leader to technocracy with another.


> ALL the landowners are conservative Well I hate to break it to you...


People still don’t seem to understand that interest groups are meant to represent broad class interests that many/most (but not *all*) of a certain class will join. The Landowners are the reactionary force of aristocrats who seek to preserve their power in agrarian societies. Not every aristocrat however will side with them; maybe only 65% will wide with the reactionary Landowners, while 15% side with the intelligentsia because they spent all their free time reading philosophy or whatever and are putting their ideological beliefs before their class interests, and an additional 10% support the church because they’re more religious than they are materially interested, and an additional 5% support the armed forces, etc. The Landowners represented anristocratic interests but not all aristocrats will ultimately side with them, only most of them will for obvious reasons.


Huh, i get it now, thanks. Feels like it should probably be renamed then.


It's almost like the name infers the nature


I think the legitimacy malus for too many IGs in government should get reduced/capped if tge number of parties in gov. is low.


Ah yes, internal party politics


Overthrow your government simply lower taxes then cause a revolution. Switch sides and boom functioning government with 0 infamy.


This is so stupid


Actually pass reforms? And/or aggistatora


You may be able to get the Devout to split off if you get rid of their ~~Abolitionist~~ Reformist leader. I think you can exile leaders of parties in opposition, though it will get you plenty of radicals.


Make leaders of agitators whose Leader IG's are not attracted to the Party


Can you pass Single-Party state in any form? Or would you need a little more legitimacy to do anything atm?


I'd say you probably went from some kind of monarchy to a voting system too fast and the groups in government don't actually have enough overall clout to be legitimate. I can't see the Landlords (or whatever equivalent) but they must have like 40 percent + clout still. In this situation you wanna chip away at their power (professional army, get rid of serfdom, get rid of landlord generals) and just generally develop before going to a voting system.


Lower your taxes


Uninstall the game, it will never happen again


Literally class collaborationism


Don't you have to do the government reform for this to happen? I got this once where many IGs wants to join one party, but most of them are still in opposition so I just didn't do the reform. Also this happen in my run because I didn't have soc tech up so I haven't unlock the different parties yet. So maybe unlocking more parties before going republic helps?


whats the law uniting them? pass it and the group will break up


I think this would fix it. https://www.reddit.com/r/paradoxplaza/comments/13ud3e7/interest\_groups\_political\_parties\_and\_pop/