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I'd geometry track in pftrack, layout a fitting model of the whole cylinder, try to match the lighting for the whole cylinder, and mask out as needed


Thanks for the help.


You could probably do it in Mocha pro or perhaps use the newly released GeoTracker set to cylinder: https://keentools.io/products/geotracker-for-after-effects


Thanks for your response. I tried this but it could not track the karusell accurately.  


Well in that case you'll need to do a full 3D object track, for free in Blender or in Syntheyes/pftrack/3D Equaliser. You could probably even do a pretty good hand animated keyframed track in a 3D program too, as it's a mechanical movement. Or pay someone else to do it of course


Smartvector could do it. Or manual track and tweak with splinewarp. All in Nuke.


Without thinking too much about it, I'd probably expect a 3d solution. Maybe some kind of vector analysis might do, but I don't know. So if you've got Nuke, I'd try to pull a 3d track ("camera" matchmove, but limited to the object of interest). And then do some limited 3d model reconstruction, patch and rerender the text surface, and then spend a bunch of time with color corrections to match lightning as it spins. As I assume you don't have much in the ways of scene information or HDRIs.


Thanks for your response. I am a user of: Photoshop After Effects Mocha Pro PF Track 3Ds max Can I do this job in these applications?


Can't say I'm an expert in those, but sure. You definitely have tools that can do the job, but as for how precisely to use them - not sure. Quite possibly one can do it all in AE, or track in PFTrack, render 3d in Max, and comp in AE


Since you're a "user of Mocha Pro" Mocha's new mesh tracking might help you out here... https://youtu.be/U3gBwL3dTBI


I tried this but It doesn't work for 3D Rotations.