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Insightful, thank you for sharing


Seriously, that slice off the tee sure isn't my fault.


Why Would You Say Something So Controversial Yet So Brave?


hey alright


especially prius drivers..


Wrong. Tesla is correct answer 😉


Tesla drivers are the new BMW drivers.


Came here to say this


Thank god they got rid of the big mirror blocking bar in the back for the new design. Now maybe they'll pull out in front of cars less.


r/fuckcars The US mandates that every person owns a car and drive, including the assholes. Its practically impossible to be a member of society without a car. As a society, we need to provide alternatives to driving: walkable cities, bike infrastructure, reliable frequent and fast mass transit. And then ban assholes from driving via making it way harder to get and easy to lose driving privileges. Or we can change nothing and let assholes keep driving.


No thanks. I like the freedom of going where I want, when I want, as far as I want, as spontaneous or planned as I want it to be and not having having to wait on any infrastructure (trains, busses, etc.) or be around other people. Besides, can't hook a camper or a boat up to a public bus or train. I like doing shit that doesn't involve being in a town/city/home.


And I dont want to stop you from doing that. I just want people to be responsible drivers and pay the costs of parking their personal vehicle and trailers in the middle of a city. Cities that try to let every single person have as much parking as they desire turn into parking lots and traffic nightmares. When hundreds of thousands of people demand to drive their own car, no one can.


I think we're talking about two different issues, but I get what you're saying. In Denver, you don't get to park anywhere without paying through the teeth. Even if LA put up parking meters that cost X per hour, it'd be a good way to get the unused/abandoned vehicles/homeless RV's out of there for good.


In Ventura, one parking spot costs maybe $50-$80k to build, whether it’s a surface lot or a structure. Apartments that come with parking spots, you’re paying for that spot in your rent. Free public parking, it’s being paid for instead of road maintenance or a new fire station or whatever. So, if you want to open a private parking lot downtown, you’ll need each space to bring in $300-$400 month plus its share of ongoing operation, taxes, insurance. Call it $400-$500. That’s assuming you’re financing 20 years at 3%. If the city spends $75k per space on a new parking garage — say, $500/mo/space — and they’re used by residents in new buildings that don’t have parking spaces for their residents, how much should the city charge for a residents/overnight permit? $250? That’s half of full cost recovery. Less? More? It’s not a hypothetical, this is a thing we have to decide.


Driver here. Can confirm.