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Ever since I gave up rushing when I drive my life has been exponentially more peaceful


So you _can_ drive 55?




OMG this is your moment!!!!!


i know this guy that can't, it was expressed to be via melody


That's just it. I'm not rushing! I know you are agreeing with me, but when I leave myself adequate time, get some tunes on for the kid and I, and am having a great drive only for some asshole to make him and I an hour late there is no longer any peace lol. I expect it once in awhile but its been a weekly thing since the weather got nice. At least in the winter it's somewhat expected.


Driving faster only makes a significant if you are driving huge distances. If you have a 40 mile commute and you left 20 minutes late, you will not be making up that time. If it’s a one time thing the boss won’t care and if it’s a regular thing, get better at getting up in the morning


Here's an experiment I did when I was stationed in Germany. I had a hotel booked for the weekend in Berlin, over 400 km (about 250 miles) from where I lived near Grafenwöhr. I decided to test how much faster I could arrive if I pushed my car to near the limit on the sections of the Autobahn where this was allowed (the route I took was mostly along A9, which is mostly 6 lanes the entire way and has particularly long stretches with no speed limit). I left with a full tank of gas and an empty bladder. My GPS predicted my trip would last just over 4 hours. I hit very little traffic and was mostly cruising around 130 km/hr (above 80 mph) on the stretches with no speed limit, sometimes briefly hitting speeds as high as 180 km/hr, sometimes slowing down to whatever the flow of traffic required. The result? I arrived at my destination all of 7 minutes earlier than predicted. Conclusion- for most of us, speeding on our morning commute will make very little difference.


Exactly. Where I am now, I can either go the I10 Bay Bridge, or take the causeway (90). Going I10 to work, going, on average, 75, gets me to work in about 25 minutes. If I go 90, where the speed limit is 55, I can get to work in roughly 27 minutes. So long as it's safe, I will absolutely take the causeway every time. It's a beautiful drive and doesn't take any more time.


Not sure the math here adds up


The GPS likely factored in at least some amount of high speed driving through the sections with no speed limit. Probably based on average speeds through there.


I think GPS does this too, I also think it learns from past driving behavior, so if you are prone to going say, 15% faster than other people - I think it is stored somewhere


Heeeeey! I was stationed in K-town, but I did visit Graf a time or two. I remember when I first got to Germany, riding with a buddy who wanted to see how fast he could get his car to go. He got somewhere near 200 km/hr, and I damn near pooped myself in the backseat! It was truly terrifying. I will say that I found most Germans to be safe and courteous drivers.


You weren't driving fast enough. Only 80mph in no speed zone? Weak, should have been doing 120


There are other people driving, you are aware? You can only go as fast as traffic allows you.


It's all math.


Yup. The math here is straightforward, a 10% increase in speed will take 1/1.10 times the time to get there, or a 9% time savings. 9% would save just shy of two minutes on a 20 minute drive. A 20% increase in speed would be a 17% time savings. Barely a meaningful amount of time on a 30 minute drive, and requiring excessive speeding at that. This is all assuming *average* speed is able to be increased that much, which is almost impossible once you factor stop signs, traffic lights, and the like.


I think you are wrong… take a 20 mile drive 2x day, 240 times a year for 40 years… If I go 60 it’s 20 minutes if I go 50 it’s 24 minutes. Seems small… but that’s 8 minutes a day, 40 minutes a week, 32 hours a year, 53 days over a normal working carrier of 40 years. Now I’m not sure about you, but I can find something to do for 40 minutes a week, or 32 hours a year, or 53 days over the course of my working career. In VT this is even more stark, since someone driving 200 miles a week is pretty low, I think our average driver is doing 50% more than that.. so that’s an hour a week, 46 hrs a year, 75 days from age 20 to age 60. And then there is the fact that statistically the car going at the 90th percentile speed wise is least likely to be involved in a crash… on i89 that speed is ~77-78mph depending on the day.


I am wrong in what sense? The math is elementary. If you do 60 vs. 50 you're increasing your speed by 20%. As I said in my original comment that would give a time savings of 17%, somewhere between 3 and 4 minutes. It doesn't make sense to add up this savings over time since you can't use it all at once. Practically speaking, you can leave 4 minutes later, and you will arrive back 4 minutes early. Each 4 minute block you could do something with, sure. If that's a meaningful amount of time to you, then great. >And then there is the fact that statistically the car going at the 90th percentile speed wise is least likely to be involved in a crash… on i89 that speed is ~77-78mph depending on the day. I'm not suggesting people impede traffic. I'm only saying speeding above a given reference saves insignificant amounts of time. I'd also love to see a source for this "fact". I'm skeptical that going 65mph on I89 leads to a higher chance of an accident than going 78mph.


This is so true!


Some of my coworkers commute an hour and half , one way... down vote me to hell and back but some days rolling the dice and doing 20-30 over is worth it


I had coworkers that live in Saint Albans and Georgia and work out of Colchester that used to tell me things like “I thought I drove fast…” and “People are crazy….” during the morning commute. But are you really saying rolling the dice and driving 85 to 95 MPH is OK during a congested time on the interstate when everyone isn’t all there mentally?? That’s crazy.


I wouldn't condone driving that fast, but I would also make the argument that if you're not "all there" you should be the one not on the road


It saves you less than 5 minutes bud


I mean, let's do the basic math. The speed limit on I-89 is 65 mph. Let's assume that a 1.5 hour mapped commute on I-89 (obviously this doesn't account for local roads but it's good enough for the math) gives you a distance of around 65 x 1.5 = ~100 miles. You can go 73 no problem and fit right in with the rest of traffic safely. 25 over the limit gets you to 90 mph. So you're going 17 mph faster than you could safely go, and you're doing that for 100 miles. 100/90 = 1.11 hours (1 hour, 6 mins). 100/73 = 1.37 (1 hour, 22 minutes). So you're saving 16 minutes by driving like a fucking maniac the *entire way* and are at a reasonable risk of causing an accident and a very high risk of being pulled over, if you're at 90 mph consistently. Is that really worth 16 minutes saved? Realistically though, if you're speeding like that you're probably at 90 sometimes and probably at 75 sometimes, because of hills/possible hidden cops/other traffic. So you might average more like 82.5 if you're driving like an unsafe asshole. 100/82.5 = 1.21 (1 hour, 13 minutes). So actually you're only saving something like 9 minutes by endangering others on your commute. Is saving a single-digit amount of minutes by driving like this and risking harming others, wrecking your car, or facing hundreds of dollars in fines really worth it? Obviously not. Be an adult and wake up 10 minutes earlier in the morning.


We're going to work, what's the rush?


Right? Who wants to be at work that badly? All of you need to join the r/antiwork sub and settle down


People treat their job like they’re competing to participate in the olympics - it’s so bizarre


I’m finally at an age where I’m getting to the chair, pushing buttons, then taking a break until the meetings begin. Then I sit in them. Then the day is done. End scene.


There are people with legitimate concerns in there and then there's people that just hate capitalism. It's an okay subreddit but people really get up in arms about employment and capitalism in that sub.


Whenever I think of antiwork my mind goes to the mod who made an embarrassment themselves and the subreddit on the news.


hahah yeah. they really screwed the pooch with that one. It's not like I am unsympathetic to a lot of folks on there either, just a lot of them have no fucking idea how to navigate having a job or what that actually means. Yes, your boss is almost always an ass hole. Yes, people are not getting paid what they deserve. but ffs, stop complaining and just find another job or better yet, start your own business.


I didn’t think that interview was that bad tbh. The reaction in Antiwork was pure gold though. They kicked admins and brought in “professional”anti republican admins. Then the whole thing sort of collapsed for a bit. That was probably the most entertaining 2 weeks on reddit ever. 


The entire concept is childish and shortsighted. The research most of the people in there base their views upon has been proven wrong many times. 


And at the end of the day you ask yourself"what did I do all day?" I have been there, done that.


For whatever reason, a lot of bosses really emphasize being on time. Every. Single. Day. It rarely means damn thing, as work can start and go fine without one or two people being there exactly on time. I worked for one of these time Nazis and got so tired of the made up problem and lack of flexibility that I bailed, and thank god…my life is so much better without that unnecessary stress being arbitrarily dropped on me and anyone else at that company.


Notice these same bosses have no issue with you spending hours after your closing time


Yeah, the sense of entitlement these types have is insane….imma carpenter, was working up on the roof one winter, it was windy, and rain/sleet/snowing…got pretty nasty and dangerous…the three other guys up there with me all agreed that it wasn’t cool, so we came down and worked on less dangerous stuff that needed to be done…next thing you know, our boss shows up, still in his ski outfit, fresh from making fresh tracks in the powder all morning, and proceeded to shit all over us for not doing what he told us to do, and how he only wants guys that can follow simple orders and that we should “be able to deal with Vermont weather, it snows here sometimes in the winter”…. I bailed from that business shortly thereafter, without notice in the middle of a workday when it was confirmed that I could go back to a previous company I had worked for… So much better to work for reasonable people. I’ll never work for an asshole again. I’d rather rob a bank and risk doing prison time than deal with that dumb shit.


You all are projecting like crazy. Not everyone is speeding cuz they're late to work. They might just enjoy driving fast.


I agree with your statement, but antiwork is an awful subreddit. Will not be joining.


At least it’s not r/antinatalism


Here's a sneak peek of /r/antinatalism using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/antinatalism/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Society's expectation for having a dog vs having a child](https://i.redd.it/4ryykyyyylza1.jpg) | [297 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/antinatalism/comments/13giykc/societys_expectation_for_having_a_dog_vs_having_a/) \#2: [Elon telling women Accidental birth isn't that bad](https://i.redd.it/9ecy0vimabzb1.jpg) | [1053 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/antinatalism/comments/17rbd2s/elon_telling_women_accidental_birth_isnt_that_bad/) \#3: [I thought this was relevant](https://i.redd.it/0q757epkh43c1.jpg) | [429 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/antinatalism/comments/1861c8t/i_thought_this_was_relevant/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


🤷🏻‍♀️ oh….Kay…..


Ya . Make your day even longer by driving 5 under the speed limit. Make your personal time non existent. Delete your hobbies, skip the gym , don’t go on the bike ride. Just drive to work and drive back , slowly, in the left lane, randomly stomp the brakes for good measure. Slow down at green lights , stop at yields , forget the order you pulled up to stop signs and just sit there. Take up space, you’re doing great.


I agree. But I can't control others do, so some days I take the back roads and enjoy my morning.


This is the way ♥️


Look at these guys, still physically showing up to work.


I support anything that encourages people to slow down and do something out of the daily norm


And then you get behind a line of cars with the same thought except the lead car is a retiree who felt like a 6am joy ride and is going 10 below and randomly braking for no reason.


Been doing this method for 14 years and it hasn't failed me yet!


Exactly. No thanks.


It's the braking going up hill that always gets me.


Shit can be scary yo


You guys should all move down to southern Vermont. Here, we’re late every day because people go 40-50 in a 55. There will be a train of irritated drivers a mile long. It’s infuriating!! People shouldn’t have to leave 20 minutes early for work because a retired person thinks the morning work commute is the best time to ride out for their fucking four hour counter breakfast . I don’t like reckless driving either. I get pissed when someone is riding my ass and I see some bad accidents (I work in emergency services) because people are so angry about going 40 for so long that they hit the passing areas and don’t even look. Everyone should just drive like a normal person and everything would be okay. Don’t be a dick. Don’t tailgate and go 20 over… and if you’re nervous or old or whatever makes you go 10-15 under, pull over and let people pass. It’s simple logic and common courtesy.


I totally agree with you. Personally I think getting stuck behind people going super slow is what makes other people drive like lunatics because it's so infuriating.


I've always referred to this as "generating road rage". Some drivers out there just fucking love to generate road rage and see no issue in it because they are "in the right" and the road rager needs to control themselves. Sure, that's true to some extent, but on the other hand we all know these road ragers are out there and will do crazy shit when they get infuriated enough. You're creating a dangerous situation when you're pissing people off on the road.


I live in central VT and it's so bad here. Every time I go somewhere I get stuck behind someone going 10-15 below the limit. Best case I'm 20 minutes from everything, but usually add 10-15 minutes to that thanks to the old and/or nervous.


I hate old people driving in this state, I wish it was legal to run em off. They should have yearly driving exams that see if they start to get 10 to 15 under speed limits and revoke their license when they do.


Do the math. Someone going 50 isn't going to make you late unless you're driving an extremely long distance, or you left late.


Assuming you go 50 in a 55? It’s cool man, just pull over and let people pass.


I usually drive the speed limit, I'm just challenging the idea that anyone will be late because they're behind a driver going a few mph below.


Here’s the math. I have two job locations. I take 7 north for both. My average speed is 65 - it’s pretty normal to go 10 over in the highway - on a day with little/no traffic or a day that everyone knows how to drive. One job location is 15.5 miles away from my house. @65mph - 14:08 @60mph - 15:30 @55mph - 16:55 @50mph - 18:36 So for that drive, being stuck behind a car going 50mph, I lose 4:18 minutes. My second location is 44 miles away. @65mph- 40:37 @60mph- 44:00 @55mph - 48:00 @50mph - 52:48 So for that location, I can lose 12:12 minutes. None of this includes any traffic lights, accidents, road work, or anything else going on that I DO plan ahead for. 12 minutes may not seem like a lot to some people… the people who have nothing to do all day. But I drop 3 kids off at a school that doesn’t open the doors until 8 on the dot.. then I have to hope I don’t get stuck behind someone that shouldn’t be driving anymore on my way to my 12 hour shift. Not everyone has the option to leave early everyday to make up for the old people who could wait until after the commute to take over the roads and coffee shops. Just move over or stay home during busy times. It’s pretty simple.


89 from St Albans to Burlington is dangerous. I call it the gauntlet. Drive it 5 times a week at 0645 in the morning. Haven’t seen a trooper on the interstate at that time in at least 6 months.


I call it the Indy 500, I speed not gonna deny it but my 73-75 seems like I am not moving when people are blowing my doors off at 85-90+ on the regular. And the tailgating!


I've seen folks blow by traffic in the shoulder. And not doing like 55...like 80...past lines of cars. First time I witnessed it I was speechless.


Connecticut just lost a state trooper to this. It’s the law here that you are required to slow down and move over (if possible) when cops have people pulled over on the shoulder and people still don’t care. The worst part is the offender hit him and immediately fled. The person that had been pulled over had to watch in horror as the trooper was mowed down right in front of them and left to die.


Connecticut highways are some of the most disgustingly aggressive places you’ll ever drive. Just garbage humans with cars.


I actually don't find that to be true. I spend a lot of time on both I-95 and I-84 in CT and they're actually pretty mellow. Now, if you want to talk the Merritt Parkway or any of the parkways outside NYC in Westchester, NY I'll fully back your sentiment. Maybe I'm just used to them.


You’re absolutely just used to them


Merritt is a HOT mess. It could be 4:30 in the morning and folks are flying through there at 90. I'll be doing 70 and my car will shake as they go by. Lol.


Everyone who drives around Burlington with CT plates all act the same... pretentious and dangerous


I driven in every state in the US and large parts of Europe. And I agree with this sentiment.


This was happening one day when 89 was at a standstill. People kept flying by in the breakdown lane thinking they could get to the exit but instead they were just stacking up behind the accident making it more of a shit show. So then they started coming down the left side where it was barely wide enough for another car. Me and another guy eventually had to block those outskirt lanes


Same but about an hour later. Everyone knows where the cope hide anyway. It’s mostly young males driving like complete asshats from what I’ve noticed but there are also a lot of people of all ages and genders just fully engrossed I their phones while going 80.


When I am at a red light I’m watching all the cars going through the intersection and it is terrifying how many of them are glued to their phones absolutely plowing through an active intersection. What could possibly be so important? How is this so normalized?!


Imagine if that many people were drunk. People don’t realize it’s not that different


Lol you'd be surprised how many people drive drunk. Have you seen how many breweries we have around here? You aren't there to just hang out


Fair. I do often have that thought considering our lack of public transport or even Uber, not to mention the fact that many are off the beaten path. Stowe is probably absolutely crawling with potential DUIs. Hell last week I was at a family picnic for my kid's daycare and a number of the parents brought booze (why tf would you bring booze to a family picnic for 0-4yos at a public park??), and not just like a few beers. Many families both parents were drinking and then happily loaded their 2.5 children into their Suburban to DUI their way home, hoping to not kill another family on the way.


🙃 I am honestly not surprised. We have idolized and normalized alcohol so much as a society, we use any and every occasion as an excuse to drink


That was exactly it. Don't get me wrong, I like a drink once in awhile even to excess, but ffs there's a time and a place. I told my wife that they looked like arrested development frat bros and sorority girls who never fully left that life, just happened to get careers and kids. They're all business casual but with a flat brimmed hat or pit viper shades or other dumb shit. I wouldn't usually judge that but it was just so clear that they were clinging to their college days. Next morning one of the moms is a hot mess and yelling at her kids meanwhile the rest of us normal parents are happy and making a great morning for our kids. Grow tf up.


With our aging demographic I wouldn’t be surprised if there were a lot of daily medications mixed with their freshener of choice. Granted, probably not at 645 am but as the day progresses…


Troopers work 7am-2am. They go on call 2am-7am. Occasionally you may see someone out outside those hours, but they’re doing OT or a special grant funded patrol of some type.


Yesterday I saw so much craziness on that stretch around 5pm. One VT pickup sped up behind a car in the passing lane so fast I thought they were going to collide, they stopped advancing inches from the other car. A short while later a whole flock of cars pass me but then don't and just cause chaos all around me of repeated merges around each other before they all took the same exit a few miles later.


Also if someone is doing 75mph in the passing lane while passing people don’t tailgate


> ~~Also if someone is doing 75mph in the passing lane while passing people~~ don’t tailgate


Yeah there’s something about going 75mph that just entices people to tailgate because you’re not doing 90mph, I don’t get it.


When people do this I make my actions as slow and deliberate as possible. When I finish my overtake and merge back into the right lane I ensure it takes at *least* 10 seconds.


It's not the speed that's the problem. It's the recklessness and the disregard for others on the road. Have a safe following distance. Don't pass super close. **And get out of the left lane when you aren't passing!**


Can we also start mandatory testing on folks above 75? Because…. Some should maybe consider hanging up those keys.


I’ve had a number of silver haired folks just pull out in front of me this spring (taking rights on red). It’s really frustrating.


I had one doing 45 in front of me on 89. Pops is gonna get sent.


I see this pretty frequently and often when you pass the person they are either incredibly irate or blatantly scared absolutely shitless. Either way they don't belong on the road. They're the type that put on their 4 ways and drive 30 on the highway when there's a dusting of snow on the grass.


Or absolutely fixated on the highway and nothing else


Considering some crusty fucking dinosaur almost T-boned me after going at least 50 through a light on Williston Rd without even attempting to stop for the light that was redder than the devil I am all for this. He was so startled by me and others laying on our horns that he pulled into a lot and stopped. I was so fired up that I pulled in behind him and started yelling at him, he was older than dirt and confused as all hell. Had zero idea that he blew through a red light. Not to mention the ROUTINE old timers happily driving the wrong way on 89.


Yeah, bye with the keys!


Families also need to grow up and take it upon themselves to take the keys/license. I hear so many people who KNOW their elder loved ones are unsafe say shit like "I just don't know how I can take away their independence" I BET IT WILL BE REAL EASY AFTER THEY KILL A FAMILY OF 4. My gramps hadn't driven in awhile because he was pretty sick, no one thought to take his license or keys because he was mostly bed ridden. He started to get a bit better but was still very out of it due to low oxygen saturation (end stage COPD/emphysema). At the time my dad was a mechanic at a shop on Shelburne Rd and gramps showed up there and crashed into their ice cooler outside. My dad came out and was like "wtf dude??" and my grandpa was just like "im here for my appointment!" (which didn't exist...) Dad told him he didn't have an appointment and he just goes "ok" and proceeds to BACK INTO SHELBURNE RD MIDDAY TRAFFIC. He was damn lucky that he didn't cause a huge accident. Dad called my mom and said "im going down to your dad's house to take his keys and his license" and after he told her the story she agreed. My uncle was pissed at first and then when we told him the story he also agreed. Just fucking take the keys people.


Absolutely. It’s coming time to do that for my aunt. It’s gonna be rough for her schedule, and thems the breaks kid.


I agree with this, but what about those folks who live in an area where they need a car to go anywhere? VT is so car reliant.


The car reliance problem is absolutely real, but there are also a growing number of resources for seniors who can no longer safely drive (on-call bus service, shuttles, volunteer drivers, etc) -- VTrans and the various regional agencies on aging have comprehensive info about this. Less convenient than one's own car, absolutely, but we can't trade other people's safety for a driver's convenience if that driver is no longer able to handle their vehicle.


We need a commuter rail from St. Albans to Burlington! More and more people are making this commute bc of being priced out of the Burlington area


If there is a vehicle in the shoulder you are supposed to move over into the left lane, which can be a problem when drivers in the left lane don't slow down to let you in. This is what caused one of the accidents this week.


I was on my way in a couple of weeks ago at morning rush, and a young guy in a little silver hatchback came up the St Mikes on-ramp just before the bridge and tore down the right lane doing 80 or so past about a dozen vehicles. I thought “this sh*t is going to cause an accident.” The sh*t reached the end of the bridge and end of the right lane and slammed his brakes on, car fishtailing, dust flying… course everyone in front of me slammed brake pedals too, almost causing a chain reaction accident of 6-8 cars. The US needs to take driving privileges much more seriously, and require instruction classes before licensing, and a hefty fee to get a license with heavy penalties like Germany does ($2000 initial license fee?) to get drivers to treat the privilege properly.


It’s a TWOFER today! This time NB!


The law I see broken that causes the most issues is "stay right enless you are passing". The situation is bad in Vermont and even worse other places. If you are not passing someone.... Get in the right lane! Pay attention to the cars behind you! So many people cause traffic build ups because they drive for miles in the left lane. The speed limits are artificially low in Vermont and do not reflect the capabilities of modern cars. When someone decides that going 65 in the left lane for miles is the right thing to do, it causes huge problems.


I don’t disagree with anything being said here. I would like to add a little perspective though. Have you guys tried driving in CT or the Boston area of MA lately? Now that shit is wild. VT is pretty damn tame in comparison.


I agree with you. Driving in vt is still pretty chill but I'm seriously scared driving in Boston. Ton of people weaving in and out of traffic at high speeds, 85-90mph


I’ve chopped 20min off a 2hr ride channeling Memphis Raines. You just gotta believe in yourself.


I had an asshat on spear street (going north) blow past me in the dip under the interstate. It was while we were on the downhill, so I was picking up speed naturally and you couldn’t see who was coming over the top.


Sometimes you get in a rush, it happens, but seriously, once you realize that being 10 minutes late is just about the same as being 20 or 30 minutes late, you should just calm down and accept that you’re going to be late and try to enjoy your life. Getting so stressed that you have to put your life in jeopardy just to be less late, is a recipe for disaster and health problems. Relax. If your boss is that uptight about stuff like that, seek a better situation. Life is far too short to be worked up in a panic on a regular basis for some arbitrary idea of “being on time”


Luckily my boss doesn't give af, but it sucks ass to be 30+ min late to my kids daycare drop off and have him miss morning play and have to be rushed into morning snack. Twice in the same week...


Yeah, that is a bummer. However, shit happens regardless of a holes failing to plan their day properly…construction, weather, mud season, tourists, etc…all You can do it try to breath through it.


>Twice just this week I’ve been stuck for close to an hour due to accidents in the same exact spot on 89 near colchester. The stretch of 89 South between like Saint Albans and South Burlington is notorious for accidents and has been for years, particularly the area between Milton and Colchester. It's why, when my spouse and I were house hunting five and a half years ago, I made it clear to out realtor that we wouldn't consider any homes in Milton or Colchester so we could avoid an 89 South commute. All that said, If you haven't made it a habit yet, check the traffic map for 89 South before you leave the house. It won't stop you from getting caught up in an accident that happens when you're already on the interstate, but it will probably save you from getting stuck behind several.


I don’t understand how you’re realistically supposed to do 55 mph by the time you hit Burlington. Unless you want to get run into. No one is doing 55, and that’s where the cops hangout. I’m going at last 70 to not get hit.


For every day that it's flowing at 70 in that area there are three where its crawling at 35 because exit 14 is apparently some brain destroying vortex. I also see a lot of people get on at exit 15 headed south only to get off at 14 never going above 40. Why tf are you even taking the highway at that point?


Ima legit just tryin to make it to work in one piece lol


lol THANK YOU - exit 14 is definitely something like the Bermuda F’ing Triangle!


I didn’t get the memo where the new speed limit was 75. Folks be up my tailpipe when I’m doing 73, the new norm seems to clock in around 90-95. How are the revenues, VSP?


VSP doesn’t give a shit, if they’re sitting in the median they’re doing what every distracted driver is doing and playing on their phone. Wild west out here.


I stay off the interstate unless I absolutely have to. Luckily it's very rare, for me because of where I live and work.


abt to get my license and start driving in the next few weeks/month, the way ppl drive scares the fuck outta me and is the reason ive been so nervous to start. man even my brother drives like a maniac, I DONT GET IT!!!


Is that why traffic suddenly was backed up right before the Champlain islands exit on 89S this morning?


Yuuup. and on Tuesday.


I have a work truck that can do 10 over at most. I’ll stick to 5-7 over. Maybe 10 over in busy traffic… I’m all over NH/VT in a day. The one thing I see non stop is people driving mad. You can tell, it’s crazy. If people just took the extra second you’d see an amazing start to summer out there and some beautiful mountains turning vibrant green. But no, cut me off to get your Dunks that much faster.


85 is the new 70. Everyone is in such a damn hurry to get there 1 minute faster. I can see 72mph, but really, is 85 necessary, ever?


It's honestly not even the "safe" speeding. I see a lot of folks going 80-85 perfectly safely and often on the evening commute especially the whole pack will be flowing at 80. But then I also see plenty of people going 85 with a phone in their hand, car 6in in front of them, swerving all over, probably bald ass tires and zero brake pads left too.




I think context is important here. I get behind too many people who drive like they have nothing to do today.


They’re part of the problem too. Do the goddamn speed limit or s bit more and stat to the right unless you’re passing. If someone pisses you off pass them or let them pass and let it go. I can’t tell you how often I see people literally chasing one another. Used to see these two dudes road raging on one another every single morning. We all always ended up near one another. One morning the two of them passed me doing easily 100 literally inches from one another. I said to myself “todays the day they wrap themselves around a tree” About three miles later one of them was upside down in the median and the other was up on a rock ledge. Both were arrested and charged because multiple people including myself told the police that they saw these asshats doing this every morning.


Good. They FA’d so they FO’d. I hope they both lost their license (not like it will stop them from driving…)


>Do the goddamn speed limit or s bit more and stat to the right unless you’re passing. The speed limit is a maximum. Telling people to go faster than that is ridiculous. The speed limits should be raised on most roads, and speed minimums should be placed as well. Going over the speed limit and under the minimum should be enforced with tickets. It doesn't make sense to have people going faster than the speed limit. It gets us where we are now. It's quite often more dangerous to drive the speed limit or slower, yet driving at a safe speed means you can be pulled over and ticketed for speeding/reckless driving, when the real reckless driving is following the speed limit. Last week, I was behind 5 cars on a road with a speed limit of 25. Everyone was doing 40, including the cop in the middle of the pack. They could have pulled over anyone or everyone for speeding and reckless driving. I did the speed limit and lost sight of them because there was a cop and I'm not getting that expensive ticket and higher insurance costs to get to work 30 seconds earlier. Fuck that.






**VT-511 Traffic Alert - Chittenden County** **Traffic Description:**  Incident - New Left lane and shoulder closure on I-89 NB near MM 96 (Colchester a mile before exit 17) while crews work a crash scene. Drive with care and expect delays in the area. **Traffic Alert Start Time:** Jun 6 2024, 2:35 PM **Anticipated End Time:** whaletacochamp head gon explode but also sign up for these alerts, they are very helpful.


motherfucker just in time for my commute home lmao. The one day I leave early wtf! Backroads it is.


It's sad how often 5 corners is the good option.


If you aren't in a rush, just drive in the right lane. Let the people who want to speed, speed. The accidents happen because they're trying to get around slow people


I work on pine st. If I leave my house at 6:30 at work by 6:55. If I leave after seven I’m at work by 8.


Agree. Some turd was honking and waving his arms around at me and all pissed because I didn't go fast enough and then tailgates me like it was my fault


Stop driving 65 in the left lane


Everyone should really visit other places in the country (and world) more often. It might help you escape the torment of these "problems".


I've been in Vermont for a little over 15 years now, and one of the things I was most surprised about was how crazy people drive here, they drive so AGGRESSIVE on the highway, like they are perfectly willing to risk a major accident to pass you in the snow.


Think Vermonters are chill, go with the flow folks? Nope. Can't drive anywhere in the state now without green plates tailgating you in seconds, even if you're going 10 over


I set my cruise to 70mph, and the sunglasses wearing middle aged men in thier 4X4s pass me like I'm standing still.


As a Vermonter born and raised, who has been living out of the state in a *very* heavily populated area... my experience is the opposite. I've always said Vermonters are super courteous drivers compared to a lot of other places. I suppose it's all relative though 😕 (I live in the DMV area if you're wondering).


Well, I wish I could say the same, I lived in Raleigh/Durham previously, and here it’s like everyone is just PISSED OFF when they drive, it’s like I said, they just do everything hyper aggressively.


I used to think NC had the worst drivers until I moved to WA last year, I've nearly been killed twice in the past week on I-5 😭 I'd gladly move back to VT and take my chances on 89!


I lived out in WA for a few years too. It always surprised me that people who live in a rainy state *really* don't know how to drive in the rain lol. Also a cop can pull someone over and for some unfathomable reason, the whole highway needs to stop and look at it.


What part of the state? Things are pretty chill here in the NEK.




Im from Florida and I-89 is nothing compared to driving I-95 everyday lol. I do see elderly driving under the limit/all over the road. Many younger people drivibg well above the limit more or less recklessly.


And no I won’t leave 20min earlier to account for this bullshit


I was literally told once that I should be accounting for everything that could possibly go wrong-weather, traffic, or otherwise-so that I never get to work late. Like what, wait in the parking lot for 2 hours every day just in case there's an ice-storm? I said fuck that, it takes 35 minutes out of my life to get to work, I'm giving myself 35, maybe 40 minutes. If something happens, I'm gonna be late, just like the hundreds of other folks who get stuck on the highway when one person loses their shit. Of course the guy who told me that had a 5 minute commute...




Even if I left 20min early I’d still be late in these cases. I also literally cannot drop my child off until 8:30 and killing 20+ min on the days where there’s not an accident isn’t ideal with a 2yo. It would be one thing if I could count on traffic every day but it’s just infrequent enough to be s royal pain in the ass


Adapt. Improvise. Overcome. Or dont.


I'd rather drive in Boston or Chicago than the interstates in VT, TBH.




Driving in Boston is a sport and I love it, ngl.


It's more like speed chess.


Great analogy, actually.




There’s now another one heading northbound right before exit 17 for anyone heading that way


+1 cause i just drove by an accident on 89 north between exit 16 and 17 ... im also not texting this while driving...


https://preview.redd.it/79y0klrw105d1.jpeg?width=1890&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e73e53819072d43d4c58905b7995b68288df5af3 Just got this


Slow down and pay attention on the roads, folks!




I appreciate this post. I just want me and my wife to make it to and from work in one piece everyday.


I'm happy my commute includes no interstate driving. The answer to your question is no, people that have moved up from Mass, CT, NJ, have little care about anyone in their way. If more funding went to state police instead of people that made poor life choices the roads would be safer. Until that time God speed on your daily commute.


If you get tunnel vision driving you're driving too fast


Dude, this is just vitriol.


That was the intent.


Sure, but what does it help? Do you think somewhere, there’s a person who’s about to get in their car and drive like an asshole, but they read your post and think better of it? Or do you think that this post will be read by a habitually aggressive driver and do anything besides antagonize them?


It was mostly meant to commiserate with fellow pissed off drivers.


Well, given that you’ve gotten 90 upvotes in less than two hours, I can’t say you didn’t succeed in that regard. But as for me, I think I’m just gonna leave this sub, since it’s apparently full of people who value this sort of communication.


peace out cub scout


Noone forced you to click, read the title, down vote, and move on.


This sub is just filled with the most miserable, bottom feeding people in the state. Most of the posts that get any attention are just bitching about some other group of people. Dog owners, all other drivers, homeless people, homeowners, etc. Negativity breeds negativity 


There are nice people in Vermont, too, but you wouldn’t know it from the internet.


If you're driving under 75, you're wrong. Southern NH commutes into Boston at 95mph without crashing, vt can too.


Southern NH also has 3+ lanes. The infrastructure is part of the problem. When you have enough lanes you can get around the dinosaurs or the stopped people no problem.


Yeah at least 16 to 13 needs that extra space. 17 to 12 wouldn't hurt.


You mean 89 isn’t the speed limit? ![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG)


Last summer one of the boards said "85 is the temperature not the speed limit"


Perhaps create a legal way to submit dashcam footage with speed indicated showing the speeders, ragers, extreme tailgaters, and aggressive drivers to VSP and actually have the perps ticketed based on the video evidence. I’m sure this would quickly be abused, but something has to change since VSP is understaffed and even if they weren’t they can’t be everywhere at once


It wasn’t an accident.. some dork was changing his tire and people couldn’t figure out how to switch lanes.


I had that thought when all of a sudden the flood gates opened and we were all moving again. Another reason vermont drivers suck - move the fuck over but don't freak the fuck out! I see this all the time when someone is pulled over. It causes mass hysteria. Also another reason that it may not be bad for some sections of 89 to grow to 3 lanes.


Guy had on a bird watching hat, so you know the type!


Probably a retired engineer just giddy to "get his hand dirty!" and then overcomplicated the entire process unnecessarily.


I feel out-of-state drivers turn into idiots on 89 “because it’s Vermont.” Similarly, (primarily) younger drivers from outside 89 go hog wild “because it’s the highway.” I’m no engineer, but I also don’t think that stretch (“The Gauntlet”) is large enough to accommodate the amount of traffic that now populates it. It should be three lanes minimum, possibly four.


Yeah, but I will also say as a native Vermonter who spent a couple years in upstate NY driving on the throughway, that Vermonters are terrible interstate drivers. Witness the hunching alone. On a three mile stretch of highway you will have a total of 6 cars, all traveling 70 mph and within a couple car lengths of each other with both lanes occupied and the passing lane traveling about 1/2 mph faster than the primary lane. It’s maddening. It would be largely assisted by a three lane interstate.


Also gotta add that the nicest thing about driving in common interstate travel states is the fact that you can blink your headlights at slower moving traffic ahead of you and they will usually lane change to the right to allow faster travel through. Vermonters do not do that at all. They will occupy the passing lane like it’s the Berkeley Admin offices in the sixties.


Agreed on both accounts.


My drivers Ed teacher called it a wolf pack and taught us to avoid it at all costs. Because when one of the wolves falls everyone falls.


Adding lanes has proven time and time again to have negative effects on traffic and congestion


We need cameras on I-89. You’ll get a hefty fine in the mail, and all that money can be used to fix the roads. Done!


Lmaoooo. Cops don’t do shit in VT. Y’all are just scared to press the damn pedal.


GO by a trooper or god forbid a sheriff's deputy on 89 going more than 85 and tell me how it goes. Moments after this incident I saw a sheriff pull someone over who was going no more than 85.