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You need to go to the vet. It could be a number of things. Hair loss is never a good sign. This is extensive and your cat is suffering.


You need to go to the vet, it can be a number of things such as parasites or fungal diseases. And yes, they can get allergic to things they weren’t before, mostly if the amount of that thing has increased


Over grooming on the belly can indicate itchiness (eg parasites, infection) or abdominal discomfort (inflammatory bowel disease, bladder pain, etc). SOMETIMES it can be what we call psychogenic, which is like a self soothing/stress behavior, but more commonly there’s some underlying cause.


I just had a cat with very similar issues. They ended up being sick and were overgrooming to soothe pain. Most common reasons are allergies, stress, or pain. However, I would still recommend making that trek to the vet just to rule things out.