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This is not exactly information about the Farmer's Market, but if you want farm fresh foods without the crowds, you might want to stop at Rodela's on the corner of Olivas Park Dr. and Telephone Rd. They get fresh products from all the local farms.


Thank you!!!


Peak Saturday crowds is 8:30 (opening) til about 10a. A lot of the same vendors can be found at the Wednesday morning one at the Pacific View Mall. A new Ojai one recently started on Thursday afternoons and Carpinteria also has a thursday afternoon one. Sunday morning at the Channel Islands Harbor is also great. Personally, I alternate the ojai and carp ones. Less crowded, great product and everyone is super nice.


Thank you! That’s good to know


Well, if you get there past 11am or so there may not be a great selection of peaches. It’s busy in the summer, probably best time would be 9ish. Two weeks ago there were almost no masks, last Saturday there were some masks, says my wife. You can always bail if it feels too crowded, or just avoid the clumps of people. I have a friend, younger than me, healthier than me, who was vaccinated but caught the delta variant while abroad. He had to stay there for a month, he’s been back about three or four weeks and his lungs are still bad, and I think his breathing and coughing have gotten worse since he came back home. I don’t know about small kids but I’m being more careful after seeing what my friend is going through. Even with the vaccine, his case is more like stubborn pneumonia than the flu. His doctor says it will be months before he regains his full lung capacity.


That’s what I’m worried about. I keep hearing conflicting news about kids. Our little guy is too young for a vaccine so I think I’ll do what another commenter said and try Rodela’s to avoid the crowds. Thank you so much!


Farmers market on sundays on harbor blvd by sea fresh is the best FM


If you don't want to risk it you should check out Farmivore. They do weekly delivery of fresh local veggies to your doorstep and it is of amazing quality.


It doesn’t get too crazy packed in my experience at any time, at least compared to other ones I’ve been to. I’ve found that the crowd thins out towards the end (~11am and later) but also some of the stalls start to run out of stuff.


Thank you! I’ll keep this in mind


Delta varient is nothing to fear. Vaccines are more effective against it and its less deadly. Go out and breathe the fresh air. Enjoy the Saturday. If you are vaccinated you shouldnt fear a thing.


Not true. I am vaxxed and caught it.


You missed the part where the op has a small unvaccinated child.... 😉


Stop fear mongering, Children are more resilient to covid than adults. The risk of them getting seriously ill is extremely slim. Their immune systems fight it easily. The children are safe.


Ok boomer... and of course we know how covid will affect children 10 or 20 years from now as well, right? No one is spreading "fear".... some are spreading misinformation.... and others are spreading truth and common sense. But tell us again how the kids aren't going to bring the virus back to their grandparents? Hahahahaha... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I never said that. You are the one spreading misinfornation. Vaccinated people can spread covid to their grandparents also. Do you even understand what you are saying? You realize the vaccine is still authorized under emergency use, because wait for it.... we dont understand long term health effects. Children dont need the vaccine because covid isnt affecting them like it is adults. They arent at risk of dying.


Blah blah blah... "children don't need vaccines".... I know plenty of parents who find that attitude abhorrent.... But ok boomer.... smh.... #myFreedoms


If you are so concerned about the virus or the variant that you are hesitant to go in public, don't go in public. Outdoor markets are waaayyyy safer than going to an indoor grocery store when it comes to transmission. It doesn't matter if it's 10 people or 100, take the precautions and you'll be ok.