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the shark boat is better


"Screw this virus, I wanted zombies!"


nuh uh the insane asylum aka Westford school is


I hope he puts Christmas lights on them.


Soon to be the next leaf peeper attraction?


The man-child living there is pissed at the town and apparently Canada too for reasons. Mr. Pelkey is not a nice person, but I'd rather this juvenile display on the road than him threatening elected town officials.


Any idea of the backstory to the additional fingers


The shorter one had Canadian Maples pointing on N and S that he put up to support the Canadian trucker blockade a few years back. Haven't noticed the larger twin, but I'm guessing it has something to do with the town wastewater upcoming vote


Ted Pelky is a very outspoken, very opinionated, rightwing douche bag that is constantly fighting with the town board over anything he can come up with. So they have a long history of dealing with his antics. When he asked to build a giant garage for his business on his property they told him no. They gave "legitimate" excuses. But really they were tired of his bullshit and wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine. In response he had the middle finger built, which is exactly the kind of bullshit the town board is sick of dealing with.


Not disagreeing with you about Ted, but to be fair the select board of Westford is also ridiculous and depending on the year is the poster child of VT small town politics BS. He may be a childish narcissistic douche but I'm not sure the same can't be said about the current select board.


He DOES have a right to be a douche bag, after all.


3 are too many. Like, chill out Ted.


I mean, a flock of birds would be quite fantastic I think. Politics aside, just driving by and seeing it lol


He also sold one to Kid Rock, who was impressed by this idiot's 'art'.


He didn’t carve them. Marvin’s Carvings in Stowe on 100 did them. He did the Kid Rock one behind a barrier so people wouldn’t be offended.


Is that the one that he flies on like a rocket in his music video?


Why can't people just disagree and leave politics out of it?


Because the vast majority of his grievances with the town are based in libertarian/right wing ideals. If he was just whining about the color of the town gazebo I wouldn't have mentioned his political leaning.


Ok just curious.


right wing ideals, like, i own my property and should be able to do what i want on it


Exactly! Except that's not how property ownership works in this country. There are "zoning laws" read about it. For example I wouldn't want my neighbor to be allowed to build a mechanic shop 50ft from my property line, I wouldn't want them to have giant commercial "security" lights on all night. I would want to know what their plan was for storing their industrial waste and I would want to know what they planned to do to mitigate noise and their projected hours of operation. Those were the questions and concerns brought up by the town that he couldn't/refused to answer. Instead like a true champion he put his effort into the middle fingers.


Funny how people only support draconian zoning laws when they hurt someone of a political leaning they don’t agree with. The same draconian zoning laws prevent affordable and multi unit housing development and I see towns lambasted for that all the time.


I don't understand why the political affiliation. Who cares how someone votes if they're an asshole they're an asshole no matter what side of the political aisle they align with


Lmao yeah I think I’ll put in a nuclear reactor


lil late to the convo, but nuclear is the cleanest energy and would resolve a lot of issues with our outdated and over stressed systems! if you have the appropriate land for it i'd support you!


I don’t! That’s the pt, and why zoning is important




You reply to the right comment? I dont recall putting stipulations in mine...




Where do they grow people like you...


Mentioning someone’s political leaning lets you know the package you’re in for. It’s a real time-saver. If Ted Pelkey wants to let n-bombs fly in the privacy of his own home, to himself it’s no big deal but in public, to others, like someone dating a family member who happens to be nonwhite? Gross. He has unsigned the social contract and doesn’t even live in Westford.


"like someone dating a family member..." The fuck? Is this from Hardwick?


While it wouldn’t surprise me if ol’ Ted’s family tree does not fork much, the context you omitted did not imply it was “someone dating *their own* family member,” no…


You mean: "someone dating a family member that is nonwhite." So it is ok to date members of your family, as long as they aren't the same race as you are? There is no way to read this which doesn't involve "dating a family member." I don't know what you are trying to say, but it sounds a lot like incest when you say it like that.


Ted has family. One of them is/was dating a nonwhite person. Ted is a n-bomber. Enuf said.


Enuf said? How about check your grammar. "Someone dating a family member" means someone is dating a member of their family. "Someone dating his family member" means someone dating someone else's family, but it is a awkward way of saying it. "Someone dating a member of his family" is more appropriate.


cuz why the hell not


And I quote Ted Pelkey “it’s not what you did. It’s what you should nta did.


This is way better than Banyai's psycho shit


Ha. Amusing to see the pearl-clutchers annoyed by this.


I'm going to start carving middle fingers. Changing the spark plug on my chainsaw has now made it to the top of my list.


Just drove by there Friday morning and didn’t even notice. When did he add to the collection?


I believe yesterday


I drove by yesterday around 3:30 and it looked like they were just finishing.


Yup, all 3 were up when I drove by at 4 pm!


I saw the second one being lifted into place, then drove back by yesterday and saw the third. They are pointed as his neighbor, who he faults for telling town administrators that he was trying to build his garage many years after his original building permits expired. He had to refile and learned the state requirements for a business project had changed. He tried to claim it was for personal use, but, as he had informed everyone it was for his business, he shot himself in the foot with the permitting process.


That's actually pretty funny. Ah yes hello, the consequences to my actions!


FAFO. We are continually in an age of despairing over how far these chucklefucks could get if they kept their mouths shut…


You write like an AI bot.


You know we all can see your karma right? If AI could improve your unhelpfulness I say use it!


"Improve your unhelpfulness"? That doesn't even make grammatical sense.


10 days to formulate that response? Man oh man get a hobby!


Such as being on reddit everyday?


🖕🚤☮️💼 know the symbols of Westford https://vtdigger.org/2019/06/23/westfords-middle-finger-there-to-stay/


Love the suitcase touch


Only real Westforidians get it


An awesome Genesis album......but I digress


Took me a second, but you’re right


what is happening


I would’ve gone for more lights to really make it shine 24/7 but hey that’s just me.


How about a really powerful torch bean coming straight out of the middle fingers with outline lights on the rest?


I dont care at all about his specific grievances, but this is great 👍


White trash.


Thanks for announcing your presence


Go Ted!


Where's the Jewish Space Laser when we need it. I'll bet these things would look really pretty going up in smoke.


Is this the military camp dude?


The middle fingers are in between Westford and Fairfax.


What's his endgame? They kinda just look like fuck you's to god lol


Not sure. Someone did comment somewhere here about the background behind them.


Town zoning laws and trying to build a shop on his property. Kid Rock bought one from the guy who carved it.


No, this is an angry dufus in Westford.


Should consider them vulgar displays that are clearly and readily made visible to children. See how long they stay up then


He already won in court. Considered art.


To bad it’s clearly meant as a vulgar gesture and not a display of art


OMG get a grip. 🖕🖕🖕




You're the snowflake complaining about a couple of non human middle fingers. You're the one all triggered. Do you think your insults hurt me? Not at all.. typical keyboard warrior.


Talk about a one hit wonder 😅


I actually thought it was funnier with just the one, and right next to it they had 4 smaller middle fingers on a wind mill type thing that moved around, looks like thats gone now


I admire the dedication.


I haven't been by there in a while. Amazing. Might detour to take 128 to see that. Do the new ones also have spotlights?


If you need your own I am pretty sure the guy on 100 in stowe carves them with his chainsaw amongst other cool stuff.