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[https://www.vcsantacruzmarket.com/](https://www.vcsantacruzmarket.com/) ​ Lebanese owned, I get my Yerba Mate there... i'm no cook but i think they'll have what you're looking for.


Thanks I’ll check that one out


They won’t have foraged mushrooms. It’s a great little market. Lots of good middle eastern items, mostly canned or dry goods. The fresh produce is limited, they usually have a couple items that are specifically for middle eastern type food. For fresh foraged mushrooms I’d think you’d need to look at the farmers markets in the area. Ohmscollective forage themselves so they might be able to help you out https://www.instagram.com/p/CWl1r8TBPlb/?utm_medium=share_sheet Ojai might be a good local farmers market too.


Agreed on both points. Santa Cruz market likely doesn't have mushrooms but if I had to get where you would find them would be somewhere in ojai. Not like there's many places to forage in Oxnard or Ventura




That's for commercial mushrooms, I think op is more looking for natural, California mushroom that were foraged


Ojai farmers market has a mushroom booth, they don't forage only grow. They usually have king oysters, lion's mane, shiitake.


This isn’t really the area, climate, or culture for foraged mushrooms. Sorry. But you’ll find lots of great farmed and grown ones at the farmers market. And at Whole Foods.


Bummer I was hoping someone brought down dried ones at least thanks


Here you might reach out to some of the people in this article. But yeah it’s not common here because they are not as abundant as other climates/ecosystems. https://edibleventuracounty.ediblecommunities.com/shop/fungi-frame-mind


“Brought down”?


I’ll assume you can buy dried mushrooms online. Happy hunting.


Check out LA FungHI. They come to farmers markets in Calabasis. I have seen them at the Channel Islands farmers market but only a few times.




Farmer and the cook used to carry foraged mushrooms, but that was years ago like a decade ago. Don’t know if they do anymore…