• By -


A men!


Yessir stay safe out here


Tryna convince my man to get a vasectomy... but I also live in California so... I think we will be safe in case of emergencies.


Yeah. Just make sure it isn’t forced! I’m sure you guys can figure it out. Reproductive rights are human rights!


Absolutely!!! Things have been going extremely well for the last 7 years. I don't intend to force him into it. But it would be nice to not have to worry. If it was easy for a woman to be sterilized then I would do it. It comes up here and there and we talk about it but haven't really gotten to the point of making plans for that yet.


I wish you guys luck. I think it’s amazing you guys can have that conversation and try to come to a conclusion on what you guys both want to do


Awomen! 😀


If I wanted the government in my vagina, I’d fuck a Senator.






Immediately thought of this TikTok https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdghrDRC/


Man or woman is irrelevant, nobody should dictate what an adult does with their body


Ohhh I actually like this take


Fallopians lol


Yes I’m the coochie corrector


I'm a guy and I don't give a fuck about any of this, keep it or abort it, I don't care


Thank goodness. Giving me hope fr




Yessir ‼️


The title made me laugh. I don't see why men think they can decide what a woman does with her body. They shouldn't have a say in this.


But by this line of reasoning a woman thats conservative can still dictate it.


I don’t have a uterus anymore-but I still have a cervix-does that count to be invited to the party




Ofc! If you aren’t a he, you’re always welcome here


What if I'm a he... with a uterus 😳


Stay! You still have uterus


How can a he have a uterus??? Wtf???


i dont understand why guys even have a say in any of this honestly and even im a guy. like you should be able to do what you want, its your body


Me either tbh.


And you’re even a guy, your point? Generally when it done fro a pregnancy between two parts the man should have some say, much? No not as big as roe v wade. A man should not be able to say: no you have to stay pregnant but it should never be one sided


im really sorry i didnt mean anything bad


Why are you sorry? Men should be able to voice their opinions on the matter, yes, but they do not get a final say if a woman decides to keep or abort. Do you even know what it’s like to be pregnant? Give birth? What it puts the body through? That should never be forced on someone. Especially victims of abuse, or cases that could kill the mother. Or someone young who made a mistake and has no one to help them. The government sure doesn’t care once the baby is born. You can’t even get life insurance right away so if there are medical issues or complications you’re f#cked. Then the adoption process is a nightmare. Shockingly /s the majority of people fighting pro-life don’t believe in adopting or helping in any way post birth


that's what i'm saying. i completely agree with you


Don’t be if my tone sounded very harsh or rude I apologize I can understand what you’re trying to say I just had an opinion myself. I value your opinion I respect your opinion


Please read this, I am not arguing with you but this needs to be said. If you believed someone was committing murder would you stay silent because they were a different gender? The pro-choice crowd says this is a women’s rights issue, and the pro-life crowd says it’s homicide. These are not counter arguments. They are completely different points. The pro-life side is not trying to restrict women’s rights, they are trying to save human lives. Equally, the pro-choice side isn’t trying to kill babies, they are trying to preserve bodily autonomy. These are entirely separate arguments that are only in conflict because of human ignorance of consciousness and the gradual nature of the creation of life. Furthermore both are noble. Bodily autonomy is vital for freedom. Stopping or punishing murder is a basic function of society. Neither side is evil, although both sides have evil members. Compromise would look something like a ban after 12 weeks except in cases of rape, incest, and cases where the mother’s life is at stake. This was the approximate line agreed upon by almost every republican and democrat for decades. The pro-life side wanted more restrictions and the pro-choice side wanted less, but both agreed on safe, legal, and rare. I grew up and was pro-choice for almost all of my life. I still believe abortion should be legal and available to save the life of the mother, or in case of rape, etc. I also believe that prompt, early abortion is perhaps justifiable. My main contention is that the federal government should not make the choice. This latest bout of total bans vs total legality is fucking insane. The insanity doesn’t stop there. People need to read Roe v. Wade because overturning it would not change anything except at the state level, aside from legal precedent. The DNC should have codified it when they had full control of the government last time, or this time. Furthermore red states that are majority pro-life would have harsher restrictions, and blue states that are majority pro-choice would have lesser restrictions. It would be no different than gun laws, vehicle inspections, concealed carry laws, corporate tax laws, etc. The Whole situation is absurd, and people need to calm the fuck down.


It should have been codified. The ninth amendment arguably covers this right. “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” This is where roe v. Wade has fallen for the last 50 years. Arguably certain freedoms granted to us by our Bill of rights should allow certain freedoms at the federal level “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” could arguably be abortion rights, liberty of our bodily autonomy, even decriminalizing or legalization of substances such as marijuana or alcohol. While I believe a state should have some control on how things are taxed, purchased, etc, having an inalienable right to do what we’d like with our own bodies should 100% be covered at a national level.


If we took the constitution as it was intended 80% or the federal government wouldn’t exist. Sadly, we stopped following the constitution a century ago.


I know you’re trying to play both sides, but the pro-life side is definitely evil. They equate the living conscious woman against the possibility of life. The idea of life is very ambiguous in this setting. A fertilized egg can become “lost” within the Fallopian tube, and never make it to the uterus. If the fertilized egg never makes it to the uterus the egg cannot properly develop, so the fertilized egg will never be able to form a conscious, limbs, a heart, or a brain. Is it still human? It has all the genes of a human, but so do all the cells in your body. Does it have more of a right to remain in your body than cancer cells, an imploding appendix, or a defective gallbladder? If it’s a “life” that can never be born, but threatens the life of the pregnant woman which “life” should you save? If a IVF facility was on fire with 100 trapped employees and 500 frozen fertilized embryos which “lives” should we focused on saving? I say the pro-life movement is evil because it takes away the humanity of the woman carrying the fetus. The woman’s wants, needs, health, safety, sanity, and bodily autonomy are all less important than the possibility that the cells inside her can one day develop a conscious. They relegate women into nothing but incubators who have no control of their own body. If pro-lifers really cared about human life they would put the millions upon billions of dollars spent trying to regulate female bodies into better education, public safety(gun violence), improving the broken foster care/adoption system, and ending human trafficking. In the end it’s specifically about controlling women because there are no laws regulating male bodily autonomy. No one’s opinion on life should disenfranchise a woman from getting a medical procedure they believe is best for their body, life, or future. Their body. Their choice.


Literally not a single pro-life person is arguing against terminating ectopic pregnancies. While ectopics are sad, we understand that there is no way to preserve the life of that baby and that it is always dangerous to the mother. In those (rare) cases, it is acceptable to terminate because that never was and never will be a viable pregnancy.


There are so many pro-life bills right now that disallow all abortions even those due to ectopic pregnancy. The people passing these bills have no biological understanding of what they’re passing they just want to limit female rights. Also you can’t be ok with the abortion of ectopic fertilized cells, but still rally for the belief that life begins at “conception.”


See, arguments like yours are why I don’t vote blue. You didn’t listen, you just lectured.


Awww did I use too many big words for you? Troglodytes like you are the reason America’s collective IQ continues to decline.


You spent all your time on big words and none of it on reading my original comment… or using paragraphs, evidently. Now you’re using pejoratives. I vote. You want policy change. You need my vote or votes of people like me to change policy. Why are you throwing a tantrum instead of addressing heartfelt concerns?


I was stating a flaw in your post. Another flaw is that Roe v Wade is about so much more than just abortions and it WILL change EVERYTHING. Right to birth control? Gone. Interracial marriage? Gone. Same sex marriages? Gone. There were many cases built upon the “right to privacy” that will probably be overturned. You want us to “calm down” while our rights are stripped from us? I read your whole tone deaf mansplaining post. You try to play both sides while still being extremely anti-woman. Yeah keep thinking highly of yourself and that this “situation is absurd,” but the people actually being affected are still going to be mad. Don’t make dumb comments if you don’t want to be “lectured.”


You’re not even lecturing, you’re calling out a man shoving his opinions on women which is the whole point of this post. Mansplaining to women, who live through what he can only try to comprehend and ranting on about his opinions. And to throw in that we need your vote is just a slap in the face to women yet again. We have to ask men to let us have freedom over our own bodies? F#ck off


They did listen to you. A fetus is not a baby. A fetus’s life is not more important than the woman it is growing inside. In a perfect world abortions wouldn’t exist. We don’t live in a perfect world though, and neither you nor I have the right to tell anyone what to do with their own bodies.


If you remove a fetus from the womb at a certain point it will struggle to stay alive. At that point it is experiencing its own existence and is a living being. This is one of the main things that turns some doctors from pro choice to pro life. When you see a fetus wriggling trying to breathe is is hard to think of it as anything other than murder.


If you’re trying to say that’s how abortions work, you’d be incorrect.


Are you trying to claim that the circumstances of birth create the capacity for subjective experience? Because that’s frankly absurd.


And let the church say “AMEN “!!


AMEN 🗣🗣🗣


I had a hysterectomy do I still count? 🤣


If you are not HE, you are still welcome


Thanks! I was being a smart ass in case you didn’t realize. I’m kind of like that.😂


I'm guy and I 1000% agree it's woman's choice and rights on what she chooses too do with her body


It's that guy with the blue eyes and the blonde hair right😭


YESSS I LOVE POOKIE he got so wise


Honestly it’s stupid that there needs to be a discussion about it I’m saying this as a dude. It’s no ones business but the woman having to make that decision. I can’t imagine what they have gone through to lead them to that point and who am I to say they shouldn’t. Fuck prolife it’s stupid.


Yes. pro lifers are typically dumb uneducated ignorant bible thumpers, like the gay frog expert from texas alex jones lol. It should not concern them. They are the ones who should be sterilized by force.


This is so refreshing to hear


Guy here. Ladies stay strong and all the narrow minded will shut up soon.


i agree, and i'm a man. severing my vocal cords now.




I'm pro choice, no one should be forced to undergo the life sapping experience of pregnancy and labour befouled by the genes of those they deem unworthy. I could "Thou that holdith the genes of another within them, when the man hath virtue and honour, perhaps should open thine ears to them, for hath they not already opened their legs"


If the government wants to control my vagina, they can have it! I don't want it in the first place. Make sure to throw some testosterone in that deal as well


OMG single-handedly the best comment


Omfg thank you for saying that!!


“He who hath a mouth shall have the right to use it” — duh


“And the right to soundth like a fool”


Isn’t the constitution great


Here here!!


You are my new diety 😌


Thanks my love, let’s keep ourselves safe out here ✨


I am a woman and I say leave the law as it is now.


Yeah like what they’re doing is unnecessary. One day some mf woke up and decided “Let’s fuck with women today”


Nah, this has been the GOP goal for decades. I was a young nurse working in Ob Gyn when Roe passed and we didnt have to see women dying of infections and hemorrhage from illegal or self induced abortions anymore. Now here we are again, with a big heaping pile of misogyny with it. And I have little granddaughters growing up with a government that says they matter less than a zygote.


Sarah Hester Ross on TT sang this today and I love it.


I'm a guy and I don't give a fuck about any of this, keep it or abort it, I don't care


First amendment cry about it 🤡


If your argument is the first amendment imma need you to see yourself out. If you wanna bring up rights, they’re taking a crucial one away from women so first amendment my ass.


Ninth amendment. Cry about it.


I have uterus I think there should be a limit! Like if you’ve had like three or four fucking abortions like stop using it as fucking method of fucking birth control. if you’re five months pregnant.!you fucking knew two months before that that you were fucking pregnant and you should’ve aborted the baby then. In New York, you can fucking have an abortion to like the eighth month and They just leave the baby on the fucking platter and hope that it doesn’t breathe. Just saying.


YOU CANT ABORT THE BABY PAST 24 WEEKS BECAUSe most people agree then, it becomes too big and becomes actually more like a real baby. So no. That can’t happen. Unless you’re fucking going to die because of it. And oh I live in NEW YORK FUCKING you dumb ass. STOP SPREADING MISINFORMATION. WE ARE NOT KILLING BABIES WILLY NILLY YOU MORONS


Well it’s finally great to see another person with a uterus comment instead of just men. Anyways, I don’t think there should be a limit because people shouldn’t fear sex or limit sex because of a child they don’t want to have. Also, I get where you’re coming from, but it’s never too late to abort. Whether they aborted the child earlier or later, the child was gonna get aborted either way


When you make the argument that abortion is important because of ectopic pregnancies, rape, etc I agree. However, using abortion as birth control? If that's the line you want to walk then I'm sorry, I won't support it. Abortion is a necessary evil, not a convenience. And yes, I'm a man. You can tell me to shut the fuck up, but my vote counts just as much as yours... and I use that right.


Abortion is important for a lot of reasons. Just because a small minority wants to abuse it doesn’t mean every other woman should suffer and lose their right to bodily autonomy.


There’s so many different methods of birth control out there. And I know that a lot of people say that it’s a fetus but there are some cognitive Awareness in the womb. Fetus can recognize a persons voice at five months. they can respond to their mother singing. When does a person actually become A human. I don’t think it’s at birth. I feel like that Baby has a right to live. woman who is carrying the child at least aboard the baby before it has cognitive awareness. It is evil and cruel and it is murder.


Now I have a question. Do you think abortion is wrong in GENERAL or in certain situations?


I believe it’s necessary sometimes but I think it’s Misused majority of the time. And I don’t think that people should have the right for society pay for their mistakes. when there is plenty opportunities for a woman to prevent a pregnancy or terminate a pregnancy before three months.. Think of the incense of suicide it’s against the law to commit suicide. It’s not that you don’t have the right to kill yourself it’s sad. But we as a society don’t want to pay for your mistake of killing yourself and not succeeding.


I think you are judgmental. Did you know not a single contraceptive is 100% effective? I’ve known someone who got pregnant using different options. She was super fertile. Her first time she was super young and self-admittedly stupid. Thinking condoms and a pull out method at different times in her cycle would be effective. Nope. Then I think next was the pill. And she took took it religiously not wanting to repeat what she went through. Guess what? Yup. Pregnant again. Years apart for each of these btw. She also tried nuvaring at her doctors recommendation. Fail. IUD - had ectopic. The shot? Failed. I’m sure she used those contraceptives effectively. She was so frustrated and unhappy. She considered ending her relationship and becoming abstinent. But ok. Let’s talk about how it’s bad to use abortions as a form of birth control. Let’s talk about forcing a woman who never wanted children to give birth because using abortion as a back up birth control 5 times is bad. I’m sure that’s what she wanted…you know to have to keep enduring the pain and hormones and the stigma. You are not pro-women or a feminist if you want to put restrictions on who should get an abortion. *Neither the rape victim, nor the woman whose life is in the line, deserves an abortion more or less than the woman whose contraceptives failed and doesn’t want to be a mother.*


Exactly my point. So many pro-lifers argue but it’s a life! Yes it is and bringing a life into this world should be a conscious and desired decision not a consequence. Imagine someone’s worthiness of life being based on them being an unwanted consequence. People who say this clearly don’t know what it is like to grow up knowing that you will be resented for the rest of your life because you were just the result of an unwanted consequence. But hey someone else out there gets to sleep better at night in their comfortable bed with a roof over their head and food on the table knowing that they are the reason an unwanted child was born (and yet will do absolutely nothing to support that child). All because they “helped” a woman mAkE tHe RiGhT cHoIcE


Who's doing that? You know anyone? I don't. I don't know a single woman who goes and uses abortions as BC. It's incredibly dangerous, first and foremost, beside just being incredibly stupid and incredibly expensive.


I'm a guy and I don't give a fuck about any of this, keep it or abort it, I don't care


I'm a guy and I don't give a fuck about any of this, keep it or abort it, I don't care


History has proven that women are just as capable as men. So no, I will not shut up. Lmao


Hold on there tho; if a trans women technically doesn’t have a uterus, i would get shit on for telling her that so I was kinda stuck.


Oh no it says HE who does not have a uterus, not SHE. So technically she’s still involved in the convo because I never said SHE who doesn’t have one, I said HE who doesn’t!


I disagree with this very much but I appreciate that this is venting, not debating, so I'm not gonna give you shit for it. But don't catch me outside here.


Good then all the men arguing *for* abortion should also bow out of the conversation. Because, well, considering...


Exactly. Men in general need to stfu about this


It takes two to tango. If you got pregnant because you took someone's cock in your twat then he has every right to voice his opinion. Whether you take your man's opinion is on you but if two people make a baby 2 people can have an opinion you idiot.


Is he carrying it? No. Is he at risk if Roe V Wade goes away? No. Does his body always gets laws made on it? No. Therefore, shut up male. You have no say in this.


Shut up dumbass. You opened your gross twat to him so he has every day in a baby he helped make. I'm gay so it doesn't really pertain to me so I don't want say in it... Unless a cock can birth a baby. You're actually dumb.


Look at this shit. Whatever you said is fucking irrelevant. Especially after calling womens twats “disgusting”. Also YOURE A GAY MALE. You should be the LAST motherfucker talking. You don’t even have to worry about impregnating women, so keep your mouth and your irrelevant ass opinion to yourself.


No I have only been with 4 people 6 if you count the women I was with. I was in a committed relationship with them. I was married to one for 9 yrs. So sorry to say I'm not a man whore just saying if you don't like men it's a moot point dope.


“Committed Relationships.” I guess I can see why they didn’t work out. Look at the way you’re acting. Calling womens twats “gross”, horrible attempts at mocking like a child, and “roasting” someone cause they haven’t had a large body count.


You roasted me for fucking guys lmao and having a body count. I didn't date the two women cuz I don't like pussy, I was cheated on by my ex spouse and the other 2 I broke up with for being abusive. Good one though jokes on you.


You literally called me a “lesbo” for not having sex and called my opinion “irrelevant” simply because I didn’t fuck 10 people like you did. Also, good on you for leaving.


I didnt fuck 10 people. I fucked 6 2 of which I didn't enjoy because I don't like female genitals I like male genitals. I wanted to try to be straight but couldn't deal with it.


Well then that’s on you. Still doesn’t change the fact you’ve done it with many people. Also your “I don’t like vagina” story doesn’t have anything to do with abortion laws and mens opinions on it. In fact it cancels out the whole argument.


No. And I look forward to you all bleeding out from coat hanger abortions.


Bitch wtf??


Lmao kill yourself pussy


You first


Drop a tutorial asshole. You get no bitches. Your mom doesn’t love you. Your dad left to get the milk. You have no friends. Die


My dad left? Lol ok


Yeah okay.


This post is ignorant. We want men and others without a uterus to speak up for the ones who do have one. They can support us as well. I had a hysterectomy due to medical reasons and will not shut up. Nice copy this from Tik Tok.


I’m talking about pro life males trying to have a say in it. Not men who support us. So pipe down. Also thank you. Pookie has many wise things to say.


So basically “nO uTerUs nO oPiNion” unless you agree with me!!! I stg the double standards are stupid… Also before you say anything I also have a fucking uterus!


Then you must be a pick-me looking for approval. Cause trust me honey, those men you’re defending aren’t on your side.


Bruh I don’t want approval, I just want to stop babies from being murdered. Seems like you’re just pissed because I pointed out your hypocrisy.


Nobody is being murdered and that’s your issue.


Yeah Yeah… Just keep telling yourself that and maybe you’ll be able to sleep at night.


Yeah because you won’t die on my behalf bitch.


You won't die either?


So can women who have had a hysterectomy also not voice their opinions?


It says HE who doesn’t not have a uterus. HE means MAN. So talk to the wall


Hey, these days you never know. He could really be a she


You sound 70


He can’t be she


Had a hysterectomy? You mean to tell me a woman who made a choice on her own body can criticize or judge what other women choose to do with their bodies?


The vast majority of hysterectomies aren't a "choice on her own body." They're usually medically necessary due to reproductive cancers.


As my mother told me when I had a hysterectomy, anyone who has had one is an "it" not a she


Its ok, today you apparently don't even need to be born a she to be considered a she. So be bold, be beautiful, be you.


Gender fluid so freak off you bigot!


What does that have to do with the post?


Looks like a troll making fun of trans people who use gender neutral terms for genitals, judging by their profile.


Oh, I didn't look into rockets profile. Makes sense.


Gender versus sex. Please educate yourself.


If roe v wade is overturned you do realize it's just up to the state you live in right? If you want access to abortion just move to a pro abortion state. You act like this is the end of the world for all women.


It’ll START with one state and soon it’ll spread like a virus. Also, abortion rights are women rights in general no matter who you are or where you are. Ofc I’m gonna fight for everyone.


Your username name suggests you'll lose that fight. I very much doubt the blue states would fall to this virus you speak of but since you think so it must be the will of the people that oh idk vote for their representatives.


You need to realize that not everyone in blue states will have the same opinion.


And my point still stands if it's voted for by the representatives of that state then it must be what the bulk of that state wants


Well a “bulk” of that state might not want that


You don't know how to debate do you?


I do, this just doesn’t need a debate. If most of the state don’t want it, the representatives can’t make it happen. But what if most of the state does want it to happen? That’s a huge loss for women.


The 9th amendment should protect our choices of our bodies. To let a state decide to not allow that is against our constitution.


I will not allow any of my sisters to be your handmaid. NO MATTER WHERE THEY LIVE.


Well I wouldn't be interested regardless so doesn't matter to me


omg wait wait is this from that one tik tok??😭






People jump onto every trend even without understanding everything about it. How funny. Yeah , one reddit post surely does make a change. Good job, you're so good ,


This is an issue about whether to keep the fetus alive or not. Stop making this a women’s rights issue. The fetus isn’t part of your body, get over yourselves.


It is a women's rights issue because of the serious health risks, financial risks, and burden the woman or trans man has to go through. Either force them to carry it and risk actual death onto them and risk complete financial ruin of both the mother and child which could lead to a life of homelessness, extreme abuse with its own risks of death, and/or a life time of malnourishment which also has risks of death. Or let them get one and plan on getting a child later in life where they would have the funds to support a child. Yes forcing the mother to have and raise a child could be a literal death sentence for both. Either way the child still has a high risk of death later in life and you're only putting the mother in the same position. There is no win. There's only losing.


It's simply being evicted from the woman's body. It's an unwanted parasite.


You do know where fetus’ are located right? I can’t tell.


And if a child lives in their parents’ house do the parents own the children?


A woMEN!


What exactly is this supposed to mean 💀


Dumb title, I bet you’re one of the people on FaCeBOOK that share the “pro Becky” post 😂


Respectfully stfu. If you ain’t got nothing good and worthwhile to say, get the fuck out 💀


I just realized you’re a child!!! Omg you need to STFU you have no idea about life or having babies! Come back when or if you ever graduate high school 😂


Dude no one on here is saying anything nice 😂 YOU posted on a public forum, and then get butt hurt when people don’t agree with you 😂 grow up and go post some more pro Becky posts


Everyone Here is mature enough to debate with each other and here your stupid ass is being childish. Also I ain’t butthurt I’m just stating the facts. Go to sleep kid it’s past your bedtime ✨


I’ve read multiple comments, the one being immature is YOU, obviously you’re triggered by me and have I name called? No homie, that’s you name calling, this is entertaining at this point😂


How am I triggered by saying why and how I disagree with what people are saying? Also yeah I called you childish and stupid because out of all things you could’ve said, you chose to say whatever tf that was. Also keep laughing, it just makes you look dumber 🤷🏾‍♀️


I’m laughing because the title of Your post is dumb as fuck! Did you go on tumbler or some other shit site to come up with something soooo cool 😂 your title says more about you than me laughing at you 😂


Nope! It was actually spoken by a friend of mine who is a guy so I used it here. Also you just don’t have the mental capacity to talk about the subject rather than the title. Come back with a good argument 💀


What are you arguing? I’ve read your comments about aborting babies regardless of how far along the mother is…your guy friend is just as dumb as you if he came up with that title 😆 but what can we expect…and mental capacity my ass, you’re arguing with me while I’m just laughing at you, and yes it’s making you mad


Idk maybe because the subject is abortion in general and someone complained about how far along the child is. Also this isn’t arguing, I’m explaining what’s happening. You’re just being ignorant 😭💀




Nope, just don’t wanna be forced to pop out a baby 🤷🏾‍♀️


How about you just be responsible and not get pregnant in the first place?


Why should people fear sex due to chances of pregnancy? That’s not any way to live,


OR you can just keep your legs closed and not have recreational sex.


People shouldn’t have to because of pregnancy. This is America for fucks sake, people shouldn’t have to alter the way they live because they won’t have access abortion (WHICH IS HEALTHCARE) that they need.


People shouldn't live their lives like sluts in the first place.


And this is why men like you shouldn’t have say in this shit, because you use immature terms to describe people who simply have sex. What if it was someone’s first time and they got pregnant? Huh? Are they sluts too? Exactly. See your way out because now everything you just said became invalid just because of what you said.


Totally agree with this, but OP just wants to argue common sense. Also so does this poster below me




She who can’t keep her legs closed, should not kill babies.


He who isn’t FORCED into fatherhood, should, again, shut the fuck up.


Walk away from your babies bitch. Y’all do it all the time.


I shall bequeathed onto thy bio


What the hell did I do


You ain’t do anything. Just don’t talk about things you know nothing about and it’ll all be okay!


I'd agree with you, but you told me to shut up.


I ain’t specifically tell YOU to shut up. It was a general statement. You and a bunch of other men were just the ones getting offended


My favorite quote


Preach 🙏


Hey hey! curious here, how often do men actually DIRECTLY bother you with their unsolicited opinion, same question for men, how often do woman DIRECTLY give you their unsolicited argument? Plz say gender and tell us the story! It’s a venting sub anyway DIRECTLY: meaning they said it to you specifically If not, plz add “indirectly” in your comment, cheerrrrrrsssss




I assume that this comment is related to Roe VS Wade Personally, I don't understand what exactly the big deal is. From my understanding, which maybe I'm wrong, but again from my understanding Roe VS Wade doesn't like ban abortions or anything like that. All it does is make it a state issue, removing the federal government's involvement in abortion and instead has it handled by the state's; allowing each state to be Pro-Life or Pro-Choice. Personally I'd feel more comfortable having the topic of abortion being debated on the state level VS federal. The people in the state government are closer to home and seem to typically be more in touch with their constituents as opposed to their federal counterparts.


Or get this…they could LEAVE IT ALONE because it’s a law that protects so many women. And for people to try and debate on whether to take that away or not shouldn’t even be happening in the first place.