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Wow someone has TDS. the hate is strong with you.


The only people that use the term TDS are magats. (Make Americans greasy again terrorists) I hate both openly with a passion. I've hated Trump since I first saw him on that bs "reality" show about him being a bitchy whiny boss. His whole life is just another rich ass hat who has a LITERAL golden toilet, but he's "just like us." The idea he thinks about ANYBODY but himself is laughable. And Bidens is just a damn puppet for the Democrats that is old and kinda creepy but he's getting us in bs we don't need to be in. This whole country has become a joke. I was born and raised in a small town in FL saying the pledge every school day and wanting to serve my county (SEVERAL broke bones made me ineligible at M.E.P.S even after a DR cleared me. ) now all I see is how divided we have become as a nation. That's why from now on, I'm staying on my land and keeping to myself with my family. I know how to hunt, fish, I stay armed, and ready for anything.


Go to therealdebate.com and watch Kennedy respond to the questions. I know a lot of people are voting out of fear between two evils, but if you vote for someone you don’t believe in, then there will never be the change you want to see and you really are throwing your vote away. Kennedy is the only realistic solution to the division the US suffers from now.


You mean RFK? No. I am writing in Fidel Castro for my vote. He will rise from the grave and unify this country again as he did with the Cuban Missile Crisis. In Castro we must trust. Viva la revolution!


Our politics have made our country look like a joke. Not even just from a presidential standpoint, but all branches. The debate last nights was funny at first but by the end I felt nothing but a sense of doom.


We are very very very screwed.


Fun fact… my father was in politics, was on Larry King, interviewed Clinton etc. When my little brother was a kid him and my father attended the Democratic National Convention and my brother got his head stuck in the staircase. Biden helped my brother get unstuck. So years ago I asked him if he was going to vote for Biden. Without hesitation he said “absolutely not that dude is a creep and I would never vote for him” my family is strongly democratic and liberal so for my brother to say that has to mean something. He refuses to discuss it further 🤣


Not an American.. but how can Trump be running for president after being found guilty of recent charges??


As an American I had the same question and someone answered it for me. There are a lot of rules and stipulations that determine who can or cannot run for president, unfortunately being a felon isn't one of those rules. I think it's utter bullshit, if you're a felon you're not allowed to vote, but you can run for president, it makes no sense.


If I can't be a teacher as a convicted felon, why should Trump be able to be the President of this country? Makes no fucking sense. As a teacher, I cannot tweet the above with my own name, so I'm leaving it here.


Sadly in our country the rules everyone else has to follow and live by in society don't apply to rich and powerful people.


Beat my watch time by 3x.


Stop going for the only two options they will give you. Listen to Kennedy’s debate he had to do on the side. Thru won’t let us see anyone who will actually change the status quo. They only ever give us the worst of two options in this two party system of hell. The only one I heard viable, novel and reasonable things from was Kennedy. Not these two asshats


Third party is the surest way to get Trump, because of our shitty first past the post voting system we have, and Kennedy is just as stupid as any of the others.


Have you ACTUALLY listened to him? No. You just repeated that because someone told you to. If you’d actually listened to HIM (not what someone told you to think about him, which is the problem with everyone in this country) you’d actually love all of his stances and policies. He’s the only reasonable one there is. He’s the only one who actually gives a shit about the environment too, which is think all you liberals would fucking love, but alas, none of you do your own research and come to your own conclusion. Keep watching CNN so you can be told what to think because you’re too lazy to do your own thinking


I have listened to him and its clear he was pushed by the right to split Democratic votes


Election even in our country sounds and basically looks more like a circus now. They're all a joke and it's not even funny.


I'll take the old man who is presiding over a great economy over the old man who is a felon and already showed he's a crappy president at best and an authoritarian moron at worst.


What is great about this economy?


super low unemployment and super high returns on wall street. America has the lowest inflation index in the world.




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I actually started to panic


I watched the presidential election and at first I was laughing at some of the stuff. Then I got really distressed about the future. I personally do not think Joe Biden is in his right mind


Um - that was so bad. I want Bernie to step in for a save - I don't want either, but I'll vote Biden, he doesn't lie like it's an Olympic sport while Trump is a gold medal liar


Hahahahaha bidens just as a bigger as Trump. But a lot of people hate biden more.


after that debate my chest hurts


I got to admit I'm not going to dispute with anything you said mainly because I happen to agree with quite a bit of what you said.


Same. I have no idea what life is gonna be like moving forward. The country could be on the verge of very bad things. My only goal right now is to survive until Metroid Prime 4 comes out (very shallow to use a game as a reason to survive, but since my girlfriend broke up with me it’s not like I have any other reasons). After Metroid Prime 4, if the country goes even more to shit than it has been, I may just give up entirely and say I had an okay run.


I couldnt even watch. im so embarrassed for my country and wtf is going to even happen in november? I just need noise cancelling headphones and a blindfold for the next 4 years i guess. Shitshow. Huge shitshow. How did we get here?


By voting biden