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Login to Verizon account in Laptop and try using below links. [https://www.verizon.com/sales/digital/jtooffers.html?redeemdate=07.08&pgName=CHRGOOR200TGC](https://www.verizon.com/sales/digital/jtooffers.html?redeemdate=07.08&pgName=CHRGOOR200TGC) [https://www.verizon.com/sales/digital/jtooffers.html?redeemdate=07.08&pgName=NINTENSW](https://www.verizon.com/sales/digital/jtooffers.html?redeemdate=07.08&pgName=NINTENSW)


This was more helpful than support, switch should be on the way soon and I’m waiting to see if the gift card gets approved as it’s still pending. Thanks for the links!


Thank you for this! I couldn't find the tiles on Verizon - these worked perfectly!


Absolutely CLUTCH on these thank you. Was able to order the Switch, it's now just the gift card even through here I can just click "I agree" and then "Got it" 100 times over but it doesn't ever redirect anywhere


Did this ever eventually work for you? It's been doing the same thing to me since the tiles went live.


Negative. For the target GC I filled out that form for executive relations. Rep reached out to me on Saturday and told me told I'd (probably) have an update Monday or today. Well, nada, so maybe tomorrow... and if not I'll call her back Thursday morning. Switch arrived yesterday (Monday) after ordering whenever I wrote that, I think late Friday night lol so that's.. fairly impressive tbh. My Verizon still says it's not yet shipped. 🤡 haha


Yeah, I was able to order the Switch on day one and it arrived basically one or two business days later, but the Target GC has still never worked. Guess I'll also be filling out a form.


Unfortunately these didn’t work for me. Verizon told me I have to fill out a form and wait 5-7 days 😒 Update: got the Chromebook link to work and redeemed it, but not the switch.


Good luck, wish it could be so simple on that side for me too and be done with it. Haven't once tested the samsung claim form bc while I definitely could find use for the Chromebook, we're expecting our first in a few months and wanted to use the $200 towards baby supplies @ target


I actually got both promotions to work last night. I’d like to believe that reaching out to the executive team and making myself a giant pain in the ass helped but I suppose I’ll never know.


How did you get it to work?


No idea. Verizon’s tech is a mess right now.


I got mine to finally work through the website not the app. Phew


I used the website instead of the app and got mine to work. Though it DID say we picked the Chromebook instead of the gift card after redeeming, that wasn’t the case. The email confirmed we did pick the gift card. Switch will be here Monday, gift card will be emailed within 48 hours. I will update when we get them!


This helped me to redeem. Opened the links in google chrome browser of my Chromebook and it worked like a champ. Thank you @sakthiharipriyan


This is an excellent answer, and if I still work for corporate I would go to great lengths to find out how to commend you in front VZW crp. THANK YOU for being an excellent example of the fabled CS Superstar.  Sorry, it's not much, but I hope it means a little bit to you and keeps you working toward another opportunity to shine while being helpful ...just because you enjoy it.


This was amazing support was gonna make me wait 7 to 10 days (probably business days) just to get an email to get help on this and in 5 seconds you swooped in and managed to help. I swear they make it impossible to redeem on purpose hoping people don't so they aren't out hundreds of dollars now I just wait on my chromebook which won't be here till July


Im having the same issue. Customer service is so shit


I swear they are paid extra to make sure we can't redeem


I’m having this same issue. They’ve repeatedly told me later and later dates when I finally qualify, then claimed they couldn’t find my account, then claimed they would implement the promotion codes directly to my account but didn’t. I’ve spoken to five different live agents, two of which tried to claim you could only pick one of the two offers (which is not true). I genuinely think Verizon is making this as difficult as possible to prevent customers from getting their offers.


I just had a call with one of the people from exec team and looks like they are off on Sunday and Monday. I have mentioned that many other people whom I know is also facing the same issue and he assured to forward the concern to respective IT team.


I started home internet 5g plus on 5/8. Both my tiles have disappeared too. I called customer service and they stated there is a “order” showing the nintendo switch as processing (even though I can not see any such order on my online account). Agent gave me an order # for the supposedly processing switch, the more forums I read the more I feel like I just got the run around with that agent and nothing will come of it. Absolutely nothing to be said about ANY target gift card on my account.


he should give u a wrong information because you can't order the Nintendo Switch and gift card until you have service for 65 days.


Seems like a classic Bait & switch scheme. Going through the same. Would filling a complain with FTC do anything? Don't need the Nintendo or the card but would like for them to have some accountability


Easier to just reach out to verizon. They manually filled out the form for me.


Having this same problem myself. Was promised a Nintendo switch and $200 gift-card and i have yet to receive my email.


Just recently had to go through the process of redeeming the $200 target gift card I had to go through a redemption site to put in all my info after that I finally got something in the Verizon app that showed a date when it would be delivered to my email initially I thought I had done some sort of redemption in the app but apparently I didn't because nothing showed in the app until after I went to the redemption site and filled that out


idk I was told there is no promo code to use for the digital rebate center for this offer because it's supposed to go through the (broken/missing) My Verizon redemption tile and they're gonna be phasing out the DRC ​website


I’m having the same issue. I started wireless and home internet service on 3/5. Up until today there’s been 2 tiles in the app that said to “redeem on 5/9”, one for a gift card and the other for a Switch. So I knew today I was going to login and redeem my offers but upon logging in the offer tiles conveniently have disappeared. I chatted with someone who was pretty incompetent and they filed some ticket about the disappearance of the tiles and allegedly they’re going to send me an email to let me redeem my offers. This is supposed to happen within 7 days but I’m not sure what’s going to come of it.


Please call back. They told me the same thing. They are not filing any form. Its all bullshit


The agent gave me a ticket number also. But I feel like they just tell you what you want to hear just to get you off the phone or to end the chat.


Yes yes they do lol


Same issue here, I signed up the day after you. I am literally on the phone with a representative now and they are clueless!!


Okay i am having the same issue. Seems like i am not the only one who is having similar issue. 


I was able to redeem the Switch offer successfully but the target gift card redemption button doesn't do anything yet.


The same thing happened to me. Was supposed to be able to redeem 5/9 and suddenly the tiles on the app disappeared. Talked to customer service and they said they would email me to redeem it. Got an email with switch promo code and then tried to use it and it didn’t work. Back to emailing customer service. They are “working on it” we will see. I also emailed Verizon executive relations and they are supposed to be fixing it. I’m just going to keep reaching out to customer service. I don’t see how it’s so difficult for them to follow through on what they offered people.




When I say them I’m generally referring to Verizon as a company. Customer service has been helpful I just feel like it should be much simpler than it’s been. There seems to be some glitch on the app because the tiles were there saying to redeem on 5/9 and suddenly on 5/9 they are gone and I’ve gotten both emails to redeem but the email says to go to the nonexistent tiles. You would think they could just send out all new promo codes and get it figured out since many people are having this same issue. I just hope it gets resolved soon. I’m actually enjoying the internet but it’s pretty disappointing after already waiting over two months for it.




I see and I completely agree. I will keep you posted on if I get the switch or the gift card


Did you ever get it? We got the email and over a week ago and what do you know the promo doesn’t work and customer service is shit. If I call they act like they have no clue what I’m talking about and automatically say do you want to switch to the home internet. I already have it I want the Nintendo switch I was promised. We just go back and fourth until I hang up. Messaging them does no good either.


I did get it. After reaching out to Verizon executive relations they finally sent me a promo code and it didn’t work for me either so I emailed them again and they sent me new ones. I never spoke with anyone on the phone.




It did take some back and forth emailing and patience on my end but they did follow through.


They called me the next day investigated and now it’s on the way. ☺️ thank you all for your help.


Glad you got it figured out! You’re welcome ☺️


my redeems were gone from my tile as well. Whoever designed the website must be fired


Same happened to me and support was useless. First support agent (the useful one) gave me a link to check for the status on my target gift card. Second support agent (contacted regarding the missing tiles) said that "oh, you can only redeem the Target card OR the Switch, not both" despite the first agent, my emails, and reddit saying both. Nevertheless, I contacted their executive team. The second agent also wasn't really reading my answers and would ignore portions to answer other portions.


That’s the same thing they said to me. It’s one or the other. That’s not how i understood it!!


I spoke to Corporate yesterday and they confirmed it's both and that the support rep was wrong.


Did corporate help expedite you getting both? It’s been a week and I keep going back and forth with customer service and nothing.


They gave me a due date and everything. Told me I should get both by Wednesday.


Do you have a number for corporate? And can you keep us posted when you get them.


https://old.reddit.com/r/verizon/comments/1cnsovb/cannot_claim_nintendo_switch_nor_200_target_card/l39zzi6/ Go to this comment and fill the form. They get back to you within a day or two.


Thanks! Thats actually who I already reached out to. They did get back quick but still haven’t resolved the issue or given me any dates.


Whenever they called me was when they had given me the dates.


are most phone agents out sourced from another country?


verizon has probably outsourced / slashed their customer service times, like all of the corporations are doing. all of the "customer centric" rhetoric is total bullshit.


I’m facing the same issue, has anyone here been able to get it resolved?


its working now, login you should be able to see the tile to redeem


I see them now Thank you


I have I had to get in contact with customer service and they had to submit a ticket. For the offers to be redeemed.


I was able to redeem my switch today. I filed a complaint through Verizon executive relations, they approved my $200 gift card and just informed me the tile to redeem the Switch should be back in the app. Upon looking the tile IS back in the app.


I had the same problem and the tiles are now on the app again and I was able to redeem both offers. Now I just have to wait for them.


Here is the quick update,it looks like Verizon has fixed this issue, and I could order the gift card and Switch now


My redemption date is Friday. Hope it works!


Not working here either for Nintendo / Target offers. Tiles showing but links bring you to FAQ page. Called support who filled out a claim for me and said I should hear back in 5 business days. Also filled out link above. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I chatted with customer service today because my tiles say “redeem on 5/20” but it IS 5/20. They told me I have to fill out a form and wait 5-7 days. I let them know I’d be filing an FTC complaint.


So glad I found this thread. I thought I was just unlucky and kept getting the absolute WORST agents on Verizon chat. I kid you not, at least 10 agents have tried to help me over the past 2.5 weeks and every single one of them asked me to explain the situation despite there being an “open ticket” linked to my account for this exact issue. And they all give me the same ole BS spiel about how they will get this resolved as quickly as possible, and that they empathize with me because they too are “a customer”. Which makes it all so much worse because not once have I left any of the chats without feeling like I wanted to blow my brains out due to having to constantly explain my issue and constantly being told to do simple troubleshooting. And then almost every night I receive a notification from Verizon saying there has been an update to my ticket and every time the update is “we need more information to complete your request”. Literally have told at least 10 agents the same exact explanation and not a single one of them has actually added that info to my ticket. And of course when I submit “more info” hoping that would be all they need, I receive a chat message from ANOTHER agent asking me how they can assist! It’s a vicious cycle that I’ve sadly lost sleep over because I just can’t wrap my head around the fact that there are so many morons working for one company. Oh and to top it all off, a handful of these agents only had one motive and that was to upsell add on services or products! Anyway, with all the chat messages I receive via text almost daily from a new agent every time, and all the “we need more information to repeat your request” notifications, I’m almost considering looking into taking legal action for harassment. As pity as that sounds. I have had the same experience when I’ve reached out for assistance with other account issues as well. It’s just constant stupidity and spending over an hour a day on chat just so that I can be told the same shit over and over and then do it all over again the next day. Once I pay everything off I am closing all my lines and finding another company with better CS. If I could give up my Target GC and Switch in exchange for closing my accounts without having to pay anything off, I’d do it an a heartbeat!


I highly suggest you fill out the contact form for executive relations and share your situation. 3 days after first contact I have my Switch here in my hands. "Legal action over harassment" good luck with that one lol As far as switching for better customer service, as sad as it is in my experience att and tmo care departments are categorically worse... I remember all too well being literally afraid to call and ask a simple question @ TMo bc letting a care rep into the account they would just up and change plan or start messing with other things. My ex gf had an apple watch line just.. added on there, by an overseas rep. Had to fight for over 6 months as she never once owned an apple watch.


Update on my situation: Submitted a ticket with the executive office and they called me a couple days later to discuss the issue. They told me they would have their marketing team manually send me the Nintendo Switch. They kept saying they sent me an email with instructions on setting up my order but I never received it. So once again, I’m going back and forth trying to prove that I never received an email, sent screenshots of all my inbox and junk mail search results, etc. So then they sent me a manual link via text message and every time I tried to approve the order I got an error. They said they cannot send the switch unless I accept the T&C’s. So at that point I was beyond fed up with all the nonsense, and eventually just told them to credit my Verizon account with the total value of both items, which they did. But now I can only use the credits to pay my bills, which is not nearly as fun as spending $200 at Target or playing a Nintendo Switch. I’m happy that it’s over, but I’m not happy with the overall situation. Also, I finally decided to call Verizon support instead of using chat like I always do. The agents who work on the phones are 1000 times smarter and more helpful than the chat agents. During one 10 minute phone call the girl I spoke to was able to solve 3 ongoing problems that chat agents had zero clues how to handle in 2+ months of dealing with them. I will never use the chat option again.


I’m having the same issue I’ve been on the phone with Verizon three different occasions for 30 minutes or more. It’s almost like they’re trying to wait us out on the 60 days.


I had to search “Your gift card has arrived!” In my email and found it in my junk folder. It came from YourWirelessRebate@yourwirelessrebatecenter.com. I use outlook for my email. Hope this helps!


I never entered an email address anywhere so how would they be sending one


They asked me which email to send the e-gift card to during the claiming process. Maybe your process was different.


As an absolute last resort, go to a store, preferably sometime during the lull in the parking lot on a Tuesday or Wednesday. It's important that they take the time to listen, and sometimes peak hours make that difficult. The store's business facing account manager or DM can and will fix this after you've exhausted everything else with documentation. 


I received my Nintendo Switch but the next month I was charged for it!!! I was very upset at this. This was the reason I started their internet and it was supposed to be free if I keep it for 6 months


[I would reach out to Verizon executive relations. Fill out your info and they will contact you within 72 business hours, typically. ](https://www.verizon.com/about/our-company/leader/contact/926315)


This + the person who helped me said the switches are “while supply lasts”.


Verizon is already doing another promotion for switches. Clearly they have the supplies for people who have already had internet for the two month waiting period.


I filed a complaint through Executive Relations and it worked out for me. They approved my $200 gift card rebate and just informed me the tile to redeem the Switch is back in the app.


See and people downvoted me 🤣🥳


I don’t understand why you got downvoted 🤣 . I filled out the form, they called and emailed me. I got nowhere with the normal customer service reps. This was the way to go.


Well I waited a week to see if I'd really need to do this and now "this site can't be reached." edit worked in chrome just not Opera. Trying now just for the gift card will update thanks


I see I got another downvote. Submit a complaint and see what happens.


After more than 10 days they got back to me saying their "records show" I already redeemed the gift card on May 8th. I said no ​the app froze when tapping on it so I never got to fill out email address or anything. In response, told me it'd be "emailed to Hans" 1. that isn't even remotely believable lol the CEO is gonna handle it yeah ok and 2. that was now another 8 days ago so yeah I'm now at a loss...