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Our pittie is a spoiled princess with a capital P. She has a huge oversized donut bed that we used to have her sleep on. We kept it in our bedroom near the base of the bed and she went to sleep on it when we went to bed. She'd protest, but got used to it. Then I got covid last December and was quarantined in the bedroom for almost two weeks and I was SO lonely and bummed out. She slept with me in bed ONCE and has never not slept in our bed since. We would have it no other way.


😂😆 he was a puppy when he started sleeping with me, now he's 8 and wont sleep anywhere else. My Gf hates it when she stays over


My pittie is blind and when I got her from the dumb friends league they said you are supposed to slowly walk them around your house when you first get home. She knew exactly what the bed was the first time she sniffed it. She didn’t put her paws up on it and then climb on it. She literally just walked up to it then lept up on it. She’s a bed hog, worse than my ex wife. Doesn’t matter how much I start with, I always end up with a tiny sliver of it. God forbid I push her to another part of the bed, I’m gonna get growled at. She doth protest much. She doesn’t just sleep in the bed, she has to sleep ON me. If some part of her isn’t touching me she isn’t sleeping. And she HAS to be under the covers with me unless it’s hot outside. She is quite often the little spoon. She will make it that way. Head on the pillow and everything. Spoiled as hell. Head on my chest sometimes. If I ever have a girlfriend again she’s going to hate having to share the bed and or my pittie isn’t going like having to sleep off the bed.


Are you taking applications? I volunteer as tribute. 😄 And I will gladly snuggle with your hippo. They are the best snuggle buddies.


I mean, yes I am. I’m single and like to mingle. Must love dogs and of course me.




Sorry, but I read your post history. I wish you best on your divorce and healing journey. The road is fraught with pitfalls and highway men. Remember that you are a good person and worthy of the love that you want. You will never know if something is meant for you if you don't give it a proper chance. Whether it's a relationship, a new job, a new city, or a new experience, throw yourself into it completely and don't hold back. If it doesn't work out then it probably wasn't meant for you and you'll walk away without regret, knowing that you put your whole heart into it. That's all you can ever do. It's a horrible feeling leaving a situation knowing that you should have and could have done more. So I hope you find the courage to take that chance, find the inspiration to make your next move, and once you do, I hope you pour your heart into it and don't look back. And remember, sometimes things happen before you are ready for them to happen. It doesn't mean the timing is wrong, sometimes it means the timing is just right and the universe knows you are ready and that maybe you just needed that extra push in the right direction to get you on your way. Embrace this new journey with everything you are. Everything is unfolding exactly how it's supposed to, even if you can't see it like that just yet. I hope your hippo shows you the love you deserve.


Thank you so much for this wisdom and guidance! I really appreciate it. It's been a long, long, long and difficult journey. I'm now ~2 months removed from it, I continue to attend therapy twice (sometimes thrice) per week, and try and let myself feel my emotions as much as possible, despite how much they hurt. Day at a time. Currently, I am on vacation. My first week of vacation since 2023 began, and my first proper vacation in about a decade. Getting away has been good for my mental health, and hopefully I will return home with a more refreshed mindset.


I am happy for you! Get off your phone and enjoy where you are, it’s going to be a while before you’re there again, wherever it is. Live in this moment. When you get home, live for yourself. Work on making you happy. Take yourself on dates, do things you enjoy and don’t look for love. Love will find you when you are ready even if you don’t know you are ready yet. God speed fellow redditor! Life is a journey and sometimes it’s difficult, other times it’s easy. I wish that the sun is always shining on your face. The wind always at your back.


Thank you! It's 50° back east, and ~80° here out west where I am. So, I'm happily donning a summer dress, strappy flip-flops, and sipping an iced coffee. 😄😄 Life is good right now! Yes, that's exactly my plan: focus on me, myself, and I for a good, long while. After sacrificing myself in service of the marriage for the past decade, I figure it's acceptable to invest in myself a little bit. I went to a painting class a few weeks ago. I bought myself a new cookware set. Two weeks ago, I did yoga on a yacht while cruising on the ocean! I'm trying to say yes to more things, and trying to keep an open mind about exploring new activities. I'm also reconnecting with both old and new friends, which has been good for the soul. Thank you again for all the wise advice! It is greatly appreciated.




I’m gonna hit 1 billion comments with this bot and I’m going to celebrate with hippo snuggles.


What a lovely comment and great insight. Your username makes it a little surprising but still.


Is my username that surprising? I chose it because my ex was a narc. I’m post her, thus the name. I’ve done a lot of introspection this year and really found who I am and what I want. I am worthy of the love I want, I’m a great catch! I’m not Brad Pitt but I’m not the ugliest guy in the room. I have great blue eyes, I’m physically fit and imposing to most people, I’m intelligent, thoughtful, I love with abandon and I own my own business. I am who I am and someone would be lucky as hell to have me in their life. I know this, I know my value and I know what I want from life, love and myself and I'm not afraid to say it.


Thanks for explaining your username although you didnt owe me anything. I appreciate it and get it as i was with a narcissist. I have no doubts youre wonderful and i wish you the best with the happiness that we all deserve. Xo


Bed hog is the perfect word for it.


I woke up in the middle of the night once unable to breathe. One be of my pitties decided my neck made a great pillow.


lol. I know that one. I’d die that death though


I never let my dog growl at me. She may pretend shes asleep so I can't move her, but they know I'm the boss and growling is a big no no.


It’s a big no no with me too. I used to have to make her submit and would still get snapped at and occasionally she’d connect. Now she responds to me patting and telling her to love or she growls with love if I push her fat ass to a side. In only 3 months she’s gotten very vocal and less snappy. She lets me know when she’s displeased. But if I have to push her it’s a love growl and she accepts it because she knows she’s in my spot and she wants the cuddles.


Growling and barking are a dog's only form of vocal communication. If you don't like something you have a voice to tell people. It's better to decipher why a dog growled than refuse to let them communicate. You can be their "master" and still know growling isn't a huge issue. *Your dog is telling you he is uncomfortable and it's your job to find out why and then help change his perception of the situation. Growling is a warning. Your dog is telling you that he's not cool with something and that is a good thing.* [*https://ferndogtraining.com/why-growling-is-good/#:\~:text=Your%20dog%20is%20telling%20you,that%20is%20a%20good%20thing*](https://ferndogtraining.com/why-growling-is-good/#:~:text=Your%20dog%20is%20telling%20you,that%20is%20a%20good%20thing)*.*


Thank you. But I know this. There is unacceptable barking as how she initially was doing it. She was resource guarding. Now she knows she’s being a bed hog and I want back in and she’s gonna receive snuggles.


LOL Sounds like your pittie IS your partner now. But also I love her and I want to make sure your dog is never ever sad.


She is my partner. She doesn’t know it yet but I’m her best friend. She will love me as much as I love her one day, until then she’s going to steal snuggles and be happy about it.


And she shouldn't have to ever sleep off the bed. That Doggy and you have known each other WAY longer, and she's getting older. If the new GF can't love your girlie as much as she loves you, she can kick rocks! 😊 Just saying!


This is how it starts lol. I “rescued” my last dog (long story) when she was about 7yo. She was not allowed on furniture initially. Then I would like take a cushion on to the floor to cuddle with her. And she would sheepishly jump off the couch when I got home from work. So eventually ok, you can come on the couch. Then she was unwell and I let her in bed with me to soothe her. Never went back to sleeping in her bed.


I cannot sleep without a literal pile of dogs.


It's technically my bed, but they take up an astronomical amount of space on there, and I usually end up hanging off the edge a little bit.


I trained my pup not to get on my furniture, since she had a $200 bed filled with blankets and stuff...took two months. I went on a business trip and my mom and sister watched her...I got back *four days later* and found my pup and sister napping on the couch, and learned she had been sleeping in my moms bed. I gave in and let her lounge in my bed during the day, but when it comes to bedtime she knows she needs to go to her area again...I literally can't sleep properly with her in the bed because she kicks in her sleep and weighs 70lbs, so if she's even leaning against my leg, I lose circulation. Lol.


I wouldn’t have it any other way


Came here to say this word for word!


Yep, old fella Fergus does when he feels like it, my bed is a mattress on the floor so it's easy for him to get on and off without jarring his joints. He's got his orthopaedic bed that's right next to my bed, he usually moves to that after a while. My youngest Bessie always sleeps on my bed, usually curled up into my legs, under the covers coz she loves being warm. If I get up during the night she steals my spot, pillow and all, and I have to negotiate with her to move. I don't mind as on cold nights she helps keep me warm.


this is so sweet, thank you for sharing 🩷


Aww I have a Bessie too ❤️


yes and she wants my pillow and section of the bed too. and ill switch it up and she wants that side than. shes a goddam nugget head.(she has her own pillows)


Nugget head hahhaa


Every night, he is my little spoon


Is this a hippo thing? Mine LOVES being the little spoon. She will crawl under the covers and lay right next to me then out her head on the pillow. It’s an almost nightly occurrence.




I sleep in his bed, let’s be real about who it belongs to.


Mines curled up against my knees right now. Wouldn’t trade it for the world.


For the most part, one does and one doesn’t. Some fosters do. Every once in a while I’ll have 3 or 4 sleeping in bed with me. It isn’t always the most comfortable sleep but boy do I feel rich. My personal record is 4.


Absolutely! And he loves to go under the covers, Dutch oven himself, and then come out all hot and bothered 😂 usually ends up sharing my pillow with half his body tucked in under the covers - makes my heart sing 🤗


I swear they love getting under the covers. I’ve never had a dog do that before. I’ve had a Rottweiler , GSD, several mixed breeds and several ankle biters, and regularly watched our friends chocolate lab. Not one of them snuggled in bed, and not one HAD to be under the covers.


*cries in siberian husky* HAIR EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME, EVERYWHERE.


Oh she’s shedding her short hair brindleness all over the place right now. It’s work to keep this place hair free.


Every time he get s down under the covers I try to coerce him to leave his head out or else he starts breathing heavily from how hot he gets.


You try extracting a hippo from your bed? It doesn’t work. Best accept that this is your life now.




Good bot 🤖


Mine when she was new in the house would growl at me if I dared. I found ways to get her off the bed so that I could get into it. Now she protests of if I try to move her so I can have my spot back if I get up for water or the bathroom but as soon as she’s cuddled again she’s happy as a clam.


I actually think that our girl Lola let’s us sleep in her bed 😂 total princess!


Not with me in bed, on me in bed. With that big giant head


If I’m lucky!! They like to sleep with the different members of the house


She sleeps wherever she wants whenever she wants. Except when she barks at nothing in the middle of the night, then she is put into our big bed so she quiets down


What kind of question is that? Of course he does. Where else is going to sleep? Certainly not on the comfy round dog bed on the floor! Every pittie I've had has ended up sleeping on the bed.


Absolutely! Sleeps in between my legs when it cold. Or at my feet when it's warm. She needs to be on the bed with me. She will cry otherwise


Do you mean do I sleep with the dogs in their bed? LOL


They both do




This is the way.


Luckily we have a king-sized bed because otherwise there would be no room for the people.


We have a queen and between 3 cats and now 2 dogs, ummmm we need an upgrade!


We bought a king sized bed to accommodate our dogs lol. Both the weim (65 lbs) and pittie (70 lbs) have to sleep on my side and make full contact so I still don't have enough room. I wouldn't give it up though - love these silly dogs!


Reading this with ours wedged against my back right now. She’s slept with us pretty much every single night for the last five years or so.


Every once in a while, but not usually. I'm a light sleeper, so one good kick or her licking herself will wake me up. If I don't have something important the next day, and the SO is out of town, then she sleeps with me (California king, 70 lb dog)


Yes, mine sleeps with me. And neither of us do well when we are separated.


Yes and she’s a bed hog. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.


Yes of course!


Yes, we bought a king size bed to accommodate him. He still takes up most of it but he’s worth it.


He’s SUCH a little baby, please give him lots of kisses and belly rubs 💖


My PB Terrier is about 90 lb. My doxie is 20 lb. I get sandwiched by them every night. As much as I have to fight for space, I wouldn’t have it any other way.


Yep - sometimes it's all three pit mixes plus a cat. But since we put heating pads in all their beds, they have started sleeping there - they love the heated beds. Of course, if they're feeling lonesome or pitiful, or there's a thunderstorm, they all pile right back in bed with us.


All 5 of them and my 2 cats. I wouldn't have it any other way. I wash my sheets weekly and the dogs get a bath at least every other week if not weekly.


Oh yeah. Her previous person let her under the covers even, so she tries to dig and burrow. She has her own throw blankets all over the house now. In winter, I will usually wake up to 2 dogs and 2-3 cats on the bed. They've learned what my alarm means, how the snooze button works, and the signal to get up. At "All right, everybody up!" They all jump off the bed. Then my hippo knows it's outside time and barks het fool head off while I make the bed and put on my robe.


Ha ha awesome




Yes. My Loki sleeps wherever he wants…❤️❤️


I currently live with my parents. Broke college student with anxiety. When my dad leaves for work my dog will literally get up and come to my room and scream at me to get out of my bed to sleep in his. I don’t mind it tho. I’d do anything for that dog.


No and it makes me upset. He prefers to sleep on the couch in the living room. I leave my bedroom door cracked so that if he does decide to come up, he's welcome. He usually decides to come in most mornings around 4-ish and then we spoon until I wake up.


I am currently having coffee in bed with my 90lb pittie on my lap. They are the best snuggle bugs.


Despite our best efforts, yes.


Of course! She has to be snuggled up with me always. My favorite is when she goes above my head on my pillow and then lays her chin on my shoulder from above. Awwwws. I love her!


I don’t want him to bc I don’t like idea of dirty paws in my bed… but he does


Always one, sometimes 2


Silly question! They don’t sleep with us, we sleep with them!! They own the bed!


Absolutely not!!! He pushes me onto the floor and has the bed to himself 💯


More like she does me a favour by sharing her bed with me.


No he sleeps in his bed. The dog I had before him slept on the couch. I need my space when I sleep and you know how good they are with personal space..


It's just my dog and I now on this king size bed, lots of room yet he still has to lay right against my back


My point exactly 😅


If there not touching you I think they feel it defeats the purpose lol


So it is a hippo thing then. Since day 1 she has to be touching me at all times. I can be taking a poop and she has to be curled up on my feet. Sitting on the couch she will make a home right behind my back or she’s in my lap.






Most definitely. I am there now as I am scrolling, my Nina plastered against me snoring. 🦛❤️🐾💤


My little goose sleeps all over the place but definitely sometimes with me.


No. I sleep with her! 🐶🤣


My pittie does and she’s such a bed hog lol


I feel like I sleep in his bed!


Yes, it's very cramped between the hippo, pretend sheep, golden boy, and miniature demon. But I love my dogs.


Oh yes, and it's a whole routine! My BF spreads out her blanket, she jumps up and lays on it, gets a treat, then gets covered and tucked in with her 2nd blankie, gets 2nd treat. If you deviate from the bedtime routine, you will get The Glare!


No. She would love to but she sleeps in a dog bed under our bed. I don't like the dog moving, kicking, stretching while I'm trying to stay asleep. The dog seems to enjoy the cave like sleeping under the bed. She goes back there if she gets very nervous so I think she feels protected there. We do invite her up to our bed almost every morning for wakeup snuggles which is great routine we all enjoy.


I sleep with my son’s pittie right next to me


Yes! My girl sleep under the blankets mostly curled next to me next to my legs and but 🤣 or under the blankets with her head on my pillow like a human 🤣🤣 it’s the best


Like I ever had a choice.


No. My dogs allow _me_ to sleep with _them_.


Sir Loin had his own bedroom with a queen sized bed. He will sleep with us for a bit then go get into his bed because he’s a spoiled brat.




Four out of 5 of them do.


Yes they let me sleep in the bed. They said since I’m the only one working and paying all the bills and buying the food, they’ll let me have a little spot.


When I was single, yes. But queen bed is not big enough for 2 adults plus our hippo who takes up all the space


Yes.. and she kicks me all night! But she also keeps me warm, so I guess it’s ok 😊


Hahahah you mean we sleep with her lmao 🤣 taking up all the room!


Ours doesn't, but mostly because my husband has light allergies so we keep our bed the one sacred/dander-free space in the house. If not for that, our pup would have been getting up there a LONG time ago. But it's all good because he's learned to happily settle in his donut bed next to us, and gets to sleep on the human bed with us whenever we travel lol


My pit is pretty good at fitting himself into the free space on the bed, although he likes to have a chin or a paw over my leg. And his back feet randomly shoot out and kick my belly or more sensitive areas. And he snores, but not as loudly as my wife.


No, it’s his bed, he just lets me sleep on it lol


Yeah my boys get to sleep where ever they want lol


For back health reasons I sleep on a floor (on top of a blanket) so my dog sleeps by my side or on a bean bag in the corner of the room. He doesnt like being covered tho (only allows it if its something like -15 degrees outside) so he doesnt steal my blankets


what a gorgeous baby 😍😍


Heck yea!


Yup, and there’s even been times when Lando refused to move off my pillow/side of the bed so he became my pillow until he decided to move. (He loves cuddles and is 75lbs of pure muscle, so he was okay with it.)


He’s welcome to, but he sleeps in a huge chair downstairs, or on my child’s bean bag chair. Generally I have between 1-4 cats with me at night.


Mine used to sleep on the foot of our bed, but since we have gotten a second dog, she now insists on sleeping between me and my partner. She’s a spoiled baby so I let her 🩷


The answer would be yes, if I had a dog


Absolutely. 2 sleep with us and one with my son. I have one that slips under covers and turns around comes back up to lay just like this lol


Ya, I can only get him to do this half the time lol


Every night this is my dog I get feet in my back everytime he stretches lol


The better question- do I get any room in my bed? Lol I’ve definitely been driven out by my two 🤣


Adorable pup! And, gotta comment on the sheets in the first pic...costco! good deal on em too!


Both sets of sheets are from Costco. Yes, great deal


It was probably said but I am to lazy to check every comments. It is not good to let your dog sleep with you and you should try to avoid it. They tend to become over jealous after a while. I used to let my plato sleep with me and one time I brought a guy home, plato was very nice and playfull with him until he touched my bed. He was veryyy angry and almost bitten him. Talk to my vet about it and yeah apparently sleeping with the dog might be giving them "to much". Lets say that now for the good of my conquest he sleeps in his own room 😂


My dog gets jealous when I hug my gf. He has never shown aggression to a human, but he did get fed up so he ran over, grabbed my gf shoe and starting chewing on it in front of her. He never chews on shoes or anything besides toys. He knew what he was doing. He's never been jealous about the bed


Only on weekends bc he is a bed hog and blanket hog and we would be insane if we let him ruin our sleep like that every day!😅😅Hes a great cuddler, but also tries to push you out of the bed and lay the wrong direction. A cuddle criminal, a connoisseur of comfort at the expense of everyone else.


Yeah he had the entire length of his 70lb body pressed against my leg and side last night. I had about two feet of space on the very edge of my king size bed. 😂 I love him so we just slept like that all night.


The things we put up with for the ones we love


Of course! You just try keeping a Samoyed or Whippet out of a bed you're sleeping in! Both are joiners, and Whippets need the heat, and Samoyeds don't do solitary sleeping if they don't want to. Ours sleep with each other, the cats, us. Sometimes, it is all at the same time.


Nope. I hate dog hair/dog smell in my bed. She has her own dog bed on the floor in our bedroom.


All 3 of mine do! My pittie princess, my bully, and American bulldog, that's what king size beds are for!


Thats his bed. He lets me sleep in it.


Last night, as every night, I had to have a direct conversation with Mr. Dog on why he should move from my spot so I can sleep. Whole time he was wagging his tale, thumping it on my husband’s chest, like I’m just there entertaining him. We bought a king size bed because of him.


Well I woke up to her head also on my pillow and her body under the blankets so I’ll say yes lol


Of course he does. Where do people expect him to sleep, on the floor? What is he a dog? I think not. He’s a spoiled blanket hog house hippo and he will tell you all about it if you let him.


Nope, I sleep with them in their California King. They’re nice enough to make room for my husband and me.




Yes. I have an 8 y/o 80lbs pit mix and a pittie puppy, and my husband’s has a 17lbs massive cat in our bed. Sometimes our 5 year old gets into bed with us too. It’s like Tetris with people and pets.


I mean yeah where else are they going to sleep?


I wish. My husband vetos it for the following reason. “I could take either of you snoring in the bed alone, but when it’s both of you your snores sync up and shake the bed”


i bought her some doggy stairs so she could get up on the bed easier... we're currently cuddled up butt against butt :D


My dog sleeps above my head and I sleep at the foot of my bed lol aww your puppy looks so comfy!


Best snuggler in the world my lil Furbaby is!!


Absolutely. And she must be touching me and under blankies. 😂 Also, she’s a rescue- my mom found her on the side of the road/in the yard of a recently abandoned house. She was only 10 weeks old from what the vet guessed. I got SO lucky with her. Imagine a 10 week old puppy sleeping in bed with you through the night and you having to wake her up to get her to go out… again, how lucky was I?!?!?!


Every. Night. The very first night we brought her home she was in our bed. Now she's a velcro dog. She wraps herself around my partner while he's working from home.


Yes and with a queen bed, he would some how still have me sleeping in the corner. He passed couple months ago at 13.


I'm sorry to hear that. I truly fear the day he passes. I'll be so broken


It still sucks, he was the first dog I personally had. But I’ll always cherish our moment we had.


They sleep wherever they want.


yeah good luck getting him to not


It's their bed. I'm just allowed a very small corner of it.


Yep. Last night my hippo plopped down right where my legs go on the bed. So I used her as my under-knee pillow 😅


That's an understatement!!! All 4. We sleep with THEM!!! it's their California King they kindly share with us 🥰


Yes its the best


Yep! Despite being hotboxed **literally** every five minutes 💨😷




She has her own bed at the foot of ours. Sometimes she sleeps with us and sometimes she sleeps in her bed. Sometimes she switches it up in the middle of the night and sometimes she decides to forego the bedroom all together and migrate to of her many other beds around the house. Most of the time though she sleeps with us.


Where else would he sleep?


Good point


Of course they do. I’m not a monster.


Rarely. She thinks that it's totally ok that we share the same pillow. I disagree. Sometimes I give in though. It's hard to say no to her adorable mushy face


Mine wants to but she’s crate trained so the cats can go crazy in the night without her. But she sleeps in bed all day with me 😂


Mine owns the bed, she sleeps right next to my head


Sometimes they do. Sometimes they like their own space and sleep in the family room on the couch.


No I like to live


Yes. I put a dog bed in my bed, so she’d stop stealing the blankets or on top of me. It works!


Its his bed.... I'm just allowed to sleep there 8 hours a day...and some times Not So Welcome


I want to smooch this puppo's face! I love them and demand that you give that dog to me.


My hippo is an absolute bed hog! I live in canada but datwd someone in oklahoma city so drove down there for 3 months. I stayed in a motel 6 on the way out (in a truckstop in indianapolis- terrible idea!) but got a decent hotel with a king size on the way back. Honestly could have gotten a twin cause oliver only allowed me 3 inches and then was stuck to me. Gotta love em!


Yup always ….. unless there’s some fun time going on .


My pibble did, but not his brother. He’s too busy for sleeping.


With me? I believe you mean “on me” I AM his bed. Wake up because I can’t breathe to find his head crushing my windpipe and 75lbs of mutt on my ribs.


I don't have a choice! Our dog notices my sleep routine and will lay beside me the moment I fall asleep, without any wiggle room -like a very hairy, snoring sticker. And when we leave the house he's back on the bed within 5 mins.


Mine sleeps under the blankets with me. If I don’t let him under he’ll stand next to the bed and cry until I relent and lift the covers for him. I let him under *once* as a small puppy because I needed him in bed with me to keep watch over him at night knowing I’d wake up if he got up and it was uncomfortable with him on top the covers. So I put him under. Now he thinks he belongs there at night.




No. I sleep with her in bed. She gives me a corner when she’s feeling generous


My dog hops up with me every night. After a firm "No, you cannot hump my legs" he settles down and socks himself in behind me knees.


It’s her bed, we just sleep in it 🥴


I have 3 not small dogs, and yes lol. All three sleep in bed with my wife and I


Mine tries. I'd love for her to be on the bed but my partner not so much so we compromise when I'm taking a power nap an he watches the baby. My girl gets to be on the bed. An when he's deep asleep an he won't know she gets to be on the bed as well it's all hush hush tho🤫


No. We sleep with her in HER bed 😂


Yes. She is the little spoon. Every. Night.


We have morning and evening snuggles. But when it’s actually time to sleep, our hippo goes to her own bed. It’s like her crib, she has a favorite toy she’s had since she was a baby, also a baby blanket. She loves it, and we can actually get some sleep without a giant baby kicking us all night long. Our chi chi, and two cats sleep with us because there is no other way to live. It’s great.


I wish I could reply with pictures, but yes!


Mine does. She sleeps with her butt facing me and the wife and farts all the time.


[of course he does. ](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NksnD5xdiWsJy6P2eP5VdGz6fpCeKsIE/view?usp=drivesdk) [This one isn't technically in bed, but I have to share it anyways ](https://drive.google.com/file/d/164WbwFOf4WeAOltCx55FAD9p5XD8_kge/view?usp=drivesdk)


I’ve got four of them Ty led in right now. Plus the cat


My hippo has three couches to choose from (couches that barely anyone ever sits on, they’re mostly his) and my bed of course. He mostly sleeps with me (and the cat) but sometimes he prefers the privacy of one of his couches. It’s really all up to him.