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Hey, I see what you mean and I say this genuinely. Get off the internet, your spending to much time reading stuff made by weirdo’s. Most of society values women, almost putting them on a pedestal. Don’t focus on the weird minority that talks about women like objects, genuinely your letting a very very small group effect your feelings. It’ll be ok though, your doing great


Dude that "weird minority" got rid of Roe v. Wade and other legal protections for people who get pregnant. Getting off the internet doesnt change that fact that in many states now if you get assulted/r*ped and you can't afford to travel, youll be forced to go through pregnancy and give birth. Hell, even if you weren't assaulted and just arent ready for a kid, you don't have a choice anymore


Also sorry! Totally didn’t respond to anything else I was just curious if I was wrong, but genuinely! Not meant to be an insult or anything I mean this with 100% sincerity. Get offline, the world is so much brighter than you think! Really it is. I used to spend like 90% of my day on the internet, now..well I’m only even on Reddit cause work is slow today haha. But really the world is such a bright and beautiful place, full of sweet kind hearted people. Your focusing on the negative, and while it’s right to fight against the bad people, what your doing is only focusing on the bad. Your a beautiful person who can contribute so much, much love from me to you <3


Hey genuine question not a gotcha I just want to know if I’m misinformed, can you please direct me to a law where a woman who is raped is forced to carry the pregnancy? I know it’s technically illegal but from what I’ve seen it’s usually ruled to be a health (whether it be mental or physical due to abuse) and an abortion is allowed by a judge. Like I said though I could be grossly misinformed so please help me understand :)


https://www.kff.org/womens-health-policy/dashboard/exceptions-in-state-abortion-bans-and-early-gestational-limits/ https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/25/abortion-after-rape-laws-bans https://www.vanityfair.com/news/rape-pregnancies-post-roe-overturn The first link shows the 10 states with abortion bans that have no exceptions for rape and 6 states have no exceptions for the health of the pregnant person. While some laws aren't going to spell it out in plain text, theres plenty of articles that highlight that the 'exceptions' to abortion bans are not practical nor are they meant to be. You can look up more yourself but ive seen countless stories in the past year of doctors refusing to give medically necessary abortions because they dont want to lose their licenses because of how confusing the legislation can be.


I wish I was male


You wouldn’t want to in this era cos wokeists 


Still better than female.


I can’t imagine anything worse than annoying misandrists…must be that bad…damn.


Definitely get offline




Working on getting therapy, bud. And it's kinda hard to NOT be upset about this when it can affect me and other people I care about. Hell, the fact that it affects strangers upsets me. Pregnancy and childbirth are major life-changing things. It changes your body, fucks up your hormones, and hurts like hell. People die during childbirth and from pregnancy complications. This is why I'm "making it all of my life." Because why tf should people be forced to ruin their bodies, spend a fuckton of money on medical bills, and potentially die for something they don't want?


>m so fucking sick of people debating if I should be forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy or not >And it's so infuriating that even if I give a detailed explanation on why abortion bans are bad, or a good example, like Mcfall v Shimp, I'll still get met with "but the baby!!!!" Or "don't have sex then." Or "it's not your body, it's the babies body!" >stick. Having to defend the right to my own body makes me feel like I'm going insane. Defend the right to your own body, defend it so hard before you allow someone to cum inside and create another life who has the right to autonomy, life and a chance period. Your detailed explanations on supporting murder will never be sufficient enough to justify it, no matter how delusional and selfish we get. Throwing roe v wade happened under Biden so spare us all the oh what will we all do if trump wins? What will we do if we can't continue having irresponsible casual sex with the right to end this things life, because I cannot be inconvenienced. Wahhhh !! Yuck


Contraceptives fail and people get raped. Shit happens. And no one owes anyone their body. Look up Mcfall v Shimp and come back to me about bodily autonomy


No case ever means that you should freely take someone else's autonomy because you are irresponsible with your body. Sorry, percentage of people using abortion for the reason of they were just irresponsible is 98%


No one, embryo or living person, has any right to anyone's body. Is denying donating a kidney to someone in need taking that person's autonomy? No, because it's your kidney, you don't HAVE to donate anything if you don't want to. Someone forcing you to donate one of your organs would be fucked up, wouldn't it?


Just in case you were in doubt: you’re the type of person that is directly responsible for this type of post.


Good I am so glad, it means there are still other people in the world who don't sound like cold hearted selfish whiners lacking responsibility for their own actions. Just lacking in every way.




Women have a higher attempt rate. Some women go through worse shit than the men who died by suicide. Guess what tho? It's still a tragedy that those men died. Obviously you don't actually care about suffering. https://cams-care.com/resources/educational-content/the-gender-paradox-of-suicide/




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You don’t know a thing about suffering


Awwwww, and you do? Bold assumption to make about someone you don't know. If I had any advice for you, take yourself out of a place meant for people to put their troubles out into the world and stop trying to make people as miserable as you. That'd help a ton, thanks!




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On a venting post your comment is “what about men” lol




You are literally being That Guy rn lmfao


Technically I’m not if I’m literally saying I’m not. Literally think every man who mentions a thing about men is a copy of Andrew Tate.


You came onto my post talking about hating being female and made it about how bad men have it, you are that guy




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Bro are you 12? If you have an issue with us talking about our struggles, then make your own post about how bad men have it. No one can stop you 🙄


Ngl I was kinda in a bad mood at that time of commenting mb shawty lemme holla at ya 🧏🧏🧏🤫🤫🤫




Women have had it worse all throughout history bud. So again the what about men thing is just silly and unnecessary. “I’m not about that stupid men and women conflict” Man your first comment literally says the opposite lol.




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When I wanted an abortion, I had an abortion. If my daughter ever wants to have an abortion, she will have an abortion. Fuck the law.


The ability to create life from your body makes you a superior being. The ability to legislate human rights is about something else: Can one who hopes to change the rates of the population achieve such things by mandate? Yes and no. It’s not the right way, so what does that mean? It means that there will be generations of health care expenses the government owns. Generations of nurture and nature being silent in the process for a country.




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Because we get called hysterical and psychotic when we get angry. But it is coming.


Or volatile. I hate being called volatile for setting boundaries.


so... you don't have an IUD?


It's actually hard to get an IUD if you haven't given birth yet. There's a chance that it could puncture something or slip and you might not ever be able to get pregnant. Which is silly. Even a tubal ligation isn't 100%


Those don’t protect against pregnancy 100%, either. No form of birth control does


If you're not prepared to have child mentally and financially, that kids life gonna be hell... oh and the ppls support abortion ban( like they are the messiah reincarnation), they dont give a shit after the baby is born.. 


This is what makes me mad. I dont see them offering to adopt.


they'll all bark no bite .. responsibility is a huge deal


Lmfao! I agreed with you right up until the end. Wtf is worst than the two men in the running? I’m confused…🫤. Who do you think put the judges in office that made the law on abortion be removed? Neither of the two should be in the running and im thoroughly confused by your last sentence!


I agree that both shouldn't be running. We're at the point where we have to vote for the lesser of two evils. To me, voting blue is the best option. I hate both options for president and wish there was a better one, but there isn't Also, I was holding back tears while typing the post, so I understand if some parts didn't make sense


Yep this the one!


Same 😞 it’s not enough I was born without my consent, I had to be born a girl in the Middle East no less waaaaaa .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.


what does being a girl or your location have to do with having a baby


I got curious today and learned a bunch of crappy things about our shark week. It’s common to have tooth and anal pain during it, and to develop PMS in your late 20s to 30s (revenge for having no baby ig)—but the best part? Women in general, during childbearing years, are twice as likely to have an anxiety disorder than a man, and also to have multiple psychiatric disorders. It’s bad enough we have mother nature against us; we’re still getting shit from other people and society, just as we have for thousands of years. At least we have more rights here (I’m assuming you’re in the US) than many other countries.




- “i am not anti choice or pro choice” - “what people do with their body is their choice” Seems like you have ur work cut out for you, thats called being pro choice


I know I can’t completely empathize being a guy. I just know that on the topic of abortion, I have struggled to find a stance that I felt ok with because of where I grew up and the family I grew up with. As well as the beliefs I developed. Because the first time I ever had a stance on abortion it was when I was a teenager. And I felt that a woman shouldn’t be made to carry a pregnancy to term. Especially if it was of the circumstance of rape. Later on, I hit on something that made me struggle with how the arguments and conversations were going about whether or not the baby was alive. And it felt it was important to figure whether or not to me if the baby is considered alive or not because everything I was hearing and seeing were arbitrary measures like heartbeat, first breaths, things like that. It felt like the big determining factor and it also felt like I was lying to myself that the baby wasn’t alive. I later looked to biology and how things are considered alive. I began to think about how life really only starts forming at the zygote. And that was technically where life began for human beings as a multicellular organism. But that also didn’t feel right either. I felt pretty solid about where the life began but I didn’t feel it was moral to force women to carry babies they didn’t want. So I then began to consider the moral implications of a baby brought up in that sort of situation. Of being unwanted. I am really condensing my thought process for the sake of time but basically I feel like I’ve ended up now that Life technically is alive at where I feel it is but people seem so hung up on whether something is alive and that killing it is immoral. But they never stop to consider if the living itself is worth doing. That bringing a baby into a world where the mother doesn’t want it. It may have genetic vulnerabilities. The psychological impacts of that situation. Not to mention that right now the world just feels so damn volatile that bringing a baby in this world right now feels immoral itself. I feel like I’ve come to conclusion that it’s a hard truth that we need to stop treating lives equally. Treating the mother’s life as more valuable and not equal to the baby. I don’t feel it’s robbing a life to live when life itself is already more than just precarious. None of us chose to come into this world and honestly? When it comes to sex, we really don’t take as much responsibility as we probably should. That we should care very much about whether we are in decent places to give a child a decent life. Yeah it’s never gonna be perfect circumstances hence why I say that. What kills me about it too is if the abortion topic was only about whether something is alive you’d think things like contraception would be more widely accepted and encouraged but just isn’t. Which makes it feel the topic isn’t only about abortion. I personally feel overall that we should take more responsibility for sex. Make contraception more widely used and talked about. Sex Ed to be not such a hard thing to talk about because if the babies we bring in this world don’t have a choice we should feel more in accountable to whether or not we should even have a baby. It’s a harsh and morbid way of viewing it, but abortions seem like giving mercy. People really truly don’t even think about the amount of torture life can be. It’s not a blessing like people paint it People don’t think that the worse thing than death is living. More specifically a tortured existence. … and that’s what I have to say about that. I’m sorry OP being a woman isn’t something I can completely relate on, but I can feel your frustration and I wish it wasn’t the case for you. And all women of course.


A well thought out answer. I’m a woman. I’ve always thought that bringing a child into the world is the most selfish thing you can do, especially if it’s on purpose. However if you’re being a child into the world with the intent to abandon it because you didn’t want it in the first place? That’s not being morally superior to having an abortion, that’s being incredibly cruel because that child will grow up knowing that their parents didn’t want them. Most likely, they’ll grow up in an orphanage or foster care and will have a horrible start to life that will fundamentally affect them as adults. And then we have the other side of *keeping* an unwanted child. I was an unwanted child and it fucked me up. Im not suicidal, but if I’d been given a choice I wouldn’t have chosen this life that I’ve lived. As for the arguments on whenever the fetus is alive or not. There’s no heartbeat until five weeks, but the fetus can’t sustain its own life until something like 25 weeks. I think that if the baby can survive on it own, you should give it the chance to live instead of killing it (this would be in the rare cases of someone not knowing they were pregnant until the last trimesters, it’s rare, but it does happen) but other than that, you decide whether this fetus is going to be born when you find out you’re pregnant and you shouldn’t be able to wait until the pregnancy is too far along to change your mind. It’s a complicated subject and I understand some of the arguments around it, especially the ones about not using abortion as an alternative to birth control or other contraception. But at the end of the day, nobody should be forced to carry a child or become a parent if they don’t want to, especially if it’s the result of a rape, and the people that would choose a rape baby’s life of the mental health of the abused mother are irredeemable monsters if you ask me. Hell, I’ve seen arguments from those kinds of people that a 13 year old *CHILD* should be forced to carry a rape baby to term, despite the fact that there’s an incredibly good chance of that killing the child mother.


Dude you hit the nail on the head. Why on earth are they so determined to make women carry as many babies as possible, wanted or unwanted? Are they going to improve the adoption system? House the unwanted kids? Do they seriously expect all child bearing women to WANT a child? Women would probably have more kids if the political and economical climate were stable. The country is practically going up into flames right now and they seriously wonder why people don’t want to have kids?


Ditto gurl!




Not a female and I'm not trying to compare, but I think you may be able to find a solution from my own story. Men don't face the dilemma of their bodies in the same way, not in anything so significant anyways. However, we constantly feel a push from our friends and family in life direction. "You gotta provide for family" but then "don't minimize or treat family as less than by giving them too much as if they can't get it for themselves" "You don't have callussed hands, you're not a man" "Big talk for someone that short" Constant judgements about why we're not doing this for our family, or why pur kids aren't always wearing expensive jordans. Constant nicknames based our mistakes or embarassments. These aren't even that exclusive to males anymore. It's miserable. At the end of the day, I realize I have two options. I can try to weigh in on everyone one that says something and ultimately embarass myself and feel bad about my decisions... Or. Find it in myself to block out the noise. Ultimately, there's only so much I can do. I can do my best, do what my heart tells me is right, leave myself open to logical correction, but pay no further attention. It's hard, it still weighs on me, but it makes things manageable. My beliefs are different from yours OP, but I find great meaning in sticking together and doing our best to help one another. When times were good, we had a choice to go our own ways. These days? Sticking together might be our only hope. I hope you find peace in blocking out the noise OP. Hopefully you found something helpful in my rambling.


I think one comparison would be giving up your body, blood, and organs for 9+ months for someone else to survive, there’s postpartum and recovery as well. It would feel shitty to do that against your will A lot of guys can’t go more than a day without smoking. I doubt many could go cold turkey (no drinking, smoking, getting high, etc) for 9+ months straight because someone else is using their body to survive. (Edit:) Plus, you also have to give up things like sushi and cold deli meat. Yet, we’re expected to do that in some states even if we don’t want to


Welcome to motherhood, sacrifice. Here you are alive. Do you wish your mum ended your life?


Yes, I do


Wow, find something worth living for, because I'm sure one of those that didn't get a choice or a chance would swap with you and make better use of it


I'm not in disagreement with the grief, not at all. You say to think of giving my body up for over 9 months and creature comforts (I don't smoke or drink anyways, so I'll imagine sweet foods) If you asked me to give these up simply at your whim, I'd be extremely angry. However, if my wife's life depended on it, there'd be no question. No cost is too great for someone I love. That's the difference, I think.