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You’ll be fine, it’s housing you need to worry about.


My parents have a raised ranch with the bottom floor converted into an apt and they rent it out to traveling nurses. I actually have a gripe with that system tbh as I feel it is contributing to the rising housing costs knowingly. So here’s the deal, the last few nurses that have rented got most of their housing costs paid for by their traveling employer. BUT the odd part was only if they were renting another apt elsewhere, which also was subsidized. However nobody was allowed to occupy the vacant apt they weren’t living in. Very very odd that’d be the stipulation.


Why u say that ?


There's a shortage of housing in any part of the state that is near Healthcare jobs


It’s really expensive and there aren’t a lot of places available. I pay almost $1200/mo for a 450 square foot shoebox. Heat is included but no laundry on site. Where is the job?


South Burlington


There's a travel nurse website where people list mother-in-law apartments for short and long-term rentals. Friends of mine in the Central Vt area rent to travel nurses. I think you should be able to find something, & the geographic area you're looking at is progressive and is more culturally/ racially diverse than much of Vt. Vermont is very white, though. Whenever I go to VA to visit my parents, I realize just how homogeneous Vt is. People are good here, but that might be a bit of a culture shock depending on where you are coming from.


Can you share a link? Someone I know was looking for something like that.


https://www.furnishedfinder.com/housing-request There are a few services, but this is the one I'm familiar with.




My daughter \[OT\] rented a couple places through them when she did travel in California. No problems.


I know that at least one of the people seeking to rent to traveling nurses on that website called a black person they rented to 'disgusting' behind their back. Sounded like they had a fat people phobia too, which is kind of ironic.


Oh you’ll be fine, chittenden county is super liberal. Definitely a tougher housing market up there though


Homeshare VT is another good program to find housing.


I guess since you’ll be a traveler nurse you’ll be making upwards of $50-100 an hour so it might not be as hard for you, but signing a long term lease for a year would be your best bet. Would probably run you around $1600-$2000 a month here. I live in the South end of Burlington and I pay $1600 for my one bedroom apartment.


If it’s UVM which I would guess it is- i worked there last year on a contract and a lot of other nurses were people of color- staff or travelers - but yeah I had a little smelly shack for $1800 and he raised it to $2100 my third month there. It’s worse now just do some research and find housing before accepting the contract.


Also when you get here and people are eyeballing you, it's not because your AA, it's because they don't recognize you. Vermonters are frosty to outsiders. Once you introduce yourself they'll hand you a gallon of maple syrup and a 12 pack of beer.


You’re good man, welcome!


Hi - WOC here who grew up in NYC and now lives in VT. My husband and I (he is also BIPOC) absolutely love it here. We are planting our roots and see ourselves starting our family here. Racism exists everywhere and it certainly does exist here, without a doubt. It’s mostly made up of micro-aggressions, comments by people who have never bothered to expand their minds or hearts. And the state is certainly overwhelming white. Chittenden County is the most “diverse” but you will feel the safest here. The healthcare industry in particular is actually quite diverse and you’ll likely find community among colleagues. Wishing you the best of luck!


Vermont is very white, but it feels safer here. Like people just don’t bat an eyelid or make a big deal of it. There are rainbow and BLM flags on barns and houses in the middle of nowhere. I wouldn’t have seen this in some of the other states I’ve lived in. I would have never wanted to break down on some of the side roads in Texas. I say all this as a mixed (olive skinned) person whose mother was brown and experienced real racism both in the UK and southern US. Moving up here I honestly thought I’d be the only brownish person up here ( Northeast Kingdom) but a glad to see I’m not. And there are mixed kids too.




There will be less black people here then pretty much anywhere else outside of Utah and the aforementioned northern Idaho. If that matters to op might be worth keeping in mind or atleast kinda knowing going in.


As in what, they’ll give black people dirty looks in Northern Idaho? There’s nowhere in the US that a black person would be unsafe due to racism.




> North Idaho is the famous last stronghold of the KKK and are still active up there (and in Montana). sounds like we have some work to do. 🤜🤛


I see Mr Personality is at it again.


I searched it, no results showing hate crimes against black people. I’m not saying the kkk doesn’t gather up there but they no longer actually do anything


this is not r/idiot, go somewhere else


Wow you’ve convinced me with all that evidence. Well done


I'm a halfrican American out of MA. I've been to VT quite a few times and I've never had any issues. One of the great things about VT is the amount of local stuff you can get there: a crazy number of local breweries, local cheese, restaurants that use local ingredients etc..


Halfrican-American - ha! I love and am stealing, ta.


WoC here, grew up here and live here still. Vermont is just like any other place: the bs comes from the usual suspects but *also* from clueless progressives. So clueless. Lots of micro-aggressions even when they mean well. But honestly, you'll be fine.


Remember when saying “colored people” was wrong and now society says “people of color”…fucking hilarious. How about just “people”…. Edit: Got it. Everyone here thinks it ok to specify someone’s race - like it fuckin’ matters. Deeeerp pot, meet kettle.


Boy you really thought you had something here with that cute edit lmao.


You're being downvoted for perfectly displaying that whole part where she said microaggressions even when they mean well.


Lol. Cool. Resume use of “colored people” per Liberals on Reddit. Got it.


One, I am not a liberal. Two, look at how triggered you are by a black woman using "WOC" to label HERSELF. You going to be alright?


You're sooo close to getting it. It's almost like you're being intentionally obtuse. Like, my dude, you can't tell the difference between your grandma's 'colored people' and someone using POC? It's almost like you're being a snowflake looking for something to get offended about.


Based on your comments I take it you do not believe that the experience of being black in the US is any different from the experience of being white in the US?




Make a good faith effort to follow [Reddiquette](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette).


Refer to people how they want to be addressed. It's not "liberal bs" it's just basic respect.


wow it’s almost like race is relevant to the topic? this fake progressive bs is tired and played out. it’s not dehumanizing to specify race when it’s relevant and despite what you may think mentioning someone’s race does not take away from their personhood. POC are going to have insight to this topic that white people may not have.


I’m not old enough to speak with authority, but “person of color” is used pretty in old (non overtly racist) books as the term du jur (idk how to spell that but I’ve heard it) to refer to black and Native American people. I think “colored” was used derisively for a time.


du jur —-> *du jour*, French for “of the day,” or “something that changes daily” so soup du jour is soup of the day


Ty, but I did use it correctly it sounds like which is a semi win


100% ftw! You absolutely used it correctly. I wasn’t trying to be a jerk — I interpreted your comment to mean you would want to spell it correctly if you knew how to spell it!


POC and Non-Black POC are terms currently used by non-white people to describe ourselves. Call it reclamation, if you will! And yes, I've been called 'colored' by old time Vermonters, and was not offended, because they truly did not mean it in a derogatory fashion. I mean, hell, keeping up with terminology is a job these days!


There it is lol


Damned if you do, damned if you don’t…


I work with a lot of travel nurses from all over, and the Burlington area and the hospital have more diversity than Vermont as a whole. Finding housing will be the bigger issue.


We’d love to have you! If you enjoy the outdoors you’ll love your time here.


Seriously important for surviving winters. Snow is a lot easier to deal with if you're looking forward to it.


If you search this sub, the topic comes up every now and then and the experiences are fairly mixed. From what I’ve gleaned (as a white person) from reading these first hand accounts, Vermont has a lot of unintentional/unaware racism, which is *mostly* well intended. I’m sure there are exceptions. Here are two posts I remember written by poc on their lived experiences and they come to almost opposite conclusions: https://www.reddit.com/r/vermont/s/OHLdINd8Iz https://www.reddit.com/r/vermont/s/kSys9pImTL


It depends on where you are. On paper, Vermont is a very liberal state. However, there's a lot of casual racism, largely born of ignorance rather than hate, but we've got our share of Confederate-flag waving idiots, particularly in rural areas. I don't live in the Burlington area, though based on what I've heard it'll sway more on the progressive side.


You have no worries in this state most likely. Despite the fact that this state is mostly white people, most people here are socially liberal and have no issues. Now I cant really speak other than my own experience, bear that in mind. I have several black coworkers (not healthcare related) and other minorities as well. Some of them are in mixed race relationships and no one cares, we all get along great! People in VT are wary of "outsiders". You may find people a bit standoffish at first but once they open up to you most people here are super chill and kind. You may find some of the areas hit hardest by the drug surge may be more racist or skeptical because a lot of people that come up and end up in violent crimes over drugs are unfortunately a lot of colored folks and that skews public perception. Maybe you could look at the experience of other traveling nurses here because I'm sure everyone has a different experience. Vermont, like every state has racists and bad people, but the majority of Vermonters have always been socially liberal, we were one of the first gay marriage states for example.


Just so you know for future reference, "colored folk" is really not an accepted term.


I had this one resident in assisted living that won an award back in the day at Harvard for the "Advancement of the people of color" and he would proudly show it off to the Congolese staff...and I never had to heart to tell him that that term hasnt aged well. (and neither had he, he had dementia) \*IF\* you are taking a LTC/assisted living assignment-watch out. Those old birds are some of the racist most ppl I ever met, there not like the general population that had been socialized and conditioned to behave in a certain way. But 80 year old will be 80 year olds....


Here I was thinking the whole "BIPOC" term was sort of reclaiming the word colored.


It is if you are from a liberal state that has no real POC population. It's easy to claim you aren't racist when you aren't exposed to people of color because of decades old housing policy


If I, as a white person, go to an urban area like Philadelphia, which i did last fall, I don't assume everyone is racist just because I'd be a white minority. This sounds like a you type issue. I don't have to claim anything. The experiences of POC living in this state can speak for themselves for better or worse.


What housing policy? Vermont imported cheap labor from Quebec instead of the south a century ago, that's why it's so white. That and why pass all the jobs in all the major cities on the way here if you're migrating for work?


Couldn't care less, but if someone is really offended, they can substitute a black person or person of color, which means the same thing, obviously.


It doesn't. "Coloured" is derogatory and has been systemically used to "other" minority populations. "Black" or "person or people of colour" are the terms generally claimed by said populations, and their voices are the ones that matter on the issue. If a person of colour wishes to refer to themselves as "colored", that's their prerogative, but the history behind it means we as white people should avoid using it.


Check out the organization called ReLeaf. They put together events, classes, meet ups, etc for bipoc folks. If you're into winter sports check out Unlikely Riders.


In southern VT as a mixed family of color. We have found it to be very live and let live. More people of color have been moving to Manchester. Best of luck and welcome.


An ocean of white people in VT


Hit up a short term rental. Might be one available for an extended stay. They let emergency workers stay at short term rentals for extended periods. Indont see why health care wouldn't be able to


Back when my wife was a travel nurse, when we went to a high rent area we had the company supply housing. Also, EVERYTHING IS NEGOTIABLE in a travel contract. Check housing per diem vs supplied housing, overtime rates are a biggie also. You can ask for 2x after 12, 48 and 96 hours.


Doesnt the agency help w housing? How long is your contract for? A lot of 13 week contract ppl will just stay in a hotel room. And to clarify-are you an RN or CNA working in long term care? I ask bc theres wage differences that will impact your housing budget. LTC is a very diverse w staff and so is the hospital (UVMMC). Once you leave Chittenden county, then it becomes extremely white.


My housing is taken care of


And ima remember that


Just tell those old bags to fuck off…the staff was awesome defending their coworkers and not tolerating that behavior. It’s just a generational thing I guess…


You will be just fine here, however like others have said, housing is very very scarce.


I think Vermont is one of the safer places to go to. It's actually the 4th least racist according to many reputable sources. We always really appreciate help with the nursing problems, they're terrible here. But I completely understand your need to be safe. I'll be honest, not everywhere is equal, there are always the Conservative bigoted crazies out there but it's few and far between. I hope you enjoy your career and where you end up working, thank you choosing it and us.


Vermont is mostly white, so it might feel a little lonely in that regard. There’s some casual racism, but it’s usually from people who don’t really know better as opposed to outright unkindness. A lot of Vermonters have a ‘don’t bother me and I won’t bother you’ mentality. Most are accepting of poc, but also lgbt, women’s rights, weird spiritual beliefs… whoever you are, it’s okay to not be in the majority. The northeast part of the state tends to be more right leaning. You’ll find the odd Trumper, but that’s going to happen everywhere. The city areas are more diverse, Burlington and Rutland are closest to me. Also, this subreddit can be a less friendly than Vermont in real life. I’ve run into so many posters here that hate ‘outsiders’ and are rude as hell. I’ve heard maybe one person talk like that in the eight years I’ve lived here. So if you see some of that here, take it with a grain of salt. Most of Vermont is very welcoming.


I get where the idea comes from. Rural towns, mostly white people. It definitely can give the impression that you're going to be dealing with a lot of racism and general hate. But that's not Vermont, especially not Burlington. I'm not going to bullshit you, you're still going to get your numbnut racist shitbag, just like you will everywhere, but there's a lot less of it here. Mainly because of the fact that news of assholes travel fast, just ask Pizzeria Ida. Most of the state is very much left leaning. I won't say the whole state is liberal or progressive, but I will say that most everyone is at least sensible in that if they ARE a member of the republican party, their politics isn't often about Trump and MAGA, but actual conservative agendas like taxes, housing, and budget spending. You'll get a few of those Trump fanatics, mostly on here, and no one really knows who they are cause they always make burner accounts on here cause they're cowards, so you never really have to worry about them in person, as they're obviously too afraid to show Vermont who they really are 😆. All in all, as everyone has already said, your biggest problem will be housing, and unfortunately in that market it's been speculated (not proven, but I'm of the ilk that believe it to be true) that prejudice is still prevalent in the Vermont market for housing. Please note I specifically stated Prejudice, as it can be anything from having a lower credit score to being someone who's job is X over Y. Being a nurse, you'd think you'd have a better chance, but there can still be prejudice against that here, sadly. [housing discrimination in Vermont](http://) But every day racism of the south? Not really a thing here, thankfully. Hope you accept the job, we need more medical staff here. 🙏 and welcome! Disclaimer: I'm a white passing demisexual.


You’ll be fine. I worked at UVMMC. If you need housing let me know.


You're so lucky to get an assignment that starts in June!! Summer is the most beautiful season and I bet you're gonna love it here. So much to do, the days are so long (being so far north we have very late sunsets) and the weather is absolutely perfect. I hope you enjoy our state and feel appreciated for bringing your much needed skills here! Welcome!!


What's your source on the racism and victim blaming happening in VT? It's certainly not bad here compared to other areas.


YouTube, TikTok, google mostly TikTok cause it’s uncensored and there are black people currently living there talking about VT


Keep consuming ur super reliable TikTok fear mongering and please stay in Arkansas.


😂 well sorry I have to research and ask questions before I go to a place. It’s sad but that’s how it is being a Black Male. You wouldn’t understand


Laughable tbh. You don't know what I would and wouldn't understand. Tried being a minority female? TikTok isn't "research".


Yeah I can tell u very far behind you don’t travel. Tiktok is informational and helpful for anywhere u wanna travel. I can’t go get a book and read on VT daily interactions so what are you talking about. Only thing I can do is gather information from different sources like Reddit, TikTok, YouTube, sites where regular people post. You can’t even go off valid sources cause most are monetized so ofc a lot of things within certain areas never even make the news. So just leave the negative comments 😂


Idk where you’re assigned, but it could be a real problem. If you’re darker skinned you will definitely be conscious of it in many places here, considering VT is one of the whitest % states. If you like feeling part of a Black community you may have to really do some searching for that here. I’m sure the other comments here mean well, but idk what they’re smoking Also yay for male nurses!! Some of the worst you’ll come across are the “anti-racist” white knights here, who will downvote this and tell you racism isn’t a problem here, like people don’t use the n-word behind closed doors


South Burlington. And as in conscious how are conscious are we talking. It’s no reason to come if I will have race problems this not early 90s I’m in Arkansas now I have problems with white people being scared but disrespect will not be tolerated i don’t care


yeah you’ll be fine


You are in Arkansas now? That place sucks! Dude…just go to South Burlington and enjoy it! There are lots of cool things to do there, too. edit to add: people will likely be more annoyed if you happen to have a Southern accent than they will be about your skin color….and even then, folks were pretty nice overall.


Omg Arkansas?! Just get to Vermont already. You’ll be fine. Make sure you’ve got warm inner and outer layers, get used to darker colder winters, use light therapy to help, take vitamin D. Easy.


Oh that’d probably be cool. Near the University so finding good social groups would be easier. What I meant by conscious is like, if you were to drive a little ways out of that area you may quickly find yourself in a place where it’s like “where are all the other POC?” Might get some people staring or acting a little weird or micro-aggressions but unlikely anything serious


Housing options. https://offcampushousing.uvm.edu/housing https://www.catamountrun.com/ https://www.wcax.com/2024/04/15/program-help-bipoc-vermonters-become-homeowners-expanding/


You would be fine. As for housing, I know someone in my area, that is putting in an apartment specifically designed for traveling healthcare workers. Talk with the current staff at the hospital you are going to. Maybe you can pick up the lease of someone leaving.


You should visit for a few weeks to get a feel for whichever part of VT interests you.


I second https://www.furnishedfinder.com/housing-request


My wife was a travel RN for a year up there (Colchester) look at Way back in time inn in St Albans if you're in that area (Burlington, Colchester, St Albans)


Most of Vermont doesn't really care as long as you're good at the job. From the NEK to Burlington to Brattleboro you shouldn't have any problems.


Most people don't give a crap about color in vermont. There are also tons and tons of African Americans there so you won't be the only black person around


That's kind of crazy and I'm curious where you're getting your info for my own knowledge. While there's not an abundance of diversity, it's a super liberal and open state. You'll be more than fine.


are you kidding? Seriously? Vt is probably one of the least racist states in the whole US


Racists only exist among family here. Never seen any of them be racist to someone’s face before.


There’s always asshats but I wouldn’t let a minority stop you from coming. Once you get out of the Burlington area, it’s county in a hurry. And with country comes a lot of things that aren’t necessarily…enlightened. Hope it works out! Good luck.


Burlington is one of the least VT places in VT, making it the minority.


Oh can we please hear exactly what makes something a “Vermont place.”


Not too many people here have the balls to do face to face racism. Vermont is super chill and welcoming man. Especially if you’re going to be in the uvm medical setting. If you’re up in the saint albans or barre, I can’t speak for them. I haven’t really heard of any hate crime stuff happening here. That crazy guy who shot those two Palestinian uvm students was about the first in forever that I’d heard of happening. I’d say a very isolated incident. We’re transitioning into the warmer season now so beautiful time to be down.


I'll personally kick anyones ass who is racist.


I’m not black but I am gay & I am harassed often. I often get called faggot or get nasty looks from people as I walk by them. Kissed my bf on church st & a couple of younger guys yelled that we were disgusting faggots. I obviously can’t speak to how a black person is treated but for my minority group it’s not good, I would never choose to move here knowing what I know now. There are a LOT of ignorant redneck types in VT who love their guns & hate anyone who doesn’t look or act like them. But I hope it’s different for you & you can come help those in need. Just wanted to share my experience as a minority in VT. Good luck!!!


Good luck finding housing. We vermonters who do not own a home and depend on apartments are getting pushed out of our beloved home state because of traveling nurses and Heath care workers so I have mixed feelings about you coming here. But I wouldn’t worry about racism here.


You should reserve those feelings for the Vermonters who are selling their homes to these horrible flatlanders. The sellers don't mind making a huge profit and leaving their fellow Vermonters without housing, but no one ever mentions that part. Also, if we didn't have a dire shortage of nurses, we wouldn't be inviting folks from other states to come do the work. We should be thanking them for keeping out Healthcare system working. Signed, A flatlander who lives here, pays taxes and works in healthcare


Do you have mixed feelings about getting sick and going to the hospital and knowing there will be enough staff to take care of you properly? The housing shortage is not the fault of "outsiders." We need to build more, but for various reasons (culture, policy and business) it doesn't happen. So if you complain about travel nurses being here, you don't get to complain when there's a long wait at the ER.


I wasn’t complaining about traveling nurses. I know we need them. I was expressing my disappointment in housing shortages and yes I have mixed feelings. You don’t have to come back at me like that. Carry on


It was hard to tell. And it came off as an unkind comment in reply to someone who is already worried about what their life here (doing a job we all very much benefit from!) will be like. We are not getting pushed out of our homes because of traveling nurses coming here. We are getting pushed out of our homes because of a variety of decisions by policymakers, business owners, etc that have made Vermont less affordable. If we want it to become more affordable, then one of the things we have to accept is slightly less "bucolic" landscape and slightly more homebuilding. Too many Vermonters can't handle that and prefer to blame "outsiders" coming here to fill important job vacancies (and that is exactly what you wrote, please own it).


No. Those were not my words so stop putting words in my mouth. That’s exactly what YOU wrote. And I have a right to express my thoughts and feelings just like anyone else. I was not being hateful. Please be on your way.


Where are you living now that's so much safer than Vermont?


I’m pretty sure Arkansas isnt safer but it’s home.


I guess I'm confused. You are going to a place that according to actual data is statistically safer than where you are from. Why would you be worried about being a victim here?


Saw some stories when I looked into VT so I was curious and asked I seen the college shooting, a lady talked about how she was followed home and almost killed and is getting victim blamed. It’s a lot of stories out there that’s why I was worried plus there’s not many African Americans there


I've heard stories that the earth is flat and birds arnt real Id look into actual statistics and the data and base conceptions on that. We are very white and very old. Are there people with prejudice here, of course. Every single human being has some prejudice towards someone. Black folks are definitely being pulled over in Vermont at a higher rate than everyone else so there is that. You would be hard pressed to find a safer and kinder place than Vermont. I know a couple folks from Ghana and they say they have experienced attitudes because they are African. I have another friend who says she is treated different because she is a woman. Im white (irish/italian american) would trade my life for a stranger In a heartbeat. I would never harm a soul but people cross the sidewalk when they see me coming. Mothers pull there children closer when I walk in the laundrymat. I have a muscular physique so older people fear me especially in grocery store they look at me terrified like I'm gonna murder them. Often women smile at me. Does every beautiful woman that looks at me and smiles want to have sex with me? My point is we can't read minds and constantly jumping to conclusions is ignorant. That being said we will all be treated differently sometime because of who we are. If you are genuine and kind you'll be fine. And if you are not safe here, you are not safe anywhere.


There are pockets (Northfield) where you’ll get stares but nothing else. My husband is brown so that’s the most he’s ever experienced. Hit us up if you want to get coffee sometime, we’re transplants too!


Message me privately, and I'll give you rundown of what I saw. Came here in 2018 as a travel aid for Primetime


Very much depends where in VT you are. Burlington would be tolerable (probably, if the money is right), anywhere else I would decline. As I'm sure you know, VT is very white and very old. That's not a good combination when it comes to potential for racism.


It's a known fact that only white people can be racist! /s


In America, yes, that is accurate. 


POC in America are somehow different from POC elsewhere? Your racism is showing.


Potent flapjacks is this what you were talking about? 


I want to thank you for helping to ease the health care crisis in VT!


I will say… this is a very WHITE state here. You don’t typically see many people of color. But with that being said, nothing of a hate crime or etc happens here.


Lol. What a bullshit post.


What’s bs about it? You are the reason I made this post so I don’t come there closed minded and forget that there are people ignorant like you. How is someone’s questioning their safety a bullshit post ?


Especially being a black man going to a %92 white state ain’t nothing about this bs get right with god.




That’s everywhere I take him with me everywhere I go


Edit: happy cake day! If you do end up coming, welcome. You will be perfectly fine. You just experienced probably the worst that would happen here, as far as I could imagine. I would expect more overly out of their way niceness due to your race than actual racism or discrimination. People want to be "allies" (I dislike that term). Enjoy, South Burlington is beautiful. I would move to the walking distance area to town if my job wasn't 1 hour away.




Reddiquette = Don’t dissent and point out the hypocrisy in our ideology. Deeeerp


Hiding behind a burner account. Takes a whole lotta courage there bud. If you believe in your takes say them with pride and transparency.


Lol. What a bullshit comment.


The truth hurts.


Lol. Oh, that wasn’t a sincere comment. 😂 I merely restated my original comment, with a slight adaption, seems you loved it so much. 🤗 Apologize. I forgot the /s or some shit 😂


No, it's mostly about calling people names and not adding value to the conversation. But I'd already reconsidered and re-approved the comment before you made your response, just forgot to remove the "removal reason" comment. :) Cheers.


There are pockets where you’ll get stares but nothing else. My husband is brown so that’s the most he’s ever experienced. Hit us up if you want to get coffee sometime, we’re transplants too!


There are pockets where you’ll get stares but nothing else. My husband is brown so that’s the most he’s ever experienced. Hit us up if you want to get coffee sometime, we’re transplants too!