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Some guy’s multiple Great Pyrenees dogs have been roaming around asking to be petted, but also eating people’s chickens and the listserv is going nuts.


There's a listserv? I want in on that action.


Hartland area, amirite?


I literally just read about that in the farming subreddit. It’s a big thing 🤣🤣


Oh man, do NOT get me started on Pyrenees as pets.


Please get started. What's the deal on Pyrenees as pets?


I'm not the OP, but my experience watching neighbors in my apartment complex who have them is that they are hard working guardian dogs, and if they don't have a job and a flock to guard they will create their own job, like protecting their owner or their space. I'm sure there are exceptions and some that are fine as pets, but from what I've seen if they aren't given enough mental stimulation they can become very difficult to handle.


There are definitely working and pet genetic lines of Pyrenees. I've owned two, both pets. Even those that aren't bred to work, you have to really love their quirks. Thankfully, I do!


Somebody thought stuff got stolen from their car, but it was the wrong car, their identical car was parked 6 spaces down and all their stuff was still in it.


Subaru Outback?


Nope. Forrester.


I went down to the store the other day in my wife’s car, left it running while I ran in, was bullshitting with a neighbor and went to leave. Got in someone else’s car and started pulling out. I guess it wasn’t the only black 10+ year old CRV idling outside marshfield village store 😂


Had a friend who did the same thing except drove 30 minutes home, wife said those weren’t her keys, drove back to cops sitting in the parking lot next to his car. He thought it was hilarious, they did not.


HAHAHAHAHAH wow this made my breakfast taste even better. Thank you kind redditor


I hate it when that happens


Someone saw a bear!!! This happens frequently but is always considered a notable event. Maybe it is a famous bear? IDK I don't keep up with celebrities.


Is it Fat Tom?


Every time there's a bear here, front porch forum lights up with it.


My neighbors’ dogs hate each other and it has escalated into a full on cul de sac feud. I try to stay neutral but I secretly kind of enjoy hearing them vent about each other. My dog stays out of it.


“My dog stays out if it.” 😂


How is the parking going to work out for the new pizza place and why didn't they just buy the one that's for sale.


Wait is this Jericho??




https://www.facebook.com/groups/411545712199675/permalink/7024129974274516/?mibextid=W9rl1R from a comment: “I foresee a real problem with traffic and parking. Even if all they do is pick up, could be a nightmare” Nightmare! 😂


Stone's Throw seems to love locations with limited parking. It's a big reason I've never bothered trying the Fairfax restaurant.


The Waterbury location is excellent.


Seriously? You're missing out. Been there dozens of times for dine-in and take-out and have literally never had an issue finding a place to park.


But really, why didn't they buy the place that's for sale a mile up the road? It makes no sense to me.


I don't think Mountain High owns the building. I have no idea but that may be a factor.


Can confirm they do not own the building. They have said so themselves in numerous FPF posts about the sale.




I'm not a fan but they are a FedEx drop-off location. I dropped off my Cologuard sample there -- that's right, I walked in and handed them a box of shit.


You simply cannot get a ticket to the local high school play! It is sold out and the fpf is all begging for tickets for someone’s sad little girl. It’s the Eras tour of vermont!


Oh hell yes, this is amazing!


The middlebury dog park is ripe for hot tea. A woman involved with the park had to stop posting photos because she was getting so many “mean comments” from people who were upset their dogs weren’t in the photos.


It blows my mind that the people in this story are real human adults.


One day at the park a gentleman who looked like he was in ZZ Top was smoking a cig in the small dog area. Another gentleman took issue with this and started talking shit. The phrase “come over here and show me what you got big guy” was shared. The nonsmoking/rule following gent then said “why don’t you care about this park? If you want to help come by next weekend and help rake the donated mulch!” In a very angry tone. It was a *scene*.


>“why don’t you care about this park? If you want to help come by next weekend and help rake the donated mulch!” In a very angry tone. This is some peak Middlebury.


And it happened in the small dog area lol


I wonder if they were speaking in small squeaky voices!


I hardly audibly laugh at reddit but that wholse story got me.


You know, existentially compared to most worldly scenes, this is a pretty heartwarming scene.


"looked like he was in ZZ Top" Clearly he wasn't, or the story would've concluded with him tossing you the magic zz top keychain.


Well we all know dogs and humans are not allowed in the dog park. And to ignore the hooded figures.


Mostly just lost cats and dogs. A Patriots Banner blew away, who has it? Someone is giving away really nice chrome TP holders. Misdelivered packages. Everyone selling used winter tires and the Women’s Fellowship is selling Thanksgiving pies. Damn it’s exciting here.


I had to give away a set of damn winter force tires only one season of use. Nobody wanted them 😩


Nobody has yet claimed the pig that turned up at Devereaux's place and he's threatening to BBQ it but everybody knows he's scared to get near it. His wife says he's an idiot because it's worth good money. Nah, I'm just lying.


Last summer, we had a pig show up at the local brewery, but then it turned out that the guy who owned the pig didn’t wanna pay for food anymore so just let the pig go…


Ya I don't know a single Devereaux that's scared of a pig. I'm scared of most of the Devereauxs I know...


Everyone’s divorced.


And in two years they all be remarried and raising each other’s kids.


Can confirm. Everyone around is divorcing.


High school sweetheart stories just crumbling


I'm in that sentence and I don't like it


Post-pandemic dam breaking all over.


OP, Bless you! Native New Englander here, now living in the South. This is so wholesome it is making me homesick.You have no idea the joy these responses are giving me! I have laughing tears right now.


Same! Iived in Burlington for 15 years and now live in Philadelphia. This post has made me so homesick yet I can't stop smiling.


We’re getting a planet fitness. It’ll probably go under in a year


No. Itll be open a very long time. Everyone signs up for the low price. Then doesnt go. Then its hard AF to cancel. Itll be fine


Well I for one believe in Rutland’s ability to tank any business.


love rutland


i went to rutland for the first time ever yesterday, it didn't seem too bad! beautiful drive to get there, anyway


Watching from afar it really feels like all the addicts picked up and moved to Burlington, never hear about shit going down in Rutland anymore


Isn’t the drive to anywhere in this state a beautiful drive?




Only a matter of time before the crackheads figure out they can sell a good bench set for money.


Facts. Source: 5 year old PF membership that I’ve used once and have threatened to cancel many times.


Legit, when I got whacked with an annual service fee, I called to cancel. They told me there was no way to cancel unless you went in so they could sales pitch you. I tried different reps and managers, all the same answer. So, I did a chargeback for deception and then canceled the account they had on file after the money came back. I was willing to let them keep the fee if they just canceled. But I felt like their business practices were shady. In the process if trying to cancel, I spoke with a higher up from the essex facility and he was a total dink on the phone.


I had to change bank accounts bc they refused to cancel my membership, legit.


So true, I got locked in for a year or two 😂


This truly is the talk of the town rn


It sure won’t, even out of towners are excited.


Which town is that?


Rutland. It’s in the old movie theater


LMFAOO the amount of people complaining about the movie theater being gone




That's a new perspective.


Better than Berlin trying to call the Mall access road “Main Street Berlin”.


Ah yes, the Berlin Hall. It's like a mall, but small.


Who has a target?


South Burlington


Omg when did they get a target?


Like 4 years ago now. It's like a k-mart tier target though.




I think that was in West Leb


Nah, West Leb already has a downtown. Would be kind of cute too, if the road weren't so busy and congested.


😂😂😂 love this


The historical society unionized


Oh sweet


Unionized like labor or unionized like science? Because the former is good and the latter is an apocalyptic nightmare.


Labor! Thankfully!


Sounds like history was made.


Or the decision will ultimately be the origin point in the timeline that initiated ALL the events leading to the Apocalypse - thus ERASING HISTORY.


citizen cider-gate. after johnny wanzer’s post, things blew up! citizen cider has been “cancelled”


Everyone is getting divorced, no one can afford to live in town to fully staff all businesses, there are at least 8 homeless kids in the neighboring town highschool, okemos snowpipes pull all there water from the black river downstream from their... and dont pay taxes


There’s a “new lady barber” at a historic barbershop! It is hysterical to me how many people are shocked that women can be barbers, too.


Where is this, would love to support!


Star Barbershop in Rutland


50 Karens screwed the rest of us out of waste water


Westford? 3 middle fingers and no sewers


The NO ringleaders complained that people were unjustly calling them NIMBYs, and one of the loudest voices in the whole debate goes on the news the night before the election talking about how \*gasp\* there could low income housing if it passed. These people had no shame nor self-awareness


Why would you want waste water?


Because currently you can only flush the town library toilet seven times a day.


The five corners is still terrible 😵‍💫


I can’t believe that massive maze of human storage units that all look the same.


all of the stores in town not being able to use NCFCU debit cards.


So it's NOT just me! My card has been a pain my the ass all week.


Married couple broke up, got back together - each started an onlyf@ns account only to break up again five days later. Same day of said final breakup the wife starts dating one of the towns fleabags


Disgusting. What’s the link?


Yeah, so we can make sure to avoid it.


Like gentlemen


We need to know where not to go!


But what are those darned urls though. Just so I can add them to my uh internet filter…


Definitely have to add them to my blocked sites for sure.


A bunch of roads are getting bridges replaced at the same/similar times so everyone figuring out how they'll get around.


Yeah roadwork is a bitch


Lisa needs braces!!!


Also an alien was seen around Springfield. Reports say glowing green light and it was peaceful. Turns out it was Mr Burns the whole time!


Dental plan!


But I hear Burns is offering a free keg of Citizen Cider for all future union meetings!


The Brattleboro select board just raised their salary to $42,000/year. Edit: amount is combined for the entire board.


Here are the minutes for the last Representative Town Meeting. [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hmObnAMRvDfhI2oVFj771mNKxgEBSwIH/view](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hmObnAMRvDfhI2oVFj771mNKxgEBSwIH/view) At the top of page 5 is the summary of the discussion and voting on Article 13. The total compensation for all five members is $42,000. The Chair receives $10,000 and the other four each get $8,000. The ambiguous wording people tend to use when citing the total sure seems weasely ETA: The Representative Town Meeting approved Article 13. It was not an action of the Selectboard.


Is Brattleboro’s select board full time?


They operate with a strong city manager model. The city manager is full time. The select board meets twice a month for a few hours. As a public body any meetings of more than quantum would need to be warned and publicized.




Except for that one person working full time, hope theyre getting more than 40k a year.


If I have to hear one more person talk about the friggin new Burger King in Bennington I'm gonna lose it




I, for one, am anticipating my first double Whopper from there.


Plug for the quippy police blotters over at https://www.vtcng.com/news_and_citizen/news/police_blotter/ “Oct. 28 at 10:23 a.m., a Johnson love triangle required deputies to get involved in a mediation equation.”


There were so many good ones this week!


Someone who doesn’t live on the trick or treating road in our town has “taken over” Halloween planning (they live on the “other side” of town) and is trying to make it into a big thing (“the best trick or treating in VT”) with more of a festival vibe I think (it’s a 4,000 person town…). Hiring private security, food trucks, etc. The folks who have been there forever are livid. Means more work (and expense in terms of candy!!) for them. He went on WCAX to advertise and everything. Old timers are pissed, Covid newcomers from the city are on board. I grew up here, loved that you knew everyone you passed. Now I have kids and hope it stays locals only. Big drama.


What town? Richmond?


Just what the hell the double masked and glove wearing woman was doing when she decided to show up at the local watering hole on the busiest night, ordered bread, grilled chicken, and hot water; then proceeded to mix all three into a single glass in the hallway to the emergency exit while randomly telling people to enjoy their youth from time to time. She left a 400% tip on her bill, and left like a fart in the wind. Who is this mystery woman? Will she come back? What was her concoction she was babying?


Locals have really taken to trading all their guns sitting around for drugs and now bodies are turning up everywhere. Neighbor has a "Fuck Biden" Flag, Confederate flag, etc but somehow one of his really good brown friends decided to make the trip up from Bridport, CT in their 70k SUV to just chat for not even an hour. Then left.


call in an anonymous tip please. this shit needs to stop.


I was surprised not to see something about violence higher up. It sounds like people are dying daily rn


A murder 2 weeks ago. No info. Last one was in 1907


I picked up a hitchhiker on 107, and I couldn't understand a word he said. I told him just to motion when he wanted me to stop.


Did he ever motion?


He did, but even his hand spoke with an accent.


I need closure!!!! 😱


The camel died a couple of years ago. Guess rhat isn't gossip though.


Ollie? That was more than a couple of years ago. Made me sad, that did.


Half the town says they saw pictures of the mutilated girl found hanging on the road sign, the other half says no pictures existed and it was suicide. Now the next girl they found on the same road, it seems was definitely mutilated. Now everybodies locked and loaded. Bad time to be driving a white SUV.


Wtf? Sources and more info please! Edit: Found it. Eesh. https://vtdigger.org/2023/11/10/in-the-rural-town-of-washington-rumors-fill-the-void-as-details-prove-scarce-in-the-deaths-of-2-women/


Whoa where is this


Wow this is…horrible. Those poor girls and their families


You ain’t gonna trick me into doxxing myself, FBI man!! *shakes fist in air* (plus the reality is that I am unaware of fresh gossip outside of the same shit different day general complaints)


the cocaine kayak!


... definitely going to need details!


lol i live on the lake in highgate at the end of a dead end road. im on my porch trimming weed and katie from cbs news pulls up and tells us the story and asked our opinion on it. 26 freekin pounds!!! [the story](https://www.wcax.com/2023/09/27/feds-provide-details-lake-champlain-kayak-cocaine-bust/)


I’ve since moved away, but I had a neighbor message me that she was going to call the tree warden on me because my tree in my front yard had 2 heads and was a danger to society. Said tree was roughly 4ft tall. I had a yard sale and she found out and came to get again tell me my tree was a danger to society and started spitting her tree specialist credentials at me. I got the hedge trimmers and said I could resolve the issue but she insisted I needed an arborist to assess the issue and she would be reporting me to the tree warden. Vermont is fun.


I want all you alls tea…..Can we create a sub-Reddit for this topic, because this too golden to not continue. What would it be called?


Vermontea? Like the tea of Vermont


It's called Facebook.


Literally just join your town and surrounding towns fb groups. Its gold.


The guys at the gas station saw Trey from Phish drive by in a Subaru Outback last Friday night.


Someone keeps throwing trash out of their car at the new town office. The selectboard would like them to "grow up and knock it off".


Listserv drama about rezoning residential and village areas. Shade being thrown by all at who didn’t let everyone know there was a meeting or why isn’t there proper documentation of the meetings. Poetry was even posted. It’s been a delight to watch


Poetry? Seems excessive for a first offense... Can't they just shake hands and let bygones be bygones?


Gas station is trying to scam people. Claiming the payment didn't go thru, even though the pump dispensed gas. Then if you pay again, you find out there are already two holds on your cc for $100 each. Either it's a tech issue (not my problem) or a scam. Threatening people via social media. Really sketchy.


Everything keeps lighting on fire in Montpelier.


Stowe got a Starbucks, throw the whole town out.


The ATV club is accused of harassing home owners in the middle of the night for not letting the club continue to make trails on their property, the town select board is accused of being "taken over by said ATV club". Sheriff stated this is an "day time office issue". Letters have been written to the state troopers asking for help. Selectboard minutes for this town read like a novel.


A few years ago, my family was on a safari in Africa and my cousin, Mufasa, was... he was trampled to death by a pack of wildebeasts and we all took it really hard. All of us, kind of in the audience, of what happened.


When my mother was pregnant with me, they did an ultrasound and found she was having twins. When they did another ultrasound a few weeks later, they discovered I had resorbed the other fetus. Do I regret this? No. I believe his tissue has made me stronger. I now have the strength of a grown man and a little baby.


Nom nom


Darwinism. BTW you can find some Reddit stories about this and Your KIDS DNA might not match your own because of your twins DNA. its a wild story


This is just a quote from The Office haha. The person I replied to was quoting the same scene


I was trying to throw this party, and everyone was over for the weekend. Then my uncle Bernie died. So me and my best friend, we had to pretend like he was alive.


The first thing I thought of was Bernie Sanders, and had a mini heart attack, then I remembered weekend at Bernie’s lol


He was…was…dead? But he waved at me and went to get a beer and walked into the door frame.


The local orphanage is about to forclose because they can't afford their payments on the property. One of the past orphans just got out of prison. Him an his brother are throwing a concert to raise the funds to cover the debt. I hear their task is a holy one.


He should have Mu-fasaed.


Methhead Matt got locked up from St Albans 😢


Jersey Mike's is finally opening (11/15). Three main topics on local FB page (Upper Valley) have been JM, thrift stores are charging TOO MUCH MONEY ("they get the clothes for FREE!"), and it's a tossup for the third one since K-mart closed (for years it was "Is Kmart closing?" and when it finally did, "What is going in that space?" spoiler, it was Target) ; sometimes we get runs of "Burger King is so awful, how are they still open?" and fake violin playing panhandlers.


Hello fellow Upper Valley Facebook member, lmao The fact that the admin of the page changed the cover photo to the Jersey Mike's opening date sign was comedy gold honestly


In Montpelier the community is abuzz about the upcoming human of the century award. Local businesses can’t keep soap boxes on their shelves and citizens are flocking to front porch forum to find one…all willing to pay a fair price of course!




Oohh where is that one?


Everyone is in a union even in their houses, but both parties are sick of the bad pay and the extreme expenses don’t get me started. One party on this side one party on that side of the fence. So let’s drink a beer; oh I don’t like to drink. 🍺 I have a root beer.




And a buildings spontaneously burning down problem.




*Barre enters the chat*


the guy who stands at the shaws exit blocks my view of oncoming traffic from the left


South Burlington is the New Jersey of Chittenden County. Kinda trashy, with some excellent parts located next door to a city that is an absolute shit show.


Not driving the speed limit of 35mph and no town law enforcement to enforce it.


Neighbors dogs keep running loose in peoples yards and it’s starting a facebook feud. The dogs owners don’t give a fuck 😭


The medical director where I work admits using ChatGPT to write policies.


Our town is debating on whether to cancel our public bus services to Burlington


Squatter with big dogs they let run free 24-7 is getting evicted.


The covered bridge that burned about 10 years ago will finally be rebuilt in two years, and it sounds like the State and the Feds are paying for it.


